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It begins Let it be read again, and every reader take it afresh to his heart. "Therefore" refers to the reawith a word often unnoticed, but full of meaning. This reason is set forth as a revelation of the son for rebuking human selfishness. Great Father's love for all mankind. If He can look down on wayward mortals who, by their misconduct, have forfeited all claim to His bounty, and still treat them as loved and loving children, how much more ought we to be considerate and full of thoughtful kindness toward those whom He thus commends to our regard. THEREFORE, all things whatsoever that ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." What a different world this would be if that was the rule of every life!-The New Journal of Commerce.

colony of Safed Jews, east of the Jordan, will probably receive the legacy of $50,000 left by the late Simon Samson for improving the condition of the Jews in the Holy Land.On the first week in July the mission ship, Harmony, set out from London on its twenty-sixth annual voyage to Labrador, laden with gifts for the Moravian missionaries and the native Christians.There is but one Protestant religious publication in New Mexico-a well-conducted monthly Methodist paper of sixteen pages, half in English and half in Spanish, which has reached ten numbers. -The English Presbyterian mission has accepted the offer of Mr. Morton to open a new mission district in China, of which he will bear the entire cost for three years, including the sending out and the support of four missionaries. He also offers to build a hospital at Taiwafoo.A farm worth $6,000 and a note of $3,000, payable in three years with interest, have been generously given to the Freedmen's Aid Society by Mr. Samuel Houston, of Marango, Iowa. -The Chicago University, with its valuable property in buildings and grounds, appears to have passed irrevocably from the hands of the Baptists. The judgment creditors offered to release the property for $10,000 paid down and $200,000 to be -Rev. Dr. John Hall is to have a paid thereafter. The offer was not parsonage next to his church, the Fifth avenue Presbyterian, in New York. Robertson is the architect. It will cost $50,000, and Dr. Hall will have the use of -Several autograph letters of Mahomet are it in addition to his $15,000 a year.-Eighty-five years ago the honorable directors alleged to have been discovered.- In of the East India Company placed on solemn record: "The sending of Christian missionaries into our eastern possessions is the maddest, most expensive, most unwarrantable project that was ever proposed by a lunatic enthusiast." A few months since, Sir Rivers Thompson, lieutenant-governor of Bengal, said: "In my judg ment, Christian missionaries have done more real and lasting good to the people -According to the last Israelitish of India than all other agencies combined."annual, the number of Jews in the world at present is but 6,300,000, of whom 5,400,000 are in Europe. There are 230,000 Jews in the United States, 2,552,000 in Russia, 1,644,000 in Austrian Hungary, 668,000 in Gallicia, 638,000 in Hun. gary, 562,000 in Germany, and in France, notwithstanding all the fuss that M. Drumont makes about them in is "Jew France," only 63,000.

NOTES.-The Richmond Central Presbyterian enumerates the defalcations
which have recently occurred in several missionary and publishing societies, and
suggests that such things did not occur before the war, and connects them with
The National Temperance
the "advanced thought' of the modern period."-
Hospital, located in Chicago, is filled with patients. In no case has alcohol been
used, and the death-rate is stated to have been much lower than in other hospitals
of the city. A fact quite new to us, and quite unexpected, is asserted by the
Catholic Review. It is, that such familiar superstitions as that the number thir-
teen is unlucky, or that Friday is a bad day to begin an undertaking, are wholly
confined to Protestants, and that "the Catholics of the United States are wholly
free from this perverted manifestation of the religious tendency in man.".
reply to the question "What is done with Peter-Pence?" the Catholic Columbian
"It is not used up by his personal expenses, for a few cents a day suffice
Nor is it hoarded in the
for them, as he lives as frugally as a poor laboring man.
Vatican. It is spent almost as fast as it is received, for the good of the whole
church-in supporting the cardinals and other officials who help the Pontiff in its
administration, through the various congregations by which its affairs are con-
ducted; in keeping up universities for the training of priests; in maintaining mis-
sionaries in Asia, Africa, and other heathen countries, and in other ways by which
the mission of Jesus Christ to evangelize the world is carried on and accomplished."
-There is now good reason to suppose that the report of the death of George
-Australian Baptist churches are sending
Muller, the philanthropist, is incorrect.-
-In New York city an Italian Young
eight ladies to work in Eastern Bengal.-
-The Arabic Bible, for which

Men's Christian Association has been organized.-
the United Presbyterian Board of Publication made the grant of $2,000, is com-
pleted, and is selling in Alexandria, Egypt, at a good rate.A correspondent
sends the following statistics of the American Baptist Missions: Foreign missiona-
ries, 90 men, 130 women, 6 physicians; total, 226. Contributions for their sup-
For home missions during the same period, $397,-
port last year, $384,996.73.
458.51. The figures are taken from the report of the American Baptist Union.-
The Baptists in Philadelphia have eighty ministers, whom they pay $165,000; the
Presbyterians eighty churches, and pay their ministers $190,000; the Episcopa-
lians seventy-seven churches, $155,000; the Methodists ninety ministers, $145,000.
-The African Mission of the United Brethren in Christ reported a year ago
1,544 members. This year there are reported 2,629, an increase of 1,085. The
The steamer "John
business and trading of the mission has been discontinued.
Brown" was turned over to the American Missionary Society, as it was not consid-
ered suitable for the work. There are four ordained and five unordained preach-
ers, and twenty-one lay-workers. The growth of the last two years has been very
encouraging. In Germany there are 21 churches, 638 members, 52 appointments,
-The 60th anniversary of
II Sunday-schools, with 307 teachers and scholars.-
his rabbinate was celebrated, on the 15th inst., by Rev. Prof. Dr. Wolff, of Copenhagen.
-The problem in American Judaism is not Judaism, but the Jew. It is the per-
sonal as well as the religious equation that has to be solved. So says the Jewish
Messenger- -The Jews are talking about transferring their Sabbath to our Sunday,
beginning with the year 1900. The matter is exciting much attention in England.

