NON-EFFECTIVE SERVICES. Vote 14. HALF PAY, RETIRED PAY, AND OTHER NON-EFFECTIVE CHARGES FOR OFFICERS. I. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908, to defray the Expense of REWARDS; HALF PAY; RETIRED PAY; WIDOWS' PENSIONS; and other NON-EFFECTIVE CHARGES for OFFICERS. III. Vote 14.-NON-EFFECTIVE CHARGES FOR OFFICERS, &c.-continued. DETAILS of the foregoing. A.-REWARDS TO OFFICERS FOR DISTINGUISHED OR MERITORIOUS SERVICES: (The names and ranks of the officers who are the recipients of these rewards, and the amounts of the rewards, are shown in Appendix, No. 14, pp. 213–215.) Numbers. (a) B.-HALF PAY, &c. OF FIELD MARSHALS AND GENERAL OFFICERS Number in employment or on Indian List. TOTAL NUMBER OF FIELD MARSHALS AND GENERAL OFFICERS ON THE ACTIVE LIST. (a) The numbers given throughout this Vote represent the actual number of pensions, &c. in force at the time of preparing the estimate. (a) The numbers of Medical Officers in each rank include officers holding equivalent rank under a different title in the late Army Medical Staff, &c. By the re-employment of Medical Officers with salaries provided by Vote 2, this Vote is relieved of a charge of about 35,000%. (b) Two Lady Superintendents receive 801. and 957. a year each, respectively, and the other 2407., including widow's pension of 1407. a year. Note.-The rates of Retired Pay, shown in this Vote (Subheads D. and E.), are, generally speaking, those provided by the present Army Pay Warrant. In some cases, however, the amounts drawn exceed these rates, owing to compensation for loss of prospects having been awarded to Officers compulsorily retired. In other cases the rates have been reduced by partial commutation of Retired 591 12 6 1,245,959 12 5 527,599 1 11 264,169 2 135,437 6,543 8 848 10 10 63 17 6 9,115 2 6 84,976 19 7 54 15 21 14 3 511 9 8 121 4 10 1,197,729 10 |