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other criminals who escape to Canada and there find a safe asylum spend their days in vain longings to return to this country, and are good examples of the Sunday-school theory that the way of the transgressor is always hard. The real facts are that the majority of bank cashiers, boodle aldermen, and others who form the rogue's colony in Montreal and Quebec carried so much of this world's goods with them that they feel no want, while remorse is not a matter which touches what by courtesy we call their souls. From all the accounts received, Eno, Walker, and the score of other embezzlers and defaulters who escaped over the border with remnants of their plunder, enjoy life in the dominion, and a few of them, by virtue of their wealth and their connections, have been admitted to society in the Canadian cities. The boodle aldermen of New York live as they lived in the me. tropolis a swinish existence which looks on good food and unlimited champagne and the company of congenial rogues as the height of earthly felicity. All the theological theories of the awful effects of the violation of a moral law fall to the ground when dealing with such people as these. The bank officer who has stolen the money of poor depositors for years, and who has committed this meanest kind of theft to gratify his passion for gambling or his sensuality or his desire for display, has no semblance of a conscience left. He parted with that troublesome mentor in the early days of his stealings, and the reports of his mental suffering and his total prostration when exposure comes are utter nonsense. Sympathy is wasted on such creatures. Of ten defaulting bank cashiers and embezzling brokers who have fled to Canada within a few months, nine have been men who hid their rascality under the cloak of religion. They added hypocrisy to their other offenses, and with the daily and hourly consciousness of their deceit and dishonor they have posed as leaders of the church and models for youth. When exposure overtakes such offenders they deserve no more consideration from honest men than the professional criminal. In most cases it is only lack of physical courage which prevents them from joining the criminal class.-San Francisco Chronicle.

A NOVEL PLAN OF BURIAL.-General M. C. Meigs, U. S. A., discusses the burial of the dead as follows in Building:

I see that the question of disposing of the dead in towers of masonry, or by cementation is being discussed. It is not new. Asiatic conquerors have built the living, after capture of their cities, into towers of masonry, using their bodies as blocks and generally the adobe mortars of the desert plains for cementing them together. One of them built a pyramid or tower containing thousands of heads.

The city of New York inters in its Potter's Field about four thousand bodies annually. Europe rents a grave site for a term of years-a short term-and then disinters the bones and packs them in a catacomb or a vault. Would not New York save money and treat its dead with greater respect if it embedded each body in a mass of Hudson river cement and sand (Béton Coignet)? I find that onehalf a cubic yard of Béton Coignet will completely enclose the body of a man of six feet stature, weighing 200 pounds. The average human being would require even less than thirteen cubic feet. At ruling prices such a sarcophagus would cost only two or three dollars. The name and date, a perpetual record and memorial of the dead, could be inscribed with letter punches or stamps on the head or foot of the block or sarcophagus. Ranged alongside of each other in contact, and in two rows, i. e., two blocks deep, these would build on any suitable plan a fourteenfoot wall, massive enough and strong enough to be carried to the height of 150 feet.

Thus would be erected, at the rate of nearly 2,000 cubic yards per year, a great temple of silence, a grand and everlasting monument to those who pass away. The designs for such a monument seem worthy of the study of our best architects. It might be a pyramid, a cone, a tower, or a temple or a long gallery like those of the Italian city of Bologna, the most beautiful cemetery in the world.

Many years ago the London Architect published the proposal of an architect to erect by slow degrees and in successive courses a solid pyramid in which, in cells, the dead of London would be enclosed. But this made no provision for memorial inscriptions or visible records. The fourteen-foot wall does this.

were sometimes destined to be done by a band of young men and sometimes by a group of old ones. At the beginning of the present century, for instance, most of the heroes of peace and war were young. Napoleon was not much over 30 in the days of Austerlitz and Marengo; few of his marshals were older. Wellington passed his fortieth year in the Peninsula campaign. Pitt, after 20 years in the Premiership, died at 47. Nelson was just the same age at Trafalgar, Our poets, Byron, Shelley, Keats, and Coleridge, were young; Sir Walter Scott was looked upon as quite a patriarch of letters at 55. At present we are in the cycle of the seniors. We have Mr. Gladstone and M. Grevy, Prince Bismarck, and the German emperor, all of whom, if they belong very actively and vividly to the present, would have left a good record of notable work behind them if they had joined the majority before M. Benedetti altered the map of Europe by forgetting his manners on the promenade at Ems on a certain critical day. And the strange thing is that when these veterans disappear from the stage they seem likely to leave no successors. No doubt Providence has not forgotten posterity, and the next generation will be duly provided with its proper proportion of great men. But it must be admitted that they are slow in making their appearance. Who is to succeed Prince Bismarck in Germany? Who has taken up the mantle of Victor Hugo in France? Who are to be the successors of Lord Tennyson and Mr. Browning? As for politics, we do not forget Lord Randolph Churchill and Mr. Chamberlain in this country, or Count Kalnoky, M. Tisna, and M. de Freycinet abroad, when we say that the nineteenth century-the century of statesmen-shows at present but faint prospect of closing with such a galaxy of great men as that which shed luster over its infancy and its middle age. Let us hope that destiny, in one of its freaks, is only waiting till the old heroes are cleared off the board to startle us with a constellation of the young geniuses in peace and war, in letters and in arts. In the meanwhile we have old men, and may be thankful for them.--London Standard.

SPAIN AS A REPUBLIC.-Politics in Spain is in a state of complete stagnation, and those who discuss the subject are every day forging sensational news and prognostics concerning the future that is awaiting our country. Rumors are also in circulation relative to the alleged infirm health of the Queen-regent, who is now sojourning at Grenada, occupied with the cares and responsibilities of her position as a mother, without for that reason neglecting the dispatch of affairs of state. The Republican Coalitionists go on, and will continue thus to go on discussing, per secula seculorum, without coming to a mutual understanding, however much some eminent Republicans are working to this end. El Liberal, although a Republican journal and holding no compromising relations with any group, has published by way of inspiration the following programme, which Senor Castelar judges would unite all Republicans, without the sacrifice of the special aspirations that are the ideal of any one of them. This is the programme: A republic; Administrative decentralization; Universal suffrage: An army as small as possible, but under the best possible discipline, with large reserves to meet a contingency of continental war. In the judgment of Senor Castelar this war is not distant; and it would be easy, he thinks, to find ourselves involved in it. Absolute respect for individual rights. Respect for the vested rights of the clergy. France, he says, recognizes the latter, and it would be insensate for the country of Torquemada to deny that which is conceded by the country of Voltaire. In a word, it is the opinion of Senor Castelar that a republic would not be possible in Spain, unless all Republicans shall declare themselves united upon a programme, and unless the country should see further that it is an outline of government capable, at any moment, to-day even, of being substituted for the monarchy and regency. To this programme Senor Castelar does not at present aspire; far less does he think that one on which Spanish Republicans could unite would be of any long duration. He declares that for himself, and for the country as a republic, it would suffice that it be accepted for a period of ten or twelve years.-Madrid Correspondence of Las Novedades, translated for Public Opinion.