The Very Reverend Dom Boniface Krug, who is now visiting Baltimore, is the
prior of the oldest Benedictine abbey in the world. Dom Boniface is a German
by birth, but he came very early in life to this country, and was one of the first
students at the establishment of the Benedictines in Westmoreland county, Pa.
He is now
He went to Rome during the civil war, where he became famous.
-The Very Reverend
prior of the celebrated abbey of Monte Cassino, in Italy.-
Father Denis, a well-known Passionist, died in England on the 18th of July.-
The Sisters of Charity of the Order of Providence are building a $20,000 hospital
-The Reverend John Rhinelander
at New Westminster, British Columbia.-
Robinson, an Episcopal clergyman and son of the late Beverley Robinson, Esq.,
of New Brighton, S. I., was received into the Catholic Church, August 6th, by
-There is a disposition on the
Mgr. Farley, in St. Gabriel's church, New York.-
part of the magnates of the Church of England to commemorate in some fitting
and enduring way the jubilee of the reign of Queen Victoria. There are two pro-
posals now under discussion. One is to build a church house in London for the
use of the southern convocation. The other is to complete the establishment of
the seven additional bishoprics recently sanctioned by the legislature. The first
proposal emanates from the Bishop of Carlisle. The second has been made by
Archdeacon Norris, of Bristol, and seems to find the greater favor.-Joseph
Rabbinovitch, the Jewish reformer in South Russia, continues his work at Kis-
chieneff, where his Sunday services are crowded with men and women of Israel.
The Japanese government has interdicted the lecturing against Christianity
on the part of Yaso Taiji," or Jesus opposers, or to use the word "Taiji," which
is interpreted "expel the Christians," the government believing that such preach-
-In an English
ing is damaging to the country and should not be tolerated.-
church in London, the communion service is celebrated once a month in Hebrew
for the benefit of some converted Jews.The German Lutheran Synod in re-
cent session in St. John's church, Brooklyn, represented 207,000 communicants.
Of the two hundred and eighty English Presbyterian churches, two hundred
The mission work of the Presbyterians of
and forty have temperance societies.-
Canada in the island of Farmosa, interrupted by the late war between France and
China, has been resumed with greater energy than ever.-In Abyssinia as many as
thirty-three Falasha Jews have been admitted into the Christian Church.-

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As Cool AS A CUCUMBER.-Many persons must have noticed, when gathering tomatoes, melons, or other fruits, that they seem comparatively cool; and to be "cool as a cucumber" has come to be a household phrase. A scientific observer, Dr. Ord, tell the British Medical Journal that this is no imaginary sensation; but that the cucumber, at least, is cooler than the atmosphere surrounding it. He took for his experiment plants forced in a cucumber house in England, where the careful gardener strives to keep the temperature at one uniform degree. On the 23d of May, 1884, the temperature of the house was 86.1 Fahrenheit. A very delicate thermometer made for such work, plunged into a cucumber growing in the house, indicated a temperature of but 840 near the stalk end. Two inches along the temperature was 850, at the middle, 850; two inches from the tip, 840.6; at the tip, 830.9. As the temperature of a house might rise and fall suddenly, the precaution was taken to have bottles of water near the cucumber to be tested. As these volumes of water would not cool suddenly, it was a check on error from such a cause. The water on this occasion was 850.3. On June 14th, the water in the bottles was 860.3. The cucumber was, at the stalk end, 840, 840.3 in the middle, 830.2 at the tip. This one was nearly ripe. A small and growing fruit was cooler, being but 830.5 in the middle. In all cases it was found that the riper the fruit, the closer it approached the atmospheric temperature. The same when it was cut off from the source of life, whatever that might be. On this same June 14th, a cucumber that had been cut twenty-four hours and suspended near the others was found to have no difference in temperature in any of its parts. It was 870 in all of its parts, or warmer than the atmosphere. We give here only a few illustrations to show the drift of the experiments given in this very interesting paper. The results were all similar to those detailed. The facts seem to show that the chemical process is in the act of replacing the vital when the starch is breaking down and the saccharine process commencing, and heat is evolved in a greater degree than when the growth process is in the ascendent. In those parts of the cucumber where there is the least growth-the center-there is the most heat. The facts also bear on a point much discussed by biologists lately, whether there is enough difference between transpiration and evaporation to warrant distinct terms, some— -Prof. Bessey, the eminent physiological botanist being onebelieving that the word evaporation fully covers all that is to be understood. It is very well known that a branch cut from a tree--a dead log-will dry out and absorb heat much more readily than a live one; and here we see the separated cu cumber at once commencing to absorb heat as it dried. On the other hand, where plants are growing in the moist atmosphere of a forcing house, and almost with the atmosphere at saturation point, and where, under mere physical laws, we could look to little evaporation, there was a continual demand on the roots for moisture, which, of course, implies a loss of moisture. The mere physical law of evapora tion could hardly draw moisture from the tissue, while, if we concede the differ ence, the biological law of transpiration would. The whole subject is quite fresh in biological studies, and is as cool and pleasant as the cucumber itself in these times, when there is so much tendency to go over and over again, without regard to what has been already recorded about the subject-matter. The Independent. PHOTO-FREAKS.—Strange stories have frequently been told of "photgraphs" taken by a flash of lightning, but, in the absence of trustworthy evidence in support of the story itself, and of some reasonable explanation of the method by which the photographic effect was produced, it is more reasonable to reject such tales as inventions than to speculate upon their mysteries. The New York Tribune, how ever, records a strange freak of lightning, which is apparently well authenticated,

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and of which a possible explanation has been given. The story is told by Mrs. Fannie W. Paul, of Plainfield, N, J., over her own name, and is to the effect that, on the evening of July 18th, her daughter, during a violent storm, went into the dining-room, and seeing a Japanese metal tray standing near the window, which was, apparently, the center of electrical disturbance, attempted to remove it. As she did so, a blinding flash of lightning caused her to turn aside hastily, but, in a moment afterward, she drew the tray away from the window and covered it with a rug. The next morning the tray was discovered to have a profile likeness of the girl on it, apparently burned into the lacquer. This was spoken of as an electrical photograph, and led to an investigation by Mr. Leo Daft, the electrician, who resides in Plainfield. Mr. Daft found no evidences on the tray of a local discharge, and thinks that the result was not due to the primary effects of the electricity. His suggested explanation is, at least, plausible. He thinks that the likeness was produced by intense light acting on the lacquer. Some of the lacquers are known to be sensible to light, and undergo a slow change in appearance, due to the action of the light. This change ordinarily takes place over the whole surface, and is so gradual as to be unnoticed, but Mr. Daft thinks it possible that an intensely actinic image may have been projected on the tray from a brilliant and near flash of lightning reflected from the face to the inside of the opposite bay window, and from thence to the tray, thus producing in a second a change that, in ordinary diffused light, would require many days, or even weeks. If that is the case, this image is not likely to be fixed, the rest of the plate gradually undergoing the same change until the image disappears. Neither Mrs. Paul nor Mr. Daft says anything about the character of the image, or its distinctness, but it is to be inferred from what Mrs. Paul says that it is like a silhouette, and it is quite likely that it is not very distinct. The case, however is very interesting as being, apparently, a well-authenticated instance of so-called "photographing by a flash of lightning.”—Philadelphia | Ledger.

