Corps of Mounted Police Pay of supernumerary Officers, including Officers seconded while studying at Staff College, N.C. Officers, &c. Difference between minimum and higher rates, pay of lance ranks, &c. Pay of Drafts to India, and of Men returning from India as invalids or for discharge Deduct, Hospital Stoppages, Fines, Pay forfeited by absence, imprisonment, &c. TOTAL (carried to page 159) (a) Seconded from their Regiments. (b) See note (c) on page 132. 100 348,000 6,500 561 561 VOTE 1.- REGIMENTAL PAY--continued. ROYAL HORSE ARTILLERY. Comprising twenty-eight Service Batteries, one Depôt, and Riding Establishment. Nos. Annual Pay Nos. Annual Pay Nos. Annual Pay Nos. Annual Pay Nos. Annual Pay (366 days) (366 days) (366 days) (366 days) (366 days) 9 Batteries. 2 Batteries. Staff of Brigades and Ammunition Columns. Pay of 6 Batteries, each 5,9241. 12s. 6d., and 2 South Africa (with 6 Gunners less and 8 Drivers more) at 5,9611. 4s. 6d. 9 Batteries (including 1 in Egypt) at 5,1241. Riding Establishment, 5,1321. 16s. 3d. Deduct, Hospital Stoppages, Fines, and Pay forfeited by imprisonment, absence, &c. (a) 7s. 8d. only if of the rank of Second Lieutenant. (c) 3 Clerks. TOTAL (carried to page 159) Officers. Men. £. £. (6) Including 1 Serjeant Master Tailor. (e) For 9 Ammunition Columns. (d) Cooks. (f) 4 of these Artificers are Quartermaster Serjeants at 4s. 5d. a day, and some others, are Staff Serjeants at 4s. 3d. (g) 15 Saddlers and Wheelers are Corporals at 2s. 8d. a day, 7 Serjeants at 3s. 4d. or Staff Serjeants at 3s. 9d., and 4 |