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it is grief beyond expression to recall all the heroisms and agonies of the war, the blood shed and the noble lives laid down, and to reflect that in a high sense these sacrifices have been in vain. His book will not be pleasant reading for those whose crimes are therein held up to the execration of the civilized world, nor to those others who have fed their vanity or gratified their spite by turning over the government of the Union to men who fought to destroy it. But it is a full store

house of information for those who want to know just what the war was, how it was caused and pushed to its conclusion, and how it came to pass that those who could not conquer in the field, nor yet at the ballot-box, have nevertheless seized the Government.

New York World (Dem.), May 16.

BUT for the saddening reflection that this farcical composition is put forth with an assertion of seriousness by a Senator of the United States and a leader of the Republican party, it could not fail to prove amusing. As a revelation of Republican campaign tactics it is a marvellous confession of weakness. In his preface the author announces that he has tried to be fair, impartial, and accurate. He has not been eminently successful, to put it mildly. The first forty pages of the book are devoted to a brief review of the history of slavery in America. The rest of the book, despite liberal padding with extracts from the Congressional Record, lit up by a fierce and flaming rhetoric, a wealth of indiscriminately placed capitals and sentences of purest Loganese, is not strikingly interesting; yet the scheme of the book is intensely sensational. The beginnings of Mr. Logan's alleged "Great Conspiracy" are found in the institution of slavery, in the Kentucky resolutions of 1798, and in the South Carolina nullification ordinance of 1824. Throughout the book he makes a strenuous effort to connect and identify free trade with the slave power. The " Conspirators," as nearly as we can discover after a painstaking search through this voluminous stump speech, are "a class of individuals greedily ambitious of power and determined to secure and maintain control of this Government." There is nothing so very bad in this. With the best possible intentions Democrats, Republicans, Mugwumps, and Prohibitionists alike seem to be “ambitious of power" and anxious "to secure control of the Government." But our author goes on to say: "They advocated free trade hand in hand with African slavery, and, as a natural corollary to it, as a means of degrading free white labor to the level of black slave labor. ** * From its very conception as well as birth they hated and opposed the Union, because they disliked a republican and preferred a monarchical form of government. * * * Even as Cain hated his brother Abel because his sacrifices were acceptable in the sight of God, while his own were not, so the Southern conspirators * * * had come to hate the Northern free-thinking, free-acting, freedom-loving mechanic and laboring man." Did ever "statesman" pen such utter buncombe before? Does Mr. Logan think that he can throw dust into the eyes of intelligent workingmen, North or South? Is the soldier and the citizen so sunk in the politician that he can think to set a reunited people at daggers drawn by reviving memories of words uttered in the heat and passion of an almost forgotten conflict? Will decent Republicans look upon his attempt to drag in the mud the constitutionally elected Executive and his advisers with anything but contempt? Can anything be more absurdly ridiculous than this pretense on the part of a former Democrat and present leader of the party that gained power by such methods as the electoral fraud of 1876 and the Indiana purchase of 1880 that the Democratic party is a band of Conspirators (with a big C) bent on overthrowing the Republic and enslaving labor? The name of the author is certain to give the book notoriety. If it were such a contribution to our military or political history as the reader has a right to expect from General Logan, he might feel that he had got the worth of his money. As it is, the volume is from first to last a weak, hysterical appeal to prejudice and far beneath the average of campaign literature.


The Chicago Herald (Ind.), May 20.

EVERY true American, every patriotic citizen and every friend of General Logan will be pained and chagrined at the wretched mixture of falsehood, bigotry and ignorance which that gentleman has issued over his own name in a book entitled "The Great Conspiracy." It is inconceivable how a sane man, one who passed through the war of the rebellion, saw the doctrine of secession torn out root and branch, and witnessed the gradual return of friendly relations between the sections so long at war over ideas and so desperately engaged in armed strife for four years, can write as he does, not only of the origin of the difficulty, but of its conclusion. If General Logan is correct the war for the Union was a failure, the Republican party has been the most stupendous fraud of history, and all the lives and treasure sacrificed for the perpetuation of this Government have been worse than wasted. His absurd "conspiracy" is still in existence, as he claims, and yet when traced down it is found to be at this time nothing more formidable than a "conspiracy" by a political party-composed, as the last election returns showed, of more than one-half the of American people-to keep itself in power. We are all familiar with that kind of conspiracies, and, under the same definition, Mr. Logan himself was an arch-conspirator not long ago when he endeavored to "seize" the Vice-Presidency. To his disordered vision free-traders are also " conspirators," the natural descend. ants of the secessionists, bent on destroying the Republic as the nullifiers were. In a word, everybody who is not a Republican and a protectionist is a conspirator, and in Logan's book his connection with all the conspirators that ever lived can be traced as distinctly as the pedigree of a thoroughbred. Outside of and above all the conflicting claims of partyism the production of a book like this is su premely shameful. It is a libel on America by one who has enjoyed honors innumerable from her people. It is a falsehood, the product of an insane partyism which cannot but belittle the Republic in the eyes of the world. It reveals a frenzied bigotry and an ignorance so dense on the part of the author as to make his elevation to the United States Senate a reproach to every citizen of Illinois. It is a degrading, brutal and causeless attack on the statesmanship of his own party, on the memories of the dead, and on the best aspirations of a united people for a peaceful, contented and prosperous future. In every way and from every point of view the silly argument which this envenomed party chieftain has sought

to establish belittles the American people, scandalizes the State which he represents and disgraces himself. It will fall into contempt as it deserves to fall, and the author, who has shown more of the weakness of his nature than even his enemies ever suspected him of, will be lucky if he does not fall with it.

