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been a disappointment and an irritation to the Republicans of Ohio. It is the old
story of a few Republicans rising above party or sinking below it, in critical times,
for some personal or trivial consideration. There is no intelligent citizen of Ohio
who does not know that money was corruptly used in the Democratic caucus to
nominate Senator Payne. There is, we are sure, no Senator who knows anything
about the matter who is not certain that the public opinion of Ohio upon this sub-
ject is correct. It has been an open secret that if the Senate ordered an investiga-
tion-that if Senator Payne did not resign, his friends would be convicted of
purchasing his seat. The trouble has not been that the case presented to the Com-
mittee was not strong enough to warrant an investigation, but that it was too strong.
The difficulty was that investigation was conviction. It has been for this reason
that Mr. Payne has been so quiet, and his guilty friends so intensely active with
the Committee. They have brought to bear all the arts of accomplished schemers,
and all the blandishments that millionaires can employ in society and politics.
the case of one of the three Senators who yesterday voted with the Democrats, it
does not seem improbable that he was moved by the most material considerations
this side of cash in hand, and that the others were influenced perhaps equally by
ambition and complacency. The yellow-dog Republicans, with the Coal Oil
bosses, have been baying gently for some time about the heels of Senator Logan,
and there will be surprise in Ohio that he has not spurned the curs when they
thrust their society upon him too closely. Mr. Evarts is a great lawyer, but not a
learned man in politics, and he has probably been too much interested in the cases
before the Supreme Court to know enough to make up an intelligent judgment in
the matter of Mr. Payne. If he had known as much before yesterday's vote as he
will gather within two days, he would, we presume, have acted differently. The
Republicans of Ohio have fought with the Coal-oiler a great battle and have won
a complete victory. They have the State in their own hands. The re election of
Sherman was the downfall of the boodle ring; but the logic of history demanded
that there should be a work of retributive justice performed, in unseating the Sen-
ator whose place was substantially purchased at auction by the most reckless band
of corruptionists who ever assailed with immense sums of money the integrity of
the Republic. The Republican Senators who voted as Boss Boodle directed
yesterday have underestimated the patriotism and the capacity of resentment by the
people of Ohio. They have blundered, and will find their position one of discom-
fort that will increase as the heated term comes on. Two candidates for the Presi-
dency in such an hour as they thought not, have stepped heavily upon their own

Cincinnati Enquirer (Dem.), June 26..

open, and emphatic protest of Allan G. Thurman, whose stirring words uttered on
that occasion were conclusive to all who know both his prudence and hatred of
wrong. He spoke only when he felt it a duty to truth, his country, and his party.
Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch (Ind.), June 26.

At the time of the election of Mr. Payne the air was full of rumors, and not only
the Republicans, but even a portion of the Democratic press full of charges of
bribery and corruption; but the rumors were vague and the charges indefinite.
The matter was soon dropped and even gossip ceased, until the subject was again
brought up by Colonel Donavin, a Democrat. The Ohio Republican House, by a
series of parliamentary tactics between the parties, was finally led to inquire as to
the truth of the rumors. The result is well known. It was as indefinite and as
intangible as were the charges; but the fever had set in, and the agitation was
kept up until the matter was laid before the Senate at Washington.

Toledo Bee (Dem.), June 26.

THE scheme was to make a place in the United States Senate for Governor
Foraker or Charlie Foster, and to make political capital. The scheme has signally
failed. The people of Ohio have to pay the costs-some $20,000-and the odium
falls upon the men who duped the Legislature into spending the money. Poor
Colonel Donavin has been driven out like a prodigal, and Mr. Payne's character
has been vindicated, if such a thing were needed. Now, will this pack of yelpers
keep up the cry against Senator Payne and the men they have so grossly abused,
or will they go back into their kennels to invent some new phase of the libelous
Cleveland Plain Dealer (Dem.), June 26.

SEVEN Senators out of nine, three of them Republicans and four Democrats, de-
clare that there is nothing in the case trumped up by the Halstead gang, and that
there has been no evidence presented warranting the Senate to go into an investi-
gation. The three Republican Senators who take this view are Teller, Evarts, and
Logan, staunch Republicans, all of them. This report, although it is what the
Plain Dealer has all along predicted and what every man of sense and fair judg.
ment in the country expected, will evoke dismal groaning and wild wails from
Halstead and his gang.

THIS persecution will, for all time, be a matter of history in this country; and it is as well that the facts should be known. From the office of the Commercial-Ga zette, and from their slaves on the Committee of One Hundred, came a cry to ruin commercial interests that were antagonistic to the C. G.'s welfare. That is the whole story. They were dying, swamped for lack of patrons, sucked to death by Eastern mortgages. They hoped to help themselves by crushing the enterprise which had taken their readers and their advertisers from them. They allied with themselves a few disgruntled men who claimed to be Democrats. They drove into their miserable uses a Governor of Ohio whom they had sought to defeat. They even descended to the inexpressible filth of purchasing men from our own office, with whom they expected to clinch their case, and whose infamy they heralded to the world. They picked out such poor miserable wretches as are to be found in all parties, and in all great commercial concerns, and bribed them to throw mud at those from whom they had long received their living. They used their whole machinery, their whole wealth, their whole political influence, and prostrated in the filth of a back-house sewer a great political party, for the simple purpose and with the simple hope of destroying a business rival. And now they have their reward. The greatest lawyer of the land, and one of its most prominent Republicans, Mr. Evarts, spurns from him the case which they present. Their foremost Republican Senator, a brave soldier and a first-class lawyer, does likewise. A Republican Senator, who has held a Cabinet position under a Republican President, joins the chorus. The rebuke falls upon them like the sting of scorpions. What need for us to go into the legal merits of the case when these, the greatest and purest Republicans in the land, have denounced it? The voice of Senator Ingalls, also, unhappily not upon the committee, is likely to be uplifted. Not long ago it was attempted, in a similar way, to taint his fair fame in Kansas. Rival factions had undoubtedly been spending money; and, at the finish, rather than their enemies should be elected, they expended some for him. But he, himself, was clean and white-handed, and the Senate so said. So its committee has declared for Mr. Payne. The condition of the ringsters who forced this issue, and who have clamored for it day and night for these many months, would be pitiable if it were not deserved. With all their influence in the Republican house of the State they could not force a report in their favor. With all their influence in the senate they could get but two votes out of nine. Their filthy slabber falls back upon themselves. They lie to-day groveling in the dirt of their own manufacture. The fair fame of Ohio, which they sought to besmirch, stands out clean and white. Their manafactured case was so foul that even their own party goes against it. The slanderers are rebuked. Right triumphs; and villainy-the villainy of the CommercialGazette-is taken by the neck, forced down into the gutter, and obliged to swallow the product of its own filthy eructations. There is more that could be said upon the subject; but, as previously remarked, this article is written with a four-hundredpound weight on the safety valve. It is enough for us that the most villainous ring which Cincinnati ever knew of is put to torture by a "non-partisan decision."

