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In the matter of expressing his views, he was unsurpassed in American history. We take it to be a conceded fact that his political writings are not equaled anywhere in our own time in respect of grace, clearness, and directness. He was a hard thinker and he knew well how to say what he thought.-Utica Observer (Dem.), August 5.

MR. TILDEN was a man of great craft added to intellectual force of a high order, and not troubled by inconvenient scruples. By the skillful handling of bankrupt railroad properties he became very wealthy. By keeping well in hand the Democratic organization of his State he became very powerful.— Philadelphia Press (Rep.), August 5.

MR. TILDEN's name will stand in the political history of the country as that of one of the cherished leaders of his party, though it is not conspicuously associated with any of the great contests over measures or principles which have divided parties and influenced the progress of the country.-Milwaukee Sentinel (Rep.), August 5.

NOBODY can tell how much this country owes to the man who, elected President of the United States, and having the people at his back, surrendered his title to that exalted office and remained in private life rather than be the occasion of discord and strife and civil war.-Richmond Dispatch (Dem.), August 5.

SINCE 1876 he has, on account of his political experience and shrewdness, been often consulted by his party friends, but his renomination as a vindication of the alleged fraud practiced on him by the Commission was never ventured upon by his party.-Nebraska State Journal (Rep.), August 6.

If there be any prominent man of ideas left in the Democratic party after the death of Mr. Tilden we do not know him; and, though death has not been so busy lately among Republican leaders, the Republican party is not much better off.— Rochester Post-Express (Ind.), August 5.

FEW men of our time have been more virulently abused and vilified, but that is the penalty of conspicuous merit. Now that he has passed away his foes will more gently judge him, for they will recognize his patience, faith, and fortitude.-New York Graphic (Dem.), August 5.

TILDEN will necessarily remain a problem for the critics and historians, and as long as his name is mentioned there will be a diversity of opinions in regard to him. Upon the whole he has been a useful character in our history.—Illinois State Journal (Rep.), August 5.

SAMUEL J. TILDEN, the discoverer and inspirer of the new Democracy, is dead. His long life would scarcely be famous but for this one brilliant passage in his career, this high and lasting service to his country and his party.-Springfield Republican (Rep.), August 5.

THAT he advised and assisted in a peaceful arrangement of the unfortunate complications which threatened violence, accepting a hostile arbitration rather than arouse strife, is as honorable to his patriotism as any act of his life.-Boston Post (Dem.), August 5.

LESSER men may have more honor, as they have been more successful in achieving the final objects of their ambition, but Samuel J. Tilden will always he a conspicuous and notable figure in American political history.-Providence Journal (Rep.), August 5.

He had many broad ideas on national questions, and if the Democratic party had seen fit to follow the advice of him who was always named as its leader, its standing before the country to-day would be very much improved.—Boston Advertiser (Rep.), August 5.

He lived long enough under the Democratic administration to demonstrate that he, as a private citizen, retained more influence in his party than the more successful candidate could command with all the power of office.—Chicago Mail (Ind.), August 5.

DEATH found him the greatest of his partisans in the widest political field on the globe, and those who hear with sincere personal regret of his summons to eternity number practically the total millions of his countrymen.-Detroit Journal (Dem.), August 5.

THE intellectual resources of Mr. Tilden were apparently inexhaustible. He always rose equal to the occasion. There was no position he ever filled that he was not master of the situation.—Washington Sunday Gazette (Rep.), August 8. FOR a man who had held no national office during his long life, he possessed remarkable powers in shaping political matters, and was justly regarded as the foremost among the leaders of his party.-Concord, N. H., Monitor (Rep.), August 5. He was one of the few public men of his time who did not regard principles and politics as incompatible. He was sometimes a demagogue in campaigns, but proved a statesman of probity in office.-Milwaukee Journal (Rep.), Âugust 5.

MR. TILDEN'S last thoughts were directed toward maintaining the honor of his country by the erection of a system of fortifications that would make us secure against the invasion of a foreign enemy.-Birmingham, Ala., Age (Dem.), August 5.

MR. TILDEN was one of the ablest and most gifted men of our time. Not only was he remarkably gifted as a party organizer and leader, but he was a statesman in the highest acceptation of the term.—Richmond Whig (Dem.), August 5.

HONORED in life as the champion of reform and political purity, respected as the exemplar of political wisdom, he will be honored in death as a shining example of American citizenship in its best aspect.-Chicago Telegram (Ind.), August 5.

THOSE who knew him best and longest say, and we believe say justly, that what

ever ambitions he had were not far personal aggrandizement, but for the well being and glory of his State and country.-New York Herald (Ind.), August 5.

His name is enrolled in the galaxy of America's ablest citizens, and his death stills forever a brain which all but the most bigoted partisans will admit has rendered conspicuous public service.—Boston Transcript (Ind.), August 4.

His political papers were dignified, shrewd, and forcible, and, in his utterances, at least, he was always on the side of reputable government and the better tendencies of American thought.— Washington Hatchet (Ind.), August 7.

He was a born reformer, and had his political adherence been bestowed upon another party, this quality of his mind and character would have shown with redoubled splendor.-Philadelphia City Item (Rep.), August 5.

In his death the Democratic party loses its most valued counsellor, the State of New York her most illustrious son, and the nation one of the greatest reformers of the age.—Painesville, Ohio, Democrat (Dem.), August 7.

He was a most masterful lawyer, a most subtle politician, a statesman only second in rank to the very highest, and one of the clearest-minded business men of the country.-Salt Lake Tribune (Rep.), August 5.

RARELY is a man's life so true to his country, his God, and his fellow-men that it may be said of him, as it has been said of Tilden, "His like will ne'er be seen again."-Cumberland, Md., Times (Dem.), August 5.

