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12 per cent. in Limburg, to 30 per cent. in Holland proper. Of thirty-eight centres of over 10,000 inhabitants, one (Delftshaven) has doubled, seventeen have increased more than 25 per cent., and twelve others have increased from 10 to 25 per cent, during the same period.—Science, April 23.

THE SWINE-BREEDING INDUSTRY.-The great importance of the swine-breeding industry is evident, as we consider that there are about 47,000,000 hogs during the summer season in the United States. The number annually slaughtered is about 28,000,000, and the consumption is estimated at 70 pounds to each inhabitant, or 4,000,000,000 pounds. The annual exportation of 25 years, including hogs with pork product, has been 530,000,000 pounds. The average weight of swine dressed was 175 pounds. The value of hogs annually slaughtered in the United States is estimated by J. H. Dodge, Government Statistician, at $393,570,000.— The Stockholder.

DURING the last year California produced in raisins over 9,000,000 pounds, or nearly three times as much as in 1884. She also sent to market last year 1,500,000 pounds of prunes, 1,823,000 pounds of apples, 1,900,000 pounds of peaches, 1,139,ooo pounds of plums, 650,000 pounds of apricots, 2,250,000 pounds of honey, 1,250,000 pounds of walnuts, and 1,000,000 pounds of almonds.-Christian at Work, April 22.


CHEAP TRANSPORTATION.-The two things which, above all others, the public sentiment of this country has most imperatively demanded, in connection with railway operations, are first, cheap transportation; and second, an avoidance of unjust discrimination. The first is the most essential element of the success and existence of a very large proportion of all the industrial operations now pursued. Without it millions of the real laborers of the country would be in the condition of men stricken down with paralysis. It is the main spring of active exertion, and the creator of possibilities of satisfactory success in the existing fields of agriculture, mining, manufacturing and commercial effort. Myriads of American trade speeches have been made which merely gave utterance to the thought. that the greatest of all American needs was cheap transportation. Thousands of millions of money have been spent by companies and governments chiefly for the purpose of cheapening the cost of transportation. The ends served are so numerous and important that it would be impossible to fully describe them, and it is scarcely an exaggeration to say that the beneficial influence derived from cheap railway transportation alone has been of more real consequence than all other influences combined in building up a very large proportion of all the existing American industries. No fact is more clearly established than that American railways do an immense amount of the cheapest land freight carriage ever performed in the world. This carriage is, indeed, much the greatest and much the cheapest industrial operation in this or any other country. It does just what the American people have most imperatively needed and demanded, and does it so thoroughly that no rational cause for complaint on this score has been left to captious fault-finders. There can be but one opinion in intelligent circles in regard to the response of American railway companies to the demand of the American people for cheap transportation. The companies have not only met every reasonable requirement, but they have surpassed every rational anticipation.-Railway World.

INCREASED RAILROAD BUILDING.-If the country has too many railroads, the railroad managers have not found it out, for they are projecting more with unusual zeal. The Rock Island boasts that it is going to add 700 miles of road; the Burlington is engaged in paralleling essential parts of the St. Paul system; and it is reported that the Northwestern is about to launch a loan of $20,000,000 for extension building. Whether the Chicago strike was or was not settled without any concession to strikers, it was settled, and the Missouri roads are able to publish a very satisfactory report of their condition and prospects. Railroad managers may not realize it, but the fact that the moral influence of the Knights of Labor has been greatly crippled, and the confidence of the public and of the men themselves in the organization seriously shaken, while thousands of railroad workers are now out of employment, is one of importance in estimating the cost of operating railroads in the immediate future. In time the building of new roads will hurt other railways, just as the completion of the Lackawanna line now diverts trade from older Eastern trunk lines, but the immediate effect of railroad building is to give increased employment to a great many branches of industry. Cheap money thus creates business of a certain sort, though it may prove a very much disguised blessing in the end.-N. Y. Tribune.

PROTECTION TO RAILROADS.-Well may the railway companies ask for what they pay vast sums in taxes if protection against violence is not afforded them. The leaders of the great railway organizations begin to realize that they have invoked a power which they are not able to control. The little stream which began to trickle through the banks of the mill pond has grown into a rushing torrent which threatens to sweep away property, law and life along its rapidly widening course, and few in authority seem to have courage to stand against it. If the railway managers yield to the monstrous demands for the removal of honest and industrious employes, against whom no charge is made except that of not belonging to an organization which proposes to enforce its demands by strikes, then the torrent will sweep on and no railway, manufacturing, mercantile or other interest will be safe from the tyranny of organized, uneducated and unprincipled laborbecause the worst elements will thus be in the ascendency, and the fair-minded, law-abiding, intelligent men like Mr. Powderly, Mr. Arthur and others prominent in labor organizations, will be swept away like chaff on the flood. The mob will rule and society and government and religion will be carried onward to destruction.-Railway Age..


EXEMPTING FACTORIES FROM TAXATION.-The Southern States which have,
like Louisiana, shown their interest in the establishment of new manufacturing
enterprises by exempting them from taxation for a number of years, have forced
New England for its own protection and to keep its factories at home to adopt a
similar provision. The plan of encouraging new enterprises has become epidemic
in the East also during the last few years. At the recent charter elections in New
Hampshire, held only a few weeks ago, fifteen towns voted in favor of the tax-
exemption of certain industries established within their limits. New Jersey has
followed suit with a bill "to encourage the establishment and development of me-
chanical and manufacturing enterprises," which contains substantially the same
exemption provision as that in our own constitution. Grave doubts have been ex-
pressed as to the advantages of this provision, especially in a section like New
England, already full of factories; but the result is said by the New Hampshire
and Maine papers to be entirely satisfactory, many new, if small, industries being
already established. In consequence, towns which seemed to decay have since
been rejuvenated and become leading places for business and population because
of the inducements held out by them in the way of tax-exemption. By adopting
this system, which was first offered by the Southern States on a large scale, New
England confesses that the step taken here was the right one. Louisiana has
never, it is true, secured all the good results it was entitled to on account of the
liberal exemption it offered for the investment of capital in manufactories. This
exemption has never been properly advertised outside of the State, and in very few
of the almanacs, geographies, or similar books is any reference, made to it. We of
Louisiana should secure the same benefits from it as the New England States are
doing, and would if the liberality of the State in this matter was better known.~
New Orleans Times-Democrat.

