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Electrical World, April 1.

DR. A. M. ROSEBRUGH, a physician of Toronto, who has given considerable attention to telephonic and telegraphic apparatus, claims that the air telegraph or new railway telegraph system for communicating with trains while in motion is largely a Canadian invention. The principle upon which the air telegraph is worked, he says, was invented eight years ago by gentlemen in Toronto and Hamilton, and particularly by George Black, of Hamilton. The remaining elements in the system of the air telegraph developed by Americans are the using of the metallic roof of a railway car as one pole of an electric condenser, and the utilizing of revolving wheels for completing an electric circuit.

Electrical World, April 10.

It seems that Edison's latest invention of telegraphing to and from a moving train was anticipated by W. L. Silvey, of Cincinnati, who secured a patent for the same thing on July 12, 1883. The description of the apparatus in the patent is identical with the Edison apparatus, with one exception only. Edison uses a telephone receiver and the prior inventor what is called a resonator. That is the only difference between them. At present Silvey is perfecting a new electric light machine, and has paid no attention to his induction telegraph. He expresses himself as highly pleased with Edison's success, and shows no jealousy whatever. He said that he had worked out his invention on a farın in Indiana, rigging up wires in his father's orchard and telegraphing from one wire to another forty feet away, a greater distance than Edison has bridged over. Silvey thinks that his apparatus is superior to Edison's, and that his produces sounds that are audible in a room, while Edison uses a telephone receiver to hear distinctly. One year after his first patent he patented an improved receiver which still further increases its availability. There is no possible room to doubt his having beaten Edison by two or more years.

Electrical Review, April 10,

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JUST now it is Ohio that is ahead in the priority quarrying, and two bright and shining lights have come to the surface quite recently. From Youngstown, Ohio, comes the account of Mr. Lucien Rose's invention, which is no infringement on Bell's patent, and is capable of operating "long distances successfully." Lately a practical test was made of the invention. The instrument was placed in the fifth story of a building, another in the basement, and connections were mad ewith telegraph wires to Freeport, Ill. The circuit was 900 miles. The two wires of the circuit were 60 miles apart. Pretty well done for a metallic circuit," says an old telephone man, looking over the writer's shoulder. "Undoubtedly this will work a revolution in the telephone business." And the next day comes another Tichborne claimant from New Lisbon, Ohio. From Indianapolis we learn that: "For the first time evidence is made public tending to show that S. D. Cushman, of New Lisbon, Ohio, invented and used a telephone at least ten years before Bell took out his patent." He has for many months been collecting evidence to establish that he had in practical operation telephones in 1863. Affidavits shown testify that Mr. Cushman invented in 1851 a receiver similar to the one patented by Bell in 1875. He says he is able to establish priority of invention, and therefore to nullify the Bell patent.

Electrical World, April 10.

HARDLY a week now passes but some new claimant for the telephone comes forward and relates with painful accuracy of detail how he talked through his telephone in 18-; and each one vies with the other in making the date a few years further back. But now, one of them comes forward, who having got his telephone, the nature of which is not clearly defined, to work as far back as 1851, has sent his proofs to ex-Senator Thurman with the modest request that his case be cited first, as it would at once dispose of the whole matter. If Mr. Cushman is correctly reported, he seems to be buoyed up with the hope that after having allowed his invention, through which hundreds of people talked, to lie idle for 35 years, he may procure a patent upon the defeat of Mr. Bell. As this might lead others into the cherishing of hopes which can never be realized, we may state that even if Mr. Cush. man's claim should be substantiated and Bell's patent declared void, the former could not obtain a patent, as his would constitute an abandoned invention. As the law stands, an inventor may work at his invention as long as he pleases, but if after two years' public use of this invention he fails to apply for a patent, he forfeits all rights to the same, and it becomes public property. If after two years' public use of the invention another should obtain a patent for it, the original inventor may have the same declared void, but he himself could not obtain one, as it would then come under the head of an "abandoned invention."

Electrical Review, April 1.

IT IS rumored that an original experimenter has been discovered in Posey or Brown, or some other hoop pole county, who will shortly astonish the world with the statement that he, way back. "befo' the wah," had a telephone in the woods, which he kept hidden because his neighbors thought him a wizard, and to show which then was to endanger his life.

Electrical Review, April 10.

A HUNDRED THOUSAND or less adventurers, each with "the best-known system," "a great improvement on the Bell," "the telephone of the future," " the long distance-far-speaking-crooked-line-round-a-haystack-system," etc., etc. They are all there, and each is filled with patriotism-running over with a desire to benefit his fellow-man-all regular Abou Ben Hassans-who want to take the place of the Central and other telephone folks and run in their stead.

Electrical Review, April 10.

MR. ALEXANDER G. NYE, formerly of North Falmouth, but now residing in Weymouth, has a little electrical instrument of his own make which works in the same manner that the telegraph of to-day operates. He claims that he conceived the idea which underlies the present vast system of telegraphy before Mr. Morse did. When Mr. Nye heard the announcement read that the telegraph had worked successfully he instantly exclaimed that there was but one way in which it could work, and that was by the magnet system which he had elaborated into the little home. made instrument. Mr. Morse obtained his patent, and so Mr. Nye did not push his invention into notice.

Electrician, April.

THE enemies of the Bell Telephone Company include in their army the classes mentioned, and each of these is hopeful of attaining desired results by depriving the company of the rights which have been given them by the Government in a regular and legal way. It has been the wish of these vandals to inveigle the Government into a controversy which as individuals will cost them nothing, yet is maintained for their individual benefit. The weary, wounded, snake-like pace with which the case must progress is to their liking, for in the interim there is much being done in a speculative way, and the patents are gradually wasting away, with no possibility of renewal under the law.