OLD AND YOUNG GREAT MEN.-It would seem as if the work of the world

THE COMPLETION OF THE BARTHOLDI STATUE.-After nearly three years of study and deliberation, the manner of lighting the Bartholdi statue of "" Liberty Enlightening the World" has been definitely decided upon. The plan adopted is one which is in conformity with the general design of the statue itself, and which will add to its beauty in a marked degree. The torch of the statue will contain eight lamps of 6,000 c. p., the light from which will be thrown directly up into the clouds. This powerful beam, together with the cloud illumination, will constitute a beacon which will be visible probably a hundred miles out to sea, and will thus, afar off, be symbolic of the light and liberty to be enjoyed by the visitor to our shores. At the foot of the statue four or eight lights of 6,000 c. p. each will be distributed. Their light will be reflected upon the statue and will illuminate it brightly. All these arc lamps will be invisible themselves, so that the objections raised by the river pilots against the blinding effects of the light will be entirely removed. Besides the arc lights all around the statue, the diadem upon the head of the figure of Liberty will contain incandescent lamps, to give the effect of jewels. The whole plan is undoubtedly an excellent one, and can not fail to make the statue even more imposing at night than in the day-time. It is understood that the American system of lighting is to be used.-Electrical World.


ANOTHER PERPETUAL MOTION CRANK.-The last paradoxer to discover perpetual motion has just been revealed in Springfield, Ohio, by the Globe-Republic of that town. He is a Frenchman of venerable years, but full of fire and, of course, quite certain that he has done the trick. Unfortunately an accident has happened to some part of his machine, so that a conclusive demonstration can not yet be given. The Globe-Republic amply sets forth the inventor's belief in the genuine. ness of the discovery and therewith prints the opinion of scientific authorities upon the problem. It is hardly correct, however, to speak, as our esteemed contempo. rary does, of perpetual motion as a "dream of science." It is, in truth, a dream of sciolism, not of science. Science knows, and has long known, that the problem is insoluble in practice, and the reasons for this conclusion are at once so simple and so conclusive that a remarkable degree of crankiness is needed for the crea tion and maintenance of a belief in the possibility of success. If a man should appear who declared that he had solved the problem of carrying himself in a basket, it is doubtful whether even the most confirmed perpetual-motion crank would give in his adhesion to the statement. But perpetual motion is, in effect, identical with carrying one's self in a basket.

No doubt seeking perpetual motion is an innocent way of wasting time, comparatively speaking. It is decidedly a better way than making dynamite bombs, for instance. The Springfield Frenchman certainly has not discovered perpetual motion, for perpetual motion is an impossibility. To intimate that he may have done so is to assert that action and reaction may possibly not be equal; that two and two may possibly not make four; and so on, indefinitely; and this is nonsense. No doubt the poor Frenchman has derived a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction from his hobby, and no doubt he will go on tinkering with it to the end of the chapter, for paradoxers of his kind are utterly incapable of being set right, as is obvious when one considers that their peculiar mental condition disables them from thinking in straight lines. Probably a time will never come when there will be no cranks of this harmless character, and they are interesting studies so long as they are presented for what they really are.--New York Tribune.

LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONY.-There is a popular belief that the long-distance telephone is crowding the telegraph to the wall, and only awaits the expiration of the way at present are legal rather than scientific. This seems, however, to be an certain contracts to usurp its place altogether; in other words, that the obstacles in error, and we turn to a report of the National Telephone Association, recently sit ting in St. Louis, to prove the correctness of the assertion. By this we find that

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while much is being accomplished in long-distance telephony at various parts of the country, it has not reached a point as to efficiency which may be regarded as wholly satisfactory, nor has it yet proved itself formidable in competition with the telegraph. Long-distance telephony may be compared, perhaps not inaptly, with fast time on the railway. It is possible on the railway to make a mile a minute, and still better time is sometimes made both here and abroad, but it has been found undesirable, on economic grounds, to run faster than forty miles the hour. So in telephony one hundred miles or thereabout seem to be the paying limit at present, notwithstanding the fact that a line has been successfully operated between New York and Chicago, a distance of nearly 1,000 miles, and several others have been experimented with, each giving more or less satisfaction, according as the conditions under which it was operated was favorable or unfavorable. The Wisconsin Telephone Company has a line in regular and successful operation 199 miles in length, the Ohio Valley Company one of 156 miles, the Michigan Bell Company one of 145 miles, the Great Southern one of 142 miles, and the Central D. & P. Co., of Pittsburgh, one of 135 miles. But, on the other hand, twelve out of the nineteen principal companies do not possess a single line in successful operation which has a continuous length of 100 miles.-Scientific American.

THE WEAR OF NIAGARA.—The American Association for the Advancement of Science, in session at Buffalo, listened to a paper by Professor R. S. Woodward, of Washington, on "The Rate of Recession of Niagara Falls." The Professor said that the area of the rock worn away at the Horseshoe Falls between the years 1842 and 1875 was 18,500 square feet, equal to .425 acres; between 1875 and 1886, 60,000 square feet, or 1.37 acres. The main length of the contour of the falls is 2,300 feet. The time required to recede one mile, if the rate is 2.4 feet per year, is 2,200 years.-Building.