Memphis Avalanche (Dem.), June 26.

Brooklyn Union (Ind.), June 26.

To the decision of the Senate Committee on Elections and Privileges not to investigate the charge of bribery made against Senator Payne, Senator Payne himself ought to object. If there be no truth in the charge, it would be an easy and quick task to dispose of it, and then this Ohio scandal, which the Ohioans themselves persist in giving a prominent place in every campaign and in all political discussion, would disappear, much to the relief of the country; but without an investigation it does not promise to disappear so long as Senator Payne himself remains in public life.

THAT Mr. Payne stands silent, failing to call for an investigation, with all this clamor about his ears, shows that he has not dared to do it. The money that was spent in securing his election was spent in the Democratic caucus, and not strictly in the election. This respectable nonentity will fill out the remainder of his term, and if Ohio Democracy gets itself cleansed in any way, it will have to cleanse itself by cutting loose from the agencies which perpetrated the wrong, against the bold,

Ohio State Journal (Rep.), June 28.

IF Gen. Logan has any Presidential aspirations he may leave out of all question any support in convention from Ohio Republicans. His position in the Payne business can not be excused or palliated even by his splendid military record. It is simply infamous, as is that of every other Senator on the committee who refused to investigate. Mr. Sherman has an opportunity to lead a review of the committee's findings that he ought to be quick to appreciate, and one which Ohio Republicans and anti-boodle Democrats expect him to improve.

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New York Star (Dem.), June 27.

How could the United States Senate sift the charges concerning Mr. Payne's election when the Republican majority in the Ohio Legislature found itself unable to do so? No one can conceive of a process for ascertaining the truth concerning any political controversy in Ohio. No ten men could be found to swear to any fact that ten other men equally respectable would not deny on oath.

Wilmington, Del., News (Rep.), June 26.

ACCORDING to the current newspaper gossip Senator Payne was guilty thrice over of bribery and corruption. The fact probably is that the Senate as a body does not care to scrutinize Senatorial elections too closely. Some men, after they get to the United States Senate, do not care to think much about how they got there.

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CATHOLIC STATISTICS.-Father Jenkins, of St. John's, Louisville, Ky., has rewritten his "Judges of Faith: Christian vs. Godless Schools," in a volume of 200 pages, 12 mo; 30 cents net, paper; cloth, 60 cents; $24 and $48 per hundred. It has the imprimatur of Cardinal Archbishop Gibbons. It contains 380 Bishops' testimonials in all parts of the world; decrees in extenso of the Baltimore Coun cil on schools; essays on the history of the educational struggle in all civilized lands; most complete Indian educational statistics, as well as the only thoroughly accurate statistics of all our educational establishments, as well as an essay on the University. From it we borrow the following Catholic American educational summary: CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL SUMMARY OF PROVINCES OF UNITED STATES, 1883-25

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It is barely necessary to add, in this connection, that the widely-published list of churches with and without parochial schools, taken originally from the German Pastoral-Blatt, of St. Louis, if true in some respects and literally-on the other hand-scatet mendis; and therefore grossly misleading. It is only by the utmost vigilance and comparative study such a list can be made tolerably accurate-The Catholic Review.

NOTES. The common council of Wohilow, Russia, voted a yearly contribution of 5,000 rubles for a higher girls' institute, with the condition that six girls, three Christian and three Jewish, be instructed there without pay.- -Several prominent Jews of Pesth formed a society to erect Jewish public schools, and a large amount has been already signed for that purpose. At a later period they expect to erect a Jewish gymnasium in the capital. -The Jewish orphan asylum of Berlin, founded by Moritz and Sarah Reichenheim, supports 75 inmates-45 boys and 30 girls; 11 boys visit high schools, while one girl attends a higher school for bookkeeping, two the seminary for kindergartens.Uncle Sam welcomes into his domain 3,200 babies a day, not counting those who come by sea. -A sixteenyear-old school teacher had among her pupils a big hulking boy of eighteen. He defied her authority, and she administered a severe switching. The weeping youth went home and complained to his parents who had the teacher arrested for assault and battery. The appearance of the parties in court, however, was so Judicrous when comparisons of sex, weight and stature were drawn, that the case was dismissed amid inextinguishable laughter.The Herald of Education says: Any political party that refuses to provide good schools for the masses must be shivered to atoms or become autocratic or plutocratic.- -College commencements are over, baccalaureate sermons are forgotten, graduates' essays are laid away to rest, teachers' conventions are beginning, the tired professor is allured to summer schools and the Chatauqua movement already has begun to reign in their stead.


THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PHYSICIANS.-We learn that the first regular meeting of this new organization, which was held in Washington last week, was attended by almost the whole number of the original members, and that most of the papers read were of a character corresponding to the high standing that the association was intended by its projectors to take. It will be remembered that the membership is limited to one hundred. Those who have already enrolled themselves make up about three-quarters of this number, and it is said that about thirty nominations were made at this meeting. These facts show that the undertaking has met with hearty support from the profession, and they augur well for its success. It is, of course, too early to predict with any approach to positiveness the precise rank which it is destined to take. In this respect much will depend, we think, on the kind of men with whom the vacancies are filled, and too much care can not be taken to admit only those who have already achieved distinction. A motion was made at the meeting to declare all applicants ineligible who had not been ten years in practice, but it was voted down. If such a condition is considered objectionable, it can scarcely be for any other reason than a disinclination to acts of

supererogation, for it will indeed be remarkable if any man who has not had ten years' experience in practice should be looked upon as sufficiently eminent to be admitted into a limited body that professes so high a standard. It has been suggested, however, that some of the original members are not graduates of ten years' standing, and that this fact having been made known when the motion was under discussion, the meeting did not feel justified in imposing on others conditions that its own members had not had to submit to. We understand that a committee of conference was appointed on the matter of forming an alliance of the various national societies according to the plan proposed by the American Surgical Association. This shows, at least, that there is no antipathy felt by the new society against the formation of such a confederation, and no doubt it will serve to strengthen the project before the bodies that are still to meet. We hear that it was decided to publish a volume of transactions, but that permission was given to the readers of papers to have them published in the journals also.-New York Medical Journal. NOTES.-Palestine is recommended as an appropriate residence for consumptives. This disease is hardly known there, and many who suffered from it were perfectly cured by the pure air of the Holy Land.Moritz Rohr presented the Jewish community of Posen with the sum of 100,000 marks for the erection of an hospital, under the following conditions: 1. That a committee be appointed for the collection of further funds. 2. That the hospital be managed upon strictly kosher principles.A correspondent of a contemporary states that he has just conducted an insurance upon the life of a man aged 102 years. This centenarian enjoys good health, and appears to be in the possession of his faculties. He states that his father lived to the age of 110, and met his death from an injury due to the breaking of a mill-stone. His grandfather was, he asserts, accidentally killed in his mill at the age of 126. His great-grandfather lived to the age of 133. The man in question distinctly remembers his great-grandfather, and has now living a greatgreat-niece, so that he has seen seven generations of his family. -At Tyrnau, Moravia, a Jew died at the age of 108 years: At his coffin stood an only daughter, 81 years old, numerous grand and great-grandchildren, and a boy, nine years old, the great, great-grandchild of the deceased.- -Dr. D. Bryson Delavan has been appointed professor of Laryngology at the New York Policlinic in place of Dr. E. Elsberg deceased.The St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal closes its 50th vol. with its June number.- -Rose Leslie, the fat woman, who has traveled for the past six seasons with John B. Dorris's circus, died at St. John's Hospital, Lowell, Mass., last week, aged 25. She was a native of Hamilton, Ont., and was the wife of John McLaughlin, also connected with the circus. She weighed 615 pounds and was 5 feet 3 inches in height. The casket, which was specially constructed for her, was 30 inches wide, 24 inches deep, and 5 feet 10 inches long. For the ordinary person the dimensions are, 18 inches wide and 12 inches deep. -Prof. Balthazar Luchsinger, of Zurich (formerly of Berne), who died suddenly, in his 37th year, in Meran, on January 20, 1886, has left 71 original experimental works on physiological, pharmacological, and toxicological, subjects; moreover, ten inaugural works were made under his guidance in Berne.- -The first lady surgeon qualified in Great Britain was invested with the letters testimonial of the Irish College of Surgeons recently, under the new power granted to it by its charter of 1885.- -Of the dozen doctors in the English Parliament only four voted with Gladstone for home rule.--The late Prof. Von Gudden was 68 years of age. He left eight children. It is stated that he had nearly one hundred brains, showing various atrophies, which he was intending to study. -It is stated that the Board of Health of Chicago has brought suit against a dry goods firm in that city, for not providing seats for their women clerks.


THE NEW CRAZE-One of the latest crazes which has seized the English people, and which has been imported to our own country, is the rage for the Eastern theosophy which, we are told, is destined to supplant Christianity in the minds of cultivated people. The study of the Oriental religions has received a new impetus within the last decade, and men are carried away by the new fashion in somewhat the same manner as they were captivated by the esthetic mania, which was itself a successor of the first popular phrase of Darwinianism. To this Mr. Matthew Arnold has kept time and tune with his evolution of "sweetness and light" from a Christianity which he had sweetened and enlightened for genteel people by eliminating all that is supernatural and miraculous. How many fashions of thought, of faith and unfaith, of dogmatism, of indigenous negation, and of foreign importation from heathen countries have come in and gone out during the last generation! But of all the crazes and "fads" of the day, nothing strikes us as more curious than the mixture of enthusiasm and languor with which certain Boston young women proclaim themselves to be Buddhists in religion, adopting their new opinions somewhat on the same principle as the latest fashion in dress. At the present day it is no secret that the attacks on the Bible-which it has so majestically endured, as if to show how truth is an anvil that wears out every hammer that rings upon it-have been abandoned in favor of a new device. Some of the rejectors of Christianity are making experiments in the new philosophy of comparative and competitive religions. The beauty of Buddhism-the "Light of Asia"-the wisdom of Vedas, and the sublime morality of Indian theosophy are set forth in captivating style, and we are asked to lay aside the teachings of Christianity as an exclusive religion, or to admit the new faith to the same place in our affections as that which is held by the religion of Christ. As Rome conquered Greece to be herself subjugated by Greek culture and art, and conquered Palestine to be in turn subdued by the faith born at Jerusalem, so it would seem as if some English poets, philosophers, and dilettante dreamers fancy that they have annexed India only to be converted to the pure and precious worship of the natives of the country. What is this beautiful and celestial creed which is being so boastfully paraded by intellectual exquisites as being not only equal in inspiration with the sacred Book of