FRUIT AS FOOD.-Fruit is highly charged with an imponderable element, electricity, the active life principle we all possess in a relative degree. Now cook this fruit, and what becomes of this evanescent element? It has dissipated-vanished from the scene, together with much of its delicious odor, and has left us nothing but dead matter. Now, it ought to be evident to the merest tyro that, in eating ripe fruit, he is adding to the sum of his own vitality-increasing the fund of his energy without deteriorating his physical powers. On the contrary, by subsisting on dead matter he subtracts-uses up his own supply of the vital element to get rid of the inert mass he ignorantly puts into his stomach.-Echo.


NOTES.-Herr Paul Von Ritter has bequeathed $75,000 to the University of Jena to found a chair of Darwinian philosophy.It is said that no case of injury to the eye from the incandescent light has been reported.. Mr. Gladstone has published in the Nineteenth Century for August a note from Professor Dana, who states that he agrees in all essential points with Mr. Gladstone, and believes that the first chapters of Genesis and science are in accord. The ex-premier's communication to the Nineteenth Century was called forth by an observation of Professor Huxley on Mr. Gladstone's neglect duly to consult the works of Professor Dana on this subject.- -A New York scientist says that the earth's polar ice is penetrating the interior of the globe, like a wedge, and that as soon as it reaches the furnace there will be an explosion that will split the world into pieces too small for truck patches.- -A society for the study of anthropology has been founded in Bombay.- -That kingfishers possess a remarkable instinct to avoid those fish proving harmful to them is exemplified by the following incident. correspondent informs us that being infested with these birds, he set traps for them in two of his ponds, one containing minnows and the other perch. A capture was effected daily where the minnows were located, but on no occasion was a kingfisher caught near the perch pond. The latter fish are injurious to birds. -Tirsandier and his brother, with Paul Nadar, are taking photographs while in balloons.- -Lieut. J. P. Finley has published a summary of the principal facts scientifically known concerning tornadoes.- -A meteorite has been found in New South Wales, composed principally of iron, nickel, cobalt, sulphur, phosphorus, and carbon.. -According to the report of Gustavus Hinrichs, of the weather service of Iowa, that State, since the middle of May, has been subjected to a drouth, the most severe on record. The most serious drouth preceding the present one prevailed during June and July of 1863, when for sixty days no serviceable rains fell in Iowa City; but rains had been sufficiently abundant till the end of May, and nearly five inches of water fell during the first ten days of August. In the early summer of 1886, the last good rain fell on May 13. After that time there was no rain reaching half an inch until August 4-eighty-three days without a serviceable shower! The total rainfall during that period was less than one inch, while the normal rainfall would be nearly ten and a half inches.


SOME VITAL STATISTICS.—Vital statistics are not commonly supposed to be of thrilling interest, but some of those embodied in the latest volume of the Tenth Census, collected by Dr. John S. Billings, are very well worth studying. It is encouraging to find that the average death-rate of the United States, 18 to each 1,000, is a low rate of inortality compared with France, Germany, Austria, Italy, or Belgium, and even England's death-rate is 20.5. Sweden and some of the rural districts of England are said to be the only portions of the world having a lower death-rate than our country. A point which we emphasized not long since, the dangers of our country dwellings, with their imperfect sanitary conditions, is verified by these statistics. In the fifty largest cities of the country typhoid fever is reported to have caused 16.7 in each 1,000 deaths from specified causes, while outside of the cities typhoid fever caused double this number of deaths. We hear much of sewer-gas and defective plumbing in the cities, but it appears that the ill

guarded wells, disease-breeding cess-pools and out-houses, and want of drainage in the country are far more real perils than those of which we complain in city life. The belief that the native stock is dying out in New England is confirmed by Dr. Billings' investigations. The number of births during the year to each 1,000 women between the ages of fifteen and forty-nine is shown to be 82.9 in Massachusetts; 71.6 in New Hampshire; 83.2 in Connecticut; 88.7 in Vermont; 93.9 in Maine; 115.1 in Pennsylvania; 122.4 in Indiana; 133 in Iowa; 148.5 in Louisiana; 156 in Georgia; 187.4 in Texas, and in Utah, the home of Mormonism, 198.9. If the statistics of births in New England could be given for the native population alone, the rate would be much lower. As it is, we have no reason to infer that the Irish, Germans, and French-Canadians of New England are less prolific there than elsewhere, and we must, therefore, conclude that the small number of births among the native stock has brought the rates down to their present low figures. Yet Dr. Billings finds that the expectation of life of a white male at birth is 41.74 in Massachusetts and 37.04 in Boston, against 33.28 in New York, 38.11 in Chicago, 40.16 in Philadelphia, 36.75 in St. Louis, and 38.02 in San Francisco. It may be inferred, therefore, that Philadelphia is the healthiest city for infants. The smallest proportion sick to every thousand over fifteen years of age is in the middle Atlantic coast region. A fact which may have some bearing on the future of the colored race among us is that the expectations of life of colored males at birth is ten years less than that of white males.

These are a few of the interesting features of an array of statistics, the most important of the kind ever collected in this country. The value of such census work should assure prompt and ample appropriations without question, and, if possible, appropriations so generous that publication need not be deferred so long after the collections of the facts as has been the case hitherto.-Frank Leslie's Illustrated Paper.

THE CONSUMPTION OF PAPER.-The consumption of paper and the volume of its manufacture are sometimes taken as standards of civilization. The United States has 884 paper mills and 1,106 paper machines. Germany has 809 mills and 891 machines; France, 420 mills and 525 machines; England, 361 mills, 541 machines; Scotland, 69 mills, 98 machines; Ireland, 13 mills, 13 machines; Russia, 133 mills, 137 machines; and Austria, 220 mills, 270 machines. The average annual production of paper in all countries is estimated at 2,800,000 tons—a quantity which fairly entitles the present age to be called the age of paper.-N. Y Times.