N. Y. Evening Post, April 12.

THE long delay which has attended the preparation of the bill of complaint of the Government against Bell will surprise no one who has in mind the difficulties of the problem with which counsel have had to deal. It was quite evident that the original bill prepared by the Pan-Electric Company was never intended to come before the courts upon its merits, being gotten up merely to afford the Attorney-General an excuse for commencing suit. We have no desire to anticipate in any way the final verdict of the court. When we consider how many informalities may invalidate a patent, how the extreme freedom with which our Government issues patents is set off by laws giving every possible advantage to parties contesting them, how numerous the competitors, and how great the reward of overthrowing the Bell patent, we cannot but regard the unbroken series of decisions in its favor as a marvel. It would be hazardous to claim that no loophole in the document and no invalidating circumstances in its issue could be brought to light by the searching inquiry now to be instituted. The point we wish to bring to the attention of our readers is that the bill makes a number of statements which, if true, show that the action taken by the Government is quite unjustifiable, and the expense caused by it a flagrant waste of the public money.

Science, April.

SO MUCH dissatisfaction has been found with the management and working of telephones in this country that business men are often found who will dispute the usefulness of the instrument. It is indispensable, however, as many have had to admit who have objected to the methods of the companies or the efficiency of the systems. A comparatively new company, with a number of real advantages to offer, is now prepared to receive applications and make contracts for the granting of licenses for the use of its telephones by companies or individuals in any part of the United States. This company, the Wallace Electric Telephone Manufactur. ing Company, will not be hampered with litigations, and is fortified with $1,000,000 capital. Telephone matters have about reached a stage where it is possible for a good deal of money to be made, even by small concerns covering limited districts. The Wallace Company aims to make it possible for its patrons to furnish the best telephone at the lowest cost. This is accomplished through the automatic character of the system. No other is or can be operated by the primary circuit, doing away with induction coils and permanent magnets. All the battery is located in the central office. The transmitter, receiver, switch-board, and general apparatus have been proved to be superior in efficiency by extensive use throughout Canada before the system was brought into notice here.

TELEGRAPH POLES IN THE SOUDAN.-In a recent lecture Major General C. E. Webber, who had charge of the telegraphs with the Soudan expedition, stated that in the desert at some places the sand drifts over the poles and buries them. In such a case it is the custom to plant another pole over the top of the buried one, and raise the wire on that. In some cases as many as four poles have been raised above each other in this way. Wooden poles become in time so ravaged by the white ant that the blow of a stick will knock them over. At Assouan General Webber found some examples of this state of things in the old Khartoum line which was used by General Gordon until it was interrupted by the rebels. A very remarkable span of telegraph wire was effected by General Webber at Assouan across the Nile. Two bluffs, one on each side of the river, were chosen, and tall masts erected on them, giving a height of 350 feet above an island in the middle of the stream. The telegraph wire was swung between these poles, and its lowest bend supported on poles planted on the island. The total length of this span was no less than a mile, all but seven yards. General Webber related that some of the natives of these regions have so elementary a notion of the working of the telegraph that they believed it was only necessary for them to capture a telegraphist, cut the telegraph wire, and put one end of it to each side of his head, in order that he might speak the message.

THE Democratic party came into power over a year ago on the platform of unconditional opposition to Republican principles and measures, and yet it has not made a serious effort to undo a single one of the leading features of the Republican plan of carrying on the Government.

WHATEVER the status of the conflict may be at this time, the man who bases his calculations on the assumption that the Knights of Labor will some day get Mr. Gould on the hip, is the individual who is going to win all the money that is up.

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Medical Record.

THE NATIONAL BOARD OF HEALTH.-Efforts are now being made in Washington to restore to the National Board of Health those powers of which it has been stripped, and which, when it had them, made it a very efficient body. We all know that to accomplish much good from a sanitary point of view we must have concerted action; we must have organization, harmoniously working, all the way from the national down to the county or township or village board of health. Duties that properly belong to the National Board of Health have been, for some occult reason, relegated to ancther department of the Government, and it is the effort to restore this power to its proper place to which we refer. For this praiseworthy effort we bespeak the influence of our readers, and ask them to urge upon their Congressmen the importance and justice of the measure.

Medical Record.

CREATION OF A FUND FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE EXPERIMENTAL CURE OF PHTHISIS.-Professor Verneuil, of Paris, has started a fund for the purpose of enabling experimental studies in the treatment of tuberculosis to be carried on. M. Verneuil seems to think that it may be possible to prevent the development of phthisis after contamination by some inoculation method similar to that employed by Pasteur against rabies. The project of securing a fund is enthusiastically supported by the Gazette Hebdomadaire and by Dr. Landouzy in the Revue de Medecine. Phthisis alone killed sixty-five thousand five hundred and sixty-three persons in Paris during five years.