NATIONAL DEBTS.-The immense debt shouldered upon the United States by'
the great civil war is being so rapidly reduced, in spite of necessary and unneces-
sary expenses, that, if unforeseen difficulties do not arise, the close of the century
will find only a small proportion of it remaining. As for Canada, although she is
a rather new and not very populous country, she is not behind in the matter of
debt. Considering the number of inhabitants and the opportunities they have en-
joyed, her present government has been active enough in piling up obligations,
and were these lavish statesmen to continue in power a few years longer, they
would finally leave us hopelessly mired in the swamp of national bankruptcy; but,
as there is no prospect of the Dominion having to endure such a fate, we may
confidently look forward to a time when our public affairs shall be administered
according to the principles of true economy, and then, with our constantly devel-
oping resources, some of these liabilities may be disposed of. In great Britain the
pay-as-you-go policy introduced some years since by Mr. Gladstone prevents Par-
liament from contracting debts for posterity to settle, but other European nations
dispose of all the money obtainable without regard to the prospects of honest pay-
ment. Among the countries taking this course France is easily first. Disastrous
wars and unwise civil expenditures have constantly increased the enormous debt
left as a legacy of the struggle with Germany, until the amount now reaches one
thousand millions sterling, with no immediate prospect of material reduction.
Here, however, as in nearly everything else they do, the strong and weak points
of French people appear side by side. The government spends money as though
it cost nothing whatever, and the consequent burden upon all classes is painfully
heavy; but they manage the matters so that the creditors of the French nation are
French citizens, and a large proportion of the funds paid out as taxes come back
in the form of interest.—Nova Scotia Morning Chronicle, April 19.

GOLD GOING ABROAD.-Last week $2,220,838 gold went abroad, the French
loan being the attraction. Government increased its net gold $629,822, silver
$611,154, and legal tenders $2,512,571, in part because of the withdrawal of $1,-
000,000 bonds held for bank circulation. The New York banks reported a loss of
$1,788,100 in reserve, but still have a surplus of over $13,000,000, and money on
collateral is abundant. A loss of reserve in the third week of April prompts un-
pleasant memories. In 1878, the reserve increased only two weeks after the turn-
ing point in April and then declined, and the stagnation in business and the fail-
ures of that year are not forgotten. In 1879 the rise in reserve after the turn in
April continued five weeks, and ten weeks in 1880, and seven weeks in 1881, and
four weeks in 1882, and thirteen weeks in 1883. But in 1884 there was a decline
in reserve after April 1, and that year was disastrous. In 1885 the rise lasted eight
weeks, but this year, after one week of increase, the reserve stood halting for a
week and now has turned downward. Of course the causes are complicated. But
one is obvious; the imports at New York for the past three weeks have been $25-,
356,226, an increase of 10.7 per cent. over the same week last year, while the ex-
ports for the three latest weeks have been only $15,887,741, a decrease of 13.4 per
cent. compared with the same weeks last year. The exchanges outside of New
York reflect only the hesitation of business which labor disturbances may naturally
cause. Though Boston and Philadelphia exchanges continue much larger than a
year ago, the increase at Chicago last week was only 12 per cent., at St. Louis
only 3.8 per cent., at New Orleans there was a loss of 11 per cent., and at Balti-
more a loss of 16.7 per cent. There are again some symptoms of anxiety less Con.
gress should prostrate business by acting on the tariff, but the general belief is that
nothing will be done.-New York Tribune.

PROSPERITY HINDERED BY DISPUTES.-If the opening of spring has not brought the
revival of business activity that was hoped for, the reason is certainly not in the actual
condition of the country and its resources. It is impossible to overlook the mani-
fold indications of a business vitality that is only held in suppression by the fear
of some sort of artificial interference with the smooth and regular operation of the
laws of trade. It is not the uncertainty of the market that makes manufacturers
timorous; it is the uncertainty of the conditions under which they will be able to

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supply it. It is not the fear of ordinary business risks that hampers commerce so much as the fear of disturbing legislation. There is so much disposition to meddle in other people's business that those who prefer to attend to their own business are afraid to make a venture. If by any possibility there could be brought about an interval of silence in all this fruitless discussion, during which the ordinary processes of industry and commerce might have a chance to get started again in the natural way, we should make a much more hopeful advance toward the solution of social problems than ever will be made by talk. The one way to prosperity that can always be relied upon, by individuals or by communities, is to work for it. To leave off working to engage in disputation never yet brought lasting success. Just now we are having so much talk about capital and labor that there is no chance for either of them to fulfill its proper functions, and the stream of legitimate trade that ought to be flowing through the country now, diffusing prosperity and contentment among all classes, is choked and obstructed by the useless driftwood of foolish and idle disputation.-Philadelphia Times.

THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK.-Labor troubles continue to absorb attention to such an extent that other considerations respecting business are quite forgotten. Already the disturbances and the distrust arising therefrom have seriously affected business enterprise. "There will be no business to speak of," said a member of a well known firm engaged in the manufacture of stoves, etc., "and there will be nothing better until the outcome of the present labor disturbance can be foreseen." "The demand for my goods has slackened," said a box manufacturer, "because my customers, who are manufacturers, do not know whether or not they will want them for next season's trade." "I can make no contract with you," said a builder to a gentleman who requested estimates for a quite extensive improvement, "until this eighthour question is settled." These are samples of the remarks which one hears on every hand. They show that, while the distribution of merchandise for immediate use has not been materially checked, the uncertainty in regard to the future prevents men from entering upon enterprises which can be affected by any decided change respecting the stability of labor and the cost of production. How long will this condition of things last? is the question asked. Because there can be no answer is the cause of the distrust. In a word, the business and industrial outlook depends upon the outcome of the present labor agitation. If the troubles can be adjusted at an early day the country can most confidently expect a period of business prosperity.-Boston Morning Journal, April 26.