NO MAN of his time had the regard of his political party in higher degree, and we believe no man of any party has stood higher, as to ability, in the estimation of the country.-National Labor Tribune, August 7.

TAKE him for all in all, Samuel J. Tilden was, in most respects, a great citizen, whose name has an assured place in the history of his country, and a place that is not without honor.-Omaha Bee (Rep.), August 5.

He was one of the very few men of either party or any time able to inspire full confidence in his ability to grasp and thoroughly understand questions of public policy.-Chicago Inter-Ocean (Rep.), August 5.

THE greatest Democrat of his time has left as a legacy to the rising generation of America his splendid example. That is worth more than gold; yea, much fine gold.-New York Journal (Ind.), August 9.

THE death of Samuel J. Tilden removes from United States politics one of its most notable figures, and from the Democratic party its most distinguished member.-Halifax, N. S., Chronicle, August 5.

So long as love of country, admiration for ability, and respect for integrity dwell in the hearts of the people, so long will the name of Samuel J. Tilden be revered. -Oshkosh Times (Dem.), August 5,

MEN look with respect upon his ability and attainments as much as upon the purity and uprightness of his character and the rectitude of his practices.—Bur lington Hawkeye (Rep.), August 5.


It doesn't add to the honor of the great party leader to describe him as “ dent," while it does reveal not a little bad taste in his would-be eulogists.—Louisville Commercial (Rep.), August 6.

HISTORY will give him a high rank among American statesmen as a man original genius, broad mind, unflinching courage, and lofty character.-Nashville American (Dem.), August 5.

THE members of his party had a kind of reverend regard for the sage of Greystone, and had he lived he might have been the candidate in 1888.-Topeka Com monwealth (Rep.), August 5.

WE fear that Mr. Tilden will be sadly missed by the executive of this State, whose feet are just beginning to tread the most thorny paths of politics.-Albany Journal (Rep.), August 5.

-Raleigh News and Ob

HIS MEMORY will live long in the minds of the people he served well, and his wisdom will enlighten and instruct generations to come.server (Dem.), August 5.

MR. TILDEN was one of the ablest and purest statesmen that this country ever produced, and this century will not present his like again.-Lynchburg, Va., Ad. vance (Dem.), August 5.

He was a man of great ability, earnestness, and mental activity even in his later years, when his physical powers had greatly diminished.-Ohio State Journal (Rep.), August 5.

IN his death the Democratic party loses a tried and trusted leader, a man whose name is familiar to nearly every fireside in the land.-Leavenworth Times (Rep.), August 5.

MR. TILDEN will take a great place in history as a statesman and a patriot, and there will be no effort to deprive him of that place.-Savannah News (Dem.), August 5.

MR. TILDEN was betrayed by weak-kneed Democrats in Congress, some of whom pretended to represent his views when they did not.-Troy Press (Dem.), August 5. It will be many a year before the country develops a party leader so pure and so commanding as Samuel J. Tilden.—Lynn Bee (Ind.), August 5.

By far the greatest in reputation and influence of the statesmen of the Demo. cratic party in this generation.-- Worcester Spy (Rep.), August 5.

HISTORY may record his power, but it can never account for it.-Toledo Commercial (Rep.), August 6.

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THE President has removed Mr. Hedden from the collectorship of the port of New York, and appointed Daniel Magone in his place.

Springfield Republican (Ind.), August 10.

PRESIDENT CLEVELAND has been greatly disappointed in Hedden. He supposed, from his indorsements in business circles, that Hedden was a very capable business man, acquainted with the custom-house, who would know how to run that great office in sympathy with the President's policy. Now he finds that Hedden's business career has not developed any personal independence or brains. He has to refer the simplest questions to the department at Washington, which is tired of doing his work; and, in politics, he has obstructed the operation of the civil-service act, and played into the hands of the politicians in every way possible. We suspect the President himself was a little at fault in giving way to a current overestimate of "practical business men" for such a place as this. General Grant tried a practical business man in Collector Tom Murphy, and got rid of him as soon as possible. On the other hand, Collector Robertson, an able lawyer, trained at the bar and on the bench, made a very good collector. Many of the questions which the collector has to decide are purely legal, and the judicial experience is especially valuable, because it accustoms a man to sift evidence, discern truth, and act with promptitude, well-defined and intelligent purpose, and the courage of his reasons. Of all these qualities Hedden is destitute, never having been anything more than a book-keeper in a decadent shipping firm, which finally petered out. A "business man "of that quality is about the poorest stuff possible to elevate to the head of a great administrative office in the civil service. But this is the kind of man that H. O. Thompsnn thought was just the fit, next to himself. How can the spoilsmen and their advocate, the New York Sun, seriously believe that the offices ought to be filled by listening to such men as Thompson, Flynn, Squire, and other political managers—although deep in corrupt intrigue, yet in all that concerns and protects the public interest having the serpent's venom, but not a whit of his wisdom?

New York Star (Dem.), August 11.

MR. CLEVELAND has made an admirable appointment to the collectorship of this port. Daniel Magone, of Ogdensburg, is a lawyer of high standing who has long been in the front rank at the bar of Northern New York. He is of Irish parentage, but was, we believe, born in this State. He is a sterling Democrat, who has always adhered to the party, even when he disapproved of some of its policies. He has passed his life in a community which was overwhelmingly Republican, and has, therefore, not had the opportunities for public service which he would have found in most other towns of the State. In 1875 he was appointed by Governor Tilden upon the commission which was charged with the duty of investigating the administration of the canals. He was the titular and also the real head of that commission, and to his resolute spirit and painstaking industry the wholesome results of its investigations are mainly due. In the autumn of 1875 Mr. Magone was made chairman of the Democratic State committee, in which capacity he acted during the campaigns of '75 and '76. He was a prominent member of the New York delegation to St. Louis. During later years he has acted with the Tilden wing of the party, but he was one of the first of the public men of the State who recognized the strong qualities in Mr. Cleveland's character. He was an earnest advocate of his nomination and election, and in appointing him the President has placed in an office of great influence a devoted friend and an unflincing party leader. Mr. Magone is one of the most generous and magnanimous of men, and his vast powers are certain to be used with an entire freedom from factional prejudice. A better selection than this could not have been made.

