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not do one day's honest work amongst them in a twelve-month. They adopt the eight-hour cry as their own simply to win the support of the more gullible of the laboringmen to the furtherance of their own horrid and chaotic doctrines. The way of the socialist and the workingman lie far apart. The former would destroy those very conditions of a society perfectly organized, well knit, and harmonious in all its degrees, under which alone is the perfect success of the laborer possible. S. B. McCracken, in Detroit Tribune, May I.

I SHOULD regard with the greatest apprehension any step on the part of labor to force the eight-hour rule at the present time. It is an innovation too far-reaching to be accomplished at once. The effort to bring it about at once would, I fear, react upon labor itself. Enterprises are put on foot at this season looking to the active work of summer. Any active disturbance at this time would defer if not defeat many of them, wholly leaving a large contingent unemployed and dependent. I do not believe that the experiment ought to be tried now further than can be done by amicable agreement. By this method the eight-hour plan will prove its claim to adoption, and the change will come gradually as a needed reform.

Chicago Times (Ind.), May 1.

IT does not need superior wisdom to foresee that the chief sufferers from the movement which has already produced such serious results will be the workingmen themselves. Even in the not improbable event of its speedy collapse, a complete restoration of confidence will necessarily require considerable time, and in the interim the demand for labor will be materially abridged. The workingmen will discover in due time, that they are striking themselves a good deal severer blow than they are inflicting upon capital. The hardships resulting from their own folly will be found even more intolerable than those they are wont to attribute to the arch fiends ("employers") against whom they have declared war.

Washington Star (Ind.).

IN VIEW of the absolute and irreparable injury to both contestants, why can not a compromise be effected? It would cost each something to make concessions now, but the sacrifice at the beginning would be trifling as compared with the expensiveness of a long-continued period of idleness, which must be brought to a close eventually by the backdown of one party or the other. If the employer demands ten hours and the employé is willing to give only eight why can not they split the difference and call nine hours a day's work? Or why can not they leave it to a board of arbitration to hear the arguments on both sides and decide what the terms of compromise shall be?

Indianapolis Journal (Rep.), May 3.

THE eight-hour demonstrations continue. Street parades, red flags, fiery harangues by scoundrels and demagogues, who are living off the savings of honest but deluded men, strikes and threatened violence mark the inauguration of the movement. From out of the chaos we think it fair to predict that the movement as a whole will fail. In individual cases the demand will be granted, but it is folly to presume that the whole labor situation of the country can be suddenly and arbitrarily arrested and adjusted to a new basis. That is the work of time and patience, and of honest and intelligent men, not of an hour or day, or of idlers, brawlers and hot-heads.

Taggert's Sunday Times (Rep.), Philadelphia.

HERE is a mem. for the striking Knights of Labor and the strikers for ten hours' pay for eight hours' work: There arrived at Castle Garden last month 22,919 immigrants, and that is but one of the places of entry for foreigners. Of course the March arrivals were much like those of other months, nineteen in twenty being working people flying from starvation wages at home to the generous wages of this favored country. So great is the difference between the wages paid abroad and here that for a year or two, at least, these twenty thousand foreign competitors will be quite willing to work for very much less than those who are here are willing to do.

Brooklyn Union (Ind.).

however, that the employment of additional workingmen implies additional bur-
dens on the employers. It may be that all of our industries will not be able to
stand the pressure. The relations between the two sides of the controversy are of
such a nature that they can not be fairly adjusted by peremptory and arbitrary
measures. The interest of all require that the settlement be made by arbitration
rather than revolution.

THERE is likelihood that both the successful and the unsuccessful efforts to shorten the hours of labor will make plainer than hitherto to a great many minds the fact that wages are not fixed arbitrarily. In certain industries there is a more or less arbitrary scale of wages, but a vague general notion exists that eight hours could be made a day's work simply by an agreement of employers and employed to make it so a fallacy akin to the fiat money idea and apparently as ineradicable. Yet, wherever and whenever men can lessen the number of hours' toil required to sustain life, they make a gain of human opportunity.

Pittsburgh Dispatch (Ind.), May 2.

Utica Press (Ind.).

WE Submit that before able-bodied men seek to reduce their hours for labor from ten to eight that something should be accomplished in behalf of the women and children who work in the factories eleven and a half hours a day. Their long hours are more of a hardship to them than the time put in by those who are now talking about a reduction. Organized labor can engage in no worthier movement than that looking toward lessening the hours for women and children in factories. When that is accomplished it will be time enough to talk about making eight hours a day's work.

As for the eight-hour experiment it is well to have all the light possible thrown upon the ground-work upon which the present movement has been based-while in the meantime it must be temporarily left to settle itself by adjustment, if it be possible to the economic conditions of the country. If it fit in, well and good; if not, the fact will soon be established. The practical knowledge of the most thoughtful and best-posted workingmen in their own special lines as to what is feasible should be of great use at this juncture in guiding their associates toward conservatism of action.

St. Louis Republican (Dem.).

Boston Journal (Rep.), May 1.

In all the principal business centres of the country, wherever the movement for securing ten hours' pay for eight hours' work has been pressed, the effect has been an abrupt check to new construction. Capitalists would not invest money and contractors.could not make contracts under such a menace. Nothing can repair the injury occasioned by this ill-advised and premature movement, but the question whether the prospect shall change for the better or the worse depends largely upon the moderation and good sense shown by those who are engaged in these trades.

NO ONE should give such support to the eight-hour movenient as will further disturb the business of the country. No one, either, should give it such opposition as will tend to have the same effect. Its advent is the result of premature delivery, caused by the shock of the Southwestern strike, and it requires the most care ful handling to prevent bad results.

