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Supervisors are required by law to review the information submitted by the employee and investigate the claims for facts and evidence.

If the information submitted by the employee and the facts and evidence obtained from the investigation verify a Traumatic injury is involved as defined in the Compensation Law then your supervisor has the authority to:

1. Issue Form C A-16 - Authorization for medical treatment.



Issue Form CA-17 Duty Status Report, the doctor advises if you are fit for full duty or light duty.

Full Salary continuation if the doctor certifies the claim as job related and you are totally disabled for work. This cannot exceed 45 calendar days. Your supervisor is required to consult with the Director, Employce & Labor Relations before authorization salary continuation.

4. If your job related tɔtal disability continues beyond 45 calendar days you can then apply for further compensation with the U.S. Department of Labor-66 1/33 it you are single or 75% if you have dependents.


There are further benefits for serious injuries, loss of eye, arm, certain organs, disfigurement, etc.

You must understand that your supervisor does not have authority to issue medical authorization or grant salary continuation for claims that do not fall within the definition of a traumatic injury. In general aches and pains or maladies which cannot be seen or identified by your supervisor do not fall within the definition of a traumatic injury..

Any claim that does not involve a traumatic injury must be processed to the U.S. Department of Labor for their review and determinations if payments will be authorized.

When your supervisor advises you that your claim does not involve a traumatic injury you must then obtain medical care at your own expense and advise the doctor to submit his bills to the U.S. Department of Labor for their review and advise.


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Compensation laws ar rather complex. I am in no position to give you expert advice or answer questions. If you have questions on this subject see me after this mecting and I will consult with the personnel office and hopefully get you the right answer.

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In order for the Postal Service to conform to the Amended FECA
Compensation Act of 1974 and the Occupational Safety and Health
Act of 1970 the following procedures are mandatory.
This pro-
cedure is to establish controls for cost reduction in conjunction
with the USPS Injury Compensation Program, as administered by the
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, U. S. Department of




An employee who sustains a disabling, job-related, traumatic
Injury is entitled to the continuation of his or her regular
pay for a period not to exceed 45 calendar days without a
break In time, unless such right is controverted by the
employee's employing Installation.

Substantial written medical authorization (CA-17 or Doctor's
Certificate for total disability), must be received by the
Safety Office from the attending physician. This is manda-
tory before an employee can be placed on wage continuation.].

C. Physicians who place employees In a total disability or limit-
ed duty status must give the employees' specific limitations,
restrictions and effects of medication prescribed (e.g.,
drowsiness, dizziness). This statement will be submitted to
the concerned unit Director who will evaluate the report with
the Safety Manager to determine whether light duty or limited
duty is available within restrictions Imposed.


Statements such as "NOT FIT FOR DUTY", by themselves are
not acceptable. Under no circumstances shall the employee's
ability to work be determined by other than medical professionals.

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Investigate validity of claims.

Ensure that employees are properly informed of procedures for reporting on-the-job injuries.

Implement in full or in part the applicable sections of this Instruction, e.g., Limited Duty Assignments, Rehabilitation and/or Remedial Training, controversion.

Take disciplinary action, as appropriate, to control
unsafe acts and fraudulent claims.

Implement action to correct unsafe conditions.

(6) Weigh the medical information received from an employee's physician in questionable cases and, when warranted, obtain a second medical opinion under the USPS Fitnessfor-Duty Examination procedure.


(1) All on-the-job injuries shall be reported to the supervisor Immediately. Late reporting of Injuries beyond the day of injury will be cause of disciplinary action.




In all cases except major medical emergencies the CA-1 ̈ ̈ should be completed immediately. If the injury warrants medical attention beyond first ald, the CA-I completed while arrangements are being made with the doctor or hospital and transportation.›

The choice of physicians, within the regulations of the
Department of Labor, is the employee's as long as they
can be seen by their physician on the day of the injury.
The employee's physician will be contacted by the super-
visor and the appointment will be scheduled. The nearest
hospital Emergency Room is the alternate choice when
the employee is unable to be seen by the physician of
his/her choice on the day of the Injury. Under OWCP and
OSHA regulations, the Postal Service must provide immediate
medical attention for all on-the-job injuries when treat-
ment beyond first ald is required.

A CA-16, Authorization for Medical Treatment and a CA-17 Duty Status Report will be taken by the employee to the physician. The CA-17 Duty Status Report must be completed by the physician and returned immediately by the employec to his/her supervisor. This is mandatory for return to work.

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A doctor's certificate is acceptable if it supplies
the information necessary to determine the duty status
of the employee with a full description of limitations
If the employee is not returning to "Full Duty". No
employee will be placed in a "Limited Duty" or "Total
Disability" status based on verbal reports.

(5) When total disability to perfor work ceases and the
employee is able to perform a part of his usual duties,
or to perform work of a different nature, the employee
must seek such suitable work as he/she is able to perform.

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(4) Days of wage continuation claimed for disability prior to first examination by the attending physician will be controverted and not allowed. The attending physician will also be asked the reason for determining disability on days prior to his examination.


A. Limited duty is not to be confused with "light duty" as provided by the National Agreement.

B. Employees who receive medical treatment for on-the-job injury, and are placed on a limited duty status, must be given a limited duty assignment commensurate with their physical condition. The employee's full duty assignment must be considered if it is withIn the employee's physical restriction. A suitable Limited Duty assignment must first be sought at the employee's work location. If there is no limited duty available at employee's regular work location, the employee shall be assigned within the commuting distance of the employing installation, or the employee's home. Other pertinent factors may be taken into consideration when placing an employee on limited duty outside the regular work location.


C. Limited duty assignments are not restricted by craft or schedule.



In situation where limited duty assignments cannot be
Immediately made, employees shall report at the time
specified by the appropriate supervisor or management
official to ascertain the availability of limited duty
for each scheduled work day.

The employee with limited duty shall provide the receiving supervisor or other designee with a copy of the medical limitations which shall be maintained by the supervisor at the work station for the duration of the limited duty assignment. Supervisors must insure that limited duty employees are assigned work that will not exceed specific medical or time limitations.





Controversion is to dispute or oppose the appropriateness of a claim or any part of a claim.

The employing installation may on the basis of information submitted by the employee, or secured on investigation, controvert an employee's claim. The installation may controvert the whole claim or any part of a claim that is not consistent with, or in violation of, the rules and regulations governing the Injury Compensation Program.

In preparing to controvert, evidence must be compiled through a thorough investigation of the accident site, actual injury upon initial examination, information from witnesses, medical reports, and the information provided on the CA-1 by the employee.

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Employees Injured on duty and placed in Limited Duty
Status must be given a minimum of four hours remedial
safety training at their Installation or PEDC taking
into consideration the employees' medical limitations
and non-scheduled days.

PEDC's should be utilized to the greatest possible extent.

The remedial safety training session should be of a general nature and should encompass typical accidents of those attending so that the training session will promote good safety attitudes and detail proper safety procedures.

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