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AN HONOR TO DOCTOR SAYRE-It has often been cited as an argument against the dignity of the Republic that, although we call ourselves Americans, we are in truth but a mongrel race, tracing our progenitors to the back stairs of every European nation. During the early stages of our development, and even at the present day, there is something of truth in the accusation; and yet there are many and mighty indications of occult sub-currents in our unique society tending ever to a higher and more homogeneous civilization. Naturally, in the process of welding men to the heart of the Republic, forces have been liberated which, up to a comparatively recent period, found expression in material creations of the most gigantic and unheard-of dimensions. Pending these struggles science and letters were necessarily neglected. But there has come a change upon us. To day we have undoubtedly a literature which reflects to a certain extent the genius of the American mind; and in science we have opened pathways leading to ends so practical as to cover a positive industrial revolution. It is but natural that this reflection of our environment, this "spirit of the times," this Americanism should have found expression in medicine. We are not surprised, therefore, to find that there has grown up on this side of the Atlantic a medical literature, the most striking characteristic of which is its practicality. This characteristic of American medical writers seems now to be universally recognized in Europe. A notable instance of this is seen in a recent German translation of Dr. Lewis A. Sayres's "Lectures on Orthopedic Surgery." The translator, Dr. F. Dumont, of Berlin, draws, in the preface to his translation, especial attention to the practical attributes of the American mind. He instances this quality as the reason why thay have succeeded so well in the domain of orthopedic surgery.

Herbert Spencer, in Popular Science Monthly, April.

I FIND among physicians the belief that nervous disorders of a less severe kind are inheritable. Men who have prostrated their nervous systems by prolonged overwork or in some other way, have children more or less prone to nervousness. It matters not what may be the form of inheritance-whether it be of a brain in some way imperfect, or of a deficient blood supply; it is in any case the inheritance of functionally modified structures.

Topular Science Monthly, April.

ADVANTAGES OF Low CEILINGS.-Rooms with low ceilings, or with ceilings even with the window-tops, are more readily and completely ventilated than those with high ceilings. The leakage of air which is always going on keeps all parts of the air in motion in such rooms, whereas, if the ceiling is higher, only the lower part of the air is moved, and an inverted lake of foul and hot air is left floating in the space above the window-tops. To have the currents of fresh air circulating only in the lower parts of the room, while the upper portion of the air is left unaffected is really the worst way of ventilating, for the stagnant atmos pheric lake under the ceiling-although motionless-keeps actively at work under the law of the diffusion of gases, fouling the fresh currents circulating beneath it. With low ceilings and high windows no such accumulation of air is possible, for the whole height of the room is swept by the currents as the dust of the floor is swept with a broom. Low ceilings have also the advantage of enabling the rooms to be warmed with less expenditure of heat and less cost for fuel.

FACTS ABOUT GROWTH.-The principal of the Danish Institute for the Deaf and Dumb has made a large number of measurements and weighings on the children under his care, and gives it as his opinion that there are three periods of growth in children during the year, with about thirty minor fluctuations. He finds that the maximums are from August to December; the period of equipoise from December

to mid April; and the minimum from that time to August. There are also three corresponding periods of increase in height, but the maximum corresponds to the minimum period of increase in bulk, and vice versa, showing that when the body is making bulk it is relieved from making height. A child grows fastest in June and July, and much more slowly in September and October. Increase of bulk and height alternate with each other, the period of quiescence being the same for both forms of growth. As regards the minor fluctuations or "waverings," high temperature favors increase of bulk. When the thermometer rises for a few days the increase of bulk goes on at a more rapid rate, and when it falls there is a decrease, or, at all events, a lesser increase. A report of similar observations on trees shows that there are like periods of growth in bulk and height, a tree extending its length in April and May, and increasing its bulk during June and July, while during the remainder of the year it enjoys a period of comparative rest and inactivity.



New York Commercial Bulletin.

THE Montreal Board of Trade has just declared that the commercial opinion of the dominion not only not hostile to, but warmly in favor of, the speedy deepening of the St. Lawrence canals to a uniform depth of twelve feet; and the recan be no question but that the declaration is well-founded. It is now more than ten years since the policy of enlarging these waterways was undertaken by the government and ratified by Parliament, and in accordance with that policy large expendiimprovement will shortly be completed. These expenditures thus far have extures have been made upon the Welland canal, and that portion of the work of ceeded the large aggregate of $30,000,000; and the special object, as everybody knows, is to attract to the St. Lawrence the trade, or as much as possible of the trade of the great Northwest. This expectation has not been realized as fully as Canadian statesmen and the political economists had anticipated; but what most concerns us now is the fact that there is to be no relaxation of effort and no stinting of money in the hope of achieving more satisfactory results in the future. At present, there is a proposition to appropriate an additional twelve millions for the St. Lawrence canals; and this is likely to be carried, under the conviction that it is absolutely indispensable, if only to obtain some adequate return for previous outlays.

It is a programme that our own merchants and legislators would do well not to lose sight of. It is highly creditable to the public spirit of the Canadians that they should thus be straining every nerve, in the face of many discouragements, to multiply their transportation facilities, and in other respects to attract to their commercial highways as large a share as possible of transcontinental traffic; but it would be a beggarly compliment to American foresight and American enterprise to sit down and fold our arms without an earnest, intelligent effort not only to keep what trade we have, but to extend it and make it secure for the future. Even now we cannot well escape that reproach. At every successive session of the legis lature, it is true, a languid endeavor is made to enlarge the earning capacity of our State waterways, and to otherwise improve them, in face of the flippant assumption that the canals have had their day and must yield now to the superior competition of land transportation; but only a feeble support is accorded to it, and the consequence is, session after session is permitted to pass away, leaving the situation pretty much as it was before. Unfortunately, a latent expectation that somehow or other the Federal Government would step in and do a work which must be done by ourselves has tended to confirm this do-nothing policy. But while we are thus calling upon Hercules, we are in peril of paying the penalty which nature invariably imposes upon those who are too indolent or too unenterprising to help themselves. Commerce is not a thing of sentiment or patriotism, whatever the orators or the politicians may affirm to the contrary. It will flow to the channels where there are the fewest obstructions and the lightest burthens, without respect to geographical lines of demarcation. It is much easier to retain trade than to regain it after its current has been once changed or diverted. And we may affect to contemplate with contemptuous indifference the ambition of the Canadians to appropriate to themselves a carrying trade which we have educated ourselves into the belief belongs to us by some unprescriptible or traditionary right, but the affectation will not save us from the consequences of our own folly.

