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ever "affairs of honor" are thought necessary, would prove an admirable device for preventing bloodshed, and, at the same time, satisfying all the demands of the most exacting chivalry. The French duelist sometimes goes so far as to draw a drop or so of blood, but even this is beginning to be considered too "gory" and in bad taste, and in his duel on Saturday with the Baron de Lareinty, Gen. Boulanger, the French minister of war, according to one account, indicated that the correct thing in dueling is to stand at a safe distance from one's adversary, and, after he has fired and missed, to fire into the air. In other words, the French duel is becoming a harmless form for settling personal quarrels, in which all the dramatic elements are preserved, and in which the principals advance to the encounter with the comfortable assurance that they will both return home without injury, and with sharpened appetites for breakfast, after the morning's exercise. This is the way they manage duels in France, as a rule, and there is no reason why the wounded honor that demands a public and formal healing should not be cured in this fashion everywhere.-Baltimore Sun.


THE BISHOPS OF BALTIMORE.-The Primatial See of Baltimore, now honored by the elevation of its archbishop to the Cardinalate, will celebrate in less than four years the centenary of its birth. Its nine successive prelates have been men of marked virtue and learning, and of strong individuality. First in this noble line stands John Carroll, 1790-1815, bishop and patriot, the friend and eulogist of Washington, and near akin to the illustrious Charles Carroll, of Carrollton. His name is as intimately identified with the beginnings of American national life as with the beginnings of the church in this country. Among the works of his episcopate were the founding of St. Mary's University, and the establishment in the United States of the Jesuits and the Sisters of Charity. Archbishop Carroll visited Boston in 1803, and laid the corner-stone of its first church, the Holy Cross. The great achievement of Archbishop Leonard Neale's episcopate, 1815-1817, was the institution in the United States of the Order of Visitation Nuns one of the foremost of Catholic teaching orders, and now widely extended here, especially in the South and West. Archbishop Ambrose Marechai, 1817-1828, was among the pioneers of the Order of St. Sulpice (founded for the training of secular priests) in this country. During his administration the Baltimore Cathedral was completed, and the Oblate Sisterhood for the instruction of colored youth established. Archbishop James Whitfield, 1828-1834, and his immediate successor, Archbishop Samuel Eccleston, 1834-1851, were noted for their zeal in Christianizing and educating the negroes of the South. Archbishop Whitfield had the honor of assembling the first Provincial Council of the American Church. Archbishop Eccleston brought the Redemptionist Fathers to this country for the benefit of the large and fast-growing German element. He also founded St. Charles' College, Ellicott City, Md. It was his privilege to preside over five Provincial Councils. Archbishop Francis Patrick Kenrick, 1851-1864, theologian, orator, fearless reformer, tireless missionary, truly called one of the most distinguished ornaments of the Catholic hierachy, was a native of Dublin, Ireland. Twenty years of his episcopal life were spent in the diocese of Philadelphia, which he enriched with many educational and benevolent institutions. Transferred to Baltimore in 1851, he held the first Plenary Council the following year. In 1854 he went to Rome by the special invitation of Pope Pius IX, to assist at the deliberations preceding the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. In the midst of the labors inseparable from his office, he found time to write "Dogmatic and Moral Theology," seven volumns; "Vindication of the Catholic Church," and, his greatest work, a complete translation, with notes, of the sacred Scriptures. Archbishop Martin John Spalding, 1864-1872, convened and presided over the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1866. He, too, was a notable orator, and his voice was heard in the Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, 1869-1870. He was a polished writer, as his "Miscellanea," " Evidences of Catholicity," and other works attest. We add that his nephew, Bishop John Lancaster Spalding, of Peoria, Ill., may maintains the honor of the name as orator and author, and has been the moving spirit in the institution of the American Catholic University. Archbishop James Roosevelt Bayley, who presided from 1872-1877 over the See of Baltimore, was an ardent apostle of popular education. He was promoted thither from the bishopric of Newark, N. J., in which he had founded Seton Hall College and instituted a model system of parochial schools. Archbishop Bayley wrote the "Early History of the Catholic Church in the Island of New York." He was a nephew of Mother Elizabeth Seton, founder of the Sisters of Charity in the United States. Of Cardinal Gibbons, whose life has been already sketched in these colums, we need but add that he is of Irish origin, like his illustrious predecessors, Archbishops Carroll and Kenrick, and that in religious zeal, in scholarship, and administrative genius, he has already proved himself the worthy heir of the noble traditions of the mother diocese of the Church in free America.-The Pilot.

A NEW SAVONAROLA.-The European papers speak at great length of the wonderful effect produced at Pisa by the sermons of Fra Agostino da Montefeltro, which have, says the London Tablet, attracted attention far beyond the boundaries of the preacher's own country. Fra Agostino, it is said, is one of those voices to which it is impossible to close one's ears. His is a lofty spirit, a burning enthusiasm; he rises to the highest summits of human science and religious enthusiasm; then descends into the depths of the simple human soul and the transparency of innocence. He speaks in turn to the intellect and to the sentiments; he has the true gift of tongues. While the multitude follow him without effort, the most intelligent are equally under the charm of his words. Endowed with an asonishing rapidity of eloquence, he appears to enunciate his ideas under different forms, so as to continually captivate the aristocracy and democracy among his audience. The cathedral can hardly contain the crowds that flock to hear him preach. His auditors include radicals, unbelievers, the dreamer, the "satanic

poet," as well as the poor and faithful. During his course of Lenton sermons at Pisa this year the train brought hearers from Florence, Leghorn, and Lucca, and crowds waited for hours at the church doors to secure places. Two hours before the sermon all the chairs were occupied. Business was at a standstill, lawyers left their offices and the courts, professors and students deserted the university; the business of the hour was to hear Fra Agostino. The people quit their stores and workshops, and the marvelous piazza, where the Duomo, the Campanile, the Battistero, and the Camposento ordinarily raise their sculptured splendor of marble in solitary silence, is filled with noise. Thousands of heads are crowded together in the pale light beneath the painted and gilded vaults, whence still hangs the great bronze statue that taught Galileo the secret of the rotation of the earth. Fra Agostino has a keen feeling for the sufferings of the people. He preaches aloud the duties of the rich and the powerful, derived from the Evangelical law, "Love thy neighbor." He sometimes so carries away his audience that the crowds are unable to restrain themselves. Frantic and repeated applause bursts out, which he strives in vain to repress. As soon as he has pronounced his last words he suddenly disappears, makes his way to a side door, and hastens to hide himself at his residence. Unfortunately, he is by no means strong. His chest suffers and he sometimes spits blood. The life of Fra Agostino seems to have been of the most romantic kind. Of well-to-do family (according to the Figaro) he was destined for the priesthood, but in 1859, before taking holy orders, he, like so many of his contemporaries, threw aside the cassock for the red shirt, and became a Garibaldian soldier, winning his medal and his captain's epaulets by his bravery in the war of independence. He married, but very soon death carried off both wife and child, and the Garibaldian soldier sought peace in the cloister, and was soon transformed into an apostle of the Word. Many other reports and rumors are current about him, some of a less flattering kind. When questioned about his life his own sole answer is, "Sir, I have been a great sinner."-The Catholic Review.