Christendom, but as being far more suited for the choice and adoption of men and women of taste and mental acumen? One of the foremost Oriental scholars in Europe, Sir M. Monier Williams, professor of Sanscrit at Oxford, who has studied the Indian religions for forty years, most of the time in their own land, has lately spoken with studied moderation, but with justly dogmatic emphasis, which should be decisive for every balanced mind. Thoroughly learned in the sacred scriptures of the East, he speaks not with empirical criticism, but with the authority of a master. He has literally nothing to say but what exalts the Bible to the utter disparagement of the whole Buddhist library. He declares "the very diapason, so to speak," of all the doctrines of the East to be the prescription of self-righteousness. The hope of extinction or absorption of being, to escape universal suffering and despair, is the cream of Buddha's teaching; and this sour and curdled essence of despair is the new gospel which our boasted modern culture is giving us as being noble teaching, and equal to or only second to the wisdom of Christ! The University of Oxford is translating and publishing the sacred books of the East, and her professor comes from the halls of learning to declare in plain and popular style "how vast is the gulf separating the gospel of Buddha from the Gospel of Jesus Christ." This old superstition from the Indian jungles may be transplanted, but it will never flourish in Western soil. Men who are qualified by real mastery of the subject to guide us in comparison and analysis come forth to pronounce it only a gaudy weed, not without some showy beauty, such as many a tangled creeper of the wilderness can show, but utterly unworthy of classification in the spiritual flora with the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.-Providence Journal.

ter says:

attendant upon the approach of the coming crop. The prices of cotton, yarn, and
print cloths, for instance, bear relations at present which they can not long main-
tain here or in England. Proportionately, yarn is selling lower than either cotton
or the woven cloth, conditions which a large crop is likely to change. So wool,
under the stimulus of London wool-rates, has advanced in the West to a point
which may not be maintained. The metals remain unchanged with the report of
a steady demand in spite of the large product now in progress. Crop news con.
tinues of the best, and if prices weaken, it is because the consumption of grain
in England-our greatest customer-shows signs of decrease. Few more eloquent
facts in the commercial and political situation can be named than that the con-
sumption of wheat in Great Britain has not increased in the past three years,
although population has, and that the consumption of sugar since January I has fallen
one-fifth, from 509,000 tons in 1885 to 408,000 tons in 1886.—Philadelphia Press.

NOTES.-The New Hampshire Journal says: "And now we are told that a minister had to leave his pulpit because he used a 'plum-colored handkerchief,' and another for 'rolling up his pants' in wet weather. This is almost as bad as a church we know of which was compelled to reject, at the earnest request of the ladies of the church, a candidate of excellent preaching talent and universally acceptable to the church on that account, because he had bow legs. The first things that such churches need is common sense and religion."- The Christian Regis"So many Unitarian ministers are going to Europe this season that it will be easier to print a list of those who stay at home than of those who are gone." -The cosmopolitan character of Bombay, with its eight hundred thousand inhabitants, is indicated by this paragraph from a missionary's letter: "Last week a Greenlander called seeking work. Two days after a man from Australia wrote me asking a favor. A few weeks ago a West Indian came to attend repairs on my house. Last Sunday night I preached to a congregation in which sat, side by side, a Russian from the Baltic and an Armenian from the foot of Mount Ararat. Among my parishioners is an Abyssinian, Turks from the Dardanelles, Greeks from the Adriatic, Sidehee boys from Zanzibar. Norwegians and South Africans live, do business, and die in this human hive."- -Rome recently celebrated what the historians figure as the 2,637th anniversary of its foundation. All the edifices of the capital were magnificently illuminated. -It is reported that George Muller, of Bristol, England, who was famous for supporting several thousand orphans by faith, has just died in Australia.The expatriated Moravians of Russia appealed some time ago for aid to the amount of $1,750 to enable them to go to Brazil, They have been successful beyond expectation, having received $4,500. The number of candidates for the ministry in the Southern Presbyterian Church has increased from 144 in 1881 to 247 in 1885.- -Two thousand children, nearly all of Hindoo and Mohammedan parentage, marched, not long since, in the annual Sunday-school procession at Lucknow, India.- -The Gethsemane Sunday-school of Havana, Cuba, has 240 scholars, 44 teachers, and 42 adults in attendance.The Pope's "golden rose," formerly awarded annually to some queen of Europe who had deserved well of the church, but seldom given of late years, was presented at Whitsuntide to the queen regent of Spain. Signor Gavazzi, in his lectures in Rome on the Encyclical of Leo XIII, stated that on the spot where he stood, by orders of popes Paul IV and Pius IV, four martyrs for the truth had perished, but that he could now preach the gospel without fear.- -Kansas City's $80,000 Roman Catholic cathedral has been completed.