Brooklyn Eagle (Dem.), May 17.

THERE is no explanation of Gen. Logan's purpose in becoming a bookmaker except a belief that he can benefit his Presidential boom by doing so. The idea is a mistake, but in the form of a delusion it has taken complete possession of what the general calls his mind. The theory that we as a people must or profitably could recur to Gen. Logan for information of the causes of the war is essentially ludicrous, but the general, who is devoid of humor or perspective, is also replete with ambition, and he really believes he has a story to tell. He forgets that Buchanan, George Ticknor Curtis, Thurlow Weed, Horace Greeley, Henry Wilson and James G. Blaine have undertaken in part and in different ways to do the same thing. He forgets that their efforts were qualified successes because they did not have the historical spirit. He fails to realize that to the making of an historian something more than an experience or observation of the events treated is necessary; that one must be a trained thinker, a clear and correct writer and a man with the power to enter into the motives of both sides. Gen. Logan has not these necessary qualifications. He has never thought out questions to their elements. He is a tropical, lurid and entirely uncultivated writer. He has brought himself into a state of mind which leads him to regard an opponent in war or politics as guilty of a sort of moral obliquity. He has so little realization of the art of authorship that he really thinks a volume which interests him will interest the great mass of readers. That interests him which is so keyed as to appeal to certain political elements on which he relies for a Presidential nomination. These are all drawbacks to bookmaking. They insure "The Great Conspiracy" a place of honor in Gen. Logan's happy and sunny home and the comradeship of Patent Office Reports in other libraries. The paper on which his book is printed is, however, excellent. The type work is large and clear. The binding is strong and sumptuous. The engravings are attractive and the volume is worth more than it will bring by the pound when it reaches its destiny of reconversion into other matter by caloric agencies.

Chicago Tribune (Rep.), May 19.

GENERAL LOGAN has been too much in earnest to polish his sentences. There is no pretense of literary finish, no effort at fine writing, in this grim, soldierly recital of fact; and yet there is at times real eloquence of expression, and throughout a remarkable wealth of information marshaled with the power of one who feels that others must share his own intense convictions if he can but get the same facts before them. General Logan's work is in no part stronger than in the overwhelming array of proof that secession was the result of deliberate and long-meditated conspiracy, having for its ultimate end the establishment of a separate aristocratic government, in which the detested idea of equal rights should have no place, and of which free trade should be the corner-stone. Even to those who were active in public affairs in those days the recital will come like a revelation, so strongly does the author group facts which all remember, but only as isolated events-facts which many have forgotten, and other facts which now for the first time are made public.

NOTES. The new copyright bill, it is said, seems to be one for the protection of American publishers, with incidental protection for the foreign authors.-A new

work by Prof. Ely on the labor question is announced; also a work on the same topic, from a Russian point of view, by a Siberian exile, whose work has been forbidden in Russia.- Another copy of Lamb's "Beauty and the Beast" has turned up.-Leopold von Ranke, the greatest German historian of this century, died Sunday, 23d. He did not live to finish his greatest work, "The History of the World."- -The first edition of the "Pilgrim's Progress" was believed until recently to be represented by a single copy only. Within a few weeks, however, two copies have been picked up by collectors at the price of sixpence each. One has been secured by the British Museum for £65, while the other has passed into the hands of a London publisher for £25.-"The Authorship of Shakespeare,' by Judge Holmes, has reached a fourth edition.- Lieut. Greely's book is about to be published in Paris in a French edition.--Prof. Hardy's new novel is to be entitled "The Wind of Destiny.". -The Scientific Arena, edited by Dr. Wilford Hall, is a new candidate for public support.-Ninety thousand copies of "Ben Hur" have been sold.- Mr. Howells has returned to Boston.- -There are a few curiosities in the great library in the City Hall, N. Y. One of them is No. 3,903, an old black-letter quarto printed at Basle by Nicholas Keller in 1496. It is bound in boards covered with stamped hogskin, and is in a very fine state of preservation. It is in Latin, and its title is "Moralia Sancti Gregorii." It consists of a number of epistles written by Pope Gregory and directed to Bishop Leander. It is illuminated by hand in colors throughout, some of the initial letters being very handsome.- -Lady Dilke's book of mortuary and fantastic stories comes from its London publisher in a particularly appropriate dress. It is printed in black-letter, bound in a kind of semi-mourning, and has funereal head or tail-pieces, and a final dainty device of Death on a pale horse, with companion skeletons.-A new monthly, The Cosmopolitan, comes from Rochester, N. Y., in which city there is no small literary appreciativeness.- -The Rev. Amos S. Cheseborough has brought out a little volume through the Congregational S. S. and Publishing Society, The Culture of Child Piety.". -Winslow L. Knowles, of Boston, has in active preparation the fourth and fifth volumes of James Schouler's "History of the United States Under the Constitution." The third volume has just appeared.Mr. Brayton Ives has been making a catalogue of his library. Mr. Ives has about six thousand volumes altogether, and many are the treasures to be picked out upon his shelves. He has a superb copy of the Bible of Gutenl erg's printing, of which the Lenox Library copy is the only duplicate in this country. In first editions, too, Mr. Ives is rich-such as those of the Iliad, Plato, Cornelius Nepos, Horace's Odes, and St. Augustine's "De Civilate Dei."