Washington Critic (Ind.), May 3.

THE strike is peaceable and orderly. It is in the interest of a worthy cause so far as the interests of the unemployed are concerned. It is to be borne in mind,

Chicago Herald (Ind.), April 29.

THE leaders of the eight-hour movement have repeatedly advised their followers not to insist too strenuously on the retention of wages at their old figure, but to make sure, first, of the reduction of the hours of work, leaving the adjustment of pay to another time. Conducted generally on such principles the agitation might be successful. Carried on unreasoningly and recklessly it must fail. The movement had an auspicious beginning and it would be a pity to see it wrecked now by the blindness of the men who have most to hope for in its advocacy. Syracuse Standard (Ind.).

Two hours off the working day where a thousand men are employed is 83 days, and in a week the subtraction equals 500 days, which makes an appreciable falling off from the productive force of a concern and from its earnings. Some employers, who are able readily to adapt their business to the eight hour plan, are doing so, generally stipulating, however, for reduced wages. By virtue of this reduction, they will be able to make good the immediate decrease in the productive capacity of their works by engaging a larger number of laborers.

Columbus, Ohio, Journal (Rep.), May 1.

THE theory of eight hours as a wage day is, and long has been, an attractive one; but when the time is at hand for it to be reduced to practice, wage-workers in many lines of industry begin to recoil. They see clearly that under the eighthour rule one of three things must happen. Weekly wages must be reduced 20 per cent. in order to employ an additional number of workmen, the products of manufacturing establishments must be reduced 20 per cent, or there must be a general advance in the prices of all the necessaries of life.

Galveston News (Ind).

THE aspiration for a working day of eight hours in any hard mechanical employment is one that appeals strongly to the sympathies of reasonable men, but if it has to be gained by a strike it is much the same difficulty for the worker, in the practical light of a contest, as a demand for higher wages, more especially when the demand is for the shortening of hours without reduction of pay. In fact, such employers as use much machinery would in good times far rather pay somewhat higher wages than shorten the working hours.

Chicago Journal (Rep.).

THE promoters of the eight-hour movement should proceed very slowly and carefully. In some trades its adoption might produce no serious disturbances. In other branches of industry and production it would prove absolutely fatal, and thousands of thousands of men who had refused to work ten hours in a day would find themselves entirely without work. Experiments might be made here and there, to see how it will work, but an attempt to regulate all employments according to its terms would create general disaster.

Lancaster, Pa., Examiner (Rep.), April 30.

"THE hours of labor must be reduced throughout the nation, so that the toilers may have more time in which to learn the science of self-government," so speaks Mr. Powderly. But he forgot to state what patent process he proposes adopting to get the workingmen to study self-government. If those who are well to do and supposed to be intelligent, yea even our legislators, do not think much, why does Mr. Powderly think the extra two hours the workman wants will be spent in study? It is but a dream.

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problem that will solve itself through easy processes which can not be hastened by tions, the country storekeeper would have to endure the loss of time and expense unreasoning force or organized resistance to economic principles.

Wisconsin State Journal (Rep.).

THE proposed change must be experimented with before generally adopted. That shorter hours will eventually prevail is to be sincerely hoped, but it can not be brought about as an industrial system by the resolutions of mass-meetings or the blustering threats of demagogues.

Toledo Bee (Dem.).

A NEWSPAPER man would be among the happiest of men if his labors could be confined to eight hours, or ten hours, or even twelve hours a day. His work always goes on-in fact, about all his waking hours are devoted to work.

Cincinnati Evening Post (Ind.).

THERE need be no fear, on the one hand, that the eight-hour movement will fail, nor, on the other, that it will disturb the framework of society. It will succeed, and it will peacefully and beneficently succeed.

The Craftsman, (Labor).

If we secure eight hours for a day's work we remove the greatest menace which now threatens the welfare of labor and the good order of society; we place the grand army of idlers in a position to be useful producers.

N. Y. World (Dem.).

THE movement in behalf of shortening the hours of labor is not attended with great successs, but everywhere the workingmen seem to be bearing themselves with discretion.

Buffalo Times (Ind.).

So far as Buffalo is concerned the eight-hour movement is a total failure. There will be no general attempt to enforce the eight-hour plan in this city.



Several of the States have quite recently passed special laws requiring commercial travelers to obtain license somewhat as the merchant obtains license from the county in which he does business, notwithstanding the commercial traveler's capital is confined to his business competency and the trunk of samples carried, and the local merchant's capital is not only his skill, but also the investment in the stock upon which his trade is based. The committee recommend the bill proposed to authorize trade between the States and Territories, unrestricted by State or Territorial statutes, and thus again is an excellent opportunity afforded for the resumption of the States' rights discussion. But the time has fully come when all parties must recognize the modification or rather the adaptation of the old theories to the new conditions with which the Government is confronted. The constitutional provision conferring upon Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce should be strictly construed to be sure, but not so strictly as to cripple or obstruct trade between the States. If free trade in the United States is to be encouraged; if steam and electricity are to be tolerated as its agents; if rivers are to be permitted to run across State lines and bridges to span their waters from one State to another, the commercial traveler cannot safely be denied like privileges or be restricted in their exercise. He, too, must be included in the interstate "code" of which Congress must necessarily continue the construction. The Democrat no more than the Republican need become alarmed at the necessary extension of the powers of the General Government over that entire class of interests comprehended in the proper regulation of the interstate commerce of the country. Neither political party can safely tolerate the adoption of half way or weak measures by the General Government over the subjects of its control, one of which is the drummer. The States are next to helpless; their legislation necessarily fragmentary when singly and alone they undertake to contend with the commercial agencies which comprehend and envelop them. The General Government is alone qualified for the work of subjecting and controlling these artificial forces which are brought into requisition by interstate trade, of which the American drummer is an important part.-Kansas City Times, May 1.