NOTES. A Flemish academy of sciences and arts is to be established at Ghent. The government has apppointed the first eighteen academicians. The academy Five seats will be reserved for Dutch scholars and writers. will be inaugurated on the 10th of October by the Belgian minister of fine Professors Fischer and Penzoldt, of Erlangen, have established the curious fact that the sense of smell is by far the most delicate of the senses. They find that the olfactory nerve is able to detect the presence of 1-2,760,000,000 of a grain of mercaptan. According to observations made in Munich on a zinc roof which had been in use for twenty-seven years it is estimated that such a roof 1-48th of an inch in thickness would last for 1,243 years. It was found that the rust of zinc, instead of hastening, like iron rust, the oxidation on the metal underneath, really protected it. Carl Meyers made from the fair-grounds in Franklin, Pa., on Wednesday, Sept. 8, the first ascension known with natural gas, the balloon rising just one mile, and sailing about one hour. A New York watchmaker says that the multitude of telegraph, telephone, and electric-light wires in large cities has much to do with the variations and stopping of watches that hitherto have been good time-keepers. Electro-plating with silver upon wood is now successfully performed, the process being adapted to handles of all kinds, including canes and umbrella sticks. Los Angeles, Cal., is to have an electrical railway. Boston takes some pride in its elevator run by electricity, and is going to operate at least a score more that way, to begin with. The application is far from new, however, except to Boston. New York city has had such elevators for years, and Mr. Stephen D. Field ran one in San Francisco in the seventies. We are inclined to think that one of the largest fields of utility for the motor will be in operating elevators, especially in private houses and smaller office buildings that can not afford the expensive plant now required.—Electrical World. power for the Windsor (Toronto) Electric Railroad costs but $2 per day. The equipment cost $9,000 for 11⁄2 miles of road; the receipts are $500 per month; so that, after paying all expenses, a profit of 75 per cent. is realized.-Electrical Review. The number of telegrams sent annually over the English telegraph lines has increased from 9,000,000 in 1870 to 34,000,000 in 1885—a pretty good showing for government control.-Electrical Review. L'Astronomie records a fall of luminous rain during a thunder-storm at Sotteville; that is to say, the drops on touching the ground produced flashes of red and violet light. Similar phenomena have been previously recorded. Herr L. Solenche having shown experimentally that the friction of ice and water results in the positive electrification of ice, and consequent negative electrification of water, considers it probable that the friction of cumulus and cirrus clouds may be sufficient to account for thunder-storms.



DO WE WANT A NEW THEOLOGY?-Do we want a new theology? Yes and 110. Old it will prove when we have found it, as the oracle which first uttered it from heaven; yet new, as it comes with freshness and power to men's hearts and minds. The oldest things are always the newest; and it can not but be that in the fresh realization of the infinite truth there should be variations. Hence, as a mitter of fact, there have been change and progress in theology, among the most orthodox and devout, from age to age. The Nicene fathers in their great discussions laid stress on many points which have passed from our sphere of thought, and on other questions which to us are vital they bestowed no attention at all. The controversy between the elder and the younger generations is perennial. We can hardly understand how the questions which absorbed the minds of men fifty years ago have ceased to interest the present generation, and that other problems have arisen which could not have been thought of a generation ago. Every thinking man who has passed middle life could give the history of almost forgotten discussions on which he was hotly eager, but which now rage no more because the questions are settled, or because they are pronounced insoluble, or because the combatants have proclaimed a truce; they do not touch the heart of religion or interfere with the great realities of faith and love. One encouraging thing amidst all the debates is to be

noticed, that the deepest theology of the churches centers more and more in the historic Christ as the living Savior, and that in this respect we are going back to the old Nicene days. The sure instinct of the early Christian thinkers taught them that Christ Himself was the Gospel, and that in such measure as men could appreciate His personality, human and Divine, would their faith be strong and their salvation sure. To know Christ was their aim. The strength of the present movements in religious thoughts consists in their return to the easiest and better way. The universal celebration among all religious denominations of such days as Easter is a sign that men are learning that with the doctrine of the Risen Christ Christianity stands or falls. It is Christ whom men want-Christ who teaches human life at every point, and, in so teaching it, lifts earth to heaven. To us it seems the surest condition and most hopeful sign of religious revival that, with quickened human sympathies, larger thoughts of God, and an intenser appreciation of what Jesus Christ is to mankind, our ministers and teachers and writers are making Him to live again among men. Our modes of thought may change, our opinions may be modified, we may learn and unlearn many things, but He is the same, yesterday, and to-day, and forever.-Frovidence Journal.

THEISM AND SUICIDE.-In a volume of criminal statistics which has recently been published in France the chapter devoted to suicide is of particular and painful interest. The number of suicides has been steadily increasing in France, and is now nearly twice as large as it was at the beginning of the second half of this century. Thus, for the ten suicides to every 100,000 inhabitants in 1851, we have twenty in 1884, and neither times of disaster to France, such as the years of 1870 and 1871, nor periods of prosperity, when all industries flourished, make any considerable difference in the sinister records. This state of things is accounted for in different ways by the various organs, but of course the Francais knows it is all the fault of secular education. "Another ten years of atheist teaching in our schools, and the number of suicides will be ten times as large," is its prediction, and, after all, the Francais may be right. Theism may be true or false, but is obviously a

barrier against suicide.-Pall Mall Gazette.