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THE Chicago Socialists beg that they may be put to death rather than sentenced to hard labor. Perhaps they realize that six days' work would kill them. Or, they may be smart enough to know that when a murderer is sentenced to death he has nine chances in ten for going entirely free.-R. J. Burdette.

EIGHTEEN thousand dollars is an enormous price to pay for a small peach-blow vase, that's a fact; but look at the man who squanders $30,000 on the flowing bowl, and all he has to show for it is a peach-blow nose, not one-fourth the size of the vase aforesaid!-Norristown Herald.

GIBBS: "So the man was killed up at the hotel, was he?"
Squibbs: "Yes; shot right in the rotunda."

Gibbs: "Great Scott! No wonder it killed him, That's a terrible place to hit a man."-The Rambler.

MRS. GREENING: "How strange it seems for us to be married. We who used to quarrel so much."

Mr. Greening, "Yes; we did have some trouble at first."

Mrs. G. "Do you remember that night last, June when you flirted so and I vowed I would be revenged?


Mr. G.: "Well, you got even at last, didn't you 1?" Mrs. G.: "Why, how?"

Mr. G.: "By marrying me."-Rambler.

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FOREIGN.-Greece has a new Minister. There is skirmishing on the Greek frontier between Greeks and Turks. Justin McCarthy strongly supports the homerule bill in the Commons. Enormous fields of ice are reported in the North Atlantic. M. de Lesseps contradicts the report of M. Rousseau on the Panama Canal.

DOMESTIC.-Professor Timothy Dwight is elected President of Yale College. The New York Legislature closes its session. General interest is manifested in the Maxwell murder trial at St. Louis. The wife of Mr. Pendleton, U. S. minister to Berlin, is thrown from a carriage in Central Park and almost instantly killed. Jaehne is sentenced to the penitentiary for nine years and ten months.

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CONGRESSIONAL.-The Senate passes the Arthur Kill bridge, and the House rejects the mail subsidy amendment to the post office bill.

CONGRESSIONAL-The House debates the Dunn Free Ship bill. In the PanElectric investigation a sensation is produced by an affidavit from ex-Examiner Wilbur, confessing corruption on his part and alleging bribery on the part of persons interested in the Bell patents.

FOREIGN. In the House of Commons the debate is somewhat acrimonious. Lord Randolph Churchill denies that he had urged the Ulster men to extreme measures. The Arms act passes the second reading. The Czar of Russia issues to the officers and sailors of the Russian Black Sea fleet an imperial decree complimenting them on their past record, and expressing reliance upon them for the future.


FOREIGN.--The young King of Spain is christened. Home-rule interest intensifies. There is more fighting on the Greek frontier.

DOMESTIC. Mr. Bayard requests of the British Government the release of the seized fishing schooner David J. Adams. Rudolph Schnabel is supposed to be the Chicago bomb thrower. Mormon missionaries who have been proselyting in Washington county, Pa., are mobbed and compelled to flee. Jaehne is taken to Sing Sing.


DOMESTIC.--Bundles of explosives are found on the sidewalk in Chicago. Immense losses to business by reason of labor troubles are reported from all the larger cities.

FOREIGN.-There is more and heavier fighting on the Greek frontier. The prospects of the home-rule bill are improving.


DOMESTIC. -A Canadian schooner is seized at Portland, Maine, for alleged noncompliance with the laws. The railroad strkes at Pittsburgh are being arbitrated. In the Maxwell murder trial at St. Louis a detective officer who was in jail with the prisoner, under a charge of forgery, relates a confession in which all the history of the killing of Preller, its method and its motive are circumstantially given. The North Atlantic squadron will leave Gravesend Bay next Monday morning and will anchor off Riverside Park, to take part in the Decoration Day ceremonies at General Grant's tomb.

CONGRESSIONAL.-The Senate discusses secret sessions and the House considers


FOREIGN.-Home rule prospects are reported to be improving. The Greek army is to be disbanded. Dr. Holmes is welcomed in London. TUESDAY, MAY 25.

DOMESTIC.-The General Assembly of the Knights of Labor begins at Cleveland. A great home-rule meeting in Chicago is addressed by Alexander Sullivan. The Congress of Churches meets in Cleveland. The National Baptist anniversary meeting occurs at Asbury Park. The Presbyterian General Assembly is in session at Minneapolis. The Unitarian Association is in session in Boston. Springfield, Mass., begins celebrating her 250th anniversary.

CONGRESSIONAL―The Senate gives attention to pension debate, Dolphin papers, and Lieut. Greely's services. The House debates the oleomargarine bill. FOREIGN. The British Cabinet decides to modify the home-rule bill. Forty persons are hurt in a railroad wreck in Canada.


