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4-Map of the eastern Shore of Yakutat Bay, after Dixon...


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8-Sketch Map of St. Elias Region, by MARK B. KERR
9-The Hubbard Glacier.



10-Wall of Ice on eastern Side of Atrevida Glacier.


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16-View of Malaspina Glacier from Blossom Island.


17-Moraines on Marvine Glacier..


18-View of the Hitchcock Range from near Dome Pass


19-View of Mount St. Elias from Dome Pass


20-View of Mount St. Elias from Seward Glacier


21-Carte Générale des Découvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte



RUSSELL: Figure 1-Diagram illustrating the Formation of Icebergs. 101

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In addition to announcements of meetings and various circulars sent to members from time to time, the Society issues a single serial publication entitled THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. During the first two years of the existence of the Society this serial was issued in quarterly numbers. With the beginning of the third year of the Society and the third volume of the Magazine the form of publication was changed, and the serial now appears at irregular intervals in parts or brochures (designated by pages and designed either for separate preservation or for gathering into volumes) which consist either of single memoirs or of magazine brochures made up of articles, notes, abstracts, and other geographic matter, together with the Proceedings and other administrative records of the Society.

The Magazine is mailed free to members of the Society and to exchanges. The first two volumes, as well as the separate brochures of the third and the complete volume, are sold at the prices given below by the Secretary, Mr. F. H. Newell, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C.

Volume I, 1889: 4 numbers, 334 pages, 16 plates and 26 figures

Volume II, 1890: 5 numbers, 344 pages, 10 plates and 11 figures

Volume III, 1891: Comprising:

South America; Annual Address by the Presi-
dent, Gardiner G. Hubbard: pp. 1-30, pl. 1,
March 28, 1891.

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Geography of the Land; Annual Report by
Vice-President Herbert G. Ogden: pp. 31-40,
April 30, 1891..

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In the interests of exact bibliography, the Society takes cognizance of all publications issued either wholly or partly under its auspices. Each author of a memoir published in THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE receives 25 copies, and is authorized to order any number of additional copies at a slight advance on the cost of press-work and paper; and these separate brochures are identical with those of the regular edition issued by the Society. Contributors to the magazine brochures are authorized to order any number of copies of their contributions at a slight advance on cost of press-work and paper, provided these separates bear the original pagination and a printed reference to the serial and volume from which they are extracted; but such separates are bibliographically distinct from the brochures issued by the Society. The Magazine is not copyrighted, and articles may be reprinted freely; and a record of reprints, so far as known, is kept.

The following separates and reprints from volume III have been issued :

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Pages 205-230, plate 21: 50 copies, February 18, 1892.

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13, 1892.



Pages 196-198,

100 copies, January 3, 1892.

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Meeting held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club. VicePresident Hayden in the chair. Attendance, 50.

Captain E. C. Hore, master mariner, delivered an address on "A narrative of ten years' work and travel in the African lake region." Abstract entitled The Heart of Africa" printed in this rolume, pp. 238-243.

March 13, 1891.

Special meeting. Meeting held in the Lecture Room of the National Museum. Vice-President Ogden in the chair. Attendance, 850.

Captain E. C.. Hore repeated his former lecture with additions. Abstract printed in this rolume, pp. 243-247.

March 20, 1891.

50th meeting.

Meeting held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club. Mr. G. K. Gilbert in the chair. Attendance, 35.

Vice-President Greely read a paper on "The cartography and observations of Bering's first voyage." The paper was discussed by Messrs Dall, Blodgett, Littlehales, and Vice-President Hayden. Printed in this volume, pp. 205-230, pl. 21.

Mr. J. Stanley-Brown presented a paper on "Auriferous sands from Yakutat bay." Printed in this volume, pp. 196–198. Mr. I. C. Russell read a paper on "The geology of the Mount St. Elias region, Alaska." The paper was discussed by Messrs Gilbert (who had resigned the chair to Vice-President Hayden), Dall, Johnson, and Russell. Incorporated in the memoir forming pp. 53-204, pls. 2-20, of this volume.


March 31, 1891.

Special meeting.

Meeting held in the Law Lecture Room of Columbian University. Vice-President Ogden in the chair. Attendance, 300. Mr. Sergius Stepniak delivered an address on "The Russian peasantry."

April 3, 1891.

51st meeting.

Meeting held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club. VicePresident Hayden in the chair. Attendance, 35.

A paper on "The Mackenzie river and Colinson," by VicePresident Greely, was read by title in the absence of the author. Ensign J. A. Hoogewerff, U. S. N., presented an account of the "Magnetic work of the United States Naval Observatory." The paper was discussed by Messrs Baker, Abbe, Ogden, Hayden, and Hoogewerff.

Mr. F. H. Bigelow presented a paper on "Auroral streamers." Mr. Cleveland Abbe made some remarks on "Theories of magnetic phenomena."

April 11, 1891.

Special meeting.

Meeting held in the Lecture Hall of the National Museum. President Hubbard in the chair. Attendance, 750.

Major J. W. Powell delivered an address on "The Grand cañon of Colorado river."

April 17, 1891.

52d meeting.

Meeting held in Lincoln Hall. President Hubbard in the chair. Attendance, 1,000.

Mr. Geo. W. Melville, Engineer-in-Chief, U. S. N., briefly explained the purposes of arctic exploration.

Civil Engineer R. E. Peary, U. S. N., addressed the Society on the subject of his proposed northern Greenland expedition of 1891-92. The lecturer exhibited and explained a number of lantern-slide views illustrating aretic scenery and modes of traveling.

On the conclusion of the address a United States flag, provided for the purpose by Miss Ulrica Dahlgren, was presented by the President on behalf of the Society to Lieut. Peary, who responded feelingly.

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