NOTES. By the death of Mr. Samuel Morley many philanthropic institutions in London and Bristol lose a great supporter. It is said he gave away between £20,000 and £30,000 yearly. The Congregationalists will also miss him, as twentyfour of their chapels in the metropolis were indebted to him as their founder. The English Church Missionary Society has received the sad tidings of the death of Mr. O'Flaharty, of Uganda Mission, Central Africa, while on the Red Sea, returning to England. The Zoeintza, a Christian newspaper published in Bulgaria, has been suppressed by the Turkish government. The Evangelical Alliance of Japan has 168 churches organized, 57 of the number being wholly selfsupporting. The native ordained ministers number 60; unordained, 113. The total church membership is 10,775, besides 903 baptized children. The total number of foreign missionaries is 280, of whom 110 are men and 74 unmarried women. The adult converts baptized in 1885 number 3,115. The Protestant churches of Britain, America and the continent of Europe have 3,000 ordained missionaries; 730 laymen; 2,500 women laboring in all parts of the heathen and Mohammedan world. These are now preaching the gospel in twenty times as many languages as were spoken on the day of Pentecost. If these 6,230 agents were distributed among the 870 millions of heathen and 170 millions of Mohammedans, it would give 167,000 to each missionary. Twenty-six thousand native converts are employed as evangelists among their own countrymen, and 2,500 as ordained pastors of native churches. A lady has placed the sum of $200,000 in the hands of Rev. H. S. Hoffman and Mr. C. M. Morton for the purpose of establishing in West Philadelphia a divinity school for the Reformed Episcopal Church. The "Minutes of Conference," just issued, shows the strength of Methodism at home and abroad. Great Britain-Members, 412,384; on trial, 28,531; ministers, 1,607; on trial, 81; supernumeraries, 282. Ireland-Members, 24,644; on trial, 725; ministers. 173; on trial, 21; supernumeraries, 42. Foreign Missions-Members, 39,924; on trial, 4,274; ministers, 221; on trial, 113; supernumeraries, 7. French Conference-Members, 1,592; on trial, 76; ministers, 28; on trial, I; supernumeraries, 4. South African Conference-Members, 23,547; on trial, 8,611; ministers, 119; on trial, 51; supernumeraries, 10. West Indian Conference-Members, 43,317; on trial, 1,807; ministers, 67; on probation, 18. Totals-Members, 536,408; on trial, 44,024; ministers, 2,215; on trial, 285; supernumeraries, 345. The number of ministers and members in the Australasian Church and in the Methodist Church of Canada are not included in the above. The Jesuits number in the United States about 1,200. Of these a large proportion are novices or scholastics. The membership of the society throughout the world is about 10,000. The religious press is almost unanimous in recommending the institution of a "Tyndale Day," on the 17th of October, to commemorate the great martyr translator of the Scriptures, as other great reformers-Luther, Knox and Wicliffe-have days set. There are 11 churches and 36 Sabbath schools in Utah. One person in 20 in Colorado is a church member, one in 657 in New Mexico and one in 685 in Arizona. The number of students in Union Theological Seminary, for the current year, will be ten or twelve in excess of that of last year, which was one hundred and twenty-one. The Central Association of Free Baptists of New York has adopted resolutions favoring union between the Free Baptists and the Christians of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. There are 1,476 churches in New England with a membership of 214,497 members contributing $1,630,891. South Dakota already has over 100 Congregational churches. The citizens of Des Moines are making great preparations for the coming meeting of the American Board. The only religious weekly published in Japan is called the Christian. Within the eleven years since the Livingstonia Mission of the Scotch Free Church was started on Lake Nyasa, in Central Africa, Great Britain has found a market in that region for over one-half million yards of cottons, twenty-five tons of beads, seven tons of soap, besides quantities of other articles. Á half century ago in Turkey it was considered a shame for a woman to read. To-day two schools for girls at Constantinople have been established by the sultan himself. The Y

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M. C. A. at Osaka, Japan, has secured enough money to complete their association
building. The association at Beirut, Syria, is making an effort to secure an asso-
ciation building to cost $5,000. The members have already subscribed $1,000.
The New Britain, Conn., association will put up a building at once, to cost with
lot $40,000. The Christian community in India is increasing at the rate of
82 per cent. a year, and therefore doubles every twelve years. In Greenland
there are 7,000 Esquimaux converts under the fostering care of the Danish Mis-
sionary Society. The first Young Men's Christian Association was organized
last December, in Foo Choo. Another organization was effected March 11, at
Shanghai. On the first week in July the mission-ship, Harmony, set out from
London on its twenty-sixth annual voyage to Labrador, laden with gifts for the
Moravian missionaries and the native Christians. Despite the weakness at-
tendant upon his eighty-five years, Cardinal Newman still rises at half past four
every morning and makes up his bed. The Episcopal Church will celebrate
the centennial anniversary of its formal organization in 1889.
new church, at Wilkesbarre, Pa., which was dedicated only a few months ago, is
said to have settled, owing to the recent earthquake shocks, which were per-
ceptibly felt in that locality, and the doors of the church have been closed until a
careful investigation of the masonry of the tower has been made.



and nervous systems are especially affected. There is no doubt that there are cases of dyspepsia caused by the inordinate use of strong tea; and it is also a matter of common observation that sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, and nervous irritability often follow the prolonged use of this beverage. Tea-drinkers, by which we mean those who use tea to excess, are to be found in all classes of society. The fact should be impressed upon such persons that tea is not a food and can not, therefore, without risk to health, be substituted for articles of diet which form both flesh and bone.-Science.

NOTES.-Frozen milk is now given to patients suffering with irritable stomachs, and is retained when all other substances are thrown off. Ten thousand cases of cholera occurred in Japan during the first six months of this year, of which 7,803 were fatal. During the preceding six months 12,000 cases occurred, with 7,152 deaths. The disease is now prevailing in Osaka and Yokohama, the mortality varying from sixty to seventy-five per cent. The tower of a The Journal of Reconstruction states that an infant loses from three to six ounces in weight during the first four to six days after birth; by the seventh day it should have regained its birth-weight; from that to the fifth month it ought to gain about five ounces per week, or about six drams a day; after the fifth month, about four drams a day; at the fifth month it ought to have doubled its birth-weight, and in sixteen months quadrupled it. General Lord Wolseley was one of the most interested visitors to Mr. Succi, the Italian faster, possibly with a view to using his "elixir" in future campaigns on the Nile. Mr. Succi, by the way, made only about $1,200 by his thirty days' exhibition. The death is announced of Dr. Sampson Gamgee, the eminent surgeon of Birmingham, son of the famous veterinary surgeon of Edinburgh. He was the author of the "Hospital Saturday" collection system.

THE SEASON OF MALARIA.-These are the days when that vague and scarce defined scourge which is everywhere known as "malaria" runs rioting through the bones and tissues of humanity. The visitation is endured in silence, as one without remedy, by the greater number of those who suffer. A few there are each year who droop and die under "malaria's" baleful influence. Undoubtedly the rank and poisonous accumulations due to the persistent heat of the summer exert a more malignant and deadly power for evil during dull, hazy autumn days. But there is also scarcely a doubt that much of the disease and depression of spirits currently ascribed to malarial poisoning arise from exposure under unfavorable conditions to the scorching heat of midday and the chill atmosphere of the night. During the time immediately subsequent to the autumnal equinox there is an excessive variation of temperature during the twenty-four hours of each day. At night the earth parts rapidly with the solar heat received by the soil during the day, and the radiation is frequently so rapid that the extremes of temperature for the day are widely divergent, a difference of from 250 to 300 being not uncommon even in this section of the country, where the ocean greatly modifies and tends to equalize climatic conditions. This marked difference between midday and midnight temperature should not be unheeded or ignored. Those who necessarily must be brought into contact with violent contrasts of heat and cold need to conform their habits of living and their attire to the changed conditions of atmosphere if they would escape malarial infection. They take cold because of insufficient protection from the variations of temperature that mark each day; then another exposure confirms the first attack, and, unless speedily checked, pneumonia or consumption develops as a consequence. It is the chill that is fatal, not the heat. Perhaps the surest safeguard from the physical ills that follow continued exposure during the changeful autumn season is to be found in the persistent wearing of underwear that is exclusively woolen. Thus protected, a chill is next to impossibility, for the pores of the skin can not become clogged unless the exudations remain upon the surface. Woolen underwear takes up the insensible perspiration of the body, imparting a grateful feeling of warmth without undue moisture. It should be worn, during the autumn season at least, to the exclusion of all other fabrics. If a sudden cold should be taken, the remedy most approved in home practice-five to ten drops of oil of tar on a lump of sugar-should be taken without delay. In nine cases out of ten this simple mendicament will be all that will be required. A little care and attention during the critical days of autumn may enable the most sensitive individual to encounter the severe winter season without experiencing any "malarial" symptoms whatever.-Philadelphia Record.