IN reference to monetary affairs, the Financial Chronicle says:

"As bearing upon the general question of silver the vote this week in the House of Representatives at Washington on the bill for free coinage is of some significance. Of course there was not the slightest probability that any provision for unlimited coinage could be enacted into law, for the President certainly would have interposed his veto if such a measure had reached him, and the Senate too might have been trusted to defeat it, but at the same time, in view of the impudent pretensions of the advocates of the bill and their preposterous claims, it is a relief to know that their pet scheme has been overthrown by the decisive vote of 163 to 126. To be sure, it is a sad commentary upon the intelligence of our chief legislative body that 126 members should have been found inane enough to support with their votes such an extreme and foolish proposition, but this reflection is tempered by the confident feeling that the public is ahead of their representatives in this matter, and much better informed as to the real needs of the situation. It is also a matter of regret that an amendment providing for a suspension of the present coinage was voted down, but that may be qualified by the same considerations. Meanwhile it is a source of satisfaction to know that the Treasury has reached a stage where it can protect its reserve and maintain gold payments, no matter what happens, and in the interval we may expect that public opinion, understanding the requirements of the case and growing more enlightened with the progress of

time, will make its its influence felt in a very emphatic way, with the effect that at the next election many of the representatives who have so woefully misrepresented their constituents in this matter may be left at home."

CONCERNING the speculation in staples, Bradstreet' says:

"The Southern and Western papers are writing much of late about the supposed necessity of legislative remedies for speculation in staples. In the South a proposition has been put forth for a syndicate of Southern planters of sufficient extent to secure a short crop and at the same time to sell the staple short. Thus it is at once proposed to put down and to profit by future sales of commodities. Nothing is more idle than to write or legislate against speculation. The English act forbidding speculation in bank shares, which at one time promised success, has now been declared a failure. The only ill effect charged against speculation relates to extreme fluctuations in prices, but the charge is false. The records of prices prove that price fluctuations were more violent before the advent of "future" sales. The "long" and "short" sales serve as regulators of prices when their effect is properly understood. The thing needed is not prohibitory acts, but a more widespread and more trustworthy intelligence."

SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY MANNING, in his recent communication to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, said :

"The Revised Statutes and Statutes at large direct the issue and prescribe the more or less limited uses of several kind of currrency. To but one do they assign the office of a standard. They christened the unit of all these currencies and of our money of account with the name-dollar. To but one dollar do they assign

the function of a unit of value."

The law of February 12, 1873, sec. 14 (R. S., 3511), read as follows: "The good coins of the United States shall be a one-dollar piece, which, at the standard weight of twenty-five and eight-tenths grains shall be the unit of value. *

* * ""

Thus the good dollar, circulating amid all other dollars, then existing or thereafter to be issued, whatever their substance, description, or kind "shall be the unit of value." The law is unrepealed and unmodified. No other statute of the United States now in force refers to that office, used the phrase, or names the thing. The function of the gold dollar as the unit of value is therefore unqualified and unqestionable. Its office as a unit of value was once shared with fifteen times, afterward with sixteen times its weight of silver. Its employment in that behalf is now unshared and sole. Its value is the unit of value, its measure is made the only measure. To that measure every other dollar must conform, while other dollars exist and this law of Congress stands. The simplicity of the language makes definition itself difficult, but dispute impossible. It has made my duty clear.

- Banker's Magazine.

stead of loss of gold by states living under the bi-metallic regime, we may adduce the fact that, while mono-metallic Great Britain has coined in the decade but aboui seventy-seven millions of dollars of gold for thirty-seven millions of souls, little btmetallic Belgium has coined seventy millions of dollars for less than six miliions of souls.

THE Augusta Chronicle says that attention is being attracted to the magnitude of the sums which have been and are being loaned in that State upon farms. It seems to suppose that the interest upon such loans, with the addition of those made upon city property, is "something like one million dollars per annum." The rate of interest lawful in that State is eight per cent. per annum, but the commissions, attorneys' fees, etc., on farm loans are said to average as much as sixteen per cent,, and as the loans are generally on five years, the actual annual cost to the farmer exceeds eleven per cent. annually, and the courts are inclined to hold that such commission, etc., do not make the loans usurious in a legal sense. The Chronicle apprehends that numerous foreclosures will be the result, and that farms sold in that way will not command present valuations unless the foreclosing companies shall take measures to invite Northern people to come in as buyers and settlers. The Chronicle appears to anticipate advantages to the State from such changes of ownership, which, however, would not seem to mitigate the misfortunes to the present owners of being ousted from their homes. If it is worth while to maintain usury laws, they should be guarded against evasions; and loaning companies, in States permitting such a rate of interest as eight per cent., can well afford to pay out of it all commissions and attorneys' fees. The propensity, however, in new and undeveloped regions to borrow money, even at ruinous rates, is too strong to be argued with.

Financial and Mining Record.

Financial and Mining Record.