NOTES. The Chicago Trade says an indispensable principle of all business is strict, truthful honesty. The tone, action and general bearing of a truly honest trader will be seen and felt in his general bearing, and intercourse with his customers will insure general prosperity and ultimate competency.Iowa has 1,200,000 cows, and produces annually $50,000,000 worth of dairy products, of which it ships $24,000,000 worth annually.The total amount annually expended for tobacco in its various forms is not less than $490,000,000. complained a grocer, "business is dull. I have lost a good deal of trade in the last three weeks, and I can't account for it. And it seems to be getting worse, and-Great Scott! I had no idea it was four o'clock." "Going to the bank?" "No, polo grounds. I haven't missed a game yet."- -At the late meeting of the Suez Canal Company, in Paris, it was reported that a sudden increase had taken place in the Australian trade. In 1878 there were only 27 ships, with 3,509 passengers, passed through the canal; whereas, in 1884, there were 228 ships, with 33,288 passengers. The 3,624 ships which passed through the canal last year included 2,734 English, 294 French, 155 German, 139 Dutch, 109 Italian, 69 Austrian, 30 Norwegian, 29 Russian, 26 Spanish, 16 Turkish, 5 Portuguese, 3 American, 3 Danish, 2 Japanese, 1 Belgian, I Greek, and I Persian.- The revenue of the Dominion of Canada for the eleven months ending May 31 was $29,685,856. The expenditure during the same period was $32,018,874. After deduction, however, of the outlay on account of the rebellion in the northwest territory, amounting to $2,802,071, there is a surplus of $469,053.- A whole sheep can be bought in Australia for 121⁄2 cents.- -There are now in force in this country more than 25,000 patents for inventions, the fruits, to a very large extent, of the mental labor of those who are called the laboring men of the country.The Universal Tinker Company has recently been formed in Chicago, with $5,000 capital. The plan is to solicit a number of subscribers, and, for a payment of $3 per month, the company will make all necessary repairs about the house, excepting general contracting.-The excitement over natural gas prospecting in Indiana has resulted in the organization of fully fifty companies for the purpose of sinking wells in different parts of the State.- -Each charge shot from a 110-ton cannon aboard the new British iron clad, Benbow, costs $765. The charge consists of 900 pounds of powder, costing $350, a steel shell, costing $400 and a silk cloth to hold the powder, the purchasing price of which is given at $15. The gun cost $705,000, and, together with the other available stores aboard the Benbow, entailed an outlay of $1,035,000. Hiram G. Hotchkiss, of Wayne county, New York, is known as the peppermint king of the world. The mint acreage of the country is about 4,000 acres, and a fair year's crop is worth about $250,000. Last year, however, was a bad season, and the total crop did not exceed $130,000 in value. There is now a corner in the article; the price has risen 15 per cent., with every prospect of a further advance.- -The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, in his eleventh monthly statement for the current fiscal year, reports that the total values of the exports of merchandise from the United States during the twelve months ending May 31, 1886,were $671,914,600, and during the preceding twelve months, $747,037,312 a decrease of $75,122,622. The value of the imports for the twelve months ended May 31, 1886, were $630,455,494, and for the preceding twelve months, $580,367," 996 an increase of $50,087,498.- -The contract for furnishing the Post Office Department with official and registered packages-envelopes for one year, was awarded to the Morgan Envelope Company and the Plimpton Manufacturing Company of Hartford, Conn.- -The President of Peru and a number of prominent citizens have met and founded a society to foment and direct the work of exploring and colonizing the Amazonian regions. The government, through its ministers, has offered decided support to the society. El Comercio sees in this undertaking the secret of the country's future. The committee on output of the anthracite coal combination has fixed upon 2,500,000 tons as the output for next month against 2,800,000 tons for the same month last year.

JUNE has seen exports of gold to the amount of $5,500,000, and over $2,000,ooo of this took place last week, or more than one-third. Both the time of the export and its amount are unexpected. The movement of merchandise in May and the early weeks of June had raised the hope that the exports of gold were nearly over and the approaching exports of cotton and grain were expected to prevent a revival of the outflow of gold. The demand now comes, not from England in the first instance, but from France and Germany. This is only another way of saying that the financial importance of Berlin and Paris, relatively to London, is increasing in the present condition of English trade and industry, both depressed as they never have been before. The ultimate destination of this outflow does not change the fact, however, that under its influence greenbacks are replacing specie in the New York bank reserve. Since the first week of June the New York banks, while increasing their deposits from $364,383,700 to $375,828,100, an advance of $11,444,400, have lost $2,426,000 in specie and gained $7,572,000 in legal tenders. If the Senate passes the proposition of the House to issue silver notes of small denominations this movement will be carried still further and may, before the year is over, play a serious part in changes of our currency. The Lake Shore strike and the cut in freight rates west of Chicago make up the two other disturbing factors in the situation; but they are likely to have more influence on stock manipulation than on the real conditions of prosperity. These remain unchanged and influenced only by the doubts

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Liverpool freight going via the United States to the Pacific coast goes 720 miles
more than it would be compelled to go on the Canadian route, and the advantage
of the latter route over ours in the transhipment of goods from Liverpool to
Yokohama is 880 miles. It is therefore pardonable in the Dominion papers at
this time to celebrate the opening of their great road by visions of great com-
mercial prosperity. While much has been said about government jobs and politi-
cal fraud attending the completion of this road, it still remains an example of
notable engineering skill and business energy. To join Montreal to Vancouver
by rail it was necessary to cut through more than 300 miles of solid rock, to turn
14 streams from their natural beds, to build hundreds of iron bridges, one being
over 1,000 feet long and another some 286 feet high, and to keep an army of
men, sometimes as high as 15,000, continually employed. The cost of the road,
plant, and branches secured has been $72,500,000, which is somewhat cheaper
than our transcontinental lines. The present debt of the Canadian Pacific is
$35,000,000, which looks small beside the $200,000,000 and more of Union
Pacific liabilities. But the burden of a debt depends upon the money-earning
capacity of the property, and for this the friends of the Canadian Pacific must
watch and wait.-Springfield Republican, June 28.

NOTES. Mr. Heinrich Stein, a young German engineer, is anxious to make a
high and dry bridge connection between Europe and America. He proposes to
hang a cable from one side of the Atlantic to the other, and to suspend from this
traveling cars.—————'
-The American Railway Master Mechanics association held its
19th annual convention at the Quincey House, Boston.- -Of 63 roads reporting
earnings for May to the amount of $17,373,192, 36 show an increase and 25 a de-
crease. The net gain compared with last year is $771,892.—An international
exhibition will take place in Paris next year, and will comprise the different in-
dustrial branches concerning railways, as: Engineering, mechanics, signals, loco-
motion, apparatus for lifting, heating and lighting purpose, intercommunication,
machinery, wagons for travelers and goods, models of improved railway wagon
couplings and other railway appliances, building and conveyance material, furnish-
ing, metallurgical trade, electricity, etc. At the same time an International Rail-
way Congress will be held by delegates of railway companies, chambers of com-
merce, scientific and polytechnic societies, in order to discuss the important ques-
tions of conveyances, security, traffic, etc.


