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A. W. Livingston & Son, Columbus, best dozen of sweet corn, green.

L. Swickard, Hope, second best dozen of sweet corn....

A. W. Livingston & Son, Columbus, best display of sweet corn in variety and quality

A. W. Livingston & Son, Columbus, best 3 Mountain Sweet watermelons ...
S. H. Whims, Columbus, second best 3 Mountain Sweet watermelons

A. W. Livingston & Son, Columbus, best 3 watermelons of any other variety...
S. H. Whims, Columbus, second best 3 watermelons of any other variety....
J. J. Nelson, Columbus, best 3 green-flesh muskmelons.......

A. T. Hendrew, Groveport, second best 3 green flesh muskmelons....


best 3 yellow-flesh muskmelons

A. W. Livingston & Son, Columbus, second best 3 yellow-flesh muskmelons ...
66 best and greatest display of melons of all va-
rieties, both watermelons and muskmelons

A. W. Livingston & Son, Columbus, best display of cucumbers
L. Swickard, Hope, best half peck Lima beans, green, in pod

M. D. Clark, Elyria, second best half peck Lima beans, green, in pod.....

L. Swickard, Hope, best half peck kidney bush beans, green, in pod

M. D. Clark, Elyria, second best half peck kidney bush beans, green, in pod
K. S. Klckley, Marysville, best and greatest variety of garden beans...
A. W. Livingston & Son, Columbus, best half peck garden peas

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F. M. Whipps, Marion, best and greatest variety of vegetables raised by one exhibiter

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A. W. Livingston, Columbus, second best and greatest variety of vegetables raised by one exhibiter


Awarding Committee.-N. W. Baker, Wm. McPherson, Ed. Hance.


Fruits, Horticuliural Products, and Fine Arts-Summer and Fall Apples.

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A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, best 3 varieties of large-size and beauty to rule
S. Irons, Lebanon, best 3 varieties for market-profit to rule



J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, second best 3 varieties for market-profit to rule.........
A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, best variety of dessert apples, quality to rule..-----
S. Irons, Lebanon, second best variety of