DOMESTIC. Maxwell, on trial in St. Louis for the murder of Preller, testifies in his own behalf that he having been medically educated, undertook to treat Preller for a painful disease, and that the patient died under the influence of chloroform administered by the defendant in order to make an examination of the patient's case. It is believed that Jaehne has written and sent to the police authorities of New York a long and minute statement as to the bribers and bribed in the Broadway railroad case. The Knights of Labor, in session at Cleveland, propose to make numerous important changes in their organization. The fifty-seventh anni versary of the Brooklyn Sunday School occur, and there are 50,000 children in line. Returns from the principal wheat growing counties of California place the total wheat acreage for the same season at 3,450,000 acres, with an estimated yield of 60,000,000 bushels. Armour & Co., of Chicago, sign a contract with the French government for 7,000,000 pounds of canned beef-the largest contract ever awarded one firm in the meat packing business. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church South adopts a report opposed to evolution. The Chicago police make two arrests of anarchists, which are considered important. A quantity of dynamite, a bomb and some revolvers are found in their rooms,

CONGRESSIONAL.-The Senate devoted most of the day to debate on Chinese immigration, and the House continued discussion of the bill to tax oleomargarine. FOREIGN. Mr. Gladstone's circular calling a meeting of the Liberal party for Thursday invites to the meeting "all members of the party who, while retaining full freedom in all particulars respecting the Irish government bill, are desirous to vote to establish a legislative body in Dublin to manage affairs specifically and exclusively Irish." The Czar and Czarina are welcomed with great pomp and ceremony at the Kremlin, in Moscow, on their return from Livadia. King George, of Greece, is to make a tour abroad. Malignant small-pox prevails at Guaymas,


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THE following statement was issued from the White House at 10 o'clock last Friday night, 28th ult.:

President Cleveland will be married at the White House on Wednesday evening, June 2, to Miss Frances Folsom. The recent death of a relative of Miss Folsom has changed the original plans for the wedding, and the invitations will now be limited to a few of the near relatives and the members of the Cabinet and their wives. Rev. Dr. Sunderland, of the First Presbyterian Church of Washington, will officiate. The ceremony will be followed by a collation, and the wedding in all its details will be plain and unostentatious.

Washington Post (Dem.), May 29.

THERE were circumstances in the case which rendered such an announcement inadvisable at an earlier period, but now that it is made the public that has been following with the deepest interest such surmises and details in this connection as have for weeks past been furnished by the press will, with unbroken unanimity, entertain a feeling of gratified and hearty good-will respecting the President's happy lot and the union about to be consummated. While it is inevitable that the President's official position should be kept in view as that which accounts for the exceptional interest of the public in an event which possesses a certain national importance, yet it is to the man about to be made happy and to the bride-elect soon to be the first lady in the land that the full, sincere, and hearty outflow of good-will goes. It is an old and well-authorized saying that it is not good for man to be alone. This truth has found its illustration in all the experiences of life. Neither peasants nor princes have been exempted from its application, nor are Presidents an exception. Nay, they even more than others may be supposed to come within its range. Whatever sweetens life and increases its joys must be of essential value and in especial requisition amid the cares and responsibilities of high official station. For this cause mainly the whole people will rejoice with the President in his marriage joys and hope with him in his nuptial hopes. To the distinguished lady who has won the President's love the heart of the nation will go out in sentiments of warmest regard. It will sympathize with and sustain her in the duties of her high social position, and it will anticipate for her, and for him whom her affection has blessed, a long and prosperous career crowned with such happiness as is only known in the honorable estate of marriage. In all the felicitations to the happy pair which are pertinent to the occasion the Post joins most heartily, and bespeaks for them the most favorable omens.

Baltimore Sun (Ind.), June 1.

PRESIDENT CLEVELAND'S marriage will doubtless prove to be the most popular act of his administration. It will bring him closer to the hearts of the people than anything else he could have done. Marriage may be said to be emphatically an American institution, for in no other country in the world is the sacred relation held in higher respect and esteem. A bachelor is but an insignificant factor in the economy of American social life, and President Cleveland testifies his appreciation of the fact by getting out of his lonesome condition at the earliest possible moment after becoming the Chief Executive, and, therefore, the official representative of the nation. If current reports are correct, he has chosen for his partner a typical American young lady, so that his wedding assumes in all its phases a distinctly patriotic tinge. For ordinary people a wedding is an exclusively domestic event, but in the President's case it becomes an affair of national interest and importance. The average American citizen, with the consciousness of his innate sovereignty strong upon him, is apt to feel that he has a proprietary interest in the political representative whom he has elevated to a position of dignity and trust, and that he can treat him without much ceremony. For this reason, doubtless, the curiosity about the President's matrimonial intentions has been permitted in some instances to transgress the bounds of propriety, and the temptation to make a joke of the affair has been too strong among some people to be resisted. But the marriage of the President is, in point of fact, an incident of his career which should bespeak the delicate consideration and respect of his countrymen, as it will surely commend him to the affectionate interest of every intelligent household in the land.

Boston Herald (Ind.), May 31.