THE FAMOUS LOCANA TWINS.-The twins of Locana, who have been shown in almost every town of Europe as the successors of the renowned Siamese twins, are at present dying in Vienna, or at least are very ill. These twins, now aged ten, are united from the sixth rib downwards. They have but one abdomen and a single pair of legs. One of these is under Jacob's control, the other under that of John. They can not walk and can not easily keep their balance. One is much stronger and healthier than the other and eats more; it is Jacob and he keeps his brother alive. Some time ago both quarreled over a toy, and John got so excited that he fell into a state of syncope or trance from which he did not recover till the next day. He had already had an illness of the same kind and Virchow, of Berlin, had prognosticated that a second one would kill him. This Jacob knew well; so, of course, the illness of his brother (an apparently lifeless body) gave him all the more concern, since the death of his brother would but shortly precede his own. The physicians are doing their best to save the unfortunate children. Of course, no operation can be thought of in the present case.

Even in that of the Siamese

twins there were great difficulties attending a surgical intervention, and before it was resolved to intervene death had already done its work. If the twins recover they will go to the States where they were engaged, it is said, at the rate of six thousand dollars per year; if not, their skeleton is already promised to a London anatomical museum for eight thousand pounds.-Science.

EFFECT OF TEA ON HEALTH.-The consumption of tea has become so enormous as to have suggested a study of its effects upon the health of the people. There are those who look upon it as an evil only second to that connected with the excessive use of alcohol. Tea is spoken of as an agreeable cerebral stimulant, quickening intellectual operations, removing headache and fatigue, and promoting cheerfulness and a sense of well-being. When it is used to excess the digestive


THE WORLD'S CONSUMPTION OF MEAT.-An economist of repute, Pedro S. Lamas, has summed up the total quantity of meat consumed in the world. There are, he finds, on the surface of the globe 47,500,000 head of cattle and 105,000,000 of sheep. Europe and Algeria provide 25,000,000 of cattle and 50,000,000 of sheep; Australia, New Zealand, and the Cape, 2,500,000 of cattle and 20,000,000 of sheep; the United States and Canada, 9,375,000 cattle and 9,750,000 sheep; the Argentine Republic and Uruguay, 6,000,000 cattle and 24,000,000 sheep; and Central America, 4,250,000 cattle and 1,250,000 sheep. Having allowed a percentage for the reproduction of species, M. Lamas fixes the yearly consumption of beef at 7,930,000,000 kilograms (each kilogram being about 2 1-5 pounds), and of mutton at 10,550,000,000 kilograms. Comparing these figures with the popula tions, in the five great groups into which he has divided the cattle and sheep world, he finds that every inhabitant of La Plata has 160 kilos of beef and 56 kilos of mutton at his disposal each year; in the United States and Canada it is 23 kilos of beef and 2 of mutton; in Europe it is 15 of beef and 2 of mutton; and in Central America it is 14 of beef and a quarter of a kilo of mutton. In the Argentine Republic they eat 60 kilos a head and export 156; in Australia a similar quantity is consumed and 56 kilos exported; while every citizen of the United States wants 7 kilos of foreign meat to augment the annual consumption of 25 kilos. The aver age consumption in Europe is 18 kilos per head and I kilo imported. She gets 180,000,000 kilos from Australia, 260,000,000 from the United States and Canada, and 14,000,000 from the Argentine Republic. North America, it seems, oversells itself. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly.

THE WORLD'S BLIND.-The world's blind are computed to number about 1,000,000, or about one sightless person to every 1,400 inhabitants. In Austria one person to every 1,785 is blind; in Sweden, one in every 1,418; in France, one in every 1,191; in Prussia, 1,111; in England, one in every 1,037. The pro portion is greatest in Egypt, where, in Cairo, there is one blind person to 20 inhab itants; while in New Zealand it falls to one in every 3,550 inhabitants. Germany has the greatest number of institutes for the blind, 35; England has 16; France, 13; Austria-Hungary, 10; Italy, 9; Belgium, 6; Australia, 2; while America, Asia, and Africa together are said to possess only 6.


THE DEPLORABLE CONDITION OF OUR NAVY.-The condition of the Navy is far worse than the public generally suppose it to be. There seems to be an idea that the newspapers have exaggerated its inefficiency, and that we are not quite so badly off as some of the journals of the day assert. The fact is, the situation is worse than it has been painted. According to Mr. Wilson, the chief constructor of the Department, the Tennessee, which is the only ship in the service now classed as first rate, has not more than half a year of life before her. This classification such a vessel, which so high a naval authority declares will be worthless in six months, is ludicrous. Four of the other wooden vessels he estimates will last ten years; nine other ones six years, and another eleven only five years. Those ves. sels, with three third-rate iron ships, three small fourth-rate vessels and a dozen monitors in so dilapidated a state that they can not put to sea, are all that we have to boast of in the way of a Navy. No great country with any pretensions to being a naval power, was ever in so wretched and defenseless a far as ships are concerned, as we are at the present time. Not to name any one of the great European nations we should, in the event of hostilities, be at the mercy of small and insignificant states like Chili and other South American countries. No American worthy of the name can wish to see his country continue any longer than is necessary in so humiliating a position. The beginning we have made is

condition, as

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excellent, and Mr. Whitney is rendering a most important and valuable service to the country in insisting that the new vessels shall be up to the standard in every particular. He is laying not only the solid foundation of a Navy but the foundation of an enduring fame for himself. The new cruisers are all very well in their way, but they are not, however, all the country needs for its defense. They should be supplemented by some heavy armored vessels which shall be able to engage on something like equal terms the monster ships of the great naval powers. With our traditional policy of peace and friendship with all peoples, and abstinence from the quarrels and entanglements that disturb the relations to one another of other nations, together with our disposition to settle every vexatious question that may arise by arbitration, a foreign war is a most remote contingency. Still, we can not see very far into the future and we should be prepared for whatever may arise. We have no need for a great navy like that of England, but we owe it to ourselves as a people to have such a one as will be able to maintain our rights whenever it shall become necessary to do so.-The Hour. ·