POSITIVIST PARODIST.-The positivist parody of Christianity is one of the most amusing products of this century. The comical part of it is that the parodists faithfully reproduce a few of the externals, and even the cast-off excrescences of the old faith, in the firm belief that they are manufacturing a respectable substitute for the religion of the Nazarene. The pilgrimage of Mr. Frederick Harrison and his fellow-believers to the birthplace of Comte, and to the tombs of the prophet, and of some of the earlier Comtist saints, is duly chronicled in the press. However brilliant Mr. Frederick Harrison's intellectual powers may be (and he can wield sarcasm of no ordinary kind), he must be sadly deficient in the sense of humor, or he would decline to participate in demonstations which decidedly overstep the narrow boundary between the sublime and the ridiculous.-Methodist Times.

MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY.—One hears a good deal about "muscular Christianity," but it is not often that one sees a really worthy exhibition of it, especially among parsons. The Rev. G. H. Hawkins, vicar of Holy Trinity, Stroud, has, however, just given a practical and striking exemplification of it. While the reverend gentleman was out walking with his wife, he saw two men amusing them. selves by setting a dog on to a poor old woman. He remonstated with the ruffians, who retaliated by attacting him in a most savage manner. He defended himself with his stick and his fists, and with such effect that he knocked one of his assailants down two or three times, though, while he was holding him down, the other man savagely kicked him. The Stroud magistrate thought a fine of Ios. and 8s. 6d. costs was sufficient punishment for the brutal savages.—Truth.

NOTES.-Rev. B. F. Costa, of N. Y., has been made an honorary secretary of the Evangelical Alliance.--Mrs. Wm. Harrison, of Minneapolis, has given the -The Woman's Christian Temperance Home $30,000 for an old ladies' home.expense of the late Congress of Churches, held at Cleveland, amounted to $546. A direct descendant of Martin Luther's younger brother, Jacob, is studying for the ministry at England.- -Work is to be resumed on the Seney Hospital, on Seventh avenue, Brooklyn, to erect which George T. Seney gave over $200,000 before he failed. The Methodist Churches of the city have subscribed $60,000 to complete the work, and the board of managers of the hospital have fixed upon plans which they hope will furnish them $140,000 more. -Mr. Ferdinand Schiveria, an evangelist, having been prevented from street preaching in Brooklyn, has procured a "Gospel wagon," and a peddler's license for selling Bibles and distributing tracts from it.- -The London Ragged School Union reports that in the 215 Sunday afternoon and evening schools connected with the Union there was an average attendance of 42,304; in the 173 day and night schools, an average of 3,538.Rev. Sam P. Jones is going to the Pacific coast next February.- -Rev. E. P. Hammond is holding a series of meetings in Christiana, Norway.- -The next Pan-Presbyterian Council is to be held in London, beginning June 26, 1888.— The official year-book of the Church of England shows that during the last twentyfive years the Church has raised and spent for religious and educational purposes the sum of $407,866,185.The Waldensians, at the General Conference at Florence, Italy, have decreed that hereafter female members who have reached the age of 21 shall be allowed to vote, but not to speak, at church meetings.Italian Parliament, Isacco Pesaro Maurogonato was elected vice-president. He is not the only Jew, however, who fills such a high position. In all the ministries Jews occupy high offices. In the ministry of foreign affairs, Malvano is one of the highest officers; Senator Ascoli is a member of the Italian State Board of Education, etc.. -The petition to the Reichstag, of the German Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, to prohibit the Jews from slaughtering according to their ritual, has, for want of time, not been considered in this session. An act to incorporate the First Synod in the Dominion of Canada of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and for other purposes connected therewith, received the royal assent through the governor-general on the 2d inst.- -A singular complaint is made by the clergymen of St. Louis, to wit, that they are delayed in the return from funerals by the carriage drivers stopping at the beer-houses to get their beer, and drawing up in procession in front of the saloons, and so near that the inmates of the carriages can hear the clink of the glasses within.- -A convention of representatives of the

-In the


Psalm-singing churches is to be held in Holland during the coming autumn. churches in Ireland, Scotland, and America, who bear the name of Reformed Presbyterian, have appointed deputations.- -Buddhism in Japan has been virtually disestablished since 1874. While there were 393,087 Buddhist temples in 1714, there are now but 57,824. Few new temples are built, and many are going to ruin. One of the most distinguished temples in the country is now in such need of repairs that a call has been made to raise a fund of $17,000 in shares of 300 yen each for this purpose.-Mr. Spurgeon wrote to his Tabernacle folks last month that he was just sending to the press his nineteen hundredth sermon.-The Methodists in the West Indies are celebrating their centennial.- -Mr. Spurgeon has received a legacy for his orphanage of $2,000 from a gentleman who recently died in New Jersey, the first ever sent him from this country.Cardinal Guibert, Archbishop of Paris, died on July 8, aged 84.-There are 10,000 Catholic Indians in Dakota.- -Archbishop Alemany, who resigned the see of San Francisco in November, 1884, is now hard at work reviving the Dominican Order in Spain.- -Four hundred Scandinavian converts to Mormonism arrived at New York last week, en route for Utah.- -On the 18th of June, Mr. Adolph Reichenheim, of Eerlin, died childless. He distributed his large property among Jewish and Christian institutions, among them 150,000 marks for widows and orphans of teachers of the public schools, 15,000 marks to the Catholic hospital, the society for popular education, for the home for veterans, 90,000 marks to the Jewish community for a home for aged Israelites, 70,000 marks for the Jewish seminary, besides numerous bequests to persons who were in his employ.- A Jewish gentleman in Amsterdam, desirous of commemorating an auspicious family event, has purchased a plot of ground of about 1,550 square meters, whereupon he proposes to erect an infant school and a creche.