Philadelphia Press (Rep.), August II.

WHEN the President removes Mr. Hedden from the collectorship of New York because of too much politics and appoints Daniel Magone in his place, he strains at the gnat and swallows the camel. Mr. Hedden's loins in politics are not equal to Mr. Magone's little finger. The difference is that Hedden was clumsy and awkward about it, and couldn't cover his tracks, while Magone will play it in the name of reform. Mr. Magone was among the group that rose into prominence with Mr. Tilden's accession to power. He was one of Mr. Tilden's favorite agents, ready to do his master's bidding, and skilled in his morals and his methods. He was a clever country lawyer up on the St. Lawrence, where they raise an honest yeomanry and smart politicians. Mr. Tilden turned him to account in his war on the canal ring, which bore the name of reform and displayed a great deal of political art, and from that hour, as before, he has been one of the band whose political thoughts all centered in the chief now lying in his steel-encased coffin at New Lebanon. The new collector will profess respect for civil-service reform, and he will be much more adroit in his evasions than his fat-witted predecessor was. But he is now and always was essentially a politician, whose first thought was to make the most, in a political sense, out of the enginery at his disposal. If the President had appointed some eminent merchant of New York, he would have emphasized his declared desire to have the custom-house run on business and not on political principles. In choosing Mr. Magone he has named a man who is personally irreproachable, but who is a bitter partisan, and who will play the game of politics while sounding the manifesto of reform.

New York World (Dem.), August 11.

MR. MAGONE'S experiences have hitherto all run in the line of machine politics, and he is now too old a man to be educated over again. The peculiar course of reasoning which selected Mr. Magone and transplants him hither, with the presumable object of remedying the evils of the Hedden regime, is difficult to comprehend unless it has some reference to a second term for the President and thus an extended opportunity for applying his intentions regarding the civil service. It is possible that the Presidential chair is possessed of greater attractions to a benedict than to a bachelor. But the appointment of Mr. Magone has the aspect, in

fact, of even a ludicrous anti-climax to the removal of Hedden for its supposed reasons. It is, beyond that, most unfortunate for the cause of reform as well as for the cause of Democracy. It is directly counter to the Democratic principles of local self-government, and will, too, probably be regarded as an insult to the Democracy of the city. Collector Hedden was unfit enough in the most important Federal position in this city, but at least he is a citizen and he is no spoils politician by trade. An unexceptionable appointment to this high place, which would have vindicated previous professions and emphasized the principles of reform, would have been a tower of strength in behalf of the cause. It is unfortunate for the people, the principle, and the party that the opportunity has been lost.

New York Times (Ind.), August 11.

WHEN Mr. Hedden admits that he has been trying to smuggle partisan workers past the barrier set up by the law he fully vindicates the journals of which he unreasonably complains, and shows that what he calls their "persistent misrepresentation" of him has been merely a persistent exposure of his practices and purposes. These journals have nothing to reproach themselves with; on the contrary, they have much to congratulate themselves upon-if, as he declares, they have succeeded in detaching him from the custom-house and enabling him to consider as a private citizen what the popular vote seems to require without reference to the obligations imposed by law upon the collector of the port.

New York Tribune (Rep.), August 11.

THE new collector, Mr. Magone, comes from the banner Republican county of St. Lawrence-a circumstance that is likely to cause an immense amount of heartburn among the Democratic "workers" in the counties on which their party relies for its majorities. Mr. Magone is a gentleman of high character, conceded force and ability, and of thorough-going Democracy. He will find no difficulty in improving upon the record made by his immediate predecessor. How much genuine civil-service reform will be infused into his administration remains to be seen.

PROGRESS OF CIVIL-SERVICE REFORM. New Yorker Staats-Zeitung (Ind.), August 6.

(Translated for PUBLIC OPINION.)

THE opponents of civil-service reform have been pleased to represent the advocates of this principle as visionary theorists who are pursuing an abstract, unattainable ideal, and who do not take into consideration the existing relations of things. If, for thinking men, a refutation of the irate misrepresentations of malicious officeseekers, who have been disappointed in their expectations, were needed, the transactions of the "National Civil Service Reform League," held at Newport, present one of the broadest possible character. The address of the president, and the resolutions passed, afford ample testimony that the sponsors of civil-service reform are in nowise wanting in practical good sense and a clear perception of relations which are dominant. Of Eutopian theorizing there was not a trace; earnest men, who had at heart the welfare and the future of the country, together drew a com. parative summary of their experience, and endeavored therefrom to give precise expression to the sound conclusions of a considerable portion of the population, to the end that it might exercise an instructive influence upon the popular conscience generally. The efforts of the league have, of late, undoubtedly effected much good. It is the merit of this association to have formalized a wholesome spirit of citizenship in a shape that is accessible and comprehensible to every one. The achievements of the league, in its widely ramifying influence, demonstrates anew that every foot of territory must be won by laborious exertion; but the increasing perception of the worst of evils which attaches to our political life guarantees the ultimate ostracism of this obnoxious spoils system.


New York Tribune (Rep.), August 6.