BUSINESS STAGNATION.-The steady contraction of all forms of industry and business which has been going on throughout the civilized world for the last ten years, and which still continues without a sign of genuine relaxation or revival, has resulted necessarily in a great diminution in the number and variety of industrial undertakings which offer employment to skilled and unskilled labor. There is no kind of enterprise or manufacture which is now going on with the same energy and life as in the booming days which preceded this general collapse. On every side there is reduction. The old works are everywhere brought down to a much smaller scale of operations, and no new ones are started or projected. For this reason there is now in this country a considerable body of men, used to live by work, who have little work to do, or none at all; and we are apparently on the eve of that condition, most unusual here, an active competition among workingmen for the chances of employment in these diminished and diminishing businesses. The screw of contraction is turning steadily, and the day is not far distant when it will bring us down to a point where the struggle of many to get the work for which but few are needed will tend almost irresistibly to reduce the rates of wages to much lower figures than we have ever known in the United States.-N. Y. Sun.

THE business of the country is now under a strain which it cannot stand for a long time. The reports of foreign trade will show how wide and unfortunate has been the effect of the general tendency toward labor disturbances. Importations have increased immensely of late. Dealers who have been accustomed to lay in stocks of domestic manufacture dare not trust to that source of supply. They have sent their orders abroad for the sole reason that they may be certain of having them filled. Just so much of its customary employment is withdrawn from American labor. Our exports must exhibit corresponding effects. If our own merchants cannot depend upon the market in which they have been accustomed to deal, but go abroad to purchase, our foreign customers can still less afford to take similar chances. Our manufacturers are prevented from making contracts when they do not know what wages may be demanded of them before the contract is filled, and have not even the certainty that they can fill them on any terms at all. The brakes are applied to the wheels of our industries, and returning prosperity is brought to a full stop

A table of the business done at St. Louis in the chief lines

of trade shows that the aggregate is only about half of the amount usual at this season of the year.-St. Paul Pioneer-Press.

PROGRESS IN THE SOUTH.-Industrial progress in the South continues sufficiently steady to give strength to the predictions of enthusiastic writers on the future of the Southern States. The tendency of capital in that part of the country during the past three months may be seen in the quarterly review of our new enterprises prepared by the Baltimore Manufacturers' Record. During the quarter there were organized: 4 iron furnaces, 3 cotton mills, 19 ice factories, 17 machine shops and foundries, 3 stove foundries, 4 agricultural implement factories, 18 flour mills, 24 tobacco factories, 7 furniture factories, 9 gas works, 12 electric light works, 7 carriage and wagon factories, 28 mining companies, and 110 lumber mills, including saw mills, sash and door factories, stave and cooperage factories. The total amount of capital, including capital stock of incorporated companies, invested in new manufacturing and mining enterprises at the South, and in the enlargement of old plants and the rebuilding of mills destroyed by fire during the first three months of 1886, aggregated about $36,557,000, against about $21,000,000 for the corresponding period of 1885.-The Stockholder.

A PECULIAR SITUATION.-Messrs. Narr & Gerlach, of Philadelphia, say: "The whole situation is somewhat peculiar, and it is difficult to see how the dull spell

will end. We rather look for some improvement in 'prices, if the 'labor troubles be speedily and satisfactorily settled, but we have no definite indication that they will be so settled. On the whole, it is a good market to let alone; on any break, we would unhesitatingly advise purchasers, and as confidently advise sales on any rise, as we look for a traders' market for some time to come, until the crop reports begin to figure in the situation."-The Stockholder.

PROPERTY IN THE SOUTH.-Throughout the State of Georgia property is rapidly increasing in value, business is good and the people appear to be doing well. You see signs of thrift and prosperity in every village. Between Macon and Atlanta it is almost one continuous settlement of new houses. The State is growing very rapidly in its manufactures. There should be many more banks, so as to afford better facilities to the people who desire credit. Money now commands altogether too high a rate of interest, considering the kind of security that can be given. This makes a heavy tax upon every business.-Secretary Lamar.

UNSETTLED CONDITION OF THE LABOR MARKET.-The unsettled condition of the labor market still affects general business and all financial operations. One result is undoubtedly found in an increase of a conservative policy among business men which is exemplified by the bank statement of last Saturday. Here we find an increase of $3.500,000 over the previous week in the surplus reserve, putting the banks in a stronger position. There is no doubt that there is a disposition to stand off and wait the outcome of the labor difficulties.-R. R. Review.

RELEASE OF DEBTORS.-We believe that public sentiment would favor the release at once from all further legal liability of any debtor on the consent of a majority of his creditors, and the placing of the entire estate then and there in the hands of a committee appointed by the same power to be equally divided among those who substantiated their claims.-N. Y. Journal of Commerce.