In a recent address in London, Rev. Philip H. Wicksteed, at the English anniversary meetings, said: "Religion is not consistent with love or beauty or truth; it is love, beauty, and truth."- -The Societies for Christian Endeavour have just held a very successful conference at Saratoga.- -The Chautauqua Assembly season, which began in July, will continue until August 31. Dr. George P. Hays is in charge of the department of church work. Among the lecturers are Dr. John Hall, Dr. Willis J. Beecher, and Dr. Duryea.. -The colored Methodists have now the largest church in the city of Washington. It cost $116,000, of which all but $40,000 have been raised, and seats 2,800 people.- -Three years ago the Congregationalists had no German church in any Western city of influence. Today they have churches in St. Louis, Chicago, and Springfield, Mo., and promising missions in Kansas City and Omaha.. -The new mayor of Shanghai is a native Christian.. -The Young Women's Christian Association now numbers 8,000 members in Ireland.- -The Reformed Church received 4,719 accessions on confession of faith during the past year.The Congregational churches of Springfield, Mass., have voted to ask the American board to meet with them in 1877.- A French Protestant church was organized in Holyoke, Mass., July 2, and M. J. L. Morin was ordained as pastor.-- -In America there are only two monasteries maintained by the Trappist monks, and no monastic order has a more singular history or follows more rigid customs. One of these monasteries, in which the vow of perpetual silence is enjoined, is located at Dubuque, Iowa, and the second is in Nelson county, Ky., a short distance from Louisville. This second is called the Monastery of Gethsemane.- -The annual grove meeting of Unitarians at Weirs, N. H., will be held July 25 to August 1, inclusive.- -At the last monthly meeting of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, the number of colporteurs reported to be now at work was 112. The receipts in June were $40,152.32; issues from the Bible house in June, 103,801; total receipts since April 1, $109,228.85; issues since April 1, 296,803 volumes.American Sunday School Union offers a premium of $1,000 for the best book, popular in character, on the subject, "The Christian Obligations of Capital and Labor." This premium is offered in accordance with the terms of the John C. Green fund.- -The Burmans, fearing the collapse of the Buddhist religion, have asked the Viceroy of India to appoint a Buddhist pope.--Among the coming events in Nova Scotia is the celebration of the centennial of the appointment of the first Episcopal bishop in that province: It is proposed to commemorate the event by the erection of a cathedral at Halifax.Some paragrapher has at last discovered the meanest man. It is he who, when he attends church, occupies a pew the furthest from the pulpit to save the interest on his money while the collectors are passing the plate for contributions.



BUSINESS PROSPECTS.—Nothing has transpired the past week to interrupt the general feeling of confidence which has been reported in regard to the business of the ensuing season. There are indications of a better money market, due to the fact that large amounts of money will be necessary to move the season's crops and to the heavy export of gold. The export of wheat and corn during the month of June amounted to 17,656,575 bushels, which is 7,000,000 bushels in excess of the export in June for the years 1884 and 1885. The value of our exports of breadstuffs, provisions, cotton, and petroleum during June was $37,521,770-almost $10,000,000 in excess of the value of the export of these articles in June, 1885. These figures are encouraging, because they show that, heavy as our imports of merchandise are, they are not likely to be so large as to make a trade balance against us and make a new draft upon the stock of gold. The report of the corn crop from the Agricultural Department is very encouraging. The breadth devoted to corn July I was 75,689,000 acres, and the average condition is .95. Last year the acreage was 73,130,000 acres, and the condition was .94. As a much-needed rain has fallen since reports were collected upon which this calculation was made, it is fair to assume that the present prospect of the corn crop is such as to warrant the expectation of the largest crop of corn that the country has ever harvested. The continued excess of bank clearings over those of the corresponding period of

last year and the increase of the earnings of several important lines are encouraging indications. The fact that the steel rail combination have sold 1,100,000 tons of the 1,400,000, which is the output agreed upon for the year, indicates a good degree of prosperity. It is estimated that the wool clip of the present year is 10 per cent. less than that of last year, and the indications are that the present prices will be sustained. The damage to the spring wheat crop in the Northwestern States is now estimated to be from 10 to 20 per cent. There is said to be a feeling that a higher range of prices for wheat is likely to prevail during the coming year than has been quoted for two years. This belief is based largely upon the unfavorable wheat reports from the United Kingdom, Russia, India, Australia, and elsewhere.— Boston Journal, July 19.

PETROLEUM EXPORTS.—As an article of export petroleum takes high rank in the staple productions of the United States. There are more than 570,000,000 gallons, valued at nearly $50,000,000, annually sent to foreign countries. This vast industry depends almost exclusively on Western Pennsylvania for supply. Of the quantity above stated by far the greatest proportion is illuminating oil. The exports of the latter commodity for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1886, were 463,931,634 gallons, valued at $40,050,203, and for the year ended June 30, 1885, they were 455,802,592 gallons, valued at $39,733,711. The balance is made up of crude oil, about 80,000,000 gallons, valued at about $5,900,000; lubricating oil, more than 12,000,000 gallons, valued at about $2,500,000; naphthas and residuum. The increase in quantity of illuminating oil exported during the past year compared with the preceding year is striking, and this has been attended with very little change in the export price, that of 1885 being 8.7 cents, and in 1886, 8.6 cents per gallon. It is estimated that 100 gallons of crude petroleum will produce 76 gallons of illuminating oil. While the export price of illuminating oil has thus decreased but one-tenth of I cent per gallon, or say 4 cents per barrel, the price of crude oil from June, 1885, to June, 1886, decreased more than 20 cents per barrel. The export price of crude corresponds with the market figures in this respect, that of 1885 being 7.8 cents per gallon, and that of 1886 being 7.3 cents per gallon, a decrease of one-half cent per gallon, or 20 cents per barrel of 40 gallons. On the contrary, the price of lubricating oil has increased slightly; that is to say, from 20.1 cents to 20.2 cents per gallon. The first question which arises is, whether this decline of 4 cents per barrel in the export price of illuminating oil has led to this increase of exports from 455,802,592 gallons to 463,931,634 gallons, or 8,129,042 gallons in a year, or a difference of about $650,000 per annum in the export trade. If so, who gains by it? Surely not the producer, who suffers a decline of 20 cents per barrel on his whole production of, say, 23,000, ooo barrels, or a loss of at least $4,700,000 annually to add this $650,000 to the national wealth through the hands of the refiners.-Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, July 16.

SOUTHERN INVESTMENTS.-Announcements of investments in Southern property are of almost daily occurrence. Among the latest is one from Knoxville, Tenn., to the effect that an Eastern syndicate has just purchased 500,000 acres of the best coal lands in East Tennessee, embracing the famous Coal Creek and Poplar Creek mines. The syndicate is said to be the same controlling the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, and Brunswick, Ga., it is said, will be the leading coaling station of the Southern coast steamers. The new coal syndicate is headed by E. R. Chapman, of New York, and has a capital of over $2,000,000. The London Trade Exchange of a recent date announces that three prominent members of the South Staffordshire iron trade-Messrs. Joseph H. Pearson, of Handsworth, the owner of Netherton and Windmill End Furnaces, near Dudley; Benjamin Round, of Hange Furnaces, Tividale, and Samuel Dickinson, of Wolverhampton, the local agent of the Barrow Steel Company-will shortly sail for this country for the purpose of inspecting some extensive mineral properties in Alabama, on behalf of a company which is being formed for the purpose of developing them on a large scale. Referring to this movement, the London Trade Exchange remarks: "Mr. Ralph Bennett, of Smethwick, another eminently practical ironmaster, went out to Alabama last year, and having brought back a good report, it seems likely that a new black country will be built up in Alabama by capital and enterprise from the old black country.”—Baltimore Šun.

