TABLE OF CONTENTS. (For Alphabetical Index, see page 247.) PAGE Statement by Votes of net Expenditure on Army Services for ten years (actual from 1898-99 to 1905–06 GENERAL ABSTRACT of the Gross Estimates, the Appropriations in Aid of Votes, and the Sums required for 1907-08, showing the Increase or Decrease as compared with the Sums Voted for 1906-07 Statement showing TOTAL ESTIMATED ARMY EXPENDITURE, including Amounts provided in Number of Men on the Establishment of the Regular Army serving in India Number of Horses on the Establishment of the Regular Army Detail of the Regimental Establishments (exclusive of India) Proposed Distribution of the Regular Army VOTES for EFFECTIVE Services (Nos. 1 to 13) VOTES for NON-EFFECTIVE Services (Nos. 14 to 16) 5. Detail of the Establishments of Militia Regiments, and the Regimental Pay of the Militia 6. Detail of the Establishment of Imperial Yeomanry Regiments, and their Regimental Pay 7. Detail of the Establishments of Volunteer Corps, including the Honourable Artillery Company 8. Detail of the Pay, Wages, &c., of Crews of War Department Vessels and Army Service 16. Detail of the Charge for Rewards to Warrant and Non-Commissioned Officers, giving names 17. Detail of the Charge for Victoria Cross Pensions, giving names of recipients 19. Army Estimates Recalculated to show the Total cost of- I.-Personnel of Regular Army and Army Reserve; II.-Personnel of the Auxiliary Forces; III.-Armaments, Works, Stores, Horses, &c.; IV. - Staff and Administration STATEMENT showing the net EXPENDITURE on ARMY SERVICES from 1898-99 to 1905-06, and the net ARMY ESTIMATES for 1906-07 and 1907-08, according to the several ARMY VOTES. 2 Year. STATEMENT OF ARMY EXPENDITURE FROM 1898-99 το 1905-06 VOTE I. VOTE II. VOTE III. VOTE IV. VOTE V. VOTE VI. VOTE VII. VOTE VIII VOTE IX. VOTE X. VOTE A. Imperial Volunteer Transport Remounts. Warlike VOTE I. VOTE II. VOTE III. VOTE IV. VOTE V. VOTE VI. VOTE VII. VOTE VIIL VOTE IX. VOTE X. 1905-06. Estimate arranged as in Force.) former years. 397,396 1,220,614 2002,721 4,214,777 £ Works. £ 715,911 2,388,134 2,174,437 1906-07. Estimate. 204,100 10,220,000 490,000 819,000 423,000 1,244,000 2,111,000 4,492,000 775,000 2,543,000 2,353,000 1907-08. 190,000 9,835,000 460,000 840,000 410,000 1,152,000 1,909,000 4,060,000 620,000 1,671,000 2,436,000 Estimate. Losses annuation Irrecoverable. Non- Effective Super- £. 54,650 243,037 1,527,854 1,327,272 Total. ances. £. 183,501 £. £. REMARKS. 758 20,096,373 Net increase on expenditure for 1997-98, 567,9831. Transport again increased, on account of the Soudan Expedition and Manœuvres, and there was additional expenditure on Medical Services, Supplies, and Stores, due to the increase of the Army. 43,065,398 Extra charges due to the South African War, 22,790,000/.; other expenditure, 20,275,3981, showing net increase on 1898-99 of 179,0251, due to an increase of expenditure on Vote I. (additional numbers) and on Vote X. (Barracks, &c.). Cost of transport was reduced by suspension of ordinary moves through the war. 7,418 91,343,544 Extra charges due to the South African War, 61,991,000l., and China Expedition, 3,270,000l.; other expenditure, 26,082,5441, showing net increase on 1899-1900 of 5,807,146l., due chiefly to increased permanent numbers of the Army, to rise in the price of supplies, and to special training of the Auxiliary Forces, and home defence measures. 13,146 92,660,874 Extra charges due to the South African War, 62,324,500l., and China Expedition, 1,807,800l.; other expenditure, 28,528,5741., showing increase on 1900-01 of 2,446,0301. mainly due to the increase of the Army, and to expenditure on “ Mowatt" reserves of stores. 8,633 68,863,527 Extra charges due to the South African War, 39,307,0007., China Expedition, 587,9001., and Somaliland Expedition, 252,000l., other expenditure, 28,716,627l., showing net increase on 1901-02 of 188,0531., due chiefly to the pension charges resulting from the war. 350,075 1,775,899 1,731,698 189,217 109,683 36,728,618 Extra charges due to the South African 29,813,000 $2000 War, 3,230,0001. China Expedition, 33,492 28,895,624 Extra charges due to Somaliland operations, tional MiscelEstablish- laneous. ments. VOTE VOTE XV. VOTE XVI Non- Effective Charges- Army Charges £. N.C.O.'s £. 548,937 1,665,403 1,714,453 £. £. 9,437 28,478,863 Reduction on normal expenditure of 1904-5 27,760,000 Net decrease on Estimate 1905-6, 17,0001. 1,187,000l. provided for re-armament of Horse and Field Artillery. Savings by reduction of Establishments and on Sea Transport, bolance! by increase of Army Reserve (2:20,000/.), partial exhaustion of surplus stocks of clothing, increased provision for Rifles and Small Arm Ammunition, and growth of non effective charges. Net decrease on Estimate 1906-7, 2,036,000l. 488,000/. provided for re-armament of Horse and Field Artillery (decrease 699.0001.). Other savings by reduction of Establishments (men and horses), partly balanced by increases under Army Re EXPLANATIONS of the DIFFERENCES between the Numbers and Amounts proposed in the ARMY ESTIMATES for 1907-08 and those VOTED for 1906-07. VOTE A.-NUMBERS: DECREASE 14,100. It is necessary, when Establishments are in course of reduction, to provide in this Vote for numbers temporarily in excess of the new (reduced) Establishments until they can be absorbed. Allowing for the provision so made in 1906-7 and 1907-8, the real reduction of Establishments is 16,600, as follows: The following Statement shows in detail the variations in Regimental Units : There are also some changes under Permanent Staff of Auxiliary Forces, Staff and Departments and Miscellaneous Establishments which result in a net decrease of 472 as follows : (a) Veterinary Officers transferred from Departmental to Regimental Establishment. |