JEWS IN PARIS.-There is no phenomenon more noticeable in the society of London than the ascendancy of the Jews. It is equally noticeable in the society of Paris, where the Jews are carrying all before them by their wealth and social perseverance. First and foremost are the Rothschild brothers, the Barons Alphonse, Edmond, and Gustave, who represent the gigantic and cosmopolitan Rothschild pocket in the Rue Laffitte, and buy the dearest pictures and objects of art to be found in the market. The Rothschilds form a noble dynasty by themselves, rank with the old noblesse, and frequent the most aristocratic houses in the town. Their social position is beyond dispute and above criticism. Besides the three brothers of the Rue Laffitte, who have their private mansions in the vicinity of the Champs-Elysees, Paris is honored with the presence of the Baronesses Salamon, James Edward, and Nathaniel de Rothschild, of the Baroness Marguerite, who has abjured her religion and become a duchess, and of the Baron Adolphe, the last representative of the Naples house. The Baron Adolphe is the most Parisian of the whole Rothschild family. His blonde beard is conspicuous in all the meeting-places of the Tout-Paris. The Baroness Adolphe, like her sister, the Baroness Willy, is a great musician and a most witty and elegant lady. This lastmentioned couple dispense grandiose hospitality in their fine house in the Parc Monceau, preside over a select cosmopolitan salon, and entertain the Prince of Wales when he comes to Paris. The next grade of Jews includes the Foulds and Sterns, whose settlement in Paris dates back to Louis Philippe's time; the Cahen d'Anvers family, whose fortunes helped those of Napoleon III at a critical moment; the Koenigewarters, the Bischoffsheims, the Goldschmidts. Then follows a mass of Israelites hailing from Frankfort, Munich, Constantinople, Odessa, and the Levant financiers, stock operators, commission merchants, who have arrived for the most part since the Franco-German war, and whose names are Saly-Stern, Kann, Leon Fould, Hirsch, Camondo, Erlanger, Gunzbourg, Ephrussi. new dynasties have established themselves in Paris in fine dwellings, and within the past six or seven years they have undertaken to win social prestige, and above all to conquer the Faubourg Saint-Germain. Their tactics have been comparatively simple. The first step was for the men to get elected members of a "swell" club; the Cercle des Champs-Elysees, for instance. This was not difficult. The aristocratic gamblers who frequent the clubs are always glad to get some new and rich ponte upon whom to prey. Club life enabled the Israelite, whether he was count or baron or not, to form a circle of titled acquaintances, and amongst these acquaintances it was possible to find some needy aristocrat, a prince even, who would undertake to patronize the parvenu for a handsome and welcome pecuniary consideration. The degenerate Faubourg counts several persons of both sexes who are ready to make capital out of their name and influence, and to draw up invitation lists and indorse social missives for those who are obliging enough to calm the impatience of milliners and tailors in a discreet manner. Then, again, thanks to their wealth, the new Jewry acquired race-horses, shooting-grounds, and the right of hunting the stag and the wild boar in the forests of the state, and with such bait they tempted the Christians further into the trap, at the same time filling the newspapers with report of their cynegetic exploits, recorded at the rate of so much a line. Meantime, the women proceeded by other strategems. The daughters of the house were sent to the classes of fashionable professors, and ordered to cultivate the acquaintance of their class-mates. The mothers, on their side, endeavored to push their way into society by participating liberally in the innumerable charitable works which are under the patronage of the duchesses and countesses of the noble Faubourg. The duchesses, after consulting a worldly priest, saw no reason to refuse the Jewess's gold; but still the doors of the salons of the Faubourg remained closed to the new Jewry. Then, through the loophole of art, one of these energetic Israelites penetrated the salon of an ex-imperial highness. He made room for his uncles and aunts and cousins, who gradually introduce


their friends and their friends' friends, until at last the Wednesday receptions of the amiable hostess in question have come to be in a large degree receptions of the descendants of the Tribes. Strengthened by this victory, and having gained fresh help as they progressed, thanks to their obliging ways and their lavish hospitality, the Israelites returned to the attack of the Faubourg Saint-Germain, and this time their efforts were not unsuccessful, and their hopes run high for the future of their campaign. Why should not Israel place on the brows of its daughters all the old ducal crowns that it pleases and as it pleases? The disappearance of privileges, the hazards of fortune, the fusion of interests, the frequency of mesalliances, have destroyed caste in France. Why seek vainly to keep up a spirit of caste? general terms the above is an exact account of the conquest of Parisian society by the new Jewry. The existence of the Rothschilds and of the Cahens d'Anvers, for instance, is reasonable enough, and there is nothing to be said against the Jews as Jews, inasmuch as nothing is more respectable than the position which their activity and intelligence enable them to acquire. On the other hand, nothing can be more absurd than to see a vulgar Jewish millionaire, with a pronounced German accent, aping the manners of a grand seigneur and aristocrat, who is the product of many generations of culture and of traditions and prejudices based precisely on those institutions of feudalism and chivalry which are essentially hostile to the traditions and institutions of Israel. Can we imagine anything more grotesque than a parvenu dressing his valets and grooms in a livery copied from that of the old court of Versailles, and organizing in the forests of Fontainebleau and Saint-Germain, still peopled with the shades of Henri IV and Louis XIV, staghunts and boar-hunts with all the pomp and circumstance of the royal hunts illustrated by the brush of Oudry and by the historical tapestries of the Gobelins? But it is vain to protest against such trifles as bad taste and want of tact. The Israelites are rapidly winning their way to the front rank in Parisian society, and the only thing to do is to submit to the invasion with good grace. It is too late to resist. Only a few months ago, when the subscription Saturdays were started at the Opera Comique, the Prince de Sagan and the Vicomte de Turenne were charged with recruiting subscribers for the boxes. "Pas de Juifs, sauf les Rothschilds!" Such was the word of command. But it was all in vain Those subtle Israelites made private arrangements with the nominal tenants of certain boxes, and so they figure in the best seats quand meme.-Theo. Child, in the Fortnightly Review, April.


in-lawhood? And again, is it not rather unreasonable in a young man to object to
her who has had the greatest share in molding the character and training the hab-
its of the one woman he has chosen from all others to be his companion for life?
How strange it is, when one looks the question in the face, that a lady, who is con-
sidered harmless enough until her children marry, should after that happiest of
family events be elevated to such a painful pedestal of disagreeableness. As a
matter of fact, in spite of all that novelists and playwrights have written, the
mothers-in-law of sons generally get on with them far better than with their
daughters-in law. There are plenty of instances in every one's knowledge where
men are deeply attached to their wife's mother, and she to them, but it is not every
daughter-in-law who really becomes a daughter to her parents by marriage. She may
at the same time be on excellent terms with her father-in-law, so much so that one
may hazard the supposition that in every position in life people of opposite sexes
get on best together. The mother-in law is often prone to think no girl is good
enough for her darling boy, and thus begin her new relationship with a prejudice
which the daughter-in-law, confident in the love her husband bears her, may do
nothing to dispel. A greybeard once remarked that it would save half the family
squabbles of a generation if young wives would bestow a modicum of the pains
they once took to please their lovers in trying to be attractive to their mothers-in-
law, and the advice might be followed with advantage in many cases. As a rule,
it may be said that sons or daughters-in-law who complain of their wife's or hus-
band's mother are not themselves such good husbands or wives as they might be.
A man who has a cranky, fractious temper may let off his venom on his mother-in-
law because he dare not or cannot vent it upon any one but his wife or her mother;
and in the same way a young married woman who fails in controlling her servants,
who lets Master Tommy overeat himself, and who runs into a thousand foolish
extravagances, may lay every disagreeable to the door of her mother-in-law-the
upset in the house, the child's illness, and the increase in the bills. There
are other points of view from which the luckless relationship of mother-in-law
might be studied, but it may help many in making life smoother to look at the mat-
ter with a calm judgment, and simply attend to St. Peter's advice "to be courteous,"
remembering that "when the judgment is weak the prejudice is strong.”—Cas-
sel's Family Magazine.