NOTES. There is a decided movement toward laying electric wires underground in all the important cities of the Union.- -The total area of the Crown forests of Sweden at the beginning of 1885 was 5,785,535 hectares, being a seventh part of the total forest area of the country. The revenue from the same was a little less in 1885 than in 1884, but this is believed to be only incidental, it having risen from £750,000 in 1880 to £890,000 in 1882, and £120,000 in 1884.- -The British consul at Portland, Oregon, reports that direct imports of coal from Australia to the Pacific coast are increasing year by year.-Mr. F. Seimens has perfected a pro

cess for casting glass as if it were a metal, and in a short time an experiment will be made with the material to ascertain how far it will serve for railway sleepers.Chicago has received from the Black Hills the first car-load of tin from the first tin mine and from the first tin mill of America. The district from which this car. load of tin comes is located around the base of Harney's Peak, the granite core of the Hills. The veins vary in width from 5 to 200 feet, and crop out in places to considerable height above the surface, and can be followed for from 500 to 3,000 feet in length. They all lie in the slates near the line of contact with the granite, a geological condition similar to the other tin regions of the world. The Prince George mine at Stockton Hill, Arizona, has netted its owners a clear forty thousand dollars, in addition to the purchase price of the mine, all of which has been taken out in 90 days. -The manufacturers of ordnance from aluminum-bronze will increase the use of copper, as a large percentage of the alloy is of that metal. The Anaconda mine of Montana proposes to run so as to make 36,000,000 pounds of fine copper a year.- -The Eureka mica mine has been sold to an English syndicate; consideration, $25,000. The property lies in the vicinity of Custer, Dakota. -A meteor recently fell in Kansas weighing about five tons; an assay shows iron, gold, nickel, cobalt, copper, and phosphorus.- -Reliable figures show that in coal-mining, as in all other industrial interests, progress is the order of the day

in the South. An increase in the coal output of 100,000 tons in 1885, compared with 1884, is very gratifying, especially so when it is remembered that the decrease in the United States, outside of the South, during the same time, was over 4,000,ooo tons. The largest apportionate increase in 1885 over 1884, as shown by the Manufacturer's Record, was in Virginia, where the gain was over 100 per cent., and the highest output was. 3,250,000 tons in West Virginia.- -Reports of gold discoveries are coming to the surface. The Buenos Ayres Standard states that the reports of discoveries of gold in Patagonia have excited the greatest interest. The steamers from the South continue to bring favorable accounts. "It ap pears that with regard to the existence of gold in the valley of the Rio Gallegos there is no manner of doubt; bottles of samples have come up, and in the window of an exchange shop in Montevideo there is to be seen a large lump of Patagonian gold."We imported during the year just ended $35,000,000 worth of manufactures of iron and steel, which, by the way, is 10 per cent. more than the previous year.-The steel output is increasing wonderfully; Pittsburgh plants have increased their product about 1,900 tons daily. The Wheeling output is 1,200 tons daily, which will be incresed 300 tons shortly.- -The Lake ore shipments to date are 268,203 tons in excess of last year.- -By the use of natural gas for fuel the consumption of coal for manufacturing purposes at Pittsburgh has decreased at the rate of 47,450,000 bushels a year.- -The coal deposits adjacent to Great Falls, M. T., occupy an area of 375 square miles.- -At present there are eighty coal mines worked in India, of which seventy-eight are in Bengal, one in the cen tral provinces, and one in Assam. The total output in 1883 was 1,315,776 tons, and 23,172 persons were employed. About 10,000 mines have been patented in the United States up to January of this year.-During the month of March the following were among the exports from Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, and Queensland to Great Britain: Copper, 800 tons; copper ore, 300 tons, and tin, 500 tons. The earnings at Sing Sing prison for April were $6,005 above expenses.

-It is estimated that the total amont of gold money in circulation in the world is $3,250,000,000, and of silver money $2,800,000,000.-The world's total coinage of gold and silver in 1885, as reported by the deputy master of the English mint, was $71,896,000 gold and $77,790,000 silver.- There are about 4,000 women on the pay-roll of the Government.- -In 1830 the sum of eleven dollars was deposited in the New Bedford institution for savings, and in the course of time the whereabouts of the depositor was lost. Recently, however, it was ascertained that the heir of the depositor was a colored man residing in Toronto, Canada, and he has secured administrative powers, and has now withdrawn the deposit and accumulated interest, amounting to $272.- -Reports from Cuba state that the sugar crop now about to be gathered, and which has been mostly cultivated with free labor, will probably be equal to the largest ever made on the island with slave labor, which was about 775,000 tons.- -It is stated that a shipment of 30,000 carcases of mutton, the largest shipment yet made, is on the way from Falkland Island to London.- -A mob of diggers have already arrived at the newly-discovered gold field in Western Australia. Mr. Hardman, the government geologist, estimates that there is an amperous deposit in the new fields extending over 3,500 to 4,000 square miles.— Canadians are acting on the belief that the trade with

mouth where my fingers had touched it before. The water seemed syrup. It
flashed upon me that I was the cause of the singular universal sweetness, and I ac-
cordingly tasted the end of my thumb, and found that it surpassed any confection-
ery I had ever eaten. I saw the whole thing at a glance. I had discovered or
made some coal tar substance which outsugared sugar. I dropped my dinner, and
ran back to the laboratory. There, in my excitement, I tasted the contents of
every beaker and evaporating dish on the table. Luckily for me, none contained
any corrosive or poisonous liquid.

"One of them contained an impure solution of saccharine. On this I worked
then for weeks and months until I had determined its chemical composition, its
characteristics and reactions, and the best modes of making it scientifically and

Europe in the hard woods of their eastern provinces is susceptible of large extension. -The Australian Times and Anglo-New Zealander says that the New South Wales diamond fields bid fair to rival those of Brazil and South Africa. An extraordinary yield has been obtained from the neighborhood of Inverell, 2,400 stones, weighing 625 carats, having been procured by four men in four weeks. Of these, 302 carats were washed out of 32 loads of dirt. The Kohinoor claim is still getting a number of diamonds, and had 700 carats ready for market in April.– Business is reported in fairly good condition throughout the province of New Brunswick.- -Dr. Percy, president of the Iron and Steel Institute, says the London Times, recently stated that "before many years he looked to see Chinese iron and steel competing in the markets of the world.". The first train of eighty carloads of tea, bound from Japan to Europe, passed through Omaha July 16th. A contest is taking place to determine whether tea can be shipped from China and Japan to Europe quicker by the American overland route than by the Suez Canal. -The report of the Imperial Bureau of Statistics says that in 1885 the German imports amounted in value to 2,990,000,000 marks, and the exports to 2,915,200,000 marks. As compared with 1884, the imports last year fell 216,400,000 marks, and the exports 344,000,000 marks. The decrease is attributed to the continued fall of prices. The volume of imports in 1885, as compared with 1884, increased 29,564 tons, while the exports diminished 337,733 tons.- -According to official statistics, it appears, says the Journal of the Society of Arts, that on the 31st of December, 1881, 382,131 persons were engaged in manufactories in Italy. Of these, 219,844 were spinners (69,447 being children); 77,779 weavers (13,628 children), and in printing, 15,499 (618 children) were employed. In 1876 there were 229,538 weavers who worked at their own homes, chiefly in Sicily, Sardinia, Calabria, Apulia, and the Marche of Ancona.