THE IMMIGRATION MOVEMENT.-The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics reports that the total number of immigrants arrived at the ports of the United States from the principal foreign countries during the month ended May 31, 1886, and the eleven months ended the same, as compared with the same periods of the preceding year, were as follows:

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21,189 76,238

Eleven months ended May 31, 1885. 43,723 44,612

America, 9,504,000; Canada, 2,624,000; Argentine Republic, 4,000,000; Uraguay, 1,000,000; Australia (in 1871), 304,000.

Prof. Leonhard gives for different cities the figures cited below: Berlin, 32,527; Breslau, 4,581; Bremen, 2,199; Buda-Pesth, 11,611; Cologne, 1,850; Dantzig, 2,385; Dresden, 5,641; Frankfort-on-the-Main, 3,000; Hamburg, 4,171; Hamburg, with suburbs, 7,600; Hanover, 4,158; Konigsberg, i. P., 4,477; Copenhagen, 5,302; Leipzig, 2,483; Monaco, 5,883; Rome, 11,733; Stockholm, 3,506; Stuttgart, 2,591; Vienna, 14,317; Paris, 64,247; (the omnibus company has most horses of any corporation, 12,000); London, 200,000, of which about 60,000 are used in public carriages, 10,000 for street cars, and 60,000 for omnibuses. The number of horses in St. Petersburg is not given, but is supposed to be the same as in London.

[The horses of the city of New York are estimated as being between 60,000 and 75,000.-ED.]—Scientific American.

THE Pall Mall Gazette says that, apropos of the expulsion of the French princes, a lover of statistics has drawn up a list of the monarchs who have come to an untimely or ignominious end. According to this authority, the world has had 2,550 kings or emperors, who have reigned over 74 peoples. Of these 300 were overthrown, 64 were forced to abdicate, 28 committed suicide, 23 became mad or imbecile, 100 were killed in battle, 123 were captured by the enemy, 25 were tortured to death, 151 were assassinated, and 108 were executed. Uneasy lies the head, indeed!


SINGING SANDS.-Everybody has heard of the singing beach at Manchester, Mass., the sand of which, for a distance of about a fifth of a mile, gives out a sound when walked upon, or even when stirred by a stick; but it is not so generally known that in 1884 inquiry among the superintendents of the life-saving service showed that samples of the singing sand could be found in twenty-six different places on our coast. It is said that later investigation has increased the number to seventy-four in America and thirteen abroad. At Manchester an experiment showed that the sound evoked from the sand by driving a stick into it could be heard at a distance of 140 feet over the roar of the surf. Professors Bolton, of Trinity College, and Julien, of Columbia, have been making a study of the subject, and their conclusions are thus given: «The singing sand may occur in comparatively small patches in the midst of ordinary sand. It always occurs between the limits of high and low tide. The same sand does not produce sounds at all seasons, nor does it always give forth like sounds. When wet it does not emit sounds. Samples, when transported in bags, lost their sonorousness, but retained it when sent in bottles." The leading theory is that the sound is produced by friction between the angular particles, and the conditions are believed by Professor Julien to be perfect dryness, uniformity of grain, varying from one-fifth to onetenth of an inch in diameter, and freedom from dust.—Buffalo Courier.

AURORA SOUNDS.-In March, 1885, Sophus Tromholt dispatched some thousand circulars to all parts of Norway containing different queries regarding the aurora, and among them also the following: "Have you or your acquaintances ever heard any sound during aurora, and, in this case, when and in what manner ?" Up to September 16, he had received answers to these queries from 144 persons. Of 7,853 these, not less than 92, or 64 per cent., believe in the existence of the aurora sound, and 53 (36 per cent.) state that they have heard it themselves, while the 3,124 other 39 cite testimonials from other people; only 21 (15 per cent.) declare that 9,859 they have never heard the sound and know nothing about it, and the other 31 (22 13,665 per cent.) have not noticed the query at all. There are thus 92 affirmations against 17,015 21 negations. The sound is variously described in these answers as sizzling, creak26,373 ing, whizzing, rustling, crackling, hissing, whispering, rushing, buzzing, rippling, 5,060 roaring, din, breezy, whipping, fanning, clashing, flapping, sweeping, etc.2,518 Nature.

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1,238 10,377



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11,779 5,410 5,709 306,902

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Totals THE HORSES OF THE WORLD.-According to Schwarzenecker, Prussia possesses altogether 2,313,817 horses, or 97 horses for 1,060 inhabitants (91 per 1,000). Omitting the detailed census of the number in each division of the empire given by Prof. Leonhard, the census of 1873, the German empire contained altogether 3,352,231 horses, about 14 per cent. younger than three years; of the horses older than this, in round numbers, 70 per cent. were employed in agriculture, 10 per cent. in commerce and industries, 3-2 per cent. in army use, 0.4 per cent. as stud horses, and 3 per cent. as saddle and carriage horses. This gave 82 horses per 1,000 inhabitants.

Austria Hungary possesses three and one-half millions, or 99 per 1,000 inhab tants. Hungary alone has 2,000,000. France has altogether 2,882,850 horses and 300,000 mules, or 78 horses per 1,000 inhabitants, and 54 per square kilometer.