SENSITIVENESS.-The sensitive plant, that shrinks from the touch, is rightly re-
garded as occupying a high place in the vegetable world. When its delicate
leaves are seen drooping from contact with the finger, we might fancy it gifted with
a sort of consciousness, by which it cannot only feel and perhaps suffer, but also
visibly attempt to withdraw from suffering. It is an interesting object to notice,
whatever may be our speculations in regard to it, and we naturally have strong
interest in a plant so curiously endowed. Some men and women in our most civ-
ilized communities seem to be very much akin to this little shrub. Their one dis-
tinguishing characteristic is sensitiveness. They are easily hurt, easily irritated,
easily offended. They translate every touch, however innocent or even friendly,
into an intent to trouble or annoy them. They are constantly fancying slights,
suspecting insults, imagining ridicule, dreading censure. Of course, they have
their fair share of real grievances to deplore, and when to these are added the
countless imaginary ones which a morbid fancy suggests, we cannot wonder that
they are in continual distress, and, if we cannot accord them our respect, we should
not refuse them our sympathy. It seems somewhat strange, however, that any one
should plume himself upon so unfortunate a disposition; yet such is often the fact.
People who thus suffer attribute it to no morbid or suspicious temperament, but to
an acute sensitiveness, of which they are rather proud than otherwise. They con-
ceive themselves to be of finer grain than their more cheerful and trusting neigh-
bors. They are quicker to notice, keener to feel, and therefore exposed to suffer-
ings that a coarser or duller nature will never be troubled with. On this account
they claim more consideration. They think people should be specially careful not
to wound or vex them, because they are so sensitive. What would be only ordi-
nary behavior to most persons they esteem cruelty to them, because of their deli-
cate organization. What is still more remarkable about this class of persons is that
their sensitiveness exhausts itself upon themselves. We might suppose that, with
feelings so acute, they would be extremely careful of the feelings of others; yet
such is not usually the case. Indeed, some of those who claim the most on this
score give the least. With all their keen susceptibility to suffering they do not
hesitate to inflict it heedlessly upon those around them. Their imagination, active
enough in their own behalf, fails utterly in behalf of others. Keen and acute on
one side, they are dull and apathetic on the other. Alive to the least slight or ne-
glect shown to them, suffering from the smallest unkindness, wounded by a forget-
ful or a thoughtless action, they can yet speak hard and cruel words, show open
scorn, or scatter scathing rebuke without apparently any appreciation of the pain
they bestow. Is sensitiveness, then, so fatal a gift that we should prefer to be dull
of comprehension? No faculty is ever better for being dull, but when it is only
sharpened by selfishness its mission remains unperformed. It is then only a means
of personal pain, whereas its true purpose is a wide and general diffusion of happi-
ness. This purpose, however, cannot be fulfilled unless we interpret truly its mes.
sages. A healthy sensitiveness accepts the pain which it must bear as a wholesome
medicine, not dwelling upon its bitter taste, not upbraiding those who hand it, not
regarding it as a permanent evil, but simply using it for self-improvement. At the
same time it gladly welcomes all the pleasant tidings which are thus brought to
knowledge. It is as keen to feel the good as the evil, and finds it in much larger
proportion. It is a poor, one-sided sensitiveness that feels only the cold winds of
neglect or criticism or displeasure, and is dead to the sunny influences of kindness,
esteem, sympathy, and love. If the same sensibility that now quivers under the
one be but quickened to receive the other, life will have far happier days in store
than it has yet disclosed. Above all, acute sensibilities are intended as a direct
means of inspiring generous impulses and cultivating a benevolent character.
They are no longer a torment but a blessing to him who is always sensitive for
others as well as himself. The pleasure and pain he feels, and the sources to
which he traces each, are his continual guides to show him how to diffuse the one

IN DEFENSE OF MOTHERS-IN-LAW.-The sympathy of the world with those who happen to have the infliction of a mother-in-law does not diminish as the world grows older. Only recently this sympathy was manifested by the acquittal of a prisoner in a Paris poisoning case, owing to the counsel for the defence representing him as a victim of his mother-in-law's malignity. From time immemorial the mother-in-law, a term which is somehow always construed to denote the wife's mother, has been a subject of caricature and vituperation all the world over. son-in-law once satirically remarked that one of the reasons why Adam and Eve were so supremely happy in their terrestrial paradise was that no mother-in-law existed in their day; and ethnologists and antiquarians both sustain the argument that directly the mother in-law came into existence a train of miseries originated, which, however severe, have happily not yet driven the sterner sex to a universal vow of celibacy. To support the idea that mothers-in-law have never been favorably regarded, ethnologists tell us that a singular custom, which enacts that a man shall never look upon the face of his mother in-law after he is once married, prevails amongst numerous savage peoples apparently widely sundered by geographical distribution and differences of race. The custom obtains among the Caffres of South Africa, among several of the Australian tribes, and among many Polynesians, a fact which some people assume to point to a common origin of these races, but which others look upon as testimony of the existence of a natural law, as a piece of wisdom indigenous to each of these countries, and the direct growth of individual experience. The custom being found in such widely-separated continents as Africa and Australia, is considered as proving that it must have been suggested by some common necessity of human nature, and reasons are not wanting to show why savages discovered it was better for a man not to look upon his mother-in-law. Primarily, say the supporters of this theory, because his mother-in-law was a picture in anticipation of what his wife was likely to be. Before marriage, a man's mind may not be open to the cold processes of comparison, but afterwards he begins to consider what sort of a bargain he has made, and if his mother-in-law has not improved with age, the ghastly possibility of his wife becoming like her rises before him. Hence these savage tribes prescribed the rule that never after marriage should a man see his mother-in-law, and this in time became a social law or custom. It has been more than once flippantly suggested that this lesson of a venerable experience might be accepted and the custom adopted here, whilst others, equally regardless of social and other consequences, have advocated the institution of a kind of suttee arrangement, which should bind the British matron by social propriety to close her mortal career upon her daughter's marriage. Apart from the suggestion only being available in cases where one daughter alone blessed a marriage, there is the more important consideration that to eliminate mothers-in-law altogether from society, even if it were possible, would be most disastrous in its effects. Is her presence really always so disagreeable, so baneful to enjoyment? Is her advice never needed? The world has always sided against her; it does not stop to consider the double characteristics of legal maternity which are involved when both sons and daughters marry; it still persists in viewing her only in her character of wife's mother, and repeats and revivifies from time to time all the malicious denunciations or witty epigrams that have become associated with her name. Thackeray even, who, with his large knowledge of the world and of the human heart, might have been expected to be more lenient to the unfortunate race of mothers in-law, goes out of his way to draw the horrible Mrs. Mackenzie, pitying his sweet, silly little Rosie and the much-injured wives of her acquaintances, without reflecting that they might in their turn become mothers-in-law. Does not this fact suggest food for reflection to the young husbands of to-day, who a quarter of a century hence may find their loving wives unavoidably drifting into mother