THE changes in the Jersey Central direction is the first step on the part of the bondholders of the Jersey Central company to manage the company. It is said the new board will favor entire independence of Reading, and will proceed to a thorough reorganization. The new board is undoubtedly in sympathy with the MorganWelsh syndicate. In the opinion of the lawyers, the opinion of Judge McKennan annuls the Reading lease, in which case no other road can lease the Jersey Central, as there is now a general law which prohibits such action.

ALL that will serve to materially cheapen the reduction of gold and silver ores into metal is of the first importance not only to the mining industries, and its dependent industries, but also to the whole business of the country, inasmuch as it must tend to increase the stock of the money metals or of the measures of all other industrial results. We shall therefore watch with interest the experiments about being made by means of a dynamo to be set up on the Truckee river in Nevada to transmit thence the whole motive power of that considerable stream furnished by a Laffeel turbine, with a full head of water with 100 feet fall-to a receiving dynamo at Virginia City. Those engaged in this operation claim that in this way a motive power can be furnished at Virginia City for a hundred-stamp mill for $200. At present the daily cost of transporting Comstock ores from the mines to the mills on Carson river is $1,000, nearly all of which will be saved by having the mills directly at the mines.

Financial and Mining Record.


Springfield (Ohio), Globe-Republic.

THERE is a power behind all thrones and above all thrones, and this power is buplic opinion. It cannot exist, however, except in communities in which individual thought is free and intelligent, and in which there are facilities for the interchange of ideas.

T. V. Powderly.

I AM willing, as the chief officer, to lay everything connected with our order bare to the world if you will, on the other hand, lay open to the public the means and methods whereby you have piled up the wealth which you control, and allow the tribunal of public opinion to pass in judgment on the two. T. V. Powderly

THE aggregate gold coinage of all the states of the commercial world for the decade of 1875 to 1884, which amounted to somewhat more than one thousand six hundred millions of dollars; rising eighty-one per cent. of that sum was coined by countries in which, all the time, silver has been, and still is, a full legal tender concurrently with gold! That is to say, instead of losing gold by reason of using the two metals concurrently as full valid tender, it is demonstrated by the monetary history of our epoch that those states of the commercial world which so used gold and silver have attracted, we repeat, eighty-one per cent. of all the gold that has been available for money purposes. In further illustration of this absorption in

THE battle-field upon which it will be fought will be before the two courts of law and that which makes law-public opinion.

Baltimore Sun.

PUBLIC opinion is the strongest support any cause can have in this country, because it is the power which, first or last, makes the law.

"HELLO! Pan-Electric exchange." "Hello!"

"Give us 1888."

"Can't do it; the Republican electric-light wire has crossed our line and burned us out."

EVERY section of the country has productive industries which require judicious protection to establish them and thereby cheapen the product to consumers, and a general protective policy is thus made justifiable to the extent that it may give the greatest good to the greatest number.

THE spectacle of Cincinnati crowing over her return to the pure atmosphere of Republican reform is very interesting. It reminds one of a man going around among his friends telling them he has just taken a Turkish bath and how all fired good he feels.

ROSWELL PETTIBONE FLOWER, of New York, who has just returned from Mexico, says there is a great field for young men in that country. Colonel Flower may yet conclude to move his boom down there and let it grow up with the cactus.

AFTER Mr. Morrison has got the farmers as much down on him by his present tariff bill as the manufacturers already were on account of his previous efforts in that line, there will hardly be anything left in public life for him to live for.

A GERMAN life insurance company called "Die Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft" complains of the irregularity of the mails. Yet one would think it got all its letters. WHAT most threatens Democratic demoralization is the tendency with some of its members to embrace Repaublican measures and adopt Republican methods. HEREAFTER it will be harder for a needle to get lost in a haystack thanfor a man to get a drink in Rhode Island.

"IF THE Government would only boycott Geronimo, perhaps the old rascal would consent to arbitrate things."

IT IS all well enough to talk about home rule in Ireland, but how about home rule in East St. Louis?

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St. Louis Globe-Democrat (Rep.), April 10.

THE deplorable events in East St. Louis admit of but one kind of comment, and that is against the unlawful embargo on traffic which brought them about. It is difficult to fix the blame for the initial act which culminated so tragically. There are different opinions, which we have endeavored to present impartially and fairly, leaving the reader to draw his own conclusions and form his own judgment. The wonder is, considering the condition of affairs which has existed in East St. Louis for more than a week past, that a bloody culmination was not sooner reached. It has been evident for several days that the boundary line of a peaceful strike was being rapidly passed, and that a collision must occur sooner or later Many will say that Governor Oglesby ought to have recognized this fact, and taken the necessary precaution by an earlier call on the militia. But speculation of this kind is fruitless in presence of the appalling facts which are now before us. What is done must be left to judicial inquiry for the vindication of the innocent and the punishment of the guilty. What remains to be done is clear; and that is to preserve the peace and restore the supremacy of the law by the protection of the rights of all classes and conditions of men.

Louisville Courier-Journal (Dem.), April 10.

IT is fearful to have to meet force with force, arms with arms. It is deplorable that such an appeal has to be made, but men are killed by railroad accidents, and accidents are due to ruined engines, to misplaced switches, to burned bridges. There is imminent peril which cannot be averted by tampering any longer with that lawless element which has assumed to act for labor. It does not represent labor; it does not speak for the intelligent and industrious workingmen of America, and the spirit which animates it must be put under control. In this suppression of violence, in this subjection of lawless men, no class has so deep an interest as the workingmen themselves. The interests of these labor unions is bound up in this matter. By lawless acts, by injury to property, the work of years of patient thought and labor may be overturned. Labor organizations have done vast good; they are obtaining a share of public confidence. To obtain it fully they have only to deserve it.