THE subject of taxing commercial drummers which is now attracting very general attention from the recent action of the State of Mississippi imposing such a tax, a law that has been protested against by many towns in Mississippi refusing to add a corporate to the State tax. The commercial traveler goes wherever business offers, unmindful of State lines, and his business is therefore interstate in its character, and therefore comes under that provision of the Constitution which confers upon Congress the right to "regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes." An investigation of the subject has been made by a House committee, and a bill introduced into Congress which provides that "residents of each State and Territory may, within the other States and Territories and within the District of Columbia, solicit from dealers or merchants orders for goods and merchandise by sample, catalogue, card, price list, description, or other representation, without payment of any license or mercantile tax." If the bill be passed, Congress exercises its powers, and the drummer-tax sinks into the darkness that hides many such short-sighted obstructions to commerce. It is urged that the commercial traveler conducting business for a firm in another State is selling merchandise in opposition to resident dealers, though paying no local or State tax. There is something equivocal in this charge, as the drummer usually sells not against but to resident dealers. If he should become a peddler of wares under pretence of being a traveling agent, the law would deal with the abuse of privi lege. If agents cease to visit small towns with their samples and personal explana

of going to some business center himself, or he must send on his orders without; seeing a sample or personally having a word about the goods he requires. In the meantime the drummer is paying his own expenses in the storekeeper's town, instead of the storekeeper paying his own expenses in the drummer's town. Memphis Appeal, April 29.

THE House Committee on Commerce have favorably reported a bill to relieve foreign drummers of State or local license, tax, or penalty. It is conceded by the committee that a State has the right to tax its own citizens at pleasure, but it takes the broad ground that no State has the right to lay a duty upon importation from one State into another under the name of a license, tax, or penalty, although the very State does put the tax equally upon residents and non-residents. This meets the case fairly and squarely, and if Congress passes the bill reported by the Committee on Commerce, the entire system of petty local taxes upon commercial travelers will disappear. "Such laws," says the committee, "although not discriminating in favor of residents and non-residents, are in conflict with the cor.stitutional power of Congress to regulate commerce between the States." Judicial decisions in support of this position are cited, and the report states explicitly that the object of the bill is to prevent any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia from requiring a license from those who are exclusively agents in interstate commercial transactions. The report concludes as follows: "The contracts for sales made by commercial travelers are not consummated in the State when the order is solicited, but the final assent thereto is given by the merchant or principal who receives and executes the order of his correspondent. This trade is now carried on without objection by postal communication and samples by mail, and it is not perceived why the same thing executed by a commercial traveler in person is in any way objectionable.”Atlanta Constitution, May 1.

THE so-called, and much discussed now, "James bill" pending before the House of Representatives is fundamentally right. It aims to protect commercial travelers from the license taxes in the several States and Territories and in the District of Columbia—that is, to give a man a right to buy and sell his goods where he can. It would seem a most natural permission to grant, especially as the ultimate right of giving or refusing orders lies with the local merchant, the drummer merely having the power to solicit patronage. There is no undue advantage given, for although the local dealers do have to pay a tax on their personal property, so also do the merchants everywhere to their own States, and, furthermore, the local dealers are not obliged to pay a direct tax upon their sales nor pay for the right to carry on their business. The bill merely allows commercial travelers the same privileges that commercial residents enjoy, and no more. To do less would be an unjust discrimination to a large and important trade.—Bosi ton Journal, April 29.

COST OF RAISING COTTON.-A number of printed circulars was sent two weeks ago to our correspondents throughout the State, with a request that they would obtain from intelligent, practical farmers in each county careful answers to the inquiries contained in the circular. As we feared would be the case, satisfactory answers could not be given in every instance. Many farmers, it was found, keep no record whatever of their expenses, and systematic book-keeping is prac ticed by very few. In other cases, again, even when the answers are made with care, the items are grouped or combined in such a way as to render it impossible to distribute them under proper heads. For these reasons, the number of estimates available for use is not so large as was desired. The selections made were received from the counties of Aiken, Abbeville, Anderson, Berkeley, Darlington, Edgefield, Hampton, Newberry, Oconee, Sumter, and Williamsburg, thus representing every part of the State, and are the more valuable for that reason. whole number of acres planted in cotton, upon which these estimates are based, is 2,516; the farms range in extent from 13 acres to 600; the number of hands employed varies from 2 to 45, and the number of mules from 1 to 25. The totals are

as follows:

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An analysis of these figures yields the following results, which are tabulated for ready reference and comparison:

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From these statements three conclusions may be drawn: (1.) If the whole cost of production of cotton and other crops is charged against cotton alone, the cost of cotton delivered at the nearest market, including cost of selling, is 7 4-5 cents per pound. (2.) If the value of other crops and of the cotton seed is deducted from the cost of producing cotton, the cost of the cotton alone is 33 cents per pound. (3.) If the cost of the cotton and other crops is charged to cotton alone, at 7 4-5 cents per pound, or $17.58 per acre, cotton pays all the expenses of the farm and leaves $10.08 per acre as profit.-Charleston, S. C., News and Courier, April 30.

either drawing the design to be transmitted on ruled paper, divided into little
squares by vertical and horizontal lines, or laying a transparent paper, tracing
cloth, or other transparent sheet, which must be so divided by lines into squares,
over the drawing. The squares in each compartment are denoted, respectively,
by pairs of letters, the alphabet running down the outer side for the horizontal rows
of squares, and along the top for the squares in vertical series. A corresponding
paper, which may be of a different scale if convenient, is kept at the receiving
station. The operator at the transmitting station can thus indicate by alphabetical
letters to the receiving station any point on the paper falling in the center of any
of the squares; the person at the receiving station will apply his pencil to that
point, and will then be directed to the next point, drawing a line with the pencil,
and so on to form a complete outline drawing. This system may evidently be
made of considerable value in mil tary operations in transmitting plans and maps,
and may also be found of value in times of peace, for various purposes, which will
suggest themselves. Our limited space prevents us from entering more into the
detail of this interesting application of the telegraph, and we may refer those who
desire a more minute description to the April quarterly publication of the Journal
of the Royal United Service Institution.-Electric World.

THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK.-Those who are in a position to know complain that the attitude of labor in various parts of the country is already having a serious effect upon business. Manufacturers are afraid to purchase raw material or to enter into contracts for goods, because they cannot tell whether they will be able to carry them out without loss. The clearing-house returns for the last five days in April indicate a decided decline in exchanges, the clearings being $622,123,031 against $697,739,833, which is largely attributed to the labor troubles. The crop reports are of the most encouraging character. Indeed, it may be said that the reports at this time are universally favorable. Winter wheat promises an unusually early harvest, with a full yield everywhere except in Kansas and Michigan. The planting of the spring crops is far advanced under the most favorable conditions. The Bureau of Statistics reports that our exports during the month of March were $53-, 690,000 against $51,398,000 in March, 1885, and that our imports were $60,037,000 against $52,976,000 in 1885. These figures show that while our exports are well up the volume of imports is large, but not so large as in 1884 or 1883. During the past week the shipment of gold from New York was $1,250,000.--Boston Journal, May 3.

MONEY IN THE BANKS.-The recent increase in the surplus of the banks is not an accidental phenomenon in the money world. It is a well-known financial fact that capital speedily takes refuge in the bank vaults when frightened from employment in business enterprises. An extensive strike re-acts in a "tie-up" of capital, leads to strangulation in productive industry, and to widespread destitution in the field of labor. While the banks draw upon the wage fund in the hands of employers, the necessity of sustaining the strikers draws upon it in the hands of the workingman. Such a situation soon leads to exhaustion.-Philadelphia Press, April 30.

VALUE OF SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION. The Rev. Dr. Lansdell has published a
book of travels in Central Asia. He says "the first thing that struck" him was
the enormous size of the apricot trees. A tree "about" four years old, measured
five feet three inches in circumference. If this had read "four years," it would
mean that the apricot in that part of the world can add to its diameter five inches
a year.
When it is remembered that an inch added to the diameter of a decidu-
ous tree in a single season is regarded as an enormous growth, we may conclude
that there is much of saving grace in the qualification "about four years." One
would suppose there would be little room for doubt "about" the age of a four-
year old tree,
It would not require the evidence of the oldest inhabitant to get at
the exact age.. But the traveler has to move on; and we are left to conclude that
the trees were probably, "about" five feet three inches as well as "about four
years old." And yet it is unfortunate that what might be valuable material for
scientific work should be given in this doubtful way.-The Independent.

Savings Banks At the South. There are in the Southern States 117 savings banks with more than $10,000,000 of capital and nearly $4,000,000 surplus. On January the five savings banks of Charleston contained deposits amounting to $3,176,000.-Charleston News and Courier.

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THE LATEST DEFINITION OF ELECTRICITY.-The now universally accepted definition of electricity is: Water being a parabolic fluid is readily converted into solid manganese nitrate, when its coefficient can be received back in the reflected image of the spectrum. What follows? The paleozoic electrical hypothesis naturally seeks a vacuum, which, combining with alcoholic spinal meningitis, causes geometrical prefusion in the empyreum of the democratic eclyptic. Prima facie and a priori the Hoboken theory must be applied parenthetically and diabolically, not forgetting to take into consideration the micrometric differentiation of the semiincandescence of the resulting equation, together with its possible duration. Electric Review.

AGING WINES BY ELECTRICITY.-Dr. E. J. Fraser, of San Francisco, has been making exhibitions in that city of his patented process for aging wines by electricity. The liquors put under treatment have been tested by local wine experts, who thought that while the wine was made much smoother, the brandies and whiskies received the most benefit. The process appears to consist chiefly in winding wire around the casks and then passing a current through the coils. Dr. Fraser is now constructing tanks of 100 gallons capacity for repeating the work with large quantities of wine.-Electric World.

PUZZLED ABOUT PEARS.-Pyrus, the pear, has puzzled the philologists for hundreds of years in the attempt to account for its connection with the well known fruit or fruit tree. The Greeks called it Apios, though this seems to have been the name of the fruit only. The Latins had it Pyrus-or, rather, in Virgil's orthography, Pirus-and some have thought that the latter has been derived from the former. But, as pyra signifies a funeral pile, many insist that we have to look to some connection with fire in order to account for its name. No one has found any such connection; and the botanists have had to be satisfied with the statement that Pyrus is a classical name." But now comes forward Mr. Shirley Hibberd, a wellknown botanical historian, and points out that the leaves of the pear tree die away in autumn with a bright, fiery tint. He thinks it might have been called a fire tree because, among other trees in the autumn, it would look like a bright funeral pyre. One would have to know whether there were not other bright, fiery, pyrelooking trees in the Roman dominions, before deciding it probable that this one alone had a special claim on the term. In this country the cherry, which was also cultivated by the Romans, often dies away with a much brighter adieu than the pear tree. Philologists are, however, always glad of the suggestions.-The Independent.