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and to mitigate the other in his intercourse with mankind. Nothing is more selfish than a narrow, one-sided, self-pitying sensitiveness; nothing more ennobling than a sensitive spirit keenly alive to all good influences, and delighting to use them for the welfare and happiness of mankind.-Public Ledger, April 24.

CURIOUS POSTAL GLEANINGS.-Many curiously addressed letters in poetry and prose have passed through the post. Several of the rhyming directions are remarkable for the poetical skill displayed by the writers. The best example we have noted is the following, addressed by Bernard Barton, "the Quaker Poet," to Sir Walter Scott during one of his visits to London :

"Sir Walter Scott, in London or elsewhere;

He needs not ask, whose wide-extended fame
Is spread about our earth, like light and air,
A local habitation for his name."

Charles Dibden, the popular naval song writer, in 1802 sent a letter to Mr. Hay, the comedian, bearing an address as follows:

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We have seen it stated that in consequence of a wager, a letter some years since was posted in the provinces, and was duly delivered in London. It bore four lines

from Pope :

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"My dear Ant Sue as lives in the Cottage by the Wood near the New Forest."

In the latter case, says Mr. Hyde, the letter had to feel its way about for a day or two, but "Ant Sue" was found living in a cottage near Lyndhurst.- William Andrews, F. R. H. S., in " Home Chimes."

HOW TO GIVE AWAY $500,000.-The Pall Mall Gazette lately started a discussion as to what a philanthropic millionaire should do with his money, by publishing a letter from a correspondent who assumed to be the possessor of $500,000, which he wished to leave for the best advantage of his fellow-men, from whom he professed to desire advice in regard to its disposition. Of course the advice was forthcoming in great variety. One man suggested that the most praiseworthy use which could be made of a part of the money would be to give it to him. wanted only $25,000, a sum "the millionaire would not miss," and which to him "would mean the birth of a new life," after an experience of hard luck. Others advised the millionaire to hesitate no longer, but to proceed at once to pay their


debts, and so give them a chance to make the glorious careers to which they were entitled. "Gentlefolk" suggested that the truest benevolence would be to buy for them annuities that would enable them to live as such exceptional people ought to live; and the number of those who had equal claim on the money was so great that if it had been divided up among them they could have got only a few dollars apiece, in which case, of course, they all would have cursed the philanthropic millionaire as an old curmudgeon. Less selfish advisers suggested the foundation of soup kitchens, the establishment of a "Christian morning newspaper," the endowment of the Salvation Army, the support of Canadian missions, the provision of a fund for the discovery of a cure for cancer, and many other notions, each of which would have taken the whole sum. In fine, the need of money was shown to be so general that $500,000 seemed to be an utterly insignificant sum to give away. The Pall Mall Gazette's correspondents alone disposed of five hundred millions at least, and yet they asked for only a small part of what is wanted by individuals and societies. Thereupon the editor sought the advice of two rich men and one philosopher who would like to be rich-the Duke of Westminster, Sir Joseph W. Pease, and Mr. Walter Besant. The Duke had "no hesitation" in suggesting that the $500,000 be left to the London hospitals or to the Metropolitan and National Institution for Nursing the Sick Poor in their Own Homes. Sir Joseph had "only one piece of advice" for the millionaire, and it was that he should be his own executor and give away the money during his life. Mr. Walter Besant was like most people who are not millionaires in being quick to say what he would do if he were one. He would establish a Palace of Delight in which everybody should do as he pleased and be happy all the day long. But after the money was spent he would be sorry that he had not given it to found a "great trade union of needlewomen" and "to educate the upper classes" so that they should come to understand that "cheap things mean starvation wages," and therefore enter into a compact to buy nothing in the way of needlework that was not stamped with the mark of the union, and this stamp should only be put on work that had been properly paid for. Then he thought that a better use for the money might be the endowment of a society of authors, a sort of trade union for their protection against publishers, and finally it occurred to him that, after all, $500,000 would come very handy in his own pocket, and that a man of his tastes could spend it to great advantage and much better than the run of people. So we see that the perplexed millionaire really gets no help in deciding what he shall do with his $500,000. He finds that the sum, great though it may be as an individual fortune, becomes paltry in comparison with what is needed or desired by his fellow-men. It is only as a drop in the bucket, and if he gives it away to alleviate human misery, its effect will be hardly appreciable. That is, society must work out its own improvement, and individual liberality in the way of money will give it little help to that end. The true public benefactors are those who teach men what they need to know in order to bring about their advancement.-N. Y. Sun, April 22.

