61 63 PAGES. VOTES. Nos. ABSTRACT OF ARMY ESTIMATES, 1907-08 I. NUMBERS: 12 A. NUMBER OF MEN ON THE HOME AND COLONIAL ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ARMY, EXCLUSIVE OF THOSE SERVING IN INDIA MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT: PAY, &c. IMPERIAL YEOMANRY: PAY AND ALLOWANCES QUARTERINGS, TRANSPORT, AND REMOUNTS SUPPLIES AND CLOTHING ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENTS AND GENERAL STORES (ORDINARY SERVICES) WORKS AND BUILDINGS ESTABLISHMENTS FOR MILITARY EDUCATION MISCELLANEOUS EFFECTIVE SERVICES WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT 89 REPAYMENTS BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INCLUDED AS APPROPRIATIONS IN AID Deduct,-CONTRIBUTION FROM ARMY FUNDS TOWARDS COST OF Garri- NET DECREASE ON ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SERVICES - £. 2,036.000 (a) In consequence of a transfer between Army and Civil Service Estimates, in respect of the cost of construction and maintenance of administrative telegraphs and telephones, the Army Estimates are more by 3,600/. than they would otherwise have been, the Votes acted being 9 and 10. 8,750l. was provided for these services in Civil Service Estimates, 1906-07. STATEMENT showing the Total Estimated EXPENDITURE for the ARMY, including Class II Vote 14.-Exchequer and Audit Department (Cost of Audit, including Cash, Store, and Manufacturing Accounts) (a) Provision is also made in the Estimate for Osborne (Class 1. Vote 2) for expenditure in connection with the treatment of invalid officers of the Army in the Convalescent Home at Osborne. NUMBER OF OFFICERS AND MEN ON THE REGIMENTAL ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ARMY, ARMY RESERVE, AND AUXILIARY FORCES. (a) Including 116 miscellaneous Troops in North China. (b) Excluding members of the Railway Reserve, Post Office Corps and Telegraph Reserve, who are attached to Volunteer Corps, but are included above under Army Reserve. VOTE (A.) NUMBER OF MEN ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE REGULAR ARMY, EXCLUSIVE OF INDIA. (For India see p. 13.) (a) Including 2 Medical Officers of the Royal Malta Artillery. (b) These are numbers required to cover temporary and occasional excess of establishment in all aims. In 1906-7 they were included under Infantry. (e) Including Permanent Staff of Channel Islands and Colonial Militia. (d) The 5 Officers are included in Establishment of Royal Engineers. (e) The 22 Adjutants are included in the Establishment of Royal Engineers. (f) There are in addition 27 War: ant Officers and 63 Non-Commissioned Officers employed at the War Office included in the Establishments of "Regiments." (9) Now replaced by ex scldiers. |