TRANSMITTING PHOTOGRAPHS BY ELECTRICITY.-Lieutenant Glenn and Lieutenant Colonel Melville, of the English army, have independently hit upon an ingenious system by which the ordinary operation of telegraphing may be made to Serve the purpose of reproducing sketches and plans. The method consists of


AFTER THE BATTLE.--One important result of the transcontinental war is certain, viz, that passenger rates will never return to the old figures. For years the first class limited rate from the Missouri river to San Francisco was $100. The rate recently adopted by all the lines from the Missouri river to San Francisco is $50, or just one-half of the ante-war figure. This is a very low charge for firstclass transportation half way across the continent; but if, as seems probable, half the old rate will more than double the number of passengers, and thus help to fill up the only partly filled cars which formerly made the journey, will prove more profitable in the long run than the old rate, while the benefit to California can hardly be estimated.—Railway Age.

THE WEAKNESS OF THE CULLOM BILL.-Senator Cullom has pushed the consideration of his interstate commerce bill in Congress, and it is about to come up for action. While many of its provisions are excellent and can be heartily supported, the clause prohibiting a greater rate for short hauls than for long hauls is so opposed to the necessities of railway traffic, and would be so injurious to many localities which by reason of special competitive facilities have advantages that cannot be measured by mileage, that it certainly will call out much opposition. One great defect of the provision is that it practically ignores the competition of water routes.-Railway Age.

ELECTRIC HEAD-LIGHTS. According to a German railway organ, the locomo tive head-light problem has been solved by an Austrian telegraph engineer, Mr. Hermann Sedlacech, an arc lamp being fitted up in such a manner by this inventor that the regulators and mechanism connected with the carbon effectively withstand the shaking and rolling of the engine, while the apparatus has been greatly simplified. A company is being formed for the purpose of working the invention.Electric Record

THE first through train over the Canadian Pacific railway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is announced to leave Montreal Monday, May 24, the Queen's birthday Railway Age,

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AS THERE seems to be some danger that a certain individual may succeed in his endeavor to procure legislation that will throw the aegis of the law over his manure heaps in the city of New York, it will not be amiss to call attention to one of the special dangers arising from accumulations of manure, namely, the prevalence of diphtheria among persons living in their vicinity. In a recent issue of the British Medical Journal, Dr. W. E. Stevenson, of London, having had his attention di rected to the fact that a writer in Lyon Medical, M. Ferraud, traces some relation between manure heaps and epidemics of diphtheria, recalls the circumstances that, when resident at the Children's Hospital, he was struck with the frequency with which children with diphtheria were brought in from the mews. In those cases the families occupied the rooms over the stables. So noticeable was the connection, he says, that he mentioned the point in a paper on diphtheria, published in the Med ical Times and Gazette in February, 1883. Not only did the children suffer from diphtheria, but there was reason to believe that the dogs and cats that frequented the mews also suffered in the same way, although this suspicion was not confirmed by autopsies, as it was impossible to obtain the bodies of the animals that died with throat affections. Some districts of London were entirely free from diphtheria, while others afforded numerous examples of the disease, and Dr. Steavenson thinks it would be interesting to know whether the localities of immunity were deficient in mews and manure heaps.

There is much that is uncertain in our knowledge of the channels by which infection is conveyed, but surely it may be said of the suggestion of a connection between localized outbreaks of diphtheria and accumulations of manure that it rests on a basis quite substantial enough to justify the Legislature in refusing to endanger the public health by allowing an individual to submit the question to the test of perpetual experiment.-New York Medical Journal.

MOSQUITOES AND Rattlesnake PoISON.-The following story comes to us from Florida. A man living in the neighborhood of Tampa was bitten on the leg by a rattlesnake. A doctor was at once sent for and the leg was bandaged tightly above the wound, although it was' expected that the man would die before medical assistance could be procured. The leg having been bared for the application of the bandage, was attacked by mosquitoes, and when the physician finally arrived, he found the man in good condition, but the ground around where he lay was strewn with dead mosquitoes. Our informant, who overheard the foregoing story told by an "old-fashioned doctor" on a railroad train, said that the narrator remarked "it was rather hard on the mosquitoes," and then he added, in a reflective sort of way, "I presume the man's life was worth saving."—N. Y. Medical Journal.

THE NEWARK CHARITABLE EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY takes a most commendable position in the matter of excluding persons who are able to pay for treatment. In its Sixth Annual Report we find the following notice conspicuously printed: "The Infirmary is for the treatment of the poor alone. Applicants presenting a well to do appearance are refused treatment, unless they satisfy the officers that they are unable to pay. Persons who are able to pay for the services they require are not unfrequently sent here by physicians and others; this is an abuse of medical charity which we hope to correct by calling attention to it. The Infirmary is a private corporation devoted to the public welfare, and the medical officers of its staff do not receive any pay for their services."—New York Medical Journal, May 1.


A RUSSIAN CURE FOR HYDROPHOBIA. Following M. Pasteur's discoveries in France, a new remedy for hydrophobia is reported from Russia. It consists of the onion shaped root of the water-plantain, which flowers in the summer. roots should be collected in the month of August, dried and grated; the powder should then be spread on bread and butter, and so administered to the patient. It is said that two or three doses are sufficient to cure hydrophobia in its acute stage, either in men or animals, and it is claimed that the remedy has never been known to fail. The subject is, at any rate, deserving of the attention of our doctors.-Casseli's Family Magazine.