HISTORY OF THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR.-About eight months after the close of the war the garment cutters of Philadelphia organized as the Garment Cutter Society of Philadelphia. The intention was to pay to sick members a weekly allowance and to bury the dead. In fact, it was a benevolent organization. They continued to hold meetings for four years. At the end of that time, one night in October, 1869, they were discussing some measure, when a member said: "We have been coming here now four or five years; we have our constitution, our laws, our officers, and so far as that is concerned, that is all right. If I am taken sick I will receive a weekly allowance, and if I die I will be cared for by our brothers. But the conditions surrounding me in the workshop have not grown better, but worse. It seems to me that an organization that will go into the workshop.and endeavor to effect a reform there is what is needed, in addition to the association we now have." That line of argument was taken up and continued some weeks. Finally a motion was made that that society be disbanded, and it was disbanded. The founder of the Knights of Labor was a member of it. He was Uriah S. Stephens. As the men were leaving the room that night he asked those present to remain and hear what he had to say. He said that if they would form such an association as had been suggested, one that would endeavor to effect a reform in the management of workshops, mines and foundries, they would endeavor to perfect it. Six of the men remained, talked the matter over with him and agreed to meet again. These seven men and two others met to perfect the organization on Thanksgiving evening in 1869, and the nine men drafted the first crude form of a. constitution and a manual for the government of the association of the Knights of Labor. No man was to know anything about it. It was to be secret in all its workings. The man who joined it was not permitted to mention the name of the association outside of the meeting room, nor was it spoken inside. When written about it was to be referred to by stars. The idea was to bring into the association every department of productive industry. The intention was that no statutes of the organization towards the bettering or change of the conditions surrounding employer and employe would be made until everything connected with the condi tion of things had been discussed and thoroughly understood. The reason for that was that a strike of miners affected not only the miners themselves, but affected the machinists, the engineers, the merchants, the clerks, and everybody connected with industry in that region. In 1874 I was asked one evening if I would not become a member of a club or association, the name of which was not mentioned. I went, and was initiated into the order of the Knights of Labor. Up to that time I knew nothing of it; but when I saw in that meeting room a locomotive engineer, a stationary engineer, a miner, a laborer, a truckman, members of my own craft and others, I made up my mind that that was an association which, of all others, was calculated to do good to the laboring man. This man Stephens, who formed the first local assembly, was afterwards elected master workman, and at Reading elected to the position of first grand master workman of the Knights of Labor. The organization continued under him for one year and nine months, when his health failed, and when the convention met at Chicago he sent a letter of declination, declining to be again elected, and suggesting two names from whom his successor should be chosen. I was elected, and from that time to the present I have


been the chief officer of the Knights of Labor. The organization was intended to take in not only the man who worked at the bench or in the mine, but every man who toiled, by hand or brain, in any honest occupation. We left out one or two honest occupations--lawyers and bankers-because we felt they were fully capable of taking care of themselves.-T. V. Powderly, G. M. W., before the Strikers' Investigating Committee.

country. There is not a year when hams and bacon do not bring higher prices in some great pork-producing counties of the West than they do in New York. There are Southern counties where the watermelon grows so easily that the small boy scorns to steal it, yet in some towns in these counties a watermelon costs twice as much as in any Northern city. There are cattle-ranches in the West where milk, when there is any, brings 50 cents a quart, and great grain farms on the prairies whose owners never in their lives tasted an ear of sweet corn. And, coming back to shad, there are times when these fish are running up our own river by tens of thousands that a breakfast of shad costs more than one of beefsteak, although the shad comes right to town and needs only to be taken from a net, while the beef has to be fed at least three years and then brought half-way across the continent by rail. No, there's nothing singular about it, except in the fact that where food products most abound human nature seems most incompetent to make full use of its opportunities. America is, above all others, a land of plenty, but no one would imagine it after looking at a price-list of family supplies.-N. Y. Herald.

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THE RIGHT KIND OF BANK.-Down with the little toy savings bank! I believe it teaches children to be selfish. I hate to see a child, a sweet, innocent child, with dimpled hands and a laughing face, clutch the penny or the nickel you give it close in its little fingers, and run first to drop it into the greedy, miserly savings bank," and then come back to thank you. We teach the child to be selfish when we give it a penny to drop in the missionary box and fifty cents to buy a toy for itself; to dole out a penny a week for charity and keep the savings bank rattling full. But haven't I a savings bank in my home? Indeed, I have; and I'd like to see you or any other man, except one of my dear friends, the Vanderbilts, pour money into the top of that savings bank as fast as the prince can draw it out at the bottom. That's the way to run a bank. Make her useful; milk her. "Mr. Speaker," said the California legislator, "may I ask how much money there is in the State treasury?" The Speaker estimated about $40,000. Then," said the member, "I move to rake her." What good does the money do locked up? If you don't spend it, some alderman will get hold of it.-Burdette.

MORAL INFLUENCES OF ARCHITECTURE.—Our architects are scarcely conscious, I fancy, of the happiness or unhappiness, progress or retrogress, pleasure or pain, for which they are accountable. They do not realize what a moral as well as æsthetic influence they have over the people, and how responsible they are for the moral tone of society. The planners of our houses have as great an influence in forming our character as the preachers in our churches a more lasting influence; for while the latter must reach and move us by too-swiftlyforgotten words, the former find expression for their teachings in enduring structures of wood and stone. What some of these lessons are will be pointed out in the sequel. How quickly and accurately we judge, by driving through the streets of a town, what is the grade of its citizenship. When we see row after row of houses built after much the same plan, with no expression of individual style, taste, or preference, we expect to find the inhabitants as strangely alike, of the same low standard of intelligence, destitute of independent opinions, public spirit, and personal ambition. On the other hand, the citizens of a town whose houses express character, variety, and good taste are likely to possess the same qualities. Where houses lose all individuality the people who live in them are likely to suffer the same loss, and vice versa. But beside the general effect which good or bad architecture has upon a people, there are special traits of character which are developed and fostered by special merits or defects in our public and private buildings. One humble but very important lesson which domestic architecture should enforce by giving no room for its opposite is cleanliness. All gloomy corners, dark cupboards, and damp closets, in which to store away rubbish and invite dust, mold, and decay, should be banished from the earth. Another lesson is cheerfulness. If blue sky, bright sun, and green fields make the heart of man rejoice, why should not pleasant, comfortable, tasteful homes? If dull days, dreary landscapes, barren deserts make people feel gloomy and sad, why should not sour tempers and morose dispositions be fostered by badly-lighted, awkwardly-planned, poorly-decorated rooms? For the four walls of a room are the only landscape which many people see from one day's end to another. Such lessons as these may seem slight and trivial, but human happiness or misery is often caused by the continued presence of little pleasures or annoyances. Of the lessons of fitness, proportion, or good taste, of which every well-built house is an embodiment, I need not speak, for they have less to do with the moral than the aesthetic influence of architecture. There is yet one lesson taught by good architecture whose importance makes it deserve far more attention than it has yet received. True architecture is a living sermon, and its text, which it writes on every building it constructs, is "Avoid sham; be what you appear to be." Not all have learned rightly to read this text, but all may and will learn it as architectural principles come to be better understood by the public And surely no nobler lesson could be before our people than this which is symbolized by all our buildings worthy of the name. A parent should be as careful that his nouse does not teach his children deceit as that his words do not. Many of our boys and girls, I fear, learn to like sham, to do and wear for effect, to be what they do not appear to be, from the deceitful construction, false windows, sham doors, painted marble, and paper carving of their father's house. In our more elaborate public buildings-the school, church, library, court-house-if the building is architecturally adapted to its intended use, it will awaken ambition, reverence, love of knowledge, respect " for the powers that be," as the case may be. A gaol or prison, whose forbidding aspect, barred windows, and massive walls bespeak its intended use, will have a more wholesome influence on a community of young rascals than a dozen sermons preached from the text "thou shalt not steal."—E. S. Babbitt in Building.