LET Congress stop sending the President bills for the present. It would be most ungenerous to test his capacity to say "no" on his wedding week. Let the officeseekers go to work, go afishing, go anywhere, rather than to the White House. Let the Canadians illustrate international courtesy, and show that the warmth of love is honored even in their cold clime, by permitting Yankee skippers to buy bait in their ports until the President gets down from Elysium to his desk again. It would be most unkind to trouble him about a cold-blooded and prosaic thing like fish. Let the Democratic papers cease nagging the President for not giving offices to the faithful as rapidly as they think he ought to do. The spoils will keep. For Cupid's and Hymen's sakes, let the clamorers forget the partisan and toast the bridegroom. Even the mugwump can afford to forego for a fortnight his unalien

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able right to find fault. According to all accounts, there is positively no fault to be found with the bride. She is a lovely and perfect type of the flower of womankind-an American girl. A truce, then, to contention, criticism or discord during the wedding week of the President! Let the sweet June air resound only to good wishes for the happy couple. Power is good, if wisely used. Wealth is a cruel master, but an excellent servant. Honors are justly prized, if bravely won, But, after all, "love is the impelling force of life"""Tis love that makes the world go 'round."

Washington Critic (Ind.), May 29.

THE representative, typical, ideal citizen of the Republic is what the people would prefer in their President. He can live and woo and wed just as other men, but in proportion as he is of greater prominence so will his private acts be of greater general interest. A whole nation will be interested in private affairs which only a little village or a circle of friends would discuss if he were in an humbler sphere. The President, while taking so much trouble to emphasize his belief in this principle, has not, perhaps, applied it altogether wisely. A private citizen would scarcely have taken so much pains to conceal the fact of his engagement, or endeavored so vainly to shroud the arrangements in mystery. The President, therefore, might have carried his views of his personal, private, inalienable rights much further, and the American people would have thought all the better of him for being more of a over and less of a chief magistrate in his courtship. Private secretaries and special trains and revenue cutters and wedding arrangements by proxy would seem to have been an unnecessary and superfluous feature of so pleasant an affair. More of the sentimental and less of the official would have been more Democratic and more popular.

Philadelphia Times (Ind.), May 29.

IN the determination to avoid a vulgar display there is sometimes a danger of the opposite extreme. It might as well be recognized that while no peculiar distinction attaches to the person of a Republican official, such as belongs inherently to the idea of royalty, yet the interest which all people feel in the personal fortunes of the President, and especially in a matter which so deeply concerns his life and happiness, is entirely natural and right and may very properly be gratified without any violation of good taste. It is no doubt in recognition of this fact that the return of Miss Folsom has been hastened and that the wedding is now announced to take place during the coming week. It cannot possibly be made so quiet that public attention will not be concentrated upon it and the bride will have to make up her mind that she is to live for a few days at least under the public gaze, as a part of the price that must always be paid for distinction and sometimes even for personal happiness.

Albany Journal (Rep.), May 29.

WE congratulate our President. He does well. Late in life to take the step and taste the joys of wedded bliss, he acts wisely and not too late. We doubt not

he realizes that

"He'll never meet

A joy so sweet

In all his noon of fame."

This is a time when we can all tender our congratulations and best wishes. Our President is to be relieved of his loneliness; the White House is to have a bride, and to be once more a home, with its own domestic circle. All that is said about the new mistress is to her praise. Sensible, affectionate, talented and refined, she will fill her sphere and make the President a happier and no doubt a better man, for the poet himself has said, in felicitous words:

"O! Love of loves to thy white hand

Of earthly happiness is given the golden key."

New York Morning Journal (Ind.), May 30.

It is fitting that the handsome President of the United States should be married in June. It is the month of roses, romance and recreation. Upon the threshold of the month this man who from the obscurity of a hard-working boyhood has cleaved his way like a sturdy knight to the foremost seat in the Republic begins the happiest period of his life. He has chosen a maiden who unites in her own enviable person all the intelligence, naturalness and charm of a true American girl. Neither she nor her stalwart lover has any nonsense about them. They have chosen a lucky day upon which to enter the orange-blossoming portals. A gallant captain-Phil Sheridan by name-chose the third of June, and he has been the happiest married man in the army. May the sun shine and the flowers exhale their sweetest perfume.

Troy Telegram (Rep.), May 29.

IT WOULD perhaps have been better if the President had taken the public into his confidence weeks ago. It would have spared him much annoyance from impertinent newspaper correspondents, but the public should remember that, although the President himself is now a national character and an object of national interest, this was an affair in which another person was very largely interested whose wishes were entitled to respectful acquiescence, and any announcement of the fact that she was to become the mistress of the White House might have subjected her to unpleasant notoriety during her trip abroad. The secret is


out now, however; the truth has been simply and plainly stated, and regard for the feelings of Miss Folsom, if for no other reason, will force the press of the country to treat the marriage with the dignity which it deserves.

National Republican (Rep.), May 29.

OUR poet laureate is already under the magnetic influences of the occasion, and his muse sings the song herewith presented:

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A Nation hails the happy day

The White House door receives a bride,

And over seas and far away

Glad greetings thither glide.

Hail the Chief of Freedom's Land,

Hail the gentle, lovely Fair,

Trustful hand unite with hand,

And heart with heart be there!

Pleasant be their lives, caressed

Still by thoughts and fancies sweet.

Ever through the world-path blessed,

Brightening to the bliss complete!

New York World (Dem.), May 30.