A TRAINING-SCHOOL FOR ASYLUM ATTENDANTS has been established in connection with the State asylum at Buffalo, under the superintendence of Dr. J. B. Andrews, and last week the first class of pupils was graduated. Several meritorious essays were read by members of the class, and an interesting address was delivered by Dr. Stephen Smith, of New York, a State commissioner in lunacy. The managers of the asylum deserved credit for having established so useful an auxiliary to the care of the insane, the human influence of which can not well be over-estimated.-N. Y. Medical Journal.


WOMEN IN AUTHORITY. It is a curious fact that, while women have long owed to our public school system in America their best employment, they still are unequally placed in those schools as compared with men. The disparity of pay is really almost as marked as it was forty years ago, although it now rests on quite different grounds Then there were comparatively few graded schools, even in towns. The prevailing type was that known best as "the district school," which had a summer term and a winter term. The summer school was usually taught by a woman, but in the winter, when the school was larger and the farmers' boys came in, it was thought needful to have a man as teacher, even at higher wages. If a woman taught a winter school, she rarely had a man's pay; but the gradual extension of the graded system made schools and teachers permanent all the year

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round, and the common type of organization came to be the grouping of several
schools in the same building, with the senior teacher-senior in authority, at least
in charge of the whole. This head-master was, and is, usually a man, while the
subordinates are usually women. Under the new system the position of men, is
now an aristocracy of rank and employment rather than of pay, though the advan-
tage of pay comes in also. The grievance of women is not, in this case, that men
are paid more for doing the same work, but that higher and consequently more
lucrative work is assigned to men. Why," women may justly ask, "are not these
higher positions, involving the headship of a building, assigned to women as well?"
Formerly the reason would have been given that these "grammar masters," as
they were often called, were expected to do the whipping, in serious cases, for the
whole building; but now that corporal punishment is a rare thing, this would not
hold. Again, there is a theory that a man can better look after furnaces and all
the mechanical appliances of a school-house; but now that the employment of
janitors is so general, this reason also fails. In small school-houses a woman is
very commonly at the head, and there is no apparent reason why it should not be
the same with a large one, except from some lingering distrust as to her adminis-
trative or disciplinary power. This distrust seems to me, as a matter of fact, quite
unreasonable. Cases occasionally occur-I have known at least one-where
women of superior ability are promoted over men of inferior ability, and are placed
in charge of school buildings. In the case I have in mind the man's salary re-
mained higher than the woman's, expressly on the ground that he was a man and
had a family, thus making the case an exception to the general rule of administra-
tion that higher authority should be associated with higher pay; but it was a case
of a woman's exercising authority over a man. Such cases are rare, so far as I
know; in our public educational institutions. In the great Western State universi-
ties, which are coeducational, a man is always the head, and the professors are
men, while the pupils are of both sexes. At Vassar there are professors of both
sexes, the pupils are women, the president is a man; while at Wellesley all are
women, except the music-teacher and the head cook. It is impossible for feminine
authority to be more completely vindicated than in the presidency of that very suc-
cessful institution, and it seems one of the ironies of fate when one looks through
the kitchen window and sees a black man in a white cap presiding over the frying-
pan. One of the large normal schools of Massachusetts is conducted with equal
success by a woman. She has only girls as pupils, and I am not aware which sex
cooks the dinner. When we enter the domain of private or endowed schools we
find at once that the administrative ability of women is better recognized, strange
to say, than in our public-school system. The great conventual schools of the
Roman Catholic Church are controlled by women, and so have been, from the days
of Mrs. Willard and Mary Lyon, the largest Protestant schools for girls. All over
the country there are large boarding-schools kept by women, and these women find
no difficulty in obtaining male teachers who will work under them gratefully so
long as their salaries are paid. Nor do those who are thus in authority experience
any more difficulty than men in keeping their finances in order or collecting their
bills. In other countries the same experience holds, and in regard to a variety of
occupations. I am not much given, let us hope, to being overawed by earthly
potentates; but I always found it difficult to hold my own against the cold author-
ity of the housekeeper of any large English inn, with her black silk dress and her
keys, and how unconquerable is the stony smile of the Parisian shopwoman when
she utterly declines to perceive that the gloves she has sent you home are of a
quality quite inferior to those you bought and paid for! Women are quite as im-
perious as men when they "rise to station of command," from Queen Victoria
down to the brisk little waiting-maid at an English inn for commercial travelers,
who, when I asked her if the young fellows did not make a good deal of disturb.
ance, replied, “We have to be very, very firm with them, sir," in a tone of decision
that would have quelled a crew of mutineers. In truth, I suspect that women,
when in authority, are quite as apt to err on the side of strength as in the direction
of weakness, and that the fear lest they should not be equal to the emergency is as
if Rip Van Winkle had complained of the too subservient quality of his dame and
her broomstick. The very novelty of the situation, however, makes it a little un-
certain on which side they shall incline; just as it was found, when our civil war
broke out, that regular army officers appointed to command volunteer regiments
sometimes erred by exacting too much, sometimes by expecting too little. Women
in authority, I fancy, are occasionally led into being too severe by the fear of not
being strict enough. I was talking the other day with a young man bearing a
military title, who complained that a lady under whose orders he was working
ruled him and his mates with a rod of iron, and that her tyranny could scarcely be
borne. I wondered if, after laboring so many years to secure equal justice and op-
portunity for women, it would next be needful to organize a League for the Pro-
tection and Elevation of Men!-T. W. H., in Harper's Bazar.