THE RECORD OF FAILURES.-Bradstreet's, in its issue of October 2, presents the following table, showing the comparative number of failures for the first nine months of 1886, as against those for the same period in 1885:

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THE GROWTH Of the Use of NATURAL GAS.-Two years ago not more than six rolling mills and steel works in the United States used natural gas as fuel; now we have a record of 68 rolling mills and steel works which use the new fuel, and of 16 which are making preparations to use it. Every rolling mill and steel works in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, 55 in all, now uses natural gas. In western Pennsylvania outside of Allegheny county it is used in 12 mills and steel works; and seven others, including the rolling mill and Gautier departments of the Cambria Iron Works, 79 miles east of Pittsburgh, are preparing to use it. One rolling mill in Ohio is now using it, and eight mills are getting ready to use it. At Wheeling, West Virginia, one mill is making arrangements to introduce it. In all but a very few of the mills and steel works referred to natural gas is used as fuel exclusively.-Iron and Steel Directory.

FOREIGN ENTERPRISE.-During the past few months, a number of enterprising French manufacturers have formed a syndicate for the purpose of increasing the export of French manufactures, and securing an increased market for the product of French industries, with various countries of the world. This syndicate proposes to send inspectors to all countries where they can practically be introduced, and then to install a representative where there may be a demand for manufactured goods. This representative is provided with catalogues, which he is expected to place where they will be of use, and at the same time he is to gather such information as may be required. Various similar syndicates have already been formed in Germany.-Industries.

NOTES.-The Dominion government has paid $1,000,000 to the Hudson Bay Company and $600,000 to the Canadian Pacific Railroad Company, in adjustment of claims for damages by the Riel rebellion. Speaker Carlisle announces his entire willingness to make tariff reduction the only issued between parties. Twenty years ago there were 11,520 patent-medicine venders in the United Kingdom, and that trade yielded the government an annual revenue of $300,000. Now there are 22,279 venders, and the revenue amounts to nearly $900,000. The Canadian Pacific Company is building five miles of snow sheds in the Rocky Mountains at an estimated cost of $1,500,000, a fact which suggests one item of the expense of operating railways over the snowy ranges of the great continental divide. In the opinion of the New Orleans Picayune, "Wall street leads to Canada," and in some respects it resembles the road going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. Dr. Aveling says that "if every man received the value of his labor there would be no capitalists." Has it ever occurred to the doctor that if there was no capitalists there would be vastly less opportunity to labor? Labor should be better paid, qut the abolition of capital would mean the paralysis of enterprise. New York World. It costs nearly $200,000 every year to move the Viceroy of India and his government from Calcutta to Simla during the hot season, and back again when the cool weather sets in. Lord Dufferin has just sent in a bill of this amount, and the natives protest. Bonanza Mackay hopes to create out of the Postal Telegraph Company a system as extensive as the Western Union, and predicts that in doing so he will reduce rates to such an extent as to do away with business letter-writing inside of three years. His most ambitious plan is to build a line through to San Francisco, and he promises New York business men to send twenty words for every dollar before the Ist of next January. The scheme of establishing a direct line of passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific across country from the mouth of the Amazon to Lima, in Peru, is again under consideration. The war between Chili and Peru interrupted the work, which was in progress from 1871 to 1879, but the projectors seem confident that they will not again meet with a similar obstruction. China intends to issue a loan of $50,000,coo for the construction of railways in the empire. During the year 1885, 24,000 hammocks were shipped to the United States from Yucatan. The well-known excursion steamer " Plymouth Rock" is to be broken up for junk. She was built in New York in 1854, and was of 1,607.58 tohs burden. For years she ran on the Fall River Line. About 1875, James Fisk, Jr., purchased her, and converted her into a palatial excursion steamer to run between New York

and Long Branch. Since his death she has been run as a general excursion boat in New York and Boston waters... Five hundred shares of mining stock were traded for a watermelon at Deadwood, D. T., the other day. Watered melon and watered stock make a pretty good stand off. The new assessed valuation of Chicago is $150,000,000, while all the remaining cities of Illinois are assessed upon a valuation of only $54,000,000. It is stated that the general introduction of natural gas at Pittsburgh has caused a falling off of the coal trade of 1,000 car loads a day. A syndicate has made a proposition to Philadelphia Councils, offering to lease the gas-works for a term of years, paying a yearly rental of $1,000,000, and reducing the price of gas to consumers by $200,000 a year. They promise to spend $3,000,000 within five years in improvements. If this scheme is carried out, the next step will probably be to lease the city water-works to some private company. A silk factory is just being completed at Belding, Michigan. It will give employment to 300 hands, a large proportion of whom will be imported. The investigation into the affairs of William Gray, Jr., the

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Boston defaulter, shows that while his fortune was estimated at a half million or more, everything was covered with mortgages to such an extent that nothing can be realized from it. This leads the Springfield Republican to say: "Thus men spread on a hollow pretense of financial solidity, swimming on bladders far beyond their depth or power to return. So it happens that a man who had not $5,000 he could call his own, not only cut the figure of a millionaire in the world, but was looked to and trusted with great interests as a 'strong man,' 'great business man,' and a 'practical financier.' Recent events show a curious spectacle of the comparative effects of financial crime subjectively or upon those guilty of it. Gray shot himself. Snelling pleaded guilty and went to State-prison. So did Gould of Portland, while Bartholomew became what the Weekly Underwriter tenderly calls "that lonely old man in Montreal." The total domestic exports for July and August amounted in value to $102,000,000, a gain of $15,000,000 over the same months last year. Late Engligh advices speak encouragingly of an improvement in nearly all the industries of that country. If such expectations are realized a revival of the heavy export movement in grain may not only be expected, but also an advance in the price of breadstuffs and provisions. There is no unfavorable sign to be seen anywhere in trade. Every indication suggests returning prosperity and the departure of the long-continued period of depression.— Philadelphia Inquirer. The Financial Chronicle shows that 153 new banks have been organized this year, and that since 1882, 751 banks have come into existence, with an average capital of about $105,000. A natural gas field has been discovered and partially developed at the foot of Lake Huron, Mich., within the precincts of the city of Port Huron, at a depth of a little more than 500 feet, and two wells that have been sunk and given a great flow of gas exhibit a pressure of 180 pounds to the square inch. This find is regarded as affording great promise for manufacturing purposes and for salt-making in that region. The Prince of Wales proposes to found a Colonial and Indian Institute in honor of the Queen's jubilee.