NEVER did prospective bride and bridegroom receive so many honest wishes for their prosperity and happiness before. There is no shadow of alloy in them for the reason that the act has not a trace of partizanship, offensive or otherwise, about it. The fact that "all the world loves a lover" may have something to do with it. It is certain that it loves a young and beautiful bride, and, take it altogether, there is so much good feeling about this particular occasion that there is no room for any other kind. We congratulate the elected bride and bridegroom, and congratulate the people that the White House is henceforth to be presided over in the regular orthodox way. The White House itself is to be congratulated that its experience as Bachelor's Hall is about over and that it is to resume its normal career of a stately family mansion.

New York Times (Ind.), June 1.

Mr. Cleveland does not now learn for the first time that he is highly esteemed in New York. The parade of business men which he reviewed during the week before his election was a sight such as New York had not seen before, and a mark of confidence in his uprightness and his worth of which any man might be proud. His reception yesterday showed the belief of the people of New York that their confidence had been well bestowed, and that the pledges of good government which he gave had been redeemed so far as depended upon the President himself. It was also a tribute of very hearty and general personal good-will to him, and the expression of a hope for his happiness in the new relation he is about to sustain, in which he may be sure that his fellow-citizens everywhere share.

New York Star (Dem.), May 30.

eight years since he attained his majority, be might have waited three years longer
and so have gotten the better of the correspondents and the paragraphers. Still
it is undeniable that it was his own private and personal business whether he
should marry or not. He had a perfect right to choose between continuing his
celibacy and encountering the newspapers and the chatter of a continent. He has
chosen the latter, and as a consequence fifty millions of his constituents, more or
less, are making free with his domestic affairs.

THE marriage of a President is of national importance. In this case it will change and beautify the atmosphere of the White House. It is now almost five years since à President's wife lived in Washington, but the pleasant traditions connected with the home of the Grants and Garfields will not soon be forgotten. The hard and practical side of the Presidency will be softened and made graceful by the womanly influences of the young bride. We shall hear less of toil and more of the delights of life. The President will be a better chief magistrate, for he will be a happier man when he shall have done what society requires for the complete fulfillment of a man's destiny. We congratulate not only Mr. Cleveland and Miss Folsom, but the country. We shall all rejoice in their nuptials.

New York Tribune (Rep.), May 30.

Brooklyn Times (Rep.), May 27.

CITIZENS of every party will unite in sincere congratulations to the President and his bride on this auspicious event. The young lady so far has borne herself with a modest dignity worthy of all praise in the trying and conspicuous position in which she is placed. There need be and there will be no fear that she will not wear worthily the honor that will fall to her lot of presiding at the Executive Mansion, but every true-hearted man and woman will pray that her choice may be a source of happiness as well as of dignity, and that no cloud may mar the bliss of her wedded life.

THE interest manifested by the people in these unusual nuptials is not unkindly felt. Those of us who expect to furnish the White House with a new tenant within a few years, still wish Mr. Cleveland and his bride to find it a happy abode, and to leave it with delightful memories of the first Presidential honeymoon it has witnessed. They have the satisfaction of knowing that no American wedding has attracted such general and such amiable attention, and the President may felicitate himself on having accomplished one act, at least, which all his countrymen, without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, generously indorse.

Philadelphia Sunday World (Neutral), May 30.

THE columns of trash about the ocean voyage of Miss Folsom, the bride-expectant of the President, is nauseating to people of reason; and the publication of the little sketch she wrote for the manuscript paper, for the amusement of the cabin passengers, is the extreme of Jenkinsism. While it is of interest to the people to know that the President of the United States is to be married, and whom his bride is to be, the two have a right to the same privacy as to details as have the humblest in the land; and the Paul Pryism manifested is disgraceful to journalism.

Washington Correspondence Indianapolis Journal (Rep.), June 1.
THE diplomates cannot understand why the engagement was kept such a pro-
found secret, nor why the announcement came so near to the date of the wedding
day. Then the bride coming to the groom to get married puzzled them beyond
measure. They understand that in America the groom usually goes after the bride,
and they are at a loss to understand the President's movements. Indeed, the
diplomates are worried. They are afraid of committing some awful impropriety,
and yet they don't know what to do to do the proper thing. One thing which per-
plexes them most is whether they shall congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and

N. Y. Sun (Dem.), May 30.

Illinois State Journal (Rep.).

Now, that the President is about to be married, is the time for the valorous organs to do something for him, if they ever intend to do anything. Why can they not now fall in with the mellow influences of the time and start him up the heavy grade for another term? He is a hard-hearted organ-grinder who can deny to the President the exquisite thrill of pleasure which would come to him when he says: Well, here we are, Frankie, in the great White House, and the fun of it is we won't have to get out till March 4, 1893, if the Mugwumps only stand by us again." Brooklyn Union (Ind.), May 29.

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THE President ought to be forgiven for endeavoring to keep so interesting a plan a secret, and he is entitled already to the congratulations of the people that he has kept his temper so well in spite of the annoyances of these gentry, first as demanders of spoils, and latter as eavesdroppers, as to have found time and calm enough to think of marriage; as he will be entitled a little later to their congratulations on marrying a lady who gives such promise of adding not only to his own happiness, but to the social success of his Administration.