PHYSIC-TIPPLERS.-One of the most interesting of the papers read before the State Sanitary Convention held in this city last May was in the form of a warning against intemperance in the use of drugs. The writer, Dr. Frank Woodbury, of this city, has permitted the publication of this noteworthy contribution to popular knowledge in advance of the annual report of the convention, and it is certainly worthy of careful study. The habit of taking into the system drugs of whose ultimate effects the partaker is either ignorant or supremely careless has grown very common of late among a large class of people who are usually credited with more than ordinary intelligence. Dr. Woodbury's experience leads him to the conclusion that it has attained to such considerable proportions as to command attention and consideration from all medical practitioners. He finds the physic-tippler and medicine-bibber everywhere-not the solicitous and over-anxious citizen, who, with every slight cold or sore joint, rushes off to a doctor for a course of constitutional treatment, nor altogether the devotees of narcotic and stimulant drugs, but a great mass of people who use almost every description of real or pretended medicament without knowledge and without stint. Even the comparatively harmles and innocuous soda-water fountains has been diverted to the use of the physic-tippler, for for upon inquiry Dr. Woodbury found that numerous powerful tinctures, extracts and elixirs, as well as potassium and sodium bromide, soda mint, sodium bicarbonate, acid phosphate and aromatic spirits of ammonia, were regularly served out to patrons of soda-water fountains in the drug stores. Probably very few of these customers could give a logical or pathological reason for this form of indulgence in extemporized mixtures which might or might not prove harmless, but which in any case could not be classed as remedial agents, for over-medication is a danger against which the physician guards no less carefully than against the earlier stages of an acute disease. He knows when to administer and when to withhold; but the slave of a habit of drugging often persists until an enfeebled digestion and a collapsed nervous system sound imperative notes of warning.

In the immense increase noted of late years in the preparations of narcotic and alkaline drugs, as well as in the continuous accessions to the amount of capital invested in making patent medicines, Dr. Woodbury finds reason for believing that the practice of medicine-bibbing is more than keeping pace with the growth of wealth and population. Especially has there been an increase in the demand for those drugs that act specifically upon the nervous system. But a few years ago the bromides were little known or used; at the present time it is estimated that over 200 tons are annually used in this country. Chloral hydrate has been in use but fifteen years, yet its consumption in Europe and America now amounts to many hundreds of tons each year, while of the opium products, of ether, chloroform, and the iodides, there is a constant flow from a severely-taxed, yet apparently exhaustless source of supply. Dr. Woodbury tells of a formula for a mixture containing chloral which he saw conspicuously posted behind a druggist's counter. found on inquiry that the posting was merely a matter of convenience, since the calls for the mixture were exceedingly frequent. Alcoholic mixtures he learned were similarly redemanded, often for months after the occasion for their use had passed away. Intemperance in drugs and medicines, it appears, is no less common than are other forms of self-indulgence.

It was


THE BUSINESS SITUATION.-For months money has been going begging for employment and large sums have been lying idle. The man who had money to in

vest had as difficult a task as some have had to earn it. If he turned to Government bonds or sound railroad securities, the premium which the investor has been obliged to pay well-nigh deprived him of any return for the money he would be required to pay. Two weeks ago there came a change. The rates of discount suddenly hardened, and borrowers who had been paying one or one and a half per cent. for temporary accommodation found themselves compelled to pay ten and even twenty per cent. The reserves of the New York banks the middle of August last year were $59,555,875 in excess of the legal requirement, and in 1884 they were $32,538,300. August 14, 1886, the excess of surplus was only $7,212,225. What has caused this sudden demand for money which has forced the rates of discount up so rapidly during the past two weeks? What has become of the money? We have seen several explanations. The expansionist declares that it is due to the contraction of the national banking circulation, incident to the retirement of the three per cent. bonds, which are held as the basis of circulation. This would be a sufficient answer if his assumption were correct, but it is not. The circulation of the banks has fallen off some, but in no manner which would produce such tightness in the money markets. Others explain the change by declaring that speculators have locked up the money in order to affect the prices of stocks or merchandise. In answer to this, it is affirmed on good authority that no evidence can be found to sustain that rather improbable theory. Others say that large sums of money have been drawn out and sent West to move the crops. This may ac count for several millions of dollars, but there is said to be no evidence that unusually large sums of money have been taken from the banks for this purpose. Of the many attempts to explain the change in the money market that made by the New York Journal of Commerce appears the most natural and sensible. For the first time in many months lenders have discovered a wider inquiry and a quicker demand for money, which has led conservative men to hesitate a little about lending until they can see what the call for money means; consequently the advance in rates of discount. The greater demand for money indicates a greater activity

in business, the opening of new enterprises, and the expansion of trade. If these indications are real, the increased rates of interest do not indicate a scarcity of money, but a revival of business enterprise and a more healthy condition of trade.Boston Journal.

