Mr. JOHN TRAYNOR, AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, Deputy Commissioner, District Office, OWCP, 1240 E. Ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Indianapolis, Ind., June 1, 1977 DEAR JOHN: Please investigate case A9-174069, Ms. Ann Cann and furnish me with a complete report as to the final disposition of the case. Ms. Cann has never been notified as to the final disposition of her case. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. A. G. HEWLETT, MAY 24, 1977. Mr. JOHN TRAYNOR, Deputy Commissioner, District Office, OWCP, 1240 E. Ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio Mr. TRAYNOR: I am authorizing Anthony G. Hewlett, General President of the Indianapolis Local American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO to investigate my compensation claim. He has the right to have access to my files if necessary. My claim number is A9-174069 Thank you very much for your help in this matter. MS. ANN CANN. AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, Indianapolis, Ind., May 24, 1977 MS. ANN CANN, 2212 Randall Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. DEAR ANN: Please sign the enclosed letter and return it to the office so your OWCP claim can be investigated. Your signature is necessary because of the Privacy Act. After you mail the authorization letter back to the union office, call me so I can get all the facts straight before writing to Cleveland. Sincerely & fraternally, A. G. HEWLETT, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION, Cleveland, Ohio 44199, October 28, 1976. File No. A9-174069 MS. ANN CANN, 2212 Randall Road, Indianapolis, Ind. DEAR MS. CANN: We have received your notation requesting that your case be reopened relative to your injury of October 15, 1975. Our records show that the injury of October 15, 1975 was approved for puncture wound of the left thumb and caused no lost time. The fact that you continued to work and have had no medical treatment for the above injury, according to our files, indicates that you have recovered from the employment-related condition. If you wish to pursue this matter, it is your responsibility to submit competent factual and medical evidence, at your own expense, to support your contentions. If it is found that your present disability is related to your injury, you will be reimbursed by the Bureau for the expense incurred. Any physicians' statement submitted must include: (1) dates of examination and treatment, (2) history given by you, (3) detailed description of findings, (4) results of x-ray or laboratory tests, (5) diagnosis, and (6) the clinical course of treatment followed. Each statement should also include the doctor's opinion, with reasons for such opinion, as to the relationship between any disability you may have and the injury. Sincerely, James W. Strickland, M.D. Elaine Fess. Otr. LILLIAN C. NEVIN, Claims Examiner. STRICKLAND & STEICHEN, M.D.'S INC., ST. VINCENT PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, 8402 HARCOURT ROAD, Indianapolis, Ind., December 1, 1976. DEAR MRS. CANN: Here is a copy of a letter that Dr. Strickland dictated back in January. I hope this will suffice for your purposes. He does state that the injury was probably job related. If you need something more, please let us know. Sorry for the delay. JANUARY 30, 1976. Re ANN CANN. FRED A. HENDRICKS, M.D., 6917 North Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. DEAR DR. HENDRICKS: Ann Cann was initially seen by me on January 6, 1976 on kind referral from your office. This fifty-year old female had a history of tenderness of the MCP joint of her left thumb for approximately two to three months, possible related to heavy use at work. The physical findings at the time of our initial evaluation included swelling over the radial side of the first metacarpophalangoal joint and slight instability. Xrays taken at the time of her visit to our office revealed a calcific deposit over the origin of the radial colluteral ligament of the MPC joint of her left thumb. It was our impression that this patient's problem was essentially that of a calcific inflammatory reaction of themdial metacarpophalangoal joint of her left thumb and we felt that the appropriate management should consist of an injection of the joint. The patient returned to our office on January 20, 1976 at which time she felt the thumb was much improved and she had no complaints with the swelling much less. She exhibited a full range of motion and was released from our care at that time. Thank you, Dr. Hendricks, for the kind referral of this interesting hand patients. Sincerely yours, JAMES W. STRICKLAND, M.D. Mrs. Cann subsequently reivined to the office in Apni with recccuring thumb pain, and unterreverent scurgery April 26, 1ί)ε fo: removes of colaum deposits, and REFILL 1 2 3 4 5 excision of a ganglior exist. Patient was treated until June 17, and then rescind to return P.R.N. 1 year prn. Mrs. BETTY L. DAVIS, CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, D.C., February 28, 1977. Clerk Craft Director, American Postal Workers Union, Indianapolis, Ind. DEAR MRS. DAVIS: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter in behalf of injured postal worker employees. Congressman Jacobs has asked me to indicate our total awareness of the seemingly undue delay in the Department of Labor's response and disposition of compensation claims directed to that office. Mr. Jacobs has also asked me to assure you that, in light of this unfortunate situation, this office has already requested an investigation from the Washington, D.C. Department of Labor regarding the office in Cleveland, Ohio. In regards to the case of Anita Farrow, this office has, and continues to attempt to assist her in resolving her case, however, we, too, have been confronted with the same delay. As you may know, the Privacy Act provides that the disclosure of information of a personal or condidential nature from the records of private individuals will no longer be permitted to third parties without the written consent of the individual concerned. Consequently, Mr. Jacobs is unable to inquire regarding the case of Ann Cann without Ms. Cann writing a letter to Mr. Jacobs explaining the situation and requesting his assistance. We find that Ms. Eaton, Mr. Williams and Mr. Hinds are not in the 11th District represented by Congressman Jacobs and thus, must request assistance from their Congressmen due to a Congressional tradition that matters of this kind be courte ously referred to one's own representative in Congress. Ms. Eaton's representative is the Honorable Elwood Hillis and Mr. Williams' and Mr. Hinds' representative is the Honorable Dave Evans. Please be assured that Congressman Jacobs is doing everything in his power to alleviate the unfortunate situation that has arisen within the Department of Labor. If we can assist further, do not hesitate to let Mr. Jacobs know. Sincerely, DR. MARY E. BUSCH. AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, Mr. Jacobs these are but a few examples of what is going on. Our people cannot be off without money during operations, and then return to work and wait months for the matter to be cleared up. We do need help immediately on this severe problem which will continue unless someone intervenes for us. Sincerely, BETTY L. DAVIS, |