THE negotiation of an extradition treaty with Japan has been a well-kept state secret. The convention was signed at Tokio last April, was recently laid before the Senate, and will be acted upon at the next session, by which time certain defects in it will probably have been remedied. The full text of this treaty, together with the President's message, appears on the first page of to-day's issue. It is remarkable as being the first convention of this kind ever concluded by any civilized country with an Asiatic power. The United States in this, as in many other respects, can claim the credit of being the first to open Japan to the external influences of modern civilization. Admiral Perry, in 1854, obtained, by summary means, it is true, concessions in matters of trade, residence, and exterritorial rights, which, subsequently, were granted to Great Britain, France, and other European countries. In extradition the Americans again are doing pioneering work in the Mikado's capital. This convention will, undoubtedly, be the first of a series which will place Japan on the same plane with the most advanced civilized nations respecting the surrender of fugitive criminals. This convention shows how far Japan has advanced along the path of progress during recent years. In 1875 a senate was established; three years afterward provincial and departmental assemblies were instituted; commercial, financial, and educational reforms have been rapidly introduced and a national assembly has been convoked. Extradition is now accepted as a useful principle of American and European comity to which the Mikado's government must adapt itself. The convention itself is one of the most elaborate extradition schemes ever negotiated by an American diplomatist. The list of crimes is the longest embodied in any treaty of this class, including every offense known to extradition law. Not only are counterfeiting, embezzlement of every conceivable grade, rape, and even perjury designated, but the new class of crime covered by the Phelps-Rosebery convention is carefully defined as "malicious destruction

of or attempt to destroy railways, trains, vessels, bridges, dwellings, public edifices, or other buildings, when the act endangers human life." The definition is important as disclosing the range which international legislation respecting dynamite outrages is likely to cover. As Japan is not a favorite pleasure-ground for American embezzlers and criminals, these and other provisions of the treaty have little practical importance. One American forger, it appears, has taken refuge in Japan and been surrendered without a treaty. San Francisco criminals in need of foreign air will have to choose in future between China and the few coral-reefs of Polynesia where one European flag or another is not already flying. The treaty contains one curious clause, which marks a distinct departure in extradition practice. This is article seven, which declares that neither of the contracting parties is bound to deliver up its own citizens, and then adds a curious permissive clause empowering either power to do so at its own discretion. The principle that extradition applies to fugitive criminals from another country is fundamental, so far as past experience goes. But in this convention there is a distinct warrant for the surrender of native or naturalized citizens to foreign courts. This clause deserves to be carefully considered before the treaty is ratified. Its importance will be at once appreciated, if it be taken in connection with the Phelps- Rosebery convention. If it were embodied in that treaty, persons conspiring in this country against life and property in England could be surrendered at the discretion of the Government to foreign tribunals, even if they were American citizens.

Washington Post (Dem.), August 7.

THE extradition treaty which Secretary Bayard has just concluded with Japan has the distinction of being the first ever contracted by an Asiatic people with any nation. The United States may thus claim priority in leading in leash the Orientals to the ways of civilized amity and comity. Japan is a sort of an American colony, any way. Admiral Perry, thirty-two years ago, broke down her barriers of rigid exclusiveness, and American influence is more potent in the Mikado's empire than that of any other nation. This treaty is an exceedingly liberal and enlightened one, a great improvement on that with Great Britain. The list of crimes in regard to which reciprocity is established is exceptionally complete, including every offense known to extradition law. Even dynamite assaults are covered under the clause "malicious destruction of property." On the whole, it looks very much as if Japan were resolved to be naturalized.


New York Times (Ind.), August 7.

AMONG the organizations included in the call for a national political convention of the discontented, to be held in Indianapolis, on September 1, are the "Wheels," which are now flourishing so perceptibly in some of the Southwestern States that their existence seems to be worth a word of comment. There are State Agricultural Wheels in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arkansas, and a National Wheel was duly organized at Litchfield, in the last-named State, on the 28th of July. Delegates were present from the three State Wheels, officers were elected, and a constitution and by-laws adopted. The ostensible objects of the National Agricultural Wheel are to disseminate knowledge in regard to farming, and to give "all possible moral and material aid in its power to members and those depending on its members, by holding instructive lectures, by encouraging each other in business, and by assisting each other to obtain employment." The Wheel is a foe to all monopolists. All "acceptable male persons "who have reached the age of 18 years, and are employed in agricultural work or the mechanical trades, are eligible to membership. The constitution provides that there shall be separate organizations for white and colored men, and all proprietors of manufacturing establishments employing more than three hands are ineligible. Among the by-laws, section 3 of Article II, relating to the committees, reads as follows: "The Committee on Secret Work shall examine all documents referring to the secret work of this order, and such other duties as may be assigned them." There is not another clause in the constitution or by-laws of the National Agricultural Wheel which would lead to the inference that the organization had in view any object other than those plainly set forth. Yet the appearance of its name in the call for a political convention proves that its field of usefulness is not to be limited exclusively to spreading agricultural information and securing employment for artisans and farm hands. The State Agricultural Wheel of Arkansas has put in nomination candidates for the Governorship and other State offices. Politics is clearly the game of the Agricultural Wheels. That the new organization may yet become a power among political parties is, of course, possible; but it is a hazardous undertaking to send a handful of delegates to Indianapolis to vie with Knights of Labor, wily Grangers, fiat-money men, and professional anti-monopolists. The Wheel may turn out to be the fifth wheel, and its organizers will then be sorry that the early days of its existence were not faithfully devoted to the excellent purposes set forth in the constitution.


Boston Journal (Rep.), August 10.