Although the fact is apparent that the people take too much medicine, there is some excuse for them, since the facilities and appliances for excess are crowded upon them at every hand. Dr. Woodbury enumerates several reasons for the modern demand for drugs. The establishment of free dispensaries, the overcrowding of the medical profession, the persistent and elaborate advertising of nostrums and proprietary medicines, and the peculiar habit of mind which leads a man or a woman to deliberately violate physical laws in the expectation that the druggist will furnish relief when called upon, are potent factors in creating a large demand for and an excessive use of medicaments; and if it require so many powerful drugs and stimulants to keep this generation at the proper level, what is to become of humanity in the twentieth century? Children are naturally the greatest sufferers from the practice of indiscriminately using drugs on every occasion. "Our babies," says Dr. Woodbury, "are fed with artificial foods because the defective vitality of the mothers forbids nursing them; when they suffer with indigestion and cry they are drugged with soothing sirup and paregoric; if they venture to cough they are dosed with squills and antimony; and in between the doses they are given castor oil, worm-lozenges, ginger-bread, catnip tea, soda mint, and calomel until they are large enough to drag their sickly little bodies to school; then they have cod liver oil, and iron, and quinine to keep them going, and when nature kindly gives them a fever in order to give them some rest in bed they are dosed ad nauseum by officious friends and attendants." Before attaining the age of five years, it is said, one-fourth of all the children born in civilized countries die; and no wonder. Whether directly, as above indicated, or by the transmission from sickly parents of an enfeebled constitution, the little innocents must suffer because of lack of knowledge in others. It seems to Dr. Woodbury that the evil complained of might be checked by a system of government inspection, through a board of experts, of all proprietary medicines, with power to prohibit the sale of all injurious compounds, and by such instruction of the people generally as would enable them to estimate drugs and lead them to regard every unknown medical agent as harmful and dangerous unless proved to the contrary. The first of these conditions is practical and comparatively easy of attainment. But as to the otherwhen it can be carried out the millennium will have come.— -Philadelphia Record. NOTES. Dr. Maas, the admired and brilliant young professor of surgery at Wurzburg, has suddenly died. His career promised to be an exceptionally famous one in medical instruction.- -The London Lancet says that the moderate use of tobacco soothes the senses, and leaves the mental faculties free from irritation and ready for calmly clear intellectual processes.- -Tyrotoxicon, or cheese poison, has been recently discovered in ice cream, which produced serious trouble in Michigan. Cheese, curd, and ice cream have been found to contain this poison in certain cases.- -If experiments which have been made by a dentist in San Francisco bear the test of time, a radical change in dentistry seems impending. Dr. Younger, following the lead of the great John Hunter, has found that teeth freshly drawn can be transplanted to a cock's comb and retain their vitality for a month. They will also live in warm water for about two days. These placed in the natural sockets from which other teeth have been taken and secured, then temporarily, become fixed and grow as if indigenous to the soil. But more than this, new sockets can be drilled and teeth inserted within them, and the result shows that here again the new-comer takes firm hold of the adjacent bone and becomes a strong and useful masticator.- -A writer to the Manchester Medical Chronicle for June, 1866, gives some interesting information concerning the kola nut, which is indigenous to the western coast of Africa. The kola contains considerable quantities of caffeine and some theobromine, and its paste forms the basis of a valuable stimulating food. At a meeting of the Linnean Society a member stated that the foreman of his estate was addicted to excessive drinking, especially on Saturdays. His wife was in the habit of making kola paste every Monday morning, which she administered to him, and in half an hour his head was clear for business. It is said that the votary of Silenus who tries the kola paste after a debauch can not return to alcoholic stimulants for several days without becoming nauseated. In some garrison towns a native sits by the roadside and sells kola nuts to the soldiers for the purpose of clearing the cobwebs from their tipsy brains.- -M. Mannassein, an emiWHY THE ROTHSCHILDS Would Not Make a LOAN.—It is said of one of the nent physician of St. Petersburg, avers that cocaine is an unequaled preventive for Rothschilds that on one occasion he was asked to extend some help to a business seasickness, and claims to have proved it most successfully in a number of cases. man suffering from a temporary embarrassment, but the great banker refused. He also finds it very effective in the treatment of cholera morbus, and thinks it He was pressed to give his reasons, as he admitted the merchant had abundant assets. -A classification of insanity is will prove a great remedy for Asiatic cholera.Mr. Rothschild said that he had noticed him for years, and had observed given by Dr. John P. Gray, which for simplicity quite equals the famous classificahe always delayed everything until the very last moment, remarking that a man tion of skin diseases into "eczema and not eczema.' It is as follows: Mania, who would thus regularly put off everything was an unsafe business man. The manifested by delusions of excitement, expansive ideas, exaggerations, self-conse- merchant, no doubt, was always in a hurry, yet was ever wasting time. The suc quence, incoherence, etc. Melancholia, manifested by delusions of depressing cessful business man is that one who begins his preparations in time, and not that character, painful ideas, and apprehensions. Dementia, representing conditions one who has to hurry at the last minute. The man who is ready to attend to a of mental failure and feebleness of mental action. All cases of insanity come under matter of business in the forenoon, but puts it off until the afternoon, is wasting these three heads. Cases may be acute, subacute, chronic, periodic, paroxysmal, time, and will never prove a success.-The Brooklyn Magazine. but they are either mania, melancholia, or dementia.- The announcement is made of two more deaths of patients who had been bitten by mad dogs and then inoculated by Pasteur. Among fifty-four persons bitten by mad wolves and inocu lated by Pasteur, fourteen have now died, which is about the ordinary percentage. It seems impossible not to conclude that the Pasteur virus is at least impotent against mad wolves.An Alabama physician has retired from practice temporarily in order to become postmaster.- The Roman laws ordained, says Montesquieu, that physicians should be punished for neglect or unskillfulness. In treatment, if the physician was a person of any fortune or rank, he was condemned to deportation; but if he was of a low condition in society he was put to death, which was rather hard on the said physician of low condition. A writer in the Medical Record says a doctor's faith in physic is the measure of his intellect. It is always in inverse proportion. Confidence in God and nature points to large comprehension. -Acting Surgeon-General Stoner, of the marine hospital, says that the United States is in a very good state of health at present, and is entirely free from contagious diseases, except a few cases of yellow fever now under treatment at the Ship Island quarantine station, off the coast of Louisiana.

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A VACATION ON SUNDAY.-No bank officer should work on the Sabbath except when it is demanded by necessity. There have been times during the rebellion when some very patriotic and holy work was done in many a Northern bank on Sundays. In a time of terrible national distress the London Times once issued the only Sunday edition it ever printed, and that famous Sunday Times was sent forth for the purpose of announcing that the English cabinet and the directors of the Bank of England had had a Sunday meeting, and that the outcome was the suspension of the Bank of England. There are bank officers who of their own choice and simply because they did not know what else to do with themselves have fallen into the habit of going to the bank and doing clerical work on Sundays. Some have said that the complete quiet and absence of all interruption which they could get when at this Sunday work made it the best day in the week in which to bring up back work or get work ahead so that they need not be in a hurry on Monday. Viewed from any correct stand-point, this habit of working on the Sab bath is a very objectionable one, and if bank officers are disposed to indulge in it the directors should forbid it. There is plenty of evidence of the highest character and authority proving that it is better physically, mentally, and economically, throwing entirely out of the question all reference to its moral and religious aspect, for a man to do all his labor in six days and rest on the Sabbath.-Rhodes' Journal of Banking.

66 The movement

NOTES. The cashier of the New York National Bank says: of money is a fortnight earlier this fall than usual, and is very sharp. The flow of money West for the movement of produce of all kinds is very encouraging. We have seen nothing like it at this season for many years. Our local business with the jobbers is very encouraging, too. We have not experienced so hopeful a condition, all around, for a long while." The cashier of Commercial National Bank said: "The demand for money from the West is good deal earlier than last year. We have not had the dull, sluggish August that is usual. The business with the jobbers is excellent. The movement all around is a great deal earlier than usual." -The steamer "Morucca," which cleared for Dunkirk, on Thursday, as before reported, is said by Messrs. Louis Strauss & Co., her charterers, to be the first steamer which has been loaded for France with molasses. They also say that her cargo, consisting of 550 barrels and 297 hogsheads of syrup, and 1,155 hogsheads of molasses, is the largest ever made, in a single shipment, from the port of New York.- A correspondent of the Chicago News says: "Some time ago the question of the origin of the word boodle was raised, and the preponderance of evidence, in my opinion, pointed to the origin from the Hollandish buidel,' mean

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ing money or gain. This origin is scarcely consistent with its appearance in its present sense, in Macaulay's Political Georgics' (1828):


* And boodle's patriot band,

Fat from the leanness of a plundered land;

Yo diners out, from whom we guard our spoons:
Ye snug defaulters, ye.obscene buffoons;
Come all of every race, and size, and form-
Corruption's children, brethren of the worm.