Kansas City Times, April 10.


THE frightful affair at East St. Louis was the result of the lawlessness of un worthy law officers. The responsibility cannot be laid at the door of the Knights of Labor. The only member of the order who figured prominently in the exciting scene appealed earnestly for quiet and observance of order. The unfortunate men who were killed by the murderous volleys of deputy sheriffs were not strikers, and the only punishment inflicted upon strikers was that suffered by the poor fellow whose wife was shot down. This is the work of deputy sheriffs. Such work as East St. Louis saw yesterday cannot be called a repression of mob violence. was the cowardly impulse of incompetent men assigned to a duty which they had not nerve or judgment enough to execute. There was no mob before the shooting, and that there was a mob afterward was the fault of the so styled defenders of the law. The action of the deputies was unjustifiable, stupid and wrong. What they did was worse than anything committed by the strikers during all the weeks of the difficulty between railroad companies and employes. It is earnestly to be hoped that this deplorable affair may be followed by a settlement before another can happen. In the name of all that stands for order and good reputation in the country, the assistance of arbitration should be invoked to make a repetition impossible. Such sickening scenes are too terrible to be endured by a civilized people.

Philadelphia Record, April 11.

BACK of the cowardly ferocity of the deputy sheriffs who used their guns at East St. Louis, the dogged determination of the railroad companies to keep their trains moving and the lawless efforts of strikers to intimidate workmen and damage property lies the chief responsibility for accomplished murder and arson. It rests upon the governor of Illinois. He knew from personal observation the state of feeling at East St. Louis. He knew that business had been violently interrupted at the several railroad yards, and that vast dependent interests were put in jeopardy. He should have brought the power of the State to bear to preserve order, and to protect the peaceful transaction of business after it became certain that the town authorities were unable to do it. The killing of officers, strikers and spectators at Fort Worth and East St. Louis is a blood-offering to be laid at the door of official timidity and incapacity.

N. Y. Tribune (Rep.), April 12, CANNOT workingmen understand that they are taking bread from their own mouths, and money out of their own pockets, by such behavior as they have indulged in recently? No prejudice should blind them to a fact so important to their own interest. Business men all see it; and yet to them the disturbance means only a little difference in profits. For even at St. Louis, where the disturbance has been greatest, the volume of business last month was actually 4 per cent. greater than in the same month of 1885, and last week it was only 2.4 per cent. less than in the corresponding week of last year. Thus more than ninetyseven per cent. of the business of a great city went on, in spite of strikes and riots, burnings and bloodshed. But business men see that widespread uncertainty as to labor means a prolonged depression of industry, the consequences of which will inevitably be felt by all traders and capitalists, though they will fall more heavily upon workingmen than upon anybody else. Why should not workingmen see that they are doing themselves harm

Baltimore American (Rep.), April 13.

CIVILIZATIION must protect itself against riot, and in this country it surely will succeed in doing it. The Knights of Labor understand this very well. Their own leaders tell them all this in the most earnest and powerful way. Mr. Powderly and his able assistants preach it all the while. Yet, in times of excitement, good advice of this sort is distasteful to many. It is particularly distasteful to the tramps and toughs who pretend to be Knights, but who greatly desire the opportunities for plunder which a riot may offer. It is, therefore, the part of wisdom in all hours of excitement for the friends of the cause of labor to do all in their power to allay the spirit of violence, and not to add to it; to hearken always to the voices of their own chiefs when they counsel patience courage and moderation. The cause of labor may win its victory by appealing to the reason and the justice of all the people in America, but it certainly cannot win it by violence or wanton destruction of property.

N. Y. Independent, April 15.

It is Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, who was responsible for the peace of East St. Louis, and he failed of his duty where the southwestern Governors did not fail. We will not say why he failed, whether because of moral weakness or political fright, or as business men there do not hesitate to say-because he was willing to have the difficulties continue and the trade across the river in St. Louis killed so as to divert it to Chicago. This we know, that business is brisk in Chicago and is stopped in St. Louis; that the ruffians have been having their way in East St. Louis, have stopped traffic just where the Governor of Missouri cannot reach them, and have ended their work with conflagration and death.

Prof. Simon Newcomb, in Independent, April 8.

THE Knights of Labor are a body of men having no real interest in common, except what every man has in his fellow-man. When we see them joined in a bond of union so strong that they are ready to submit to the most odious form of taxation, to imperil their means of support and their character as law-abiding citizens, and to surrender their personal liberty to a central power more despotic than that of the czar, we cannot but inquire whether we have not here a sentiment of loyalty and fidelity which can be better directed. It will be better directed if made to coincide with the interests of those concerned. Employers and laborers form a body of producers having a common interest in the effectiveness and prosperity of their organization. Why is this interest so wantonly sacrificed by employes in obedience to a mere sentiment of fellowship? I reply because, as the matter now stands, the community of interest between the parties is not accompanied by sympathy. As a general rule, the two parties look upon their relations from a purely business standpoint. A remedy will be found when the soulless corporation, through its excutive officers, shows a real interest in the general welfare, social pleasure and good feeling of its employes.

Jay Gould. THE question of arbitration has two sides. When Mr. Powderly and I were talking these matters over, I asked him whether he would consent to a scheme of arbitration which should include our grievances against the strikers as well as the grievances of the strikers against us, and whether he would guarantee the payment of an award, if we should obtain one against the order. This proposition did not meet with much favor in Mr. Powderly's eyes, and he said that the rules of the order provided no methods for the collection of money for such purposes,


The Nation, April 8.