THE President ought to celebrate, and give his party a housewarming. And the celebration which would be most welcome to Democrats, and which they would appreciate most highly, would be a general invitation to come into the offices and keep warm. Let the Republicans be pushed out into the cold, where they may solace themselves as best they can with making faces at the happy Democrats inside. The President is about to become a happy man, and he should seek to make the other Democrats happy, too. Benedictus benedicat, which, being made into English, is: Let the married man do the proper thing by his friends.

Brooklyn Eagle (Dem.), May 29.

THERE are those perhaps who will say that, as the President had waited twenty

Chicago Herald (Ind.), May 29.

THE bells ring rather late in Grover's life, but better late than never. Fat and fifty, he cannot pose as a Romeo, but what he lacks in youth's ardor and comeliness he compensates with the glamour of exalted official position. He will not talk poison with 'pothecaries or mouth beautifully at tombs; but, like an evenpaced, hard-headed, and mature person, he will enter steadily and soberly into the realms of matrimonial bliss, while all America will echo the words of our Uncle Sam'l, "Bless you, my children, bless you!"

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WELL, it is a good thing the President is going to be married, and every A. Jackson Democrat in the country will applaud this sentiment to the echo. It rather softens a man to get married, and it is believed that after Grover has been well subdued by the persuasive influence of the broom-stick that he will be so docile that the old-line Democrats can get near him. And then, it is positively stated that Miss Folsom is not a Mugwump, either. So there, now!

New York Herald (Ind.), May 29.

No President has ever labored more faithfully and assiduously than Mr. Cleveland; none has been more conscientious in the fulfilment of every public duty. Even at this time, when the country would readily excuse a little inattention, it sees that he has not forgotten his work. All joy go with him. We have sometimes found fault with him, but he is an honest and faithful servant of the people, and the Herald gives him in advance its best wishes.

Hartford Post (Rep.), May 29.

Now that he has taken the country into his confidence, the marriage will be looked upon as an interesting and notable social event, and the people will be glad to know that there is to be an undisputed mistress of the White House, a recog

nized "first lady of the land." From what can be learned of Miss Folsom, she is by nature and education a lady that will do credit to the trying position in which she, as the wife of the President, will be placed.

St. Louis Republican (Dem.), May 30.

THE generous heart of the people is kindly disposed to the young girl who is soon to represent the womanhood of America in the loftiest station open to an American woman. If she shall fill that station with grace and graciousness, and above all, with womanly simplicity, as everything entitles us to hope and think she will, she will deserve well of her country and win a rich reward in the affectionate esteem and love of all her countrymen.

Petersburg Index-Appeal (Dem.), June 1.

WHEN President Cleveland arrived in New York on Sunday to meet the very charming and worthy young woman who is to be his bride, the crowd met him with the enthusiastic, but homely greeting: "Good for you, Grover." There is no snobbishness about the people. They speak directly from their hearts. And yet there are some persons who will be daintily indignant at the expression of such "good comradeship."

Pittsburgh Press (Ind.), May 29. It is a complete surrender on the part of the President, and a great victory on the part of the newspaper men. To them the credit is due, for it is well known that Cleveland resisted and protested all along that it would never be. Now he has capitulated-on honorable terms, of course and the flag of the victors in the shape of a newspaper may be considered as floating over the battlements of the

White House.

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Richmond Whig (Dem.), May 30.

If Colonel Lamont, as Mr. Cleveland's private secretary and confidential adviser, doesn't "cut up rough" during the Presidential honeymoon, while the billing and cooing and the frequent interchange of love's sweet confidences are going on, he is a sweeter-tempered and milder-mannered man than has ever previously filled that responsible trust.

AFTER abusing the President like a pickpocket because he would not open his mouth and gabble at the velocity of sewing-circle pressure, the gossips are now forced to commend the action of a gentleman who had the grace to remember that there are two parties to a marriage contract. The country safe in the hands of a man who stands by his sweetheart.—Manchester Union (Dem.), May 31.

SPEAKER CARLISLE and the other gentlemen who were "in a position to know," and who declared all the talk about the President's coming marriage to be "fustian and falsehood," will stand up in a row next Wednesday and be counted as a group of gentlemen bereft of the sweet pleasure of saying "I told you so."-Chicago News (Ind.), May 31.

As IT will be the first Presidential marriage which has occurred in the White House, the next week will be one prolonged and thrilling sensation at Washington, and the Jenkinses will be the busiest men in the Nation. It is not often they get a chance to write up such a stirring and supreme society incident.—St. Paul Press (Rep.), May 29.

MR. CLEVELAND has been President a year and a quarter, and while he will continue to accomplish a full day's work, he will not have to tax his strength so much during the rest of his term. In taking to himself a bride now, he acts wisely, and he will receive the congratulations of the whole country.—Richmond State (Dem.), May 29.

THAT the President does not make a vulgar national pic-nic of the sacred relationship into which he is about to enter, and which is above all things eminently private in a republic of which he is but the servant, may not suit the gossip scavengers, but is infinitely complimentary to his manhood.-Boston Globe (Dem.), June 1.

AND if, in this time of congratulation, one might address the bride-elect, The Press would say to her in the words of Juliana, "the matchless wife,"—

Good lady, love him!
You have a noble and an honest gentleman!