Under these circumstances, its origin from boodle, a Scotch coin, seems more
probable. Boodle, however, it is possible, may be of Platte-Deutsch origin.".
It is said that Edward Atkinson, of Boston, a writer on economic subjects, is just
now trying to convince people, in a series of magazine articles, that a man can live
well on $200 a year, and that it is a great folly to spend more. His annual ex-
penses are said to be $20,000 a year.- One of the questions to be presented to
the voters of Illinois, this fall, is the constitutional amendment abolishing convict
contract labor. The amendment was adopted by the general assembly, subject to
the people's vote this fall.- -John W. Bradshaw, of Indianapolis, Ind., is the in-
ventor of an improved method of unsoldering and cleansing tin cans, so that the
metal may be used for other purposes. It consists in immersing the cans in a bath
of hot oil or other fatty liquid.- The New York Commercial Bulletin claims
that Montana will show a reduction in monthly production of copper of 100,000,000
pounds, and Arizona over 700,000 pounds, for the last six months of 1886, or a
total reduction for that period of 10,0000,000 pounds.-Thirty-five hundred per-
sons have been rendered homeless in Wisconsin by forest fires. The amount of
property destroyed will not fall short of five million dollars.- A steamer arrived
at New York from Newcastle which is specially constructed for carrying oil in bulk.
The engine and boilers are well aft, and her hold is divided into several apart-
ments, reached through man-holes in the deck. The vessel will carry 17,000 bar-
rels of oil. The diamond trade at Antwerp has, of late, been largely developed.
The value of the diamonds cut there every year is estimated at over £1,000,000
sterling. They are exclusively Cape stones.- -Bullion to the amount of £96,-
ooo has been shipped from London, and to the amount of £500,000 from Paris, for
America, August 20. -The report is confirmed that Krupp has secured a con-
tract to supply 1,500 tons of steel rails for the construction of railroads to be used
in the development of mining industries in Tientsin.—The contract for supplying
distinctive paper for use in printing internal revenue stamps has been awarded to
the Fairchild Paper Manufacturing Company, of Boston.


RAILROAD ACTIVITY IN THE SOUTH.-There is a renewed activity throughout the Southern States, and it is especially noticeable among the railroads. A few years ago a new set of speculative railroads were built, and bonds issued largely in excess of the cost of construction and equipment. Some of these have passed into the hands of receivers; have been reorganized on a safer basis, and are now ready for business. In the meantime, the business of this section has been steadily extending, and now the railroads are showing increased earnings. New towns are appearing on the map, new coal fields are opening, mineral lands are in the market, and capital is turning this way for investment. Birmingham, Sheffield, Anniston, Chattanooga, and Nashville are growing, and Birmingham especially is enjoying a wild real estate speculation. Not only are new lines projected into the South like that from Kansas City through Memphis to Birmingham, but all the old roads are building branches, extensions, and side-tracks to develop new business and to accommodate it, and the next ten years promise to be the most active and the most prosperous in the history of the Southern States. The growth is genuine and it is continuous. The concentration of capital in the North, which is due to the tariff, will be counteracted to a certain extent by natural competition. Capital will seek those places where production can be carried on at the lowest cost.-Louisville Courier-Journal, August 21.

NOTES. Railroad earnings are improving. The July returns show that sixtyseven roads report total earnings of $20,147,730 against $17,912,480 for the same month in 1885. There was thus a gain of $2,235,250. A gratifying feature of this gain is its general distribution, almost every section of the country being included.- -It is reported that Henry Villard will shortly return to New York and make that city his permanent home. Mr. Villard built a very handsome and costly residence there, which he assigned to the Northern Pacific Railroad when financial disaster overtook him. He has since become its owner, and is said to be the possessor of a fortune of about a quarter of a million.- -T. A. Mackinnon, general manager of the Southwestern Railway, has been appointed successor to Mr. Egan as superintendent of the western section of the Canadian Pacific, with headquarters at Winnipeg.- -A German firm, which has been for a long time trying to obtain a concession to construct railways in Bulgaria, has given up the attempt, and admits the complete failure of its scheme.- -Mme. Anderson, of Stockholm, Sweden, is granted by the king the freedom of the railways of that country as an aid to her important missionary labors for the promotion of temperance and social purity.--The famous car, "Abraham Lincoln," which carried the body of the martyr President from Washington to Springfield in 1865, and which was originally a director's car, worth $30,000, is now used to transfer section hands on the Colorado Central Railroad. It has a curious history. After performing funeral duty, it was bought at a Government sale by Ward H. Lamon, who wished to keep it out of the dime museums. He sold it to the Union Pacific, and it was used as an officers' car till 1869, when Sidney Dillon turned it into an emigrant car. Since then its fall in the social scale has been slow but steady.R. Č. Stevenson, the father of the railroad ticket brokerage business in the United States, and whose name is familiar in all parts of the country, died at his home in Pittsburgh on the 4th inst. A Pittsburgh dispatch states that "thirty-three years

ago he resigned from the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, now the Fort Wayne, when Gen. Cass was president, rented a room, and started the business of ticket scalping, at which he accumulated a fortune of $100,000. Mr. Stevenson was also the chief mover in organizing the Ticket Brokers' Association, an organization that controls ticket scalping from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and numbers among its members every ticket seller in the United States. The society was Mr. Stevenson's own idea, and was formed to fight the Pennsylvania Railroad when the latter got the scalping law engineered through the Legislature. He was prosecuted by the railroad companies at different times, but always secured a favorable verdict. He had a branch office in Chicago, where he did a large business.——— The rail makers, at their Long Branch meeting, have decided to begin next year's production with an allotment of 1,000,000 tons. This year's allotment started out with 750,000 tons.