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"When I first published my researches, some people laughed as if it were a scientific joke; others, of a more skeptical turn, doubted the discovery and the discoverer, and still others proclaimed the work as being of no practical value.

“When the public first saw saccharine, however, everything changed. The entire press, European and American, described me and my sugar in a way that may have been edifying, but was simply amusing to me. And then came letters. My mail has run as high as sixty a day. People wanting samples of saccharine, my autograph, or my opinion on chemical problems, desiring to become my partner, to buy my discovery, to be my agent, to enter my laboratory, and the like. "What have I done? I have started a company in Germany to manufacture saccharine, with a capital of 2,000,000 marks. They are already at work, and are now producing the new sugar. It costs, or rather we sell it, between $10 and $12 per pound, but will reduce these figures considerably before a year has gone past. I would rather have started in this country, which is my home, but the high price of skilled labor, and the high tariff on the crude materials (fine chemicals) of which saccharine is made, deterred me and my friends from so doing. I will say, however, that if applied chemistry continues progressing as it has done in the past decade, we shall open branch works here within the next five years." Saccharine is proving a wonderful success. It is used already in many ways. Prof. Leyden, of Berlin, recommended it to sweeten fine wafers and other foods for invalids, and wrote a formula for it in such cases. This is used by bakers and confectioners, and more especially by Mannl & Co., the great wafer manufacturers of Carlsbad, Bohemia. It is also employed by the makers of glucose and beet sugar. These are inferior in sweetness to cane sugar, but superior in digestibility and healthfulness. The addition of a trifling fraction of saccharine makes them the equals of the finest cane sugar in the market. Saccharine is so sweet that a teaspoonful converts a barrel of water into syrup. A small wafer of it converts the bitterest quinine solution or acid drink into a regular molasses. It will, there. fore, be invaluable in disguising and destroying all the bitter and sour tastes in medicine without changing the character or action of the drugs.

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SACCHARINE. "How did I discover saccharine ?" said Dr. Fahlberg. 'Well, it was partly by accident and partly by study. I had worked a long time upon the compound radicals and substitution products of coal tar, and had made a number of scientific discoveries that are, so far as I know, of no commercial value. One evening I was so interested in my laboratory that I forgot about supper until quite late, and then rushed off for a meal without stopping to wash my hands. down, broke a piece of bread, and put it to my lips. It tasted unspeakably sweet. I did not ask why it was so, probably because I thought it was some cake or sweetmeat. I rinsed my mouth with water, and dried my moustache with my napkin, when, to my surprise, the napkin tasted sweeter than the bread. Then I was puzzled. I again raised my goblet, and, as fortune would have it, applied my

Saccharine does not decay, mould, or ferment, neither is it attacked by bacteria. It has no injurious effect upon the human system. What effect has been noticed is rather beneficial than otherwise. This immunity from decay will render it of great utility in pickling and preserving delicate vegetables and meats. Where sugar is used as a flavor and not as a food, there, I think, it is bound to be replaced by saccharine; where, as a food and flavor combined, it will not be. In the future the new sugar will be used by druggists, physicians, bakers, confectioners, candy-makers, preserve and pickle-makers, liquor distillers, wine-makers, and dealers in bottlers' supplies.

The new coal-tar product, saccharine, which is expected to prove very useful on account of its sweetening power-in respect of which it stands to cane sugar in the ratio of 220 to I, and with which considerable antiseptic properties are combined— was mentioned at length by Sir Sydney Roscoe in a recent discourse at the Royal Institution. This new substance was described by the lecturer as, perhaps, the most remarkable of all the marvelous products of the coal-tar industry. It is not a sugar, but contains carbon, hydrogen, sulphur, oxygen, and nitrogen, and its chemical name is benzoyl sulphuric imide. It is neither a nutrient nor a poison. It is derived from the toluene of coal-tar, by a process comprising at least seven distinct steps, the whole contributing a triumph of synthetical chemistry. Toluene is first heated with sulphuric acid of 1680 Twaddell, but not above 1000 C. After all the original toluene has disappeared, the mixture is run into wooden tanks partly filled with cold water, where it is stirred up with chalk. The mass thus neutralized is filtered through a press, and the calcium salts are treated with sodium carbonate, with another filtration following. The solution of the sodium salts thus obtained is evaporated, and the solid residue dried by steam heat. This material is then mixed with phosphorus trichloride, and treated with a current of chlorine. Certain residuals are then driven off, and the apparatus contains two sulphonic chlorides-one solid and the other liquid. Only the latter capable of yielding saccharine. This is now separated, mixed with solid ammonium carbonate, and steamed. After some further mechanical treatment, the liquid is oxidized by potassium permanganate; and, finally, the pure saccharine is precipitated by dilute mineral acids. It has a far sweeter taste than sugar, and a faint, delicate flavor of bitter almonds.-The American Anylist.

HOW TO COOL A CELLAR. A great mistake is sometimes made in ventilating cellars and milk-houses. The object of ventilation is to keep the cellars cool and dry, but this object often fails of being accomplished by a common mistake, and instead the cellar is made both warm and damp. A cool place should never be ventilated, unless the air admitted is cooler than the air within, or is at least as cool as that, or a very little warmer. The warmer the air, the more moisture holds in suspension. Necessarily, the cooler the air, the more this moisture is condensed and precipitated. When a cool cellar is aired on a warm day, the entering air, being in motion, appears cool; but as it fills the cellar the cooler air with which it becomes mixed chills it, the moisture is condensed, and dew is deposited on the cold walls, and may often be seen running down them in streams. Then the cellar is damp, and soon becomes mouldy. To avoid this, the windows should only be opened at night, and late-the last thing before retiring. There is no need to fear that the night air is unhealthful; it is as pure as the air of midday,

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and is really drier. The cool air enters the apartment during the night, and circulates through it. The windows should be closed before sunrise in the morning, and kept closed and shaded through the day. If the air of the cellar is damp, it may be thoroughly dried by placing in it a peck of fresh lime in an open box. A peck of lime will absorb about seven pounds, or more than three quarts of water, and in this way a cellar or milk-room may soon be dried, even in the hottest weather. Scientific American.