TEMPERANCE INSTRUCTION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-The increasing interest in the subject of teaching "physiological temperance" in the public schools led the Journal of Education of Boston and Chicago to devote its entire space last week to the publication of various well-known authorities on the subject. Their views are briefly expressed below:

Miss Frances E. Willard says nothing so good has ever before happened to the children of America. They are to be taught about themselves the greatest empire over which they will be called to rule. The wisdom of beginning with the beginners is the crowning wisdom of the plan, and will increase, beyond all computation, the sum of human happiness. I would organize them into health clubs and teach the gospel of purity, and show the relation between a sound body and a sound mind; would teach that alcohol and nicotine are the attractive ingredients in intoxicating liquors and tobacco; that both are harmful because both are poisons, injurious to the tissues of the body and the temper of the soul.

Hon. Byron McCutcheon, Member of Congress from Michigan, says that teaching the principles of temperance in the public schools is thoroughly philosophical. All thinking men agree that intemperance is the great social evil of the age, affecting vitally the interests of the State.

1. It degrades the individual citizen and unfits him for the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.

2. It is the most prolific cause of lawlessness, pauperism, and crime. 3. It is the great destroyer of national wealth.

4. It is the most common and the most dangerous agent for the corruption of the elective franchise.

This cry for temperance teaching is the echo of God's primordial decree, "Let there be light!" It is the pleading of millions of children, beseeching that they may not be sent naked, without shield or armor, into the battle of life to contend against odds not only with the open and disclosed enemy, but also with those that lie in ambush and assail them in disguise. It is the appeal of hundreds of thousands of the noblest and purest women in behalf of their homes, their offspring, their altars, and their firesides. It is the plea of the home, the church, and the school combined that if our tender and helpless ones must run the gauntlet of the army of alcohol they may at least be forewarned and upon guard against the lurking danger.

Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, Superintendent of the Educational Department of the W. C. T. U., thinks that those interested in the cause should favor such teaching, books, charts, and diagrams as decidedly emphasize the physiological phases of temperance and which lead to the clearest and strongest convictions of the dangerous and poisonous nature of alcoholic drinks, and of their effects upon the human system. She believes that the basis of the proposed education should be an intelligent


knowledge of what alcohol is-its presence and unchanged character in the popular beverages in which it is ordinarily found; and followed by physiological law as a tangible reason for total abstinence.

Horace G. Wadlin, who had charge of the bill in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, says the statute requiring special instruction to be given in the public schools as to the effect of alcoholic drinks and narcotics on the human system, considered as a part of anti-liquor legislation, is the first attempt to strike by law at the root of the evil of intemperance. Any teacher competent to instruct in other branches will find that the essential truths of physiology and hygiene may be easily taught, even to young children. If the movement toward this sort of instruction in the public schools be thought experimental merely, it at least proposes an experiment worth trying, which, as we have shown, is direct in its purpose and conservative in spirit.

Prof. Orestes M. Brands thinks that legislators have taken a step in advance of Spartan methods, and decreed in many States that "Physiology and Hygiene, with special reference to the effects of Narcotics and Stimulants upon the Human System," shall be taught in every school and to all of the pupils. That is to say, not only shall the pupils receive instruction regarding the evil effects upon health, &c., of unwholesome food, bad air, impure water; but that the baneful nature of other and apparently still more noxious agents shall also be made known by means of physiologic and hygienic teachings."

Herbert Spencer says: "Perhaps nothing will so much hasten the time when body and mind will both be adequately cared for as a diffusion of the belie the preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality. With these facts in mind, the teacher should adapt his methods so that they may be most effective in impressing the truths upon the minds of the young-the coming men and women."

Rev. A. F. Newton, of Marlborough, Mass., says: "Which how?' Not so much how to teach temperence in the public schools, as how to get it taught there. The teacher must be a master of the subject, good text-books and charts must be employed, and a reasonable amount of time given to the study and the recitation. Temperance instruction must be taught the teachers, and the teachers of the teachers. We need a Professor Walton in the temperance world as we have had him in the mathematical world."

Axel Gustafson, author of "The Foundation of Death," says that all is taught

should be in accordance with the latest researches and information; and should be of practical use and applicability.

Albert F. Blaisdell, M. D., says: "Take great pains to have teaching strictly of an impersonal nature. Remember that your pupils represent households of every degree of ignorance, intelligence, bigotry, and tolerance. As a teacher it is not your business to utter any word or make any comment or suggestion in school which could be construed as personal. Never tolerate any word, hint, or look which might reflect upon the character or occupation of any person. The least indulgence in such conduct will antagonize any good you may hope to do."

James Johonnot says the causes of intemperance are too deep to be removed off-hand. The absolute time when it shall disappear from the world belongs to the millenium. It will die with all other human ills. The forces of nature are working against it, and the intelligence of man is aiding. To teachers is relegated the rare privilege of doing the greatest amount of direct work to eradicate the evil. With the privilege comes the obligation, and the teacher who, either through example or ignorance, neglects this duty is unfit for his place.

women, founded on private capital, is contemplated in Moscow, if the government
will sanction the scheme, which proposes to have three faculties-a mathematical,
a natural history one (with medicinal studies), and a philological..
freshman class at Vassar College is not only the largest that has even entered the
institution, but its standard of scholarship is pronounced very high. There
are seventy-three students now in the Harvard Annex for Women, with more to
come. Schools of technology are indispensable adjuncts of industrial progress,
and it is a happy sign that is furnished of the manufacturing fever in Georgia by
the strong efforts of citizens of Atlanta to secure the location there of a technolo
gical institute built apart from an independent or any other college or university.