HIGHER FEMALE EDUCATION-ITALY.-In the higher education of woman Italy was among the first to lead the way and set an example, though other countries have since gained a higher place than she now holds. Italy has also presented some of the noblest and most attractive types on record of true womanly excellence among the many rich examples when her women were influenced by a keen desire of knowledge. For six centuries the Italians were the most variously gifted people of modern times, and women, as a distinguished Italian lady author has said, when released from the Catholic misogynism, ever maintained the same superiority as the men. In the 14th century, in the celebrated, proud university of Bologna, the celebrated Dota Accorosa occupied a professor's chair in Greek and Latin literature; and at present, in this same university, are to be seen the portraits of four lady professors-Maria Gaietana, of mathematics; Anna Manzolini, of anatomy; Batisca Gazadine and Clotilda Lambroni, of Greek. In the 15th century Laura Cerata Lerina, at the age of twenty, was professor of philosophy at the university of Brescia, Helen Cornaro was professor of philosophy at the university of Padua, and Manella di Andrea, as beautiful as learned, filled ad interim the professor's chair of her brother in canon law and metaphysics. In the old university at Sorrento, in the 14th century, was a lady professor of anatomy, who also wrote books on medicine in Greek and Latin. Many others could be cited. In the great intellectual movement of the 16th century the number of learned, genial, and liberal Italian ladies were so large that it is very doubtful whether all the rest of Europe contained so many as Italy alone. Tiraboschi gives a long catalogue of ladies in the first half of the 16th century, and in the list of lady poets he mentions some forty, and intimates, if all had been registered, the number might have been much larger. Among the most learned and distinguished women of the Renaissance period in Italy were Vittoria Colonna, the friend of Michael Angelo, Tulla D'Arragona, and Olimpia Morata, the latter of whom seemed to possess all that is most valuable and womanly in woman. The language of the muses was her earliest mother tongue, which she drank in, as one has said, with her mother's milk. She was a perfect specimen of classical learning, bright-eyed and bright-minded creature, enthusiastic in her love of Latin and Greek literature, and at fourteen years of age thoroughly skilled in the same. Her familiarity with the Greek and Latin authors, with their modes of thinking, and her mastery of their language, were marvelous. Residing at the court of Ferrara, the most renowed in Europe, thronged with men of learning and genius from France, Germany, and England, she lectured upon the paradoxes of Cicero, and made improvisations in Greek and Latin. But not only had she the most delicate taste for the charms of Cicero; no less marvelous was her zeal for religion, her patience under severe trials, and her unshaken constancy in adversity. An artistic love for the beauties of language ever graced the higher education of the literary women of Italy. They attached great importance to the beauties, analogies, and delicacies of language, to diction and to style. Literature, language, and art had with them the preponderance, and higher female education consisted in developing the powers and faculties of woman, and especially her higher faculties and those in which woman excels. Much, very much can young ladies of our own country learn of higher education by an earnest and faithful study of the Italian language, Italian literature, art, and the history of her most celebrated women.- Wm. Clark, in The Church Union.


NOTES.-Wm. A. Graves, a colored man, was principal of a colored school in Atlanta, Ga. The school committee had ordered the children to turn out to make parade and holiday on the occasion of the Jeff. Davis reception. Mr. Graves refused to lead his colored children, laden with flowers, to honor the man who tried to keep them in slavery. Because he thus refused he has been turned out of his office. Another colored man, the very man who, as a ragged little school-boy, told Gen. Howard to tell the friends North that "we's rising, just been turned out of the position of master of the colored public school in Macon, Ga., because he made an alumni address last June, in which he told his brethren and sisters that they had the same right to seats in public conveyances and to places in the hotels as white men, and that they should be demanded.Count Ysugi, son of the premier of Japan, is in Chicago to arrange with publishers for school text-books in the English language for use in the Japanese schools, the mikado having ordered that the English language be taught in the public schools.

A benevolent lady of Minneapolis has recently purchased for Carleton College the large geological and natural history collection-one of the rarest in the West belonging to the late Professor Trowbridge, of Missouri.- -The trustees of Lake Forest University have decided to ask the Rev. W. C. Roberts, D. D., to accept the presidency of that institution in place of the Rev. D. G. Gregory, D. D., resigned. -The new library building of Drew Seminary will, when completed and furnished, cost $100,000, and will contain one of the finest known collections of Methodist literature. -Dean Bourgon, of Oxford, England, a few years since preached a sermon entitled "The Higher Education of Women a Crime Against

Nature and a Sin Against God. "The German government offers a salary of 5,000 marks per year to the young teacher who will go to Cameroons and open a school for the instruction of the natives.- -Chautauqua's graduating class numbers 4,000 members, probably the largest of any university in the world. -Since 1879 the University of Sydney has received donations exceeding a million of dollars. One bequest, known as the Challis bequest, is expected to realize £200,000. The Macleay Natural History collection, another recent gift, is valued at £25,000, and a sum of £6,000 has been promised for the endowment of a curatorship in connection with it. For the purpose of founding a library a donation of £30,000 was made.According to the official returns of the minister of education in Prussia, the number of students in philology and the kindred subjects of philosophy and history in that kingdom-now for a considerable time known to be sensibly on the decrease in the field of the ancient classics-has altogether steadily declined from Michaelmas, 1881, to Easter, 1885. The number of students of philosophy, philology, and history at the universities of Prussia amounted in the winter session of 1881-'82 to 2,522, in the summer session of 1882 to 2,535, in the winter session of 1882-'83 to 2,504, in the summer session of 1883 to 2,398, in the winter session of 1883-'84 to 2,311, in the summer session of 1884 to 2,258, and in the winter session of 1884-'85 to 2,181. Within a period of 31⁄2 years, therefore, the decline in the number of students of philosophy, philology, and history has been about 14 per cent.


EDITORIAL PERSONALITIES.—' -The belligerent series of notes regarding the Halstead-McLean misunderstanding, which reads at the beginning like a bit of dueling correspondence, though it leads up to a pacific conclusion, furnishes a fresh illustration of the folly and uselessness of editorial personalities. When two dry goods merchants have a dispute over their business they do not rush into the newspapers with letters and articles bitterly assailing each other's personal character and calling each other knave and fool, or worse. They refrain from this partly because they have no desire to expose their idiocy or their ill-temper in public, and partly because they rightly assume that the public has no interest in their quarrels. Why should the case be any different with editors? What do the readers of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette care to know concerning Mr. Halstead's personal relations with Mr. McLean, or his opinion of his private character? What right has either editor to consume space in his paper which ought to be devoted to public uses and information with personal assaults upon another editor?

When the editors of petty papers somewhere on the frontiers of civilization fall foul of each other, and exhaust their ingenuity in discovering or coining abusive epithets for reciprocal application, we smile at their fury, and attribute it to their imperfect education or the effect of their environment; but when the editors of daily papers in the great cities betake themselves to similar exercise it becomes a reproach to American journalism. There has been altogether too much of this of late. We have had one New York editor sneering at another by name, as formerly a coachman, and the latter reciprocating by attacking the other's personal character and family relations. What pitiful business it all is! Is a newspaper good for nothing else than to be made the vehicle for the personal quarrel or the malice of its editor? Where is the justification for sending papers freighted with personal invective and scandal into thousands of homes? Have the newspapers, the sources of intelligence and the natural conservators of public peace and morality, no better work than this to do? In the interest of the dignity of the press and of its influence over the public mind, if for no other reason, it is time to call a halt to this practice of editorial personality.-Boston Journal.