Denmark (census of 1881) possesses 316,570 horses; Belgium, 283, 163 horses, or 60 per 1,000 inhabitants; Holland, 250,000, or 73 per 1,000 inhabitants; Italy (census of 1868), 657,544, but in 1879 she had only 615,457 horses, besides 293,868 mules; Switzerland, in 1866, about 105,000, or 40 per 1,000 inhabitants; Spain, (in 1865), 680,373, besides 2,319,846 mules and asses; every year there are killed in the bull fights 3,000 to 4,000 horses; Portugal, 88,900 horses, 50,390 mules and 127,950 asses; Russia (in 1872), 21,570,000 horses; Sweden and Norway, 655,456, or 115 horses per 1,000 inhabitants; Greece, about 100,000; United States of

NOTES. At a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society May 14, Mr. Grubb, the Dublin instrument maker, presented a model of an equatorial mounting and dome which he had designed at the request of the Lick trustees for their 36-inch -The following appropriations are recommended by the Committee on objective.Appropriations for the various scientific departments of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887: Coast survey, $407,246, being $146,250 less than was appropriated the past year; the number of field officers is reduced from 64 to 48; office force, from 103 to 91; geological survey, $467,700, the same amount as was appropriated last year; signal service, $799,493, being $64,587 less than was appropriated last year; national museum, $157,560, $19,000 more than was appropriated last year; Smithsonian institution-international exchange, $10,000; North American ethnology, $40,000, being the same amount as were appropriated last year; fish commission, $220,040, being $40 more than was appropriated last year. -The Athenaeum of June 12 states that arrangements are being made for holding an international congress for discussing papers upon climatology, mineral and thermal springs, and allied subjects at Biarritz, under the presidency of Dr. Durand Fardel, the first week in October, to be followed by a three-weeks' tour to the principal watering-places of southern France. -Howard Ayers has been ap pointed as an instructor in zoology at Harvard College.- -According to Prof. Heim, says Ciel et terre, the total number of glaciers at the Alps is 1,115, of which 249 have a length greater than four miles and a half (7,500 metres). They are distributed as follows: In France, 144; Italy, 78; Switzerland, 471; Austria, 462. Their total superficial area is between five hundred and a thousand square miles. The longest is the Aletsch glacier in Austria, measuring over nine miles.

-Late deep-sea explorations in the Atlantic, carried on under the auspices of the London geographical society, have shown that the ocean-bottom in the north

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ern region is formed of two valleys, of which one, in width, reaches from the tenth degree of east to the thirtieth of west longitude, extending to the equator, at a depth of not less than thirteen thousand feet. The other lies between the thirtieth and fiftieth degrees of west longitude. The mountain-chain separating the two valleys extends northward toward Iceland, and southward to the Azores, and s of a volcanic character at its ends. Its greatest breadth is a little less than five hundred miles.


linen cape over her shoulders and a white cap. Hitherto the Brussels Museum
has only possessed one Rembrandt, the portrait of a man, dated 1641, and dis-
tinctly inferior to the present acquisition, which, moreover, is very cheap, as recent
Rembrandts have risen as high as £6,200 and £8,000.-The first annual exhi-
bition of the Detroit Museum of Art has been so much of a success that the citizens

have raised $150,000 for the purpose of a permanent museum.- -Critics say that
the exhibition of the Royal Academy is at its worst; that it has reached its nadir
in the way of exhibitions, and is only interesting here and there.—A Jew can be
more than a trader. At this year's Paris salon, among the exhibitors are eighty-
three Jewish artists.The wife of Jules Ferry studied art under Henner, and
exhibited a very striking picture in the salon of 1881. She is also an enthusiast
in music, and has enjoyed the teaching of Vancorbeil. One of the well-known
artists of Boston has induced Frederick Douglass to sit for his portrait.It has
been decided finally that the dedication of the Bartholdi statue shall be celebrated
on the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Paris, September 3—Mr.
Elliott Gregory, who painted several portraits of prominent society women when
he was last here, will shortly sail from Havre by the steamship "Normandie,"
arriving in New York on July 11th.The pictures, sketches, and drawings of
the famous war painter, M. de Neuville, have, according to the British Architect,
been sold for a total of $60,800.--The Art Students' League will begin its new
season, under the presidency of Mr. Charles R. Lamb, on October 4th.-Roger
Riordan begins in the June Art Amateur a series of "Lessons in Water-Color
Painting." The July number contains a large colored plate, "Yellow Roses," by
Julia Dillon.- -Mr. Whistler has been elected president of the Society of British

NOTES. Mr. Scovelli, who has made a debut in London at Drury Lane, is in fact Mr. Scovell, the brother of the late Mrs. Gulager, whose voice and finished style are always remembered with pleasure in New York amateur circles. Mr. Scovell married the heiress Miss Marcia Roosevelt, but instead of living in foreign lands in luxurious idleness, he has cultivated his voice, a tenor of good quality, and has made an agreeable impression in English opera.—At last accounts, Mme. Albani had been singing Marguerite in Faust to crowded houses at Covent Garden, and Miss Ella Russell, with her high, pure soprano, had scored a decided success in Lucia and Rigoletto. Rubinstein's performance of Liszt's Rhapsodies and his "Erl King," an arrangement of Robert le Diable, have been highly commended. Mme. Christine Nilsson, who will shortly be the Countess Miranda, it is said, sang Schulberth's "Erl King" at the last Philharmonic in London, and Beethoven's "Ah Perfido." A new cantata by Cowen and a new suite by Moskowski have also been played.- -There is a prodigy in the way of a little girl pianist in London, who is but ten years of age, and played in a concert Mendelssohn's Capricio with great success.- -Sarasate has given some successful concerts in London, and his portrait by Whistler has been on exposition at the " Salon " in Paris during the spring, exciting the comment and criticism which that painter's work always produce.- -Minnie Hawk has been obliged to pay Titus D' Ernesti his suit against her with costs.Mrs. Turner gets $7,000 from the American Opera Company as damages for breach of contract.- -The following are the names of some of the operas based on Biblical subjects: The patriarch Moses has been a favorite with composers. Lindpaintner wrote a "Moses Saved," Félicien David and Raimondi a "Moses on Sinai," Gasparini an oratorio called "Mosè Liberato del Nino," and Conti a "Moses Saved" (1722). The greatest of all, however, is Rossini's “Mosé," with its well-known prayer. The story of "Jephtha" has been treated by Meyerbeer, Cepeda, and Pausch, while "Abraham's Sacrifice" called forth the music of Raimondi, Cimarosa, Elsner, Blangini, Predieri, and Rolle (1777). Sampson the Mighty" found musicians in Urio, Rameau, and Barili, and "Saul" in Buzzi, Speranzi, Vaccaj, and Seyfried. The haughty "Judith" inspired one of Nauman's best works (1858), and Peri's "Giuditta" is another sacred opera. Among other Biblical personages we find a Potiphar," by Raimondi; the "Death of Adam," by Leseur; the "Death of Abel," by Rolle and Kreutzer; "Pharoah," by Graum, and " Joseph," by Bach and Méhul. This last work is a masterpiece, and is occasionally revived at the Opera Comique, Paris. In 1866 Marie Roze captured Paris by singing as Benjamin. An opera called "La Prise de Jericho was given in Paris (1805), with Mozart's music, by Laehnith and Kalkbrenner, and Raimondi's "Ruth" made a success in Italy (1834). Finally, worth mention are Mermet's "David," Kastner's "Last King of Judah," Tarchi's "Esther," Caldara's "Joash," Conradi's "Goliath," Fuss' "Jacob and Rachel," Stadler's "Jerusalem Delivered," Auber's Prodigal Child," and Massenet's "Hérodiade," with its objectionable libretto, completes the list of works which treat of sacred themes.