AN ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANE.-An electric traveling crane is now at work at the warehouses of the Compagnie des Entrepots et Magasins Generaux, at Roubaix, France. At these warehouses the cotton bales arrived mostly from America and La Plata are stored before being forwarded to the different cotton mills. account of the great fire risk no steam crane is allowed in the establishment, and the bales, which weigh about one-half ton each, had, until recently, to be hoisted and handled generally by manual labor. This work is now accomplished by a traveling crane worked electrically. The crane post is placed on a trolly which runs on rails, and a rail fixed to the ceiling of the warehouse guides the upper end of the post. The jib of the crane has a derrick motion. A small Gramme four-horse-power dynamo is fixed on the trolly. This is always kept running (900 revolutions per minute), and being connected with suitable gearing, it can be made to hoist the load, advance the crane on the rails, and operate the jib. The current of 15 amperes, with an electro-motive force of 250 volts, is conveyed to the crane by overhead sliding contacts from the generator, which is a six-horsepower Gramme dynamo running at 1,200 revolutions per minute. The commercial efficiency of this arrangement is stated to be 60 per cent. It shows, however, an economy in working, for, whereas formerly 10 men were required to handle 150 bales in 18 or 20 hours, now with this electric crane 4 men can do the same amount of work in 3 hours.--Electrical Review.

GOOD RAIN. The health-giving properties of rain are not appreciated by the general public. Rain is an essential to physical vigor in localities that have any extensive population. Man and his occupations lade the air with countless and unclassified impurities. The generous, kindly rain absorbs them, even as a washerwoman extracts the dirt from soiled clothes. The ammoniacal exhalations, the gases resultant from combustion and decay, are all quietly absorbed by a brisk shower. People talk about a "dry climate," but it is a snare and a delusion. There is nothing in it. A very dry climate will never support a large population, for it would soon become so poisoned that it would be fatal to the human race. A scattering few might inhabit it, but not the multitude.-Colliery Guardian.

NOTES.-Among the manuscripts recovered from the wreck of the Oregon was one containing a valuable record of scientific research.- -An ingenious process for giving silver surface to iron is a recent Austrian invention. It consists in first covering the iron with mercury and then depositing the silver by the galvanic process. By heating to 3000 C. the mercury evaporates, and the silver layer is deposited. Experiments are being made in Germany, with a composition of cork, sand, and lime moulded into bricks, for the construction of light partition walls. It is said to exclude sound better than ordinary brick-work, while being light and a good non-conductor of heat.—The Bavarian Chamber of Deputies recently voted $9,000 for the construction of an electro-technical laboratory, to be connected with the Polytechnique School at Munich.- -A gentleman entered a telegraph office. "I beg pardon, but as I was coming along this afternoon I saw myriads of flies settled on your wires. Can you suggest any explanation of the phenomenon ?" "About what time was it, sir?" "About 4 o'clock." "Ah! that accounts for it; that's the time I send the quotations of sugar and honey." -Jerome Prince, of Milford, has invented an electric machine for locating articles lost overboard from boats or steamers in deep or shallow water. The model of the machine which Mr. Prince exhibits works perfectly, locating readily iron, steel, gold, and silver. The presence of the metal is indicated by rapid revolutions of a compass needle. M. Colladon, in a paper to the Académie des Science, suggests that the electricity so vividly illustrated by thunder-storms is generated principally by friction of air and water vapor. During a thunder-storm the raindrops formed in the storm-cloud descend vertically to the earth, causing a partial vacuum, which is replaced by air drawn in laterally and from upper layers. The friction caused by this movement is the principal cause of the generation of electricity.- -Two French chemists, Messrs. Hembert and Henry, are stated to have discovered a process for producing pure hydrogen at a cheap rate.- -The first city in Europe where electricity has been entirely substituted for gas for street lighting is Hernosand, in Sweden. The motive power is water, which is very plentiful there, rendering the electric light cheaper than gas.- -At the age of twenty-seven, the great Kepler describes himselfin the following language: "A body of no ample proportions, lean and scraggy; a mind unaspiring-that is to say, burying itself in literary nooks and crannies, suspicious, timid, tending toward and abiding in difficulties and knotty points; man ners to correspond. Sour and sharp flavors, the gnawing of a bone, the devouring of dry bread, form my gustatory delights; my keenest ambulatory joy is to traverse steep and rugged paths, to mount hills, to pierce my way across dense thorn-brakes. Pleasure in life other than in study I neither have nor desire; proffered, I reject. My fortune matches my tastes to a hair. Where others might abandon hope, I find access to achievement and fame. Yet not over spacious, for my advance is continually checked, and my circumstances change without mending. All my efforts have hitherto met with strenuous resistance. It may be that social sympathy will ever be denied me while I irritate mankind by advocating the movement of the earth, while tanti ponderis orbem obnixa cervice cito per sidera lapsu incito, terricolûm contra nitente senatu.'". -A curious application of the magnet is described in a French journal, the subject of it being a clock recently patented in France. In appearance the clock consists of a tambourine, on the parchment head of which is painted a circle of flowers corresponding to the hour signs of ordinary dials. On examination, two bees, one large and the other small, are discovered crawling among the flowers. The small bee runs rapidly from one to the other, completing the circle in an hour, while the large one takes twelve hours to

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finish the circle. The parchment membrane is unbroken, and the bees are simply laid upon it; but two magnets, connected with the clock work inside the tambourine, move just under the membrane, and the insects, which are of iron, follow them.- -The botanist, De Candolle, set the age of an elm at 335 years. The ages of some palms have been set down at from 600 to 700 years, that of an olive tree at 700, that of a plane tree at 720, of a cedar at 800, of an oak at 1,500, of a yew at 2,880, and of a baobab tree at 5,000 years.- -A chestnut tree in Gloucestershire, England, has a circumference of fity-seven feet, and it is supposed to have been standing at the time of the Conquest, 1066. It is mentioned by Evelyn as having been known as the great chestnut of Tortworth, in King Stephen's reign, 1415. -An Australasian Meteorological Society has been formed at Adelaide, South Australia. -At the meeting of the Royal Society of Tasmania, on April 13, the curator of the museum stated that during the past month Mr. Vimpany had captured a black snake (Hoplocephalus curtus) at Longley, measuring about 4 feet 3 inches in length. On opening it the unprecedented number of 109 young ones were found in her.


HEART BEATS.-The number of the pulsations of the heart in different animals -in fish, frog, bird, rabbit, cat, dog, sheep, horse-was described, and a few comments made on the remarkable slowness of the heart-40 strokes per minute-in the horse. Then the number of pulsations in man at various periods of life, and at different levels, from the level of the sea up to four thousand feet above sea level, was brought under review, and was followed by a computation of the average work performed by the heart in a healthy adult man. The work was traced out by the minute, the hour, and the day, and was shown to equal the feat of raising 5 tons 4 cwt. one foot per hour, or 125 tons in twenty-four hours. The excess of this work under alcohol in varying quantities formed a corollary to the history of the work of the heart, Parkes' calculation showing an excess of 24 foot tons from the imbibition of eight fluid ounces of alcohol. The facts relating to the work of the heart by the weight of work accomplished were supplemented by a new calculation, in which the course of the circulation was explained by milage. Presuming that the blood was thrown out of the heart at each pulsation in the proportion of 69 strokes per minute, and at the assumed force of 9 ft., the mileage of the blood through the body might be taken at 207 yds. per minute, 7 miles per hour, 168 miles per day, 61,320 miles per year, or 5,150,880 miles in a lifetime of 84 years. The number of beats of the heart in the same long life would reach the grand total of 2,869,776,000.-Dr. B. W. Richardson.