Rev. J. E. Fullerton believes that this new branch comes into our curriculum representing the most passionate interests, earnest endeavor, and most noble prayer of a host of noble men and women. The motive in pushing its introduction is the loftiest philanthropy. A thoughtful teacher must feel a baptism of the most disinterested desire to do good and shield the young from the drink habit, and enlist them on the side of temperance, as a high and sacred trust. The new study represents the conviction that there is special danger to the young. Hygienic temperance instruction has surely a practical bearing on health, habits, and morals. A. B. Palmer, M. D., of the University of Michigan, thinks that the use of narcotics, from its extent and the character of the effects produced, is certainly one of the most profoundly important subjects which can engage public attention. As to the natural inclination to take narcotics, and the argument in favor of their use, he says it may be questioned whether the impulse is really natural, aside from the sensations they produce, and the habit their use induces. Heredity has an influ. ence in determining inclinations; but all hereditary influences are not good. The "sins"-the evil conditions, as well as the good ones-of the fathers are visited upon the children.


METAL TIES FOR RAILROADS.-The Mexican (Veracruz) Railway Company, has in an experience of two years thoroughly tested steel ties, says the Mexican Financier, and the opinion of Superintendent Foote will be read with interest, especially in the United States, where the merits of metal ties are under discussion. The Veracruz road, says Mr. Foote, began using steel ties in 1884, and has now some 20,000 of them on its road-bed, some on level country and others on what would on any other than the Veracruz be considered heavy grades. So satisfactory has the experiment been that 40,000 more of these ties have been ordered from England for use this year, and it is proposed to put in from 40,000 to 50,000 per year hereafter. The change from wooden to steel ties is being made entirely in the interest of economy, and it is calculated that in a few years the permanent section gangs on the road can be replaced by traveling gangs who will be able to keep the road in order, the number of men to be employed under the new system, being only 50 per cent. of those embraced in the present permanent section sysThe "life" of a steel tie is considered as indefinite, but it may be safely set at from thirty to fifty years, the former being an American estimate by a competent metallurgist. The steel tie is now produced in England-where the manufacture has been so extended as to make the production very much cheaper than formerly-for five shillings apiece, or $1.25 gold.-The Railway Review.


J. T. Edwards, LL.D., of Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., sums up his ideas as follows: "Humanity has long tried a costly experiment with alcoholic liquors. The whole world has been the laboratory, men of every age and rank the experimenters. History contains the terrible record of observations made, and conclusions reached. Over all has hung a mocking spirit of deceit, which has too often vailed the truth. A weird and wonderful spell has seemed to paralyze the judgments of men and hold them in thraldom, in spite of evidence and reason. One of the most encouraging results is the recent legislation of many States providing for instruction to the young in regard to the nature and effects of alcohol. In no other department of text-books have publishers shown, for the last five years, such zeal and activity as in the preparation of clear and instructive manuals relative to this subject."

NOTES.-Turkey is very poorly supplied with railways. With a population of over 42,000,000 and an area of some 2,406,000 square miles, or nearly 80 per cent. of the area of the United States, her railway system, at last accounts, aggregated less than 1,100 miles. The working expenses of all the British railways for the year 1885 were 53 per cent. of the gross receipts, while those of the railways in the United States were over 65 per cent. Considering the thinly settled character of much of our own country this difference is not at all surprising. John Wanamaker, the Philadelphia merchant, who has just returned from Europe, says that a study of the new system of railroad operations in Germany, where the roads are under government administration, convinces him that the service of private corporations is far preferable. There, if a traveler complains, he at once sets himself against the government. The trains neither start on time nor come in on time, and, with few exceptions, the express trains are as slow as the way trains on American roads. In 1884 there were 284,115,862 passengers carried by the railroads in New York City; and, as statistics show an annual increase of twenty millions in the number of passengers carried, the railroads should receive a total of at least 320,000,000 fares during the present year. At five cents each, this would give sixteen million dollars as New York's car-fare bill for 1886.

H. L. Reade, of Connecticut, says: "Of all branches of study taught in our public schools this is, by all odds, the most important. Better fail in Euclid than fail of character. Therefore, the fundamental facts with regard to this drink curse should be put where they will stay through time, and bear fruit for the forever." NOTES.-James Russell Lowell will deliver the oration at the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Harvard, which will be observed with unusual honors early in November. P. T. Barnum is to give a new schoolhouse, built on new plans, to the town of Bridgeport, Conn.. It is reported that a university for

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A MAN WITH FORTY LIVINGS.-I don't know when I have been more forcibly struck by the absurdity of certain English customs, than on reading in a morning paper that the notorious young nobleman who arrived in this city a week ago has forty livings in his gift. That a dissolute fellow who leaves a wife at home while he tags around the country at the heels of a variety actress, the wife of another man, should be responsible for the appointment of forty clergymen to as many parishes-that he should select the spiritual adviser for some 60,000 souls-is so flagrant an absurdity that I can but wonder at a social system that makes it possi ble, and the temper of a people who can submit to it. It is an outrage to decency which no amount of tradition can justify. It is bad enough to put such power in the hands of an ordinarily incompetent man, but when it is given up to a man of the type of the one in question, it is time for right-minded Englishmen to demand a change." Lounger," in the New York Critic.

THE FOREIGN MUSIC TEACHER.--I alluded some time ago to the fact that a good many foreign tradesmen were favored with less American patronage than in former years. I am sorry to note that I can not say as much in respect of our country women dealing with foreign singing teachers. I specify singing teachers because I consider that students of instrumental music have better opportunities to secure a thorough and inexpensive education abroad than at home. But the sing ing teachers of Europe are, as a rule, mere money-getters, with little talent and less principle. From their own abiding place, where they are well known, they receive few pupils; their money is drawn, as a rule, from foreign sources, what Parisians and Milanese regard as " provincial" folk being attracted by the an nouncement that one or two of the successful prima donnas of the day have toiled under the particular teacher of their choice. If American girls desirous of studying abroad could but hear the criticisms passed upon foreign teachers by local critics and musicians there would be a sad falling off in the incomes of many maestros and antiquated song birds.-F. A. S., in Paris Letter, New York Times. NOTES.-Mr. William F. Apthorp will deliver a dozen lectures on "Music " be

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