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ORES AND COAL IN THE ORIENT.-Upper Burmah receives, or used to receive, most of its copper from China and Yunnan. Copper ores are found in Momn and the Shan States, and are, to some extent, smelted. The export trade of copper from Rangoon consists merely of worn-out copper vessels originally brought from China. Most of the gold used in Burmah is imported from China. The local production is derived from washings in the Upper Irrawaddy, the Hukung, the Kyendwen, and their respective tributaries. The amount obtained appears to be not very considerable. Platinum occurs with the gold in several of these localities, and is said to be well known to the Burmese, who call it by a name signifying white gold. Coal is known to exist, and is even worked to some extent at Thungadaw, on the Irrawaddy, seventy miles above Mandalay; at Shuaygu, below Bhamo; at Membalung, in the Shan States, east of Mandalay; in the Yaw district, southwest of Mandalay, &c. It is found also' at Pagan and Shimpagahı.— Building.

IMMIGRATION IN LOUISIANA. The interest in the subject of immigration recently, and currently taken by the press and people of this locality, is attracting very wide attention. Until the colony in Calcasieu parish was successfully started by our Bureau of Immigration but little of a tangible nature was known in other States concerning the opportunities for and advantages of settlement in our Commonwealth. The mere fact that a number of Western farmers have been pleasantly and prosperously located in the heart of Louisiana is one of the strongest immigration cards that we could possibly have. Hundreds of Western and Northwestern people have learned of it, to their great surprise, during the two expositions, and the fame of the new Northern invasion has spread pretty much everywhere. It has set the prairie farmers of the grasshopper belt and of the belt above that, where grasshoppers freeze to death in the early summer, to thinking about this fertile country and genial climate down towards the Eads ship railway. What the average Western agriculturist doesn't know about that interoceanic project is something that has not yet appeared in the papers. The joys of life in a region where almost anything will grow, and where a man can work out of doors in his shirt sleeves twelve months in the year, strongly appeal to the blizzard-torn denizen of the treeless plains north of us, and it only requires a little promotion to bring them down to us about as fast as homes and farms can be supplied. Louisiana has made a most satisfactory start in the line of securing an immigration of farmers. It now remains to do some more work for the purpose of inducing another worthy class of people to come in and become identified with us. course we refer to capitalists.-New Orleans Times-Democrat.


SHAD AND OTHER THINGS.-Our wide-awake contemporary, the Macon Telegraph says that Macon men in Florida laugh to see the natives opening canned tamatoes in sight of tomato plants loaded with ripe fruit. Then the said Macon men go to their own homes and buy Florida shad, at Washington market prices, although their own river is full of them; and the Telegraph asks: "Is it not a little singular?" Bless you, no! The same sort of thing is going on all over the

EDUCATION OF THE INDIANS.-I believe that every Indian child not belonging to the civilized nations should be educated and taught agriculture or some trade or useful occupation at the public charge. This policy, pursued for ten or fifteen years, will relieve us of the Indian question. We shall have no Indian wars with tribes whose children are in our schools. Full citizenship should be granted, and as fast as possible, without too great violence to the habits and prejudices of the Indians, lands in severalty.-Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts.


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BINDING OF HUMAN SKIN.-Following the example of Mr. Joseph Zaehnsdorf, who lately bound two Elzevir editions in human skin, another London binder has executed an order to incase a copy of Hans Holbein's "Dance of Death" in the same ghastly integument, certainly a very appropriate covering for this work. These are not the only instances, however, in which the casing of the form divine" has been utilized. In the library at Mexborough House, near Methley, Yorkshire, there were formerly two books, Sir John Cheek's "Hurt of Sedition" and Braithwait's "Arcadian Princess," both bound in the prepared skin of Mary Bateman, "the Yorkshire witch," who was executed early in the beginning of this century for murder; but these were among those which disappeared during the cataloguing of the library for sale, when one of the former Earls of Mexborough was in difficulties. Yet another instance. When the writer was last in Paris he was shown a small book by a dealer, who solemnly avowed it was bound in a portion of the skin of the notorious Louvet de Couvray, and which he valued at 1,000 francs, and for authentication of which he produced a long pedigree.— Christian at Work.


NOTES --Science charges Dr. Ball, the Royal Astronomer of England, with plagarizing much of the works of Prof. Newcombe and Young in his Story of the Heavens.- -The New York publishers are leading in the early-closing move-A new novel by Hugh Conway, entitled "Living or Dead," is announced. Is he living or dead?They are having an exhibition of Bronté relics over in England.- -Appleton & Co. will send out a new edition of the Memoirs of General Sherman next week.. -Madame Henri Greville and her husband have returned to France.- -Sampson Low, the great English publisher, is dead.. Morse's "Thomas Jeffers" is to be the initial volume of the American Statesmen series to be published by Douglas, of Edinburgh.Leopold Schenck, one of the founders of Puck and editor of the German edition of it, died on the 13th inst., at the early age of 43.- -The New York Hospital Library contains 28,000 medical volumes, and the New York Academy of Medicine has in its library 30,000 volumes and on file 200 medical journals.—The

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