THE difficulties with which Mr. Powderly has had to contend are a very valuable contribution to the discussion of all the great schemes of state socialism, not excepting Mr. Henry George's land scheme. They all propose the starting of a business enterprise, such as the world never saw-that is, of a factory in which every man and woman in the nation would be an operative or dependent, and in which every product of human industry would be turned out, but they never say where the managers of the concern are to be found. It would in magnitude bear about the same proportion to the greatest railroad corporation in the world that the German or French army bears to a corporal's guard. Now, it is with the greatest difficulty and by the offer of enormous salaries, that the railroads find competent managers. Where are the managers of the Socialistic States to be found? Who are they, and where are they bred? What inducement is to be offered them for undertaking work that would land any mere man in the lunatic asylum in three months? We have no doubt Mr. Powderly has begun to ponder these questions himself. The trouble with the less thoughtful and intelligent Socialist is that the State which is to take care of the workingman, and raise his wages, and shield him from competition, always appears in their fancy as an all-wise and all-powerful person, who knows everything and can accomplish everything, without board, lodging and washing, instead of being, as it really is, a group composed of Smith, Brown, Jones, White, Black and Green, not one of whom probably could manage a large store, and all of whom are as anxious as anybody to be protected from competition and filled with good victuals at other people's expense.

President Bond, Queen and Crescent Route.

I THINK this strike the greatest blunder ever made by any labor organization. I believe in labor organizations, but with each class or trade by itself, but any combination into one common organization must fail. This trouble will teach the public that Congress alone has the power to protect persons and property in transit, and that an order by a Federal judge is more powerful than that from any local authority.

Savannah News (Dem.), April 9.

THERE is a very firm conviction in the public mind that employers have a right to control their own affairs and to employ and discharge whom they please, and there is an equally strong conviction that workingmen have a right to quit work when they are not satisfied with their compensation, or hours of labor, or for any other reason. They also have a right to combine in order to enforce their demands by acting together; but public opinion will not sustain any attempt of labor organizations to gain their ends by force, or by destroying life and property.

Age of Steel, April 1o.

THE effect of the strike on the promising state of affairs in the manufacturing departments cannot be easily estimated. Not only have thousands of workers in local factories been thrown out of employment, but untold thousands, perhaps millions of dollars in sales of seasonable goods have been lost. Labor has lost heavily and so has capital. At Cheltenham every manufacturing industry was idle in the early part of the week, and the wages of 600 or 800 employes had been stopped. In other parts of the city and in every line of business hands have been laid off in greater or less numbers Wages lost under such circumstances are forever lost; but sales of goods may be apparently and yet not really lost, save in respect of seasonable lines and under certain other rules of exceptions. Thus, while labor is the principal sufferer, capital also loses much by losing the opportunity to make sales.

D. H. Drake, Deputy Dist. G. M., K. of L.

I BELIEVE that the Western strike will serve as a pine knot thrown into a mass of embers that have been smoldering for the past ten years, and that little more will be needed to kindle a fire whose power to damage is beyond the powers of man to foretell.

C. C. Waite, Ex-Prest. C. H. and D. R. R.

I CAN'T indorse the men in their present actions, but I think labor organizations beneficial if properly conducted. I do not think the trouble will spread eastward.

Galveston News (Dem.), April 11.

THE Knights cannot revenge themselves upon the general public for their quarrel with Gould and Manager Hoxie. The public in general does not love Jay Gould, but the public is not going to have the railroad highway blocked by either force or cunning if the public know how to prevent it, and if blood is shed upon a false issue of obstruction raised against the public instead of against Jay Gould, then that blood will be upon the obstructors and whoever goes out of his way to take their part.

Der Deutsche Correspondent (Baltimore), April 12.

THE declaration of war of the laboring men against Jay Gould awakens peculiar reflections. Grotesque as this proclamation may at first sight appear, it produces, upon closer consideration, a most startling effect. The established facts, however, throw into the face of the working man the bold query of Tweed, "What are you going to do about it?" This war points, as its ultimate conclusion, to revolution. With the fall of Jay Gould nothing is accomplished. The system itself must be set aside which makes the Goulds possible; and this system, unfortunately, has rendered itself serviceable to the different forms of government in the world—the republican even more than the monarchical-so that a struggle against it becomes a struggle against civil government and order. Monopolies have existed, it is true, for centuries, but such a monopoly as Jay Gould has created in the short space of half a century has never yet come to light. Like a frightful apparition, it suddenly stands erect before the American people, and excites a foreboding of what may yet arrive in the future. The sympathy of the whole world is on the side of the laborers, but we fear the whole world is not strong enough to shake off and trample monopoly under foot.

The Courrier des Etats-Unis, April 12.