NOTES.-Applicants for admission to the dental schools of Great Britain must pass a satisfactory examination in English grammar and history, in Latin, algebra, geometry, and physics; and, before they can receive their degree of L. D. S., they must study for four years anatomy, chemistry, surgery, and such other branches as are taught in the medical schools, besides those which specially pertain to dentistry, as operative dentistry, the administration of anesthetics.- -In London there are two dental hospitals in which all the operations known to that branch are practiced, and to which students have admission and opportunity to operate. In the National Dental Hospital, during the year 1885, 9,001 fillings were inserted, of which 1,014 were of gold, the others being of gutta-percha or other plastic material.. -Consul-General Gibbs, of Bolivia, has given a very interesting account of the coca-plant, which is now so much employed in medical practice, and which, together with opium, choral, and other drugs, is beginning to gain its victims from the ranks of those who, having commenced its use for medicinal purposes, have become so enslaved by it that they can not give it up.- -There are in the United States about one hundred medical colleges of good repute, at which more than ten thousand students attend annually. From these institutions go out each year from five to one hundred and fifty or more graduates, to swell the ranks of a profession which now numbers in the United States more than seventy-seven thousand members. For the additional instruction of these doctors there are published more than one hundred and fifty medical journals.Cholera is reported to have advanced as far as Venice and Trieste.- -A few years ago Dr. J. B. de Lacerda, of Rio de Janeiro, made extensive experiments upon antidotes for snake-bites, and finally settled upon the hypodermic injection of a solution of permanganate of potash as being the most efficacious.- -From the Medical News we learn that a German physician was recently much puzzled by a case he was called to attend. The patient, a child five weeks old, was incessantly crying, and was undoubtedly suffering from colic, and its skin was of a bluish color. Further examination revealed the fact that the nurse was in the habit of using a cosmetic in which lead entered largely as a constituent. This gave to her face a brilliant tint, which at once attracted the attention of the physician. The use of this cosmetic was at once interdicted, and in a few days the colic and the crying ceased.- -Instances of extreme old age are reported from Russia. The Novosti, a Russian journal, announces the death, in the almshouse of St. Petersburg, of a man aged one hundred and twenty-two years, who had been an inmate since 1818. His mental faculties were preserved up to the time of his death, and his general health was excellent to the age of one hundred and eighteen, when he commenced to fail. There is in the same institution a soldier's widow whose age, as shown by documentary evidence, is at least one hundred and ten years. In our own country, at New Holland, O., Mrs. Arnold has just celebrated the one hundred and ninth anniversary of her birth, and her two sisters are still living, aged, respectively, one hundred and six and one hundred and twelve.- -Sir James Puget has been elected a foreign associate of the Paris Acadimie de Medicine.- At a meeting lately held at the rooms of the Argentine Medical Club, steps were taken toward the establishment of a Pasteur institute, in support of which it is thought that the South American countries will generally contribute. A preliminary step in the undertaking is the sending of a gold medal to M. Pasteur, bearing the inscription,

"A. M. Pasteur. Los organizadores del Instituto Pasteur en Buenos Aires.”An English writer points out the probability that a smoky atmosphere is not a wholly unmitigated evil, since its carbon and sulphur must absorb many germs of disease, and tend to prevent the spread of epidemics.


THE HUMAN FAMILY.-The human family living to-day on earth consists of about 1,450,000,000 of individuals; not less, probably more. These are distributed over the earth's surface, so that now there is no considerable part where man is not found. In Asia, where he was first planted, there are now approximately about 800,000,000, densely crowded; on an average, 120 to the square mile. In Europe there are 320,000,000, averaging 100 to the square mile; not so crowded, but everywhere dense, and at points over-populated. In Africa there are 210,000,000. In America, North and South, there are 110,000,000, relatively thinly scattered and recent. In the islands, large and small, probably 10,000,000. The extremes of the white and black are as five to three; the remaining 700,000,000 intermediate brown and tawny. Of the race 500,000,000 are well clothed that is, wear garments of some kind to cover their nakedness; 700,000,000 are semi-clothed, covering inferior parts of the body; 250,000,000 are practically naked. Of the race 500,000,000 live in houses partly furnished with the appointments of civilization; 700,000,000 in huts or caves with no furnishings; 260,000,000 have nothing that can be called at home, are barbarous and savage. The range is from the topmost round-the Anglo Saxon civilization, which is the highest known-down to naked savagery. The portion of the race lying below the line of human conditions is at the very least three-fifths of the whole, or 900,000,000. As to religion, the 1,450,000,000 are divided in the order of numerical strength, as follows: 860,000,000 are pagans, comprising 600,000,000 of Brahmo Buddhists, or Brahmans or Buddhists; 160,000,000 of unclassified pagans; 150,000,000 Parsees, Confucianists, Shintoists, Jains, and other smaller pagan sects; 410,000,000 are Christians, composed of 225,000,000 Roman Catholics, 75,000,000 of the Greek Church, and 110,000,000 Protestants; 180,000,000 Mohammedans; 8,000,000 Jews. The 860,000,000 of pagans are found chiefly in Asia and Africa, and comprise 99-100ths of the population, with scattering millions in the Americas and islands of the sea. The 410,000,000 Christians constitute the body of Europe, and the nine-tenths of the Americans, with a few millions in Asia, Africa, and the islands. The Mohammedans are found chiefly in Asia and Africa. The Jews are scattered in all lands, without a home or country. This is approximately a correct cast of the religious status of the world to-day. It shows two-thirds of the whole to be pagan, or, including the Mohammedans and Jews as anti-Christian components of the pagan fraction, three-quarters of the whole-not less than 1,050,000,000. The remaining fraction of 410,000,000-a little more than a quarter-Christians, of which fraction more than one-half is Roman Catholic, one-quarter, nearly, Greek, and a trifle over a quarter Protestant.-New York Commercial News.

PROFESSIONAL STATISTICS.-The number of men in the three professions-divinity, law, and medicine-was, in 1880, 254,520, of whom 64,698 were ministers, 64,137 lawyers, and 85,671 physicians and surgeons, 12,314 dentists, and 27,700 pharmacists. Hence, the proportion in the learned profession (so called) is about one to 200 of the population. The proportion of ministers and lawyers is very nearly equal, and is one to 782 of the population. The proportion of physicians and surgeons is one to 584, and of dentists one to 4,000.-Journal of Education.