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NOTES. A few days ago the New York World made the assertion that "we have no dramatists worth mentioning." This has roused the Hour to a reply, in which it is insisted that Bronson Hancock, author of "The Banker's Daughter," "One of Our Girls," &c.; Bartley Campbell, who wrote "My Partner;" Mr. Young, the author of "Pendragon;" Mr. Boker, who wrote "Francesca di Rimini ;" Henry Guy Carleton, author of "Victor Durand," and others of less note, are dramatists, if not of the first set, of respectable standing.-Lawrence Barrett contemplates building a sumptuous theater in New York at an early date to be devoted solely to elaborate Shakespearean revivals and the best class of plays.Japanese villages are multiplying.- -It is stated that there are more new theater buildings this season than was ever known before in the history of the stage.--The open air theater in London is not a success in consequence of the fickleness of the climate.




THE literary world has lost one of its brightest luminaries in the death of Edwin P. Whipple. Tributes to his memory have been paid by the ablest pens. Opinions concerning the quality of his work have been expressed by the ripest minds. The place he filled in literature has been designated by those of his profession whose fortune it is to outlive him. As collectors of public opinion on men and movements, it becomes our task, at once pleasant and sad, to preserve the flowers that have been laid on his tomb, lest being scattered they perish forever.

NOTES. A statue in bronze of William Lloyd Garrison, seven feet high, the work of Olin L. Warner, is to be set up in Commonwealth avenue, Boston, directly opposite the Hotel Vendome.- -A splendid Rembrandt has been added to the Brussels Museum, bought from a Cologne picture-dealer for £4,000. It is a beautifully preserved life-sized portrait of an aged burgher Flemish housewife, boldly and delicately executed, and belonging to Rembrandt's best period of work, as the signature on the picture gives the date 1656. The old housewife stands upright with her hands crossed at her waist. She wears a black dress with a large white

IN the death of Edwin P. Whipple (June 16), Boston loses an excellent essayist and critic-one of an old but delightful school, which seems likely wholly to die out soon, if it has not already quite disappeared. In these days of book-making— when the publisher gauges his market, and orders his supply to suit the next year's trade, taking thought for quick returns and rapid change of plant-who has the heart to spend a life-time in transmuting himself into a book? And who is left with leisure to note such a book, if it is written—to pore over it lovingly, to follow its author into his haunts and re-discover him? Whipple was one of those whose life was in books. He loved authors and their ana, He belonged to the era of lyceums and libraries; was himself a debater and lecturer, foraged widely in old English literature, and scattered the results of his literary adventure up and down New England from a hundred platforms. His lectures reappeared as essays; his essays expanded into book. The necessity of meeting his audience face to face made his style vivid, and kept his work fresh and spicy. Those old essays on Wordsworth and Byron, on James-not our James but the voluminous G. P. R.are well worth reading to-day. There is humor in them, shrewd observation as well as acute criticism; and it is possible to discover there much of the life of the times and of its habits of thought. Though not without ability to penetrate into deeper work, he was strongest in poetry and light literature, where beauty rather than philosophy was to be tested. He was not an original thinker, but a follower and discoverer, with a keen eye and a good scent. But he followed only after what was sweet and wholesome and consoling, and that was the bent of New England forty years ago - The Critic.

WITH the exception of Lowell and Matthew Arnold, Whipple was the ablest critical essayist of his time, and the place he has left will not be readily filled. Scarcely inferior to Macaulay in brilliance of diction and graphic portraiture, he was freer from prejudice and passion and more loyal to the truth of fact and history. He was a thoroughly honest man. He wrote with conscience always at his elbow, and never sacrificed his real convictions for the sake of epigram and antithesis. He instinctively took the right side of the questions that came before him for decision, even when by so doing he ranked himself with the unpopular minority. He had the manliest hatred of hypocrisy and meanness, but if his language had at times the severity of justice, it was never merciless. He set down naught in malice. He will have an honored place in the history of American literature, but I cannot now dwell upon his authorship. I think of him as the beloved member of a literary circle, now, alas! sadly broken. I recall the wise, genial companion and faithful friend of nearly half a century, the memory of whose words and acts of kindness moistens my eyes as I write. It is the inevitable sorrow of age that one's companions must drop away on the right hand and the left with increasing frequency, until we are compelled to ask with Wordsworth, "Who next shall fall or disappear?" But in the case of him who has just passed from us we have the satisfaction of knowing that his life work has been well and faithfully done, and that he leaves behind him only friends. Whittier, in Boston Transcript.

It is honor enough to say that in his prime Mr. Whipple was in good demand

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