NOTES." Director Gericke," says the Neue Berliner Musik Zeitung, "who, in the past season, has conducted over 100 concerts in America with the most brilliant success, arrived, a short time since, in Vienna, and, from the students of the conservatory who have completed their studies, has engaged two trumpeters, one flutist, and several violinists for his orchestra in Boston. Gericke also intends to introduce the normal pitch, and for that purpose takes with him to America one of L. A. Zellner's electric tuning-forks, with batterio, and a quantity of Volter's nor-Signor Liberati, the brilliant cornetist now playing at mal pitch tuning-forks."the Point of Pines, says he first got his inspiration to strive for first rank when he was a bugler on a United States gunboat. Coming through the fogs off Newfoundland he was stationed in the bow to blow his bugle as a warning horn. He utilized the time for practice, and acquired certain peculiarities which led him to think he might rise in his profession, and subsequent efforts led to his success.. Madame Alboni, whose gloriously rich and thrilling voice all old opera lovers recall with a sigh of yearning, now weighs almost 400 pounds, is very lame, but jolly, wears glasses, and has an immense appetite. She sings for charity sometimes, and preserves all the beatuy of her remarkable style, though the tones themselves have lost their freshness.- Last week thirty years had passed since the death of Robert Schumann. The present year is of special importance for the works of the celebrated composer, since, with the expiration of it, all copyright in Schubert music ceases. In Germany it is expected that cheap editions will become the order of the day.-The remains of Abbe Liszt, by request of the Grand Duke of SaxeWeimar, will be permanently laid beside those of Goethe and Schiller, and the duke will erect the costly tomb already designed.. -The son of Matthew Arnold is quite a clever music writer, and has set to music the " Requiescat of his father. -Dr. Van Zandt, the father of the young American singer, Marie Van Zandt, has written to several papers here and abroad a brief refutation of the re

cent exaggerated reports concerning her present ill-health. Mlle. Van Zandt has had no paralytic attacks; paralysis has never been known to occur in her family; she is merely temporarily indisposed; and last, she will soon resume her profes sional work.- -The New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, begins its next session September 9th. Many new features have been introduced, and its corps of instructors has been increased. The commencement programme, just issued, contains the addresses delivered on the occasion, and a statement of the work done. The circular for next year is full and complete.The September Cen tury will contain a paper on Liszt. It is an account of a summer with Liszt at Weimar, written by one of his pubils, Mr. A. M. Bagby, and is full of interesting anecdotes and reminiscences. The accompanying illustrations include a frontispiece portrait of Liszt, and a full page picture of "the master" seated at the piano, both engraved by Johnston.- There is some talk of the American Opera Company's going abroad next year, and Manager Locke admits that "substantial suggestions" have been made for England, France, and Germany.


AN ACTOR AT THE UNIVERSITIES.--The summer season of 1886 will be remembered amongst many other pleasant things for that agreeable interlude when Henry Irving went down to Oxford at the request of the Vice-Chancellor to lecture on the drama to the members of that ancient and hospitable University. This, it will be remembered, is the third time that the popular actor has discussed his art in the presence of a University audience. The first occasion was some years ago at Trinity College, Dublin, whose graduates and undergraduates were among Mr. Irv ing's most cordial and sincere admirers. The second time was at Harvard University, during Mr. Irving's second American tour, and the third was at Oxford, at the new University schools in the High street. It is a mistake to suppose that the Sheldonian Theater was ever refused for the purposes of Mr. Irving's lecture. He might have appeared there had it not been considered that the handsome new University schools was a more fitting place for the brilliant assembly that was cer tain to gather together to do honor to this most respected and generally popular artist. It is quite certain that nothing could have been better managed. Mr. Irving was the guest of Mr. Jowett, the master of Balliol, and the then ViceChancellor of the University, and was by him and the University proctors and the leading heads of houses escorted to the rostrum, from which he lectured to one of the most representative audiences that could have been selected from the University. All prejudices were put aside, and all did their utmost to make the occasion dignified and noteworthy. The lecture itself, as our readers very well know-for it is printed and is, of course, in the hands of all dramatic students, and safely stored on the shelves of all dramatic libraries—was an interesting and eloquent summary of the lives of the four celebrated actors-Burbage, Betterton, David Garrick, and Edmund Keen. The interest of the subject was progressive and the attention of all was keenly stimulated until the very end. As to the manner of the delivery of the lecture there is no need to speak. It was in Mr. Irving's very best and most characteristic style. But few expected the treat that was to follow. To the surprise of every one, Mr. Jowett, in his vote of thanks to Mr. Irving, indulged in an eloquent and interesting defense of the drama. It was, it is needless to state, learned, appropriate, and scholarly. This done, the Vice-Chancellor in troduced his "young friends," as he called them, and the leading representatives of undergraduate life in the matter of literature, art, drama, and athletics presented Mr. Irving publicly with an illuminated address extolling his merits, and a life of Shakespeare, handsomely bound, as a keepsake. Then came the cheers that are only heard with such force and earnestness at public schools or Universities, and the interesting evening came to an end. During his visit to Oxford Mr. Irving was hospitably entertained at several of the colleges, and had an opportu nity of attending one of the celebrated Sunday evening concerts at Balliol that owe their success to the dominant influence of Mr. Jowett and the artistic enthusi asm of Mr. John Farmer, who has left Harrow and its pleasant associations to identify himself with Oxford and University life.—The Theater, London. NOTES.-Somebody has started the story that Lawrence Barrett's talented daughter never has seen a play or an opera, because her father doesn't wish her to. Janauschek, the great actress and brave woman, suffering under a mortal disease and not appreciated by a dull and trivial public, returns to the stage this year, undaunted by the disfavor of fortune and fate.- -Margaret Mather will add "Peg Woffington to her parts this season. -Robert Browning says that Alma Murray, the lady who lately took on the stage the part of "Beatrice Cenci," is a "poetic

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actress without a rival."


NOTES.-The first Italian exhibition of photography will take place at Florence in the month of October. It will be national in character, but in some classes ob jects will be received from foreigners.-The Berlin Academy has elected as full members of its body Sir John E. Millais and Sir Frederick Leighton.-Mr. Fred G. Kitton, author of "Dickensiana," is completing a new art work relating to Dickens, entitled "Dickens Portrayed by Pen and Pencil." The object of the work is to give a complete description of the portraits of the novelist.Holman Hunt Exhibition just closed has proved, almost without exception, the most successful ever held by the Fine Art Society. During the few weeks it was open no less than 35,300 persons passed the turnstiles, and in one day 1,100 thronged the gallery.- -A letter from Ramleh, near Alexandria, says one of our transatlantic exchanges, states that a great red granite statue has been discovered


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