-Troy Press (Dem.), May 29. WE are reliably informed that Miss Folsom is a stalwart Democrat in character, and it is to be hoped that she will carry her ideas into the White House, and that her strong but gentle influence may overcome the blandishments of the mild-eyed and seductive Mugwumps.-Nashville American (Dem.), May 29.

THE austere old barracks known as the White House has never been the scene of a more interesting ceremony, and fifty millions of people, with one consent, will wish the Presidential couple long life, happiness, and the delights of. mutual affection.—Florida Times-Union (Dem.), May 29:

THROUGHOUT the President appears as the citizen, winning his bride by merits that made him lovable to her whose love he sought, and claiming his own without the interposition of official go-betweens, or the perfunctory gayety of royal nuptials. New York Commercial Advertiser (Rep.), May 29.

THE union for life of one man with one woman is a divinely ordained institu tion, and the nation's Chief Magistrate is honored in its recognition. That it will lead to his larger usefulness and certainly to his far greater happiness we have no manner of doubt.-Detroit Tribune (Rep.), June 1.

WHEN Mr. Cleveland gets his hand on the Folsom estate, we trust he will be made to see the propriety of either putting some of the Omaha property in the market or of improving a few of the score of vacant lots which lie scattered about the city. Omaha Bee (Rep.), May 29.

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THE New York Times is the only leading paper in the country that has refused to editorially notice the President's approaching marriage. Perhaps the editor of the Times is a little huffy because he wasn't made best man at the wedding.— Baltimore Herald (Ind.), June 1.

THE interest taken by the people of the United States in the wedding of the President is without doubt widespread and sincere. Crude as some of the expressions of it have been, it is neither snobbish nor intrusive, but respectful and cordial. -N. Y. Times (Ind.), June 2.

THE American people can and will appreciate the sacredness of a love-match,. and will, in any event, wish both bride and groom the full realization of that happiness which marriage can but does not always bring.-Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch (Ind.), May 29.

THE Globe-Democrat gave its consent to this union some time ago, and will not at this late day withdraw it, although we think the honors are unequally divided, the President getting very much the best of the bargain.-St. Louis Globe-Democrat (Rep.), May 29.

THE mugwumps will undoubtedly be angry with the President for not allowing them to choose a wife for him. Carl Schurz, Col. Codfish, and James Freeman Clarke do not seem to have been even consulted in the affair.-Philadelphia Press (Rep.), May 29.

MRS. CLEVELAND will have to wait until March 4, 1889, to start upon her wedding tour. After that day her husband won't have any excuse to offer about being detained by public business.—Philadelphia Press (Rep.), May 31.

PRESIDENT CLEVELAND has at last been obliged to make the sweet confession, the truth that everybody knew beforehand is out, the marriage is on, and everybody will be joyful.—Philadelphia City Item (Ind.), May 29.

NEVER in all the world's history have nuptials been celebrated amid such a wealth of God-speeds as will attend the wedding of Grover Cleveland to the daughter of his old friend.- Washington Post (Dem.), June 2.

We trust that the wedding festivities will be altogether pleasant, and that the future of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland may be crowned with all the happiness their loving hearts may crave.-Utica Herald (Rep.), May 29.

It is hardly fair for President Cleveland to have Rev. Dr. Sunderland perform his marriage ceremony, and thus ungratefully ignore Parson Beecher and Parson Burchard. Des Moines Register (Rep.), June I.

MR. GROVER CLEVELAND, President of the United States, will please accept the congratulations of the Tribune. May he and his fair bride live long "und brosper."-Minneapolis Tribune (Rep.), May 29.

MR. CLEVELAND has made a wise decision, and his choice seems all that it should be. Let us all wish him a long and happy life, and better still-let him alone.—Norfolk Landmark (Dem.), June 1.

ALTHOUGH this is President Cleveland's last day as a bachelor, no careful journalist has ascertained whether any steps have been taken to relieve him of his nightkey. Philadelphia Ledger (Ind.), June 1.

The jubilant Nation joins in congratulating its chief magistrate, and wishing that "Cleveland luck" may follow him all through his new experience in life.The Irish American for June 5.

THE Civil-service commission did not select Mr. Cleveland's bride for him. The mugwumps will now claim that the President has violated his pledges.-Atlanta Constitution (Dem.), May 30.

It is now positively stated that Miss Folsom is a Democrat. We are glad of this. It is an encouraging sign to see a Democrat put in office now and then.-Macon Telegraph (Dem.), May 29.

EVERY one will honor President Cleveland for the quiet and unpretentious manner in which he will secure a wife and the first lady of the land.-Cleveland Plain Dealer (Dem.), May 31.

ALL can unite in the hope that the union will be a happy one, and that the marriage bells will ring in many pleasant years of wedded life.--Philadelphia Record (Ind.), May 29.

It would be sentimentally awkward if the President should have to postpone his wedding day in order to lead a hostile force to invade Canada.-Philadelphia Inquirer (Rep.), May 29.

THE Country will join in hearty congratulations of the wedded pair and in wishing them a future of unclouded happiness and prosperity.-Chicago Journal (Rep.), May 31.

MR. CLEVELAND has been cultivating the veto habit so diligently that he will

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