RAILROADS OF THE WORLD.-The aggregate length of railroads of the world in 1884, as shown by official statistics, was 290,750 miles, of which no less than 62,788 miles have been opened since 1879. At the close of 1884 Europe had 117,694 miles; America, 148,738; Asia, 12,757; Australia, 7,486, and Africa, 4,075. In 1880 America had but very few more miles of railroad than Europe; four years later, however, it had 31,044 miles more than Europe, and of the total increase of 62,788 miles in that four years, more than two-thirds was in this country. The vast territory of Asia has only about as many miles of railroad as the single State of Illinois, and seven-eighths of this is in the English dependency, India. In Europe nearly one-fourth of the railroads built since 1880 were in France, which has increased its mileage 3,121 miles, or 19.2 per cent. in the four years. In America there were but 15,185 miles of railroad outside of the United States at the end of 1880, and this had increased by the end of 1884 8,252 miles, or 54 per cent., to 23,437 miles. Mexico gained most, but Canada was close behind." Elsewhere in America

the new construction amounted to but 3,320 miles, of which 1,818 miles were in Brazil and 1,106 miles in the Argentine Republic. In South America altogether there were but 9,515 miles of railroad at the end of 1884, 3,071 miles of which had been opened since 1880, an increase of nearly 50 per cent. Calculation shows that of the 290,750 miles of railroad in the world, no less than 174,016, or 60 per cent., are in English-speaking countries.-The Stockholder.

crossings. Their daily wages are from 50 to 75 pfennigs (121⁄2 to 19 cents United States currency).- "Here is the latest to beat us poor conductors out of our fare," said one of the fraternity the other day. "While taking up the tickets I reached a nicely-dressed lady, who was looking, apparently preoccupied, out of the open car window and tapping her pocket-book on the window ledge. I touched her shoulder to attract her attention, when she jumped as though shot, and dropped her pocket-book out of the car window. She began to cry, and what could I do? Pass her, of course, which I did. I noted the place of the accident, stopped for the pocket-book the next trip, and found its contents to be a postage stamp and a card of hooks and eyes. I felt pretty cheap then."- -The railroads of Missouri are capitalized at $233,000,000.- -The wooden sleepers in Mexico cost $1.00 each.- -The Missouri Pacific company is said to have determined on the construction of an important line from Memphis, Tenn., by way of Bald Knob, Ark., northwesterly through Arkansas to a connection with its system at Carthage, Mo. This will require the construction of over 300 miles of road. The portion from Bald Knob to Memphis, about 85 miles, is already under way, and it is said that contracts will soon be let for the remainder.The railway commission which met at Albany July 7th announced its decision in regard to the car-coupling tests which came before it by awarding the first place to the Hoag coupler.The Midland Railroad Company of England is erecting the most costly and gigantic merchandise depot in the world. The iron used in its construction will weigh between 16,000 and 17,000 tons.- -President Cleveland has vetoed the Senate bill granting railroads the right of way through the Northern Montana Indian reservation.. -The following estimate is made up by the superintendent of the Delaware Railroad of the prospective peach shipments over the Peninsular Railroad lines during the season just opened: Delaware Railroad, 873,415 baskets; Queen Anne's and Kent Railroad, 118, 100; Delaware and Chesapeake, 125,525; Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia railroad, 61,025; Cambridge and Seaford Railroad, 57,525; Baltimore and Delaware Bay Railroad, 1,198,250; New York, Philadelphia, and Norfolk Railroad, S4,830, making a total of 2,518,670 baskets. The Baltimore and Delaware Bay Railroad is the outlet for Kent county, Md., where the best bearing orchards are this year. -The East-bound rates for passenger and freight from Chicago are to be restored.

NOTES.-The Prussian state railways have for some time past employed women as guards at crossings. In order to enable the main guards to give their whole attention to the good condition of the road-bed, the service has been divided into two parts, namely, in track and crossing service. While the former is only done by men, the latter, consisting chiefly of closing and opening of bars and the lighting and sweeping of crossings, is done by women-in most cases either the wives or widows of guards. On the passing of trains these women, having black and white scarfs round their waists and arms, and holding a flag in hand, are to stand at the


NOTES.-The New York Orchestra, which originated with the daughters of Mr. Abraham S. Hewitt, and composed entirely of young ladies, is to be reorganized next season -Paganini, the famous violinist, played exquisitely on the guitar. The daughter of Count Miranda, the betrothed of Nilsson, has long been known as the adopted daughter of the singer. The ladies are devoted to each other.— -The National Opera Company of Moscow intends to make a tour of Europe next winter, visiting Paris, Vienna, Berlin, and London for the purpose of giving Russian opera in these cities. Beethoven's music for the Consecration of the House has been recently discovered in Vienna; also some hitherto unknown compositions of Schubert. Mme. Antoinette Stirling recently gave a concert in St. James Hall, London, supported by the Blue Hungarian Band and the St. Cecilia choir.- -Among the American singers who have been achieving success in London, Mr. Eugene Oudin, late of the American Opera Company, is prominent. He has, however, abandoned the stage to study law.- -Gounod, though an aged man, is now busy in writing the music for an opera based on the romantic story of Heloise and Abelard.- The American Opera Company has issued a pamphlet, in which it describes the work done last season and its prospect and intention in reference to the next.- -Through their European agent, the Redpath Lyceum Bureau has engaged a great novelty in a Swiss Concert Company of great merit, which will arrive October 1st, and will give vocal and instrumental

concerts in costume.

work of American artists.


NOTES. Mr. Joseph Etchelder, a Bavarian sculptor, has submitted the model for a monument to General Grant to the Grant Monument Association. Mr. Frank Keppel will exhibit a collection of Milleto's prints next fall at his room in New York.Mr. Geo. L. Seney is collecting pictures again, and prefers the -It is reported that the most generous patron of American artists is Mr. T. B. Clarke. Though for more than ten years a steady buyer, he never sells on profit, except to give the surplus back to the artist.The Dutch exhibition at the Gupil galleries is exceedingly good.Mr. Ernest Hart, assisted by Mr. T. Hayashi, has brought together such a collection of works from Japan that it stands unrivaled for its scientific completeness. "The Ornamental Arts of Japan" is now complete.- -Mr. F. S. Church, the painter, has the distinction of having never studied in Europe. -Col. Wright, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, has endeavored to discover "whether art as an industry was ever profitable or not," and therefore addressed the question to a number of artists. Of the 37 artists who have made returns of their yearly income, the least fortunate names $354 (of which $135 is from sources other than from auction sales, studio sales, illustrating, and teaching), while the five best situated return $3,000 ($2,500 from teaching, $500 from other than artistic sources); again, $3,000 (from illustrating), $3,500 (sources not given), $3,050 (of which $1,900 is from illustrating), and $3,110 (of which $2,000 is from illustrating). The incomes of the other 31 range from $500 to $2,500, 10 falling below $1,000, 13 ranging from $1,000 to $1,500, 6 from over $1,500 to $2,000, while only 2 exceed $2,000. Of these 37 artists only 31 have reported their annual expenses, Two of them manage to live on $300 a year, carn




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