CERTAIN New York journals were exhibiting some days ago an exaggerated optimism with regard to the apparent solution of the strike of the railroads in the Southwest following upon the conferences of Mr. Powderly with Mr. Jay Gould. They were instituting a comparison between the bloody riots in Belgium and the peaceable strikes in the United States, and were triumphing proudly in the pretended superiority of American modes of procedure. Our colleagues saw everything in rainbow hues. But after what has just occurred in East St. Louis they ought to lower their pretensions. It is, indeed, very difficult for them to preserve Now that the their illusions upon the doctrine of letting things have their course. crisis of a day, or rather of a night, is over, comments of every description are * * * It seems, in point rained down upon us, and responsibilities discussed. of fact, that the acts of violence and destruction which have taken place, implicate but a small fraction of the Knights of Labor-the unsubmissive or the undiscip. Of the six individ. lined. The seditious groups comprise people of every class. uals who were killed, but a single one belonged to the order of Knights. The attitude of the general committee since the beginning of the strikes has been pacific. The explicit and reiterated declarations of Mr. Powderly have enjoined calmness, have protested against disorder, and menaced with exclusion every member guilty of violence. Mr. Irons himself, who appears to be a man of less firm equilibrium, has made appeals to legality. It cannot be doubted that their authority has restrained the immense majority of the strikers. But let us suppose opposite reso. lutions, let us imagine a general uprising, which would hang by only a thread were the chiefs to command it, and then what would have become of the eight agents of East St. Louis who, after their unexpected discharge, profited by the recoil of the crowd to betake themselves to their heels? What would have become of the half dozen other agents apportioned out to the different points? And what would have become, we inquire, of the three hundred militia men brought together in haste from all parts, without a common authority, and so entirely at sea, indeed, as to find no one who could direct them to the points at which their services might have been useful?

Pittsburg Penny Press (Ind.), April 12.

THE Knights of Labor have undertaken the mission of emancipating the laborer. They declare that as all wealth is the product of labor, labor is entitled to a fair reward for its toil. Reasonable hours for work and reasonable hours for rest and recreation: ("There is a time for everything," says Ecclesiastes) sufficient food and decent clothing. These for workingmen and workingwomen are what is demanded, and to obtain which the Knights have commenced to revolutionize the world. And they propose to conduct their revolution by peaceful means. For this reason the troops cannot obstruct the movement. The troops may maintain the public peace, in which they will be aiding, not opposing the peaceful labor emancipation; but, in any event, it will prove to be, not a riot, but a revolution; and, therefore, successful.

Atlanta Constitution (Dem.), April 12.

MR. POWDERLY months ago begged his followers to observe their oaths and stand by the principles of their order; adding that while he protested they were right, every hour brought news that they were wrong. The Knights appealed for public confidence by declaring that they organized to prevent strikes, And yet, four month after they became a controlling power in labor, more than 90,000 men have been called out on strikes, often over the protest of older labor unions, Unless this policy is changed; unless violent methods are denounced and abandoned, the Knights of Labor will lose its power and fall short of its promise. There is one thing against which no organization can stand, and that is the settled and deliberate public sentiment of American communities.

Journal of Commerce, New York, April 12.

It is labor against labor; one set of men are determined that nobody else shall work until their own demands are satisfied. There have been many illustrations of this during the recent troubles at the West. An establishment employing 300 hands was out of materials which were in a depot waiting for a freight train to bring them. The train was not allowed to run, and the men were threatened with idleness. They waited on the strikers and asked that the cars loaded with the supplies they needed might be permitted to come to them, but the unionists were inexorable. If all the world was idle they did not care, so that they gained their point.

N. Y. Star, April 12.

THE most formidable threat of armed resistance to the civil authorities in modern times was made in London in 1848 by the Chartists. The projected movement went to pieces on the spreading of the report that the Duke of Wellington had made thorough preparations for the suppression of a riot. If Governor Oglesby had sent a sufficient force to East St. Louis to put down any disorder that might arise, there would have been no shooting. If there had been enough militiamen, they would have had too much confidence in their power to be driven into a hasty use of their arms, and the strikers would not have attacked them. Indeed, the evidence is that, as it was, the strikers did not attack the thugs who acted as deputies.

Philadelphia Press (Rep.), April 13.

THE House of Representatives addressed itself to the labor question again yesterday, and passed a resolution for the appointment of a select committee of seven members to investigate the cause and extent of the disturbed conditions now existing between the railroad corporations and their employes in the Southwest. Doubtless the proposition will receive the usual portion of scoff and jeers which every scheme which aims only at gathering information obtains from the hands of the shallow and unreflecting. Perhaps it will deserve it and prove as great a farce as the Blair Labor Investigating Committee of two years ago. But if it does what it is appointed to do faithfully and intelligently, and attempts nothing more, it will justify its appointment. The majority of the House are lawyers, and, whatever may be their other faults, they know the value of evidence, and that accurate information is as necessary for a legislative body as for a court of justice.


A Carnegie, in The Forum, for April.

I WOULD lay it down as a maxim that there is no excuse for a strike or a lockout until arbitration of differences has been offered by one party and refused by the other. No doubt serious trouble attends even arbitration at present, from the difficulty of procuring suitable men to judge intelligently between the disputants. There is a natural disinclination among business men to expose their business to men in whom they have not entire confidence. We lack so far in America a retired class of men of affairs. Our vile practice is to keep on accumulating more dollars until we die. If it were the custom here, as it is in England, for men to withdraw from active business after acquiring a fortune, this class would furnish the proper arbitrators. On the other hand, the ex-presidents of trades-unions, such as Mr. Jarrett or Mr. Wille, after they have retired from active control, would commend themselves to the manufacturers and to the men as possessed of the necessary technical knowledge, and educated to a point where commercial reasons would not be without their proper weight upon them. I consider that of all the agencies immediately available to prevent wasteful and embittering contests between capital and labor, arbitration is the most powerful and most beneficial.

Philadelphia Times (Ind.), April 10.

THERE is now but one hope of safety to the Western Knights of Labor, and probably to the whole national organization; that is, to stop the strike at once unconditionally, dismiss lawless members, go back to work and then demand conference and arbitration. Such action would at once disarm Gould; it would take from him his only defensive position in the contest; it would assure the great business interests of the country of the safety of labor organizations, and it would recall the popular sympathy for organized industry that it has lost by causeless disturbance of business and by violence.

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