THOSE who have carefully read the report of the trial of Cutting by the Mexican court will see that our Government has a rather bad case when it demands his release on the ground that he is an American citizen. Secretary Bayard based his demand for the release of Cutting upon the assumption that he had been arrested in Mexico for an offense alleged to have been committed in the United States. This was the representation made to the State Department by the American consul, who appears to have no qualifications for the place and no conception of his duties. The report of the trial shows that Cutting published in Mexico a libel on one of its citizens, for which he was convicted and sentenced. A part of the

sentence required Cutting to make a retraction. As a matter of course, if he did not make the retraction he could be arrested for not so doing and be sentenced for contempt. Instead of making the retraction he crossed into Texas, where he repeated the libel, printed it in the Spanish language, and sent copies of the paper into Mexico and returned there himself. He was arrested, and when his trial came it appears that he was held for not complying with the requirements of the first sentence, which appears to have been as mild as it could well be. This being the case, our Government does not appear to have any right to demand the release of Cutting on the ground that he is an American citizen.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat (Rep.), August 9.

COMPARED with the prompt, courageous action of Secretary Marcy in securing the release of Koszta from Austria in 1853, how petty and cowardly appear Secretary Bayard's timidity and vacillation in the fishery question, and his bluster and swagger in the Cutting affair. It would not be safe, indeed, to attempt on England the tactics which have been resorted to with Mexico. But for this also the Democracy is responsible. Propositions to strengthen the navy and the land defenses of the country and to add to the numbers and efficiency of the army have been repeatedly voted down by the Democratic party. The bill to increase the navy did, to be sure, squeeze through Congress in the session just ended, but the army bill and the fortifications bill failed of enactment. If the Democracy had been, in the past twenty years, actuated by even a small part of the public spirit and patriotism shown by their political opponents, the United States would to-day be in a position to maintain its rights if threatened by any nation, however powerful.

Washington Post Dem., August 11.

It was doubtful whether Cutting had not violated the common law by circulating his American paper on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande. That question is now settled, for, in trying and convicting him, the Chihuahua court took no cognizance of it at all, but frankly proceeded to punish him for an act confessedly com mitted wholly in Texas. This, and the sentence which has been pronounced, entirely justify Secretary Bayard in the position he has assumed. Something will have to be done about it. The Secretary has exhausted diplomacy. Congress has run away and shirked its responsibility, leaving the rebellious state of Chihuahua to work its will on an American citizen for acts done in his own country. Cutting is not an agreeable character to contemplate. He does not present a heroic aspect. He appears to be a swashbuckler, and blackguard, and dead-beat seeking notoriety. But his character has nothing to do with the case.

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New York Tribune (Rep.), August 10.

THE Secretary begs the Mexican question when he attempts to discuss it seriously. Suppose," he says, "that Cutting had stabbed his Mexican rival on Texas soil instead of merely attacking his reputation. Does any one pretend that Mexico could have tried him for murder? Certainly not." The Secretary must have a dull mind if he thinks that there is any analogy between murder and libel. If the stabbing had been done in Texas it could not have occured in Mexico; but the libeling could occur on both sides of the river. When Cutting, with a bundle of papers under his arm, crossed the river and distributed them there, he was guilty of libel and contempt of court on Mexican soil. Or, if the Secretary insists upon following out his parallel, the stabbing of Medina's character and of the court's official dignity occured when and where the paper containing the libel was circulated.

New York World (Dem.), August 10.

MR. BAYARD is correct when he says that the character of Cutting has nothing to do with the case, and that the real point is whether the Mexican law which renders an American liable to arrest and punishment in Mexico for a crime committed on American soil is not an infringement of the rights of citizens of the United States. No one denies that this is an important question and one which ought to be settled. But there has not as yet been a single act or word on the part of the Mexican government which creates the belief that it is not quite ready to discuss and settle this point in a friendly manner.

Washington Star (Ind.), August 11.

IF Mexico and the United States are going to war, it must be in a dignified and serious fashion, and not at the beck of a few hundred ruffians who are in a chronic fighting mood. There were rumors in New York yesterday that the United States Government had at last decided to move some of our land and naval forces toward the scene of hostilities, and that the recent ordering away of the Galena, Vandalia, and Juniata may have had some connection with the Mexican trouble. If so, it is doubtless only a precautionary measure, and as such it would be commendable.

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IMPORTANT questions of more immediate interest are beginning to produce a diminution of press comment on the next Presidential election.

T. C. Crawford, in New York World (Dem.).

THE general drift among Democrats is in favor of a Western candidate for President in 1888. In the event of Mr. Cleveland's not securing renomination it is certain that Southern and Western Democrats will make a strong effort to carry the nomination West. They hold that the nomination has been given to the East, and to one State practically, for twenty-five years. McClellan, in 1864, was considered a New York man; Seymour received the nomination in 1868, Horace Greeley in 1872, Samuel J. Tilden in 1876; in 1880 it was Hancock, who was stationed in New York, and whose residence was there at that time; and in 1884 Grover Cleveland. It is probable that the first step that will be taken in the direction of a Western candidate will be to break up the two-thirds rule. If the majority rule had prevailed in the conventions during the last twenty years, New York would not have been able to have controlled the nomination, but, under the circumstances of the two-thirds rule, New York, being always positive, aggressive, and united upon a candidate, has succeeded, in view of the importance of that State in the election, in carrying the day for New York candidates. John G. Carlisle is to-day the most prominent man of the South and the West. He is upon the border line of the West and the South, and his nature appears to partake of the characteristics of the men of both sections. He occupies a conservative line between the North and the South in his disposition; he is not an extreme man in anything; he is one of the most thoroughly equipped men to-day in public life; he has had great training, and his memory is a perfect storehouse of information relating to public questions. He is a man with a clear, clean, and honest record. He is one of the most successful Speakers who has ever presided over the House of Representatives, for the reason that he has by his impartiality, uprightness, and honesty secured the approval of both parties in the House. It is rare to hear any one in the House speak of Carlisle except to praise him. His temperament is particularly judicial. It is impossible for him to take a partisan view of a question. He sits in the office of Speaker as would a judge upon the bench. The greatest criticism of his action or of his course comes from Democrats, who think that he is not enough of a party man. Mr. Carlisle has none of the prejudices of the extreme South. He has none of the emotional temperament of the people of that section. He reasons clearly and dispassionately. one of the most conservative and advanced minds among the public men of the present time. He has the wide and liberal views of a thorough man of the world, while he has, at the same time, the high standard of a true statesman. During his career as a Speaker the Democratic party has made a great record. Under his management the public domain, which has been held so long by dishonest corporations, has been recovered by the people. Upward of one hundred millions of acres have been restored since the short time that he was elected Speaker.

Philadelphia Times (Ind.).

He is

BROTHER BLAINE is experiencing the difficulty of directing his boom from a point outside of politics. He cannot always get his orders around in time. If there is any one thing in which the organs were justified in supposing that Brother Blaine's position was fixed, it was in the matter of hostility to all foreign powers whatsoever. He had himself given the keynote in a fierce speech on the fishery dispute, which relates to very obscure points in international law, and they supposed that they were quite safe in abusing the Administration for its caution in getting up a fight with Mexico. But Brother Blaine, from his point of observation at Bar Harbor, quickly perceived the danger of this position. If Cleveland and Bayard were encouraged or allowed to go to war, what would become of Blaine's own jingo policy and the one only jingo party of which he is the chief? This thing must be stopped, and accordingly, between Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon, there was a sudden change of front. Mr. Hitt, a Blaine man from Illinois, who had voted for the resolutions of instruction in the foreign committee on Tuesday, objected to their consideration in the House on Wednesday, declaring that Mexico was being unreasonably pushed, and the principal Blaine organ, the New York Tribune, yesterday opened an attack on the "misdirected energy' " of the Department of State, whose position in the Cutting case is said to be all wrong. It is true that small politicians and party organs are accustomed to sudden changes. When the State Department appeared slow, it was the organs' duty to abuse it; when it showed itself active, it was equally to be abused. But in the suddenness of the change regarding the Mexican affair it is impossible to doubt the guiding hand of the celebrated jingo chieftain. Among all his experimental issues he has always clung to the American eagle, and that anybody else should assume the championship of that proud bird he regards as an infringement on his copyright. The minor Blaine organs have been a little slow in taking the cue, but we may expect them to tumble into line very soon. A disturbance with Mexico in advance of 1888 would leave Brother Blaine and his jingo party to hopeless desuetude. * * * Even Maine may not be entirely solid for Blaine in 1888. Congressman Reed has a little Presidential boom of his own, and the worst of it is that Congressman Reed is a clean man.

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Philadelphia News (Rep.).

THE Democratic party, as the situation now stands," said that acute observer, Senator Edmunds, on Tuesday, "can command in any emergency and in the light of any circumstances the entire vote of the solid South. All that is necessary beyond that is to carry New York." Recent circumstances have shown clearly that Senator Edmunds has but expressed the clear belief of observant politicians. New York is to be the battle ground of the Presidential contest of 1888. But around whose standard will the Democrats fight? Who is the Democratic leader in New York who will rally the forces of his party? Seymour, Tilden, and Hancock, the men of national fame as national leaders, have died within a year. John Kelly

and Hubert O. Thompson, the leaders of the great local armies, are dead, and the Democracy of New York can turn to but two men who can rally them. They are Daniel Manning and David B. Hill. Manning is not a candidate for the Presidency. Hill is. David B. Hill or Grover Cleveland will, therefore, be the candidate of the Democracy if the present condition of affairs in New York continues until 1888. New York was carried in 1884 by a "fluke." The narrow majority of the Democracy then shows that the men who came so near being elected then can with greater ease make a better fight next time. The question for Republicans to consider now, for it is time to be preparing for the contest, is, Can James G. Blaine carry New York against Cleveland or Hill? It is certain he carry every other necessary State except New York. Is there any doubt that he can make a better fight next time? We do not think there is. Will any Democrat deny that Grover Cleveland is not weaker in New York to-day than when he was elected by the narrow majority of 1,100?

Chicago Herald (Ind.).

* * *

Two years ago Halstead was saying that people who would not vote to make John A. Logan Vice-President were "white niggers." Now he says that there are three great essentials for a man who occupies the Presidential office, viz., honesty, capacity, and refinement, and that Logan is destitute of all. A call just issued by the national committee of the Free Trade League summons the members of that organization to a meeting in New York, on the 12th of this month, for the purpose of taking such action as is necessary to the launching of the free traders as a distinct political force. In many parts of the country labor movements are already in progress, and there is reason to expect that by 1888 there will be a national party made up of workinginen exclusively. Add to the free traders and the workingmen the regular Republicans and Democrats and the Prohibitionists and Greenbackers and we,will have six as distinct political organizations as any country was ever favored with. In their onward sweep toward power and spoils somebody will be bound to be hurt, and it would not be surprising if one result of their grand scramble would be the final break-up of the two old parties which have for so long a time contended with each other for the mastery.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Dem.).

MR. EDMUNDS opens the campaign against Blaine in a revised Interview in which he says the Republicans will have seven out of ten chances of winning next time "if they will go to the West and select some good, clean, upright man, with an honest record on financial questions." It is to be inferred from Senator Edmunds' well-known notions as to what constitutes an honest record on financial questions that this test is intended to exclude not only Logan, but every prominent Western Republican except R. B. Hayes, with John Sherman for alternate or second choice. A Western man with Eastern principles is the beau ideal of Republican candidates, but is a very scarce article. The stock is nearly exhausted, and what is left of it is in a worn-out and damaged condition.



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An Eastern editor, with an experimental turn of mind, thinks that Mr. R. B. Hayes and Editor Charles Dana should be nominated on the same Presidential ticket. Such a programine would doubtless effect a reconciliation between these two amiable gentlemen now unhappily estranged. Such a pleasing blending of rural and urban elements in one ticket would make a combination remarkable for its idyllic and poetic quality.

Youngstown, Ohio, Telegram (Rep.).

THERE are indications that the New York World has John G. Carlisle in training for the Democratic Presidental nomination in 1888. It is not an auspicious project, even though the convention be expected to open with Cleveland's renomination impossible--a violent straining of probabilities. The West, upon which, and the South, the World professes to depend for support for Carlisle, will not be solid, or anything like solid, for an open and avowed free trader, even in a Democratic convention. New York may be depended upon to have a candidate for the nomination, if it be a man of no more extensive influence than the aspiring and subtle machinist, David B. Hill. If Cleveland is not sure of renomination before the convention seats itself, Samuel J. Randall's friends will carry him forward and weaken the chances of Carlisle's triumph in the West and South. If there must be a free-trade candidate, Illinois Democrats will insist upon Mr. Morrison's hav. ing a shy at the prize, thus still further debilitating the Carlisle boom, if it ever becomes a boom. The World diagram will not do; the superstructure does not fit the foundation. ·

Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette (Rep.).

No wonder the New York politicians are amused by Judge Thurman's assertion that he knows of no one who is in training to contest with Cleveland for the next Democratic nomination for President. It is a pretty plain indication that Governor Hill's boom has made no impression on the better class of Ohio Democrats. If Governor Hill wants Ohio support he must look for it among the McLeans and Paynes, and their following of bribe. taking, ballot-box-stuffing-Democrats. But they are not so powerful as they were. One of their tools has just been sentenced to the State prison for three years, after conviction of corrupt conduct as a judge in the Cincinnati, election last fall.-Boston Advertiser. Will the Mugwump brain be able to grasp the fact that Cleveland is in with the Payne crowd? He congratulated Payne the other day on his escape from investigation. He has appointed for Cincinnati postmaster the president of the Highland House convention, which was a boodle swindle on the Democratic party. It is Democratic now to champion this fraud. Payne will not recognize as a Democrat one who does not bear the Highland House brand. The Cleveland Administration is tainted with coal-oil. What else does Whitney in the Cabinet mean?

New York Evening Post (Ind.).

We notice an indisposition on the part of the Blaine press to mention Mr. Edmunds' interesting observation that if the Republicans go to the West and select some good, clean, upright man, with an honest record upon financial questions, a man who is above reproach," the party will have seven out of ten chances for success in 1888. Yet it seems to be an exceedingly sound observation. What other course can be mentioned which appears wiser? What the Republican party needs is unity, and a candidate who will poll its full vote, Mr. Edmunds describes the

only kind of man who can do this, and when he says he must be found in the West, he undoubtedly means to exclude himself as well as Mr. Blaine. Is not that good advice, also? With the prohibition revolt gaining strength every day, with the old bugaboo of danger from Democratic power destroyed, with the assessments upon office-holders and other resources for a large campaign fund taken away, can the party afford to nominate a candidate who is known to be objectionable to a large section of his party?

St. Paul Special to New York Tribune (Rep.). RANDALL BURGESS, an intimate friend of Hubert O. Thompson, said to-day that Mr. Cleveland had little chance of receiving in 1888 the support of the New York Democracy for a second term. "There is a great deal of dissatisfaction with Cleveland in all branches of the party," he said, "and with good cause. The County Democracy under Mr. Thompson's lead nominated him for President, but he refused to appoint Thompson as collector of the port of New York. We think his course was cowardly and ungrateful. Cleveland can not get the delegation from New York State in 1888, and even if he should succeed in that he would not receive the support of the voters. The County Democracy is alienated from him, and Tammany has long been in open warfare against him. Governor Hill is the coming man. There will be an effort made this coming fall to secure what we have not had in New York for fifteen years, namely, a united Democracy. Governor Hill has the power to bring this about. All obstacles to his ambition have been removed, and he possesses the skill, management, and ability to secure the next convention. The coast seems, indeed, very clear for Hill, so far as his own State is concerned. He possesses, to a greater extent than any other man in New York, the confidence and esteem of Democratic voters."

Congressman Long, of Massachusetts (Rep.), in Interview. "SOME Republicans think Senator Sherman's chances are good. He is popular and has a splendid record with which to go before the country. We all think he is a safe man and would make a great President. The West is divided between Mr. Blaine and Mr. Sherman. Mr. Blaine is spoken of favorably, and the race for the nomination, perhaps, will be between the two. Congressmen do not seem to care much for the fall elections. All interest is centered in 1888. We hardly hope to control the next Congress. We are handicapped by a majority that can not be easily overcome. We would have to gain some forty-odd seats. We are sanguine, though, as to 1888, and there can be little doubt that the Republicans will carry everything before them, no matter if the Democrats have President Cleveland as their candidate. The incapacity of the Democratic party was never more patent than now. Another session of Congress will be sufficient to cause a decided revulsion and a desertion from the party standard all along the lime. Yes, 1888 is ours. We go in to win.”

Washington Critic (Ind.).

IT IS said that the sudden opposition of Mr. Hitt, of Illinois, to the resolutions of the House Foreign Affairs Committee relative to the Cutting case-resolutions which the day before he had agreed to support and the next day went back on-was based upon instructions to the latter effect from Mr. Blaine. This may be a campaign lie, but somehow or other it has got into pretty wide circulation without any apparent fear of contradiction. The theory is that Mr. Blaine does not propose, if he can help it, to allow the present Department of State to make any capital for itself or for the Administration or the Democratic party by the exhibition of what he would call an American policy, and certainly nothing was better calculated to impair the invigorating effect of Mr. Bayard's demand for the release of Cutting than the nonaction of a Democratic House of Representatives upon the papers in the case.

Boston Herald (Ind.).

It is not obvious on the face of things why the great concentration of speaking talent in the State of Maine, during the coming hot weather, is proposed. Perhaps it is to give Mr. James G. Blaine a send-off, and, perhaps, his three rivals for the Republican nomination to the Presidency, who are to participate, do not like to have all the glory accrue to Mr. Blaine himself. It may be, also, that the Republicans are anxious that the first State to vote in the East this autumn shall not show a falling off in the party strength. There is no indication of Democratic union or spirit in the Pine Tree State which should make the opposition especially apprehensive of Democratic success, or justify the outlay which appears to be deemed advisable for the Maine election.

Petersburg, Va., Index-Appeal (Dem.).

A NEW YORK contemporary argues that Mr. Cleveland will be a candidate for There is keen obserre-election because he approved the bogus butter tax law. vation and logic in this deduction. It is quite as fair to assume that Republican Senators, with the Presidential bee buzzing in their bonnets, will be candidates for Mr. Cleveland's place because they voted against the tax. It is a very poor rule that will not work both ways. If Cleveland was bidding for the farmer vote, why not believe that those who opposed the tax were bidding for the support of the oleomargarine interests. There is such a thing as being too suspicious and questioning a man's motives without warrant, reason, or justice.

Troy Telegraph (Rep.).

THE Washington correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser has been interviewing Democratic Congressmen on Presidential possibilities, and says that of twelve representative Democrats from all parts of the country only oneWarner, of Ohio-expressed any coolness toward Mr. Cleveland, or any doubt as to his renomination. In view of the fact that these prominent Democrats no doubt have little bills awaiting the President's approval, it could not be supposed that they would shout for any one but Cleveland just at present, and this rather weakens the force of this declaration.

Brooklyn Eagle (Dem.). “FURTHER consideration of Grover Cleveland is useless," writes the Old Ob"for he is out of the race as much as R. B. Hayes was at the end of his


Old Observer would do well to discard his present pseudo-Presidential career. non de plume and adopt that of Old Podsnap. His simple and artless way of removing all obstacles to the gratification of his wishes is very refreshing. Troy can not boast of another old observer so worthy of the title of Old Podsnap. Louisville Commercial (Rep.).

PRESIDENT CLEVELAND is being credited with a desire to stand for re-election upon a platform of pure butter. If only the people acquainted with that article support him his opponent will have a walk-over. Instead of opposing oleomarga. rine, Mr. Cleveland had better try to make friends with the public by showing them a good substitute for the butter in the market.

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PERHAPS the Edmunds interview may not add to the bitterness of the Blaine fight against Mr. Edmunds; perhaps, too, it will strengthen Mr. Edmunds in Republican affections. To our thinking, Mr. Blaine is still the most popular man in his party. New York Star (Dem.).

IF John A. Logan receives the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 1888, Murat Halstead will have to eat great quantities of crow. However, in the improbable event spoken of, he will be found equal to the occasion.-Illinois Register (Dem.).

PATRICK FORD, it is said, has recently been to Augusta, Me., arranging with Blaine about the Irish vote. It is very certain that Patrick will not be able to deliver any considerable proportion of the goods.-Savannah News (Dem.).

IF John Logan isn't careful the Ohio Democrats will soon be running him for the Presidency. Just at the present moment his popularity among the Buckeye Bourbons is simply immense.-Chicago Times (Ind.).

Is IT what may be called a coincidence? On the day on which Tilden's death is announced to the country the Carlisle boom for the Presidency begins to boom.— Indianapolis Journal (Rep.).

REPUBLICAN opinion at Washington is against a second Presidential candidacy of Mr. Blaine.-Florida Times-Union (Dem.).

THE WORK OF CONGRESS. REPRESENTATIVE opinions of the work of the first session of the Forty-ninth Congress, which adjourned sine die on the 5th instant, are here collated.

New Orleans Times-Democrat (Dem.), August 7.

THE really important measures are those increasing the pensions of soldiers, regarding homesteads, the Presidential succession, the Dingley shipping bill, the oleomargarine bill, the bill for the increase of the navy, the national bank, Congressional Library, railroad land forfeiture, life-saving station bills, providing for the inspection of tobacco, increasing the powers of the Commissioner of Agricul ture, etc. These were the important measures passed. There were defeated for lack of time the interstate commerce bill, Mexican pension bill, the repeal of the timber culture and pre-emption law, the anti-alien ownership law, the bankruptcy bills, the repeal of the Hawaiian reciprocity, and the anti-polygamy and Chinese indemnity bills- almost as many measures as Congress adopted, all of which was due to the attempt of that body to do too much and from the practice of allowing it to consider too many private and trifling matters.

Chicago News (Ind.), August 7.

THE work left undone by Congress would fill ten volumes where that done could be put in one. And the necessary legislation passed bears about the same proportion to the necessary legislation which failed. In refusing to provide generously for coast defenses the House has manifestly outraged the general sentiment of the country. Its action in this particular is all the more to be comdemned in the face of the appropriation of $14,000,000 for river and harbor improvement, where the benefits, where they actually exist, are local and the necessity for the expenditure of such a sum by no means pressing. * * * In the Senate the most noteworthy feature of the session was the ineffectual fight made upon the President in the matter of the transmission to Congress of private information respecting removals, suspensions, and appointments.

Kansas City Times (Dem.), August 6.

WHILE the Congress did not do anything particularly brilliant, and did some things which had been better left undone, yet, on the whole, it attended well to some very important matters that have been needing attention for years. Without

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