CONFESSIONS OF CRIMINALS.-There is no point in which the legal theories of English-speaking nations differ more markedly from those of other peoples than in regard to the amount of reliance to be placed upon the confessions of persons accused of crime. The European jurist can conceive no possible reason why an innocent person should accuse himself of crime. To his mind, a confession is the best and most convincing evidence of guilt; and, accordingly, all the machinery of the criminal laws of the European continent is directed to the single end of securing such admissions. But for this belief in the reliability of such confessions the physical torture of accused persons would have been abolished in France and other countries almost as soon as humanity condemned the custom in England. Even now in those countries suspected persons are subject to cruel direct examinations in the hope that a confession may be wrung from them-examinations that are almost revolting to people accustomed to the humanity of our law. English and American lawyers give many reasons for considering confessions very poor evidence. Many men are naturally lying braggarts. Experience has proved that there are persons who are altogether too prudent to break the law in any respect, but who think it a fine thing to boast of imaginary victories over the guardians of society. The Western cowboy tells how many men he has killed, but those who

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know him are aware that, like the lord High Executioner in the Mikado, he couldn't "kill anything." There are people who are cranks in the matter of accusing themselves of crime. The criminal court records show many cases of half-witted men and women who have confessed crimes that were never commit ted. Notoriety, even of an evil odor, is dear to the crank's heart. Criminals under sentence of death often seem to labor under an hallucination that they have committed other crimes. Despairing of pardon, they take a melancholly pleasure in charging themselves with all sorts of crimes. Piper not only murdered a little girl in the belfry of a Boston church, but also, if his story may be believed, committed several otherwise undiscovered murders. In him despair seemed to develop a mania for self-accusation. But false confessions are more commonly made with some ulterior motive. In one notable case an innocent person made a false "confession in order to fix suspicion on himself alone, that his guilty brothers might have time to escape-a stratagem that was completely successful, after which he proved an alibi in the most satisfactory manner.' In another more cele. brated instance, two men, named Boven, were convicted in a Vermont court, mainly upon their own confession, of the murder of a half-witted dependent brother-in-law. They even said that certain bones found were those of the supposed victim. But the brother-in-law was found alive and well in New Jersey, and returned in time to prevent the execution. "He had fled for fear. they would kill him. The bones were those of some animal. They (the Bovens) had been advised by some misjudging friends that, as they would certainly be convicted upon the circumstances proved, their only chance for life was by commutation of punishment, and that this depended upon their making a penitential confession." These and many similar cases have satisfied English and American lawyers that confessions alone are unreliable as evidences of guilt. When it is known that a prisoner, especially one charged with a capital offense, intends to make a confession, it is the practice in our courts to delay the trial in order to give him ample time to decide whether or no he will pursue that course. Even then, without proof that the crime has really been committed, our courts will not convict him. The rule is that the Government must prove its case by satisfactory evidence, and, while a solemn deliberate confession of a crime actually committed can not be ignored, yet the public feels better satisfied with the results of trials in which the accused persons are not self-condemned. Boston Globe.

WHAT THE BLIND CAN DO.-A shining example of what the blind who have courage and determination can do could be witnessed in the late lamented Henry Fawcett. He refused to allow his infirmity to interfere materially with his career and habits, though, of course, it modified and altered the channels. It is well known that he was an admirable horseman and fisherman, and if he was undeterred by the drawbacks of his condition when they were suddenly thrust upon him in early manhood, surely children who have never known the blessing of sight can be brought up to regard blindness as nothing which need prevent their taking their place comparatively on a par with the rest of the citizens of the world. Henry Fawcett is not alone. Other blind men have, to all intents and purposes, lived their lives as thoroughly as thousands with their eyes have done. We have heard of sightless travelers and writers innumerable. There were Milton, Prescott, the historian; Huber, the naturalist, and Braille himself, to quote only a few that occur to me. Dr. Armitage, again, has traveled far and wide, frequently visiting most of the European centers, where he could acquire information and, so to speak, see for himself how the blind are educated and cared for. Two years ago he made a prolonged journey through the States of America with the same object, though he did not fail to enjoy the pleasures of travel for its own sake. Only in very rare instances in the future need there be any occasion for allowing a sightless person to become a burden on his family or the charity of the benevolent. "The night cometh when no man can work." Then, of course, the blind, if they have not acquired resources of their own, must be provided for. At the same time, it cannot be gainsaid that they do require immense assistance throughout their lives. It is on account of this assistance not having been hitherto always rendered upon a wise and logical system that so many mistaken ideas have prevailed as to what are the real capabilities of the blind.—The Fortnightly.

Mr. T. Harrison Garrett having placed on exhibition at the Peabody Institute a
selection of three hundred prints from the Claghorn collection acquired by him
last year.-
-It is a curious and interesting thing to know that only one of the
members of the Art Committee of the Union League Club upon which devolved
the management of the exhibition is an artist.- During the school year ending
May 31, 1885, one hundred and twenty men and one hundred and four women
attended the classes at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia.

-Mr. Watts, R. A., has publicly announced that he will leave the result of his
Art life-work to the English nation on both sides of the Atlantic. Canada is to
receive three representative specimens.- -The new portrait by Rembrant, which
the Belgian government purchased at Cologne for 100,000 francs, has been placed
in the Brussels Gallery.

MUSIC.-It is the general opinion that the first season of American opera has been an unqualified success, a fact which leads the energetic managers to promise a continuance of the brilliant series of operas next season. Every attention has been paid to detail in the way of mounting and scenic effects.The stock of the Metropolitan Opera House Company in New York has been increased to $1,-Italian opera has been a failure in Russia, and the artists are now carrying it on as a co operative concern. -Thirteen new operas were presented in Germany during the past season. At the Mapleson benefit in San Francisco, Miss Minnie Hauk, who was the star of the occasion, was presented by admiring friends with a wreath of pure gold in imitation of laurels.



DRAMA. Freud's Music and Drama thinks the benefit business is be-
ing overdone and that a halt should be called. The proposed visit of the
Great Meiningen Company in this country during the coming fall promises to be
a notable event. This company is the pet of the Duke of Meiningen, who gives
it the most minute attention, and although he is now sixty years of age he proposes
cross the Atlantic to see that its first appearance is a success.
Tickets for the per-
formances, which are limited to twenty-four, are now being sold in New York
A grand farewell banquet is to be tendered to Henry E. Dixie, of Adonis fame,
prior to his departure for Europe. Mr. M. P. Handy, of the Philadelphia News,
will preside.
-The Actors' Fund burial plat, in Evergreen cemetery, New York,
is to be dedicated June 6. There will be addresses by Geo. Wm. Curtis, Robt.
G. Ingersoll, Chauncey Depew, and others. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher will
preach the dedicatory sermon.- -Sir Charles Young's play "Jim, the Penman,"
was rejected by nearly every manager in London before the directors of the Hay-
market theatre took it up and consented to put it on at a single afternoon perform-
ance. It has been run ever since, and is the theatrical sensation of the day in Eng-

THEY DON'T GROW HERE.-Repression in Europe produces anarchists and communists. They increase and multiply under the heel of despotism. Russia, the most tyrannous power in Europe, has more nihilists than any other country, and Germany is next in order in tyranny and in socialists. The freedom which all enjoy in America, while seemingly highly favorable to the propagation of the errors of these visionaries is really fatal to them. The dullest wit comprehends at once the fact that these ranters have no actual grievance, or they would not be permitted to exploit themselves. On the faces of their hearers there are smiles of incredulity, and the most fiery rhetoric is not sufficient to drive from the listener the general ludicrousness of the performance. Freedom of speech and free government do not rest on foundations that can be shaken by the verbal violence of these unfortunates. The very sense of security which society manifests in ignoring them is at once the refutation and the destruction of their cause. Their tribe does not increase in this air. The few unhappy creatures who, taking refuge in America from the oppression which made them what they are, and which they were powerless to throw off, are the frightful examples of a tyranny which, thanks to the valor and devotion of the men of '76, disappeared from these States a century ago. They are in ignorance of that fact, but the mass of the people who preceded them here are not.-Chicago Herald.

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NOTES. Mr. Henry Lumb, the well-known philanthropist, of Rochester, N. Y., offers seventeen hundred and fifty dollars to be awarded as prizes on the following subjects: 1. The Sanitary Conditions and Necessities of School-houses and Schoollife. One prize, $500. 2. The Preventable Causes of Disease, Injury, and Death in American Manufactories and Workshops, and the Best Means and Appliances for Preventing and Avoiding them. One prize, $500. 3. Plans for Dwellinghouses. (a.) A plan for a dwelling-house not to exceed in cost, exclusive of cellar, eight hundred dollars. Prizes: First, $200; second, $100; third, $50; fourth, $25. (b.) A plan for a dwelling-house not to exceed in cost, including the cellar, sixteen hundred dollars. Prizes: First, $200; second, $100; third, $50; fourth, $25, Accommodations to be provided for families consisting of five persons. It is intended that the essays shall be essentially American in their character and appli-, cation. They may be written by authors of any nationality, but all of them must be in the English language. Ruskin says that Gibbon's style is the worst English ever written by an educated Englishman, and John Burroughs says of Ruskin : Never a man of such genius with so little common sense.' -Mr. Spofford, the librarian of Congress, has held his position for over twenty years, and has seen the library grow from 90,000 to 500,000 volumes. A new building for the accommo. dation of the library is soon to be erected.- Dr. Behrends, of Brooklyn, will shortly publish, through Baker & Taylor, a work entitled "Socialism and Christianity."- -Mr. Jas. R. Osgood has gone to England as the representative of Harper & Bros., and to fill the place which the late Mr.. Sampson Low occupied for nearly forty years.- -The Illustrated Graphic News, of Cincinnati, has engaged Mr. John R. Murick to travel among the Indian tribes and write descriptive sketches of them.- -Miss Woolson has written a book called 66 George Eliot and Her Heroines.' A young Italian teacher of New York has written a book on the Philosophy of Words, which Prof. Max Muller has recommended to the students of Oxford.. "Passion and Politics" is the name of the posthumous novel written by Col. Burnaby. It will be issued this month.The manuscript of "The Watch on the Rhine" has been found in possession of the author's friends at Burgdorf.Gen. Fremont has taken a home in this city, and he and his wife are hard at work upon his memoirs.-A Russian literary man has reported through the St. Petersburg Historical Review that he found Count Tolstoi in excellent health, employing his leisure hours in the study of Greek and Hebrew, in taking bodily exercise, and in writing a series of short popular tales.- -A bibliography of Maine is being prepared by Mr. Joseph Williamson, of Belfast.- -Ex-Judge Platt Potter, of Schenectady, has given to the New York Historical Society six volumes of the State Trials of England, issued in 1742, which originally belonged to Sir William Johnson, Bart.- The Saturday Review says that Mr. Howells has written charming and delightful stories and essays of many kinds, but it doubts whether anything he has ever written is so replete with charms as Tuscan Cities. Schürers Jewish people, in the time of Christ, is said to be a very remarkable work.- "Arthur Richmond" is at it again in the North American.- -Vol. xx of the ninth edition

ART. The grand total realized at the Morgan sale is $1,207,299.30. The Magazine of Art is of opinion that many of the paintings, ceramics, books, &c., sold for much less than their value.- The people of Baltimore have now an opportunity to study, side by side, the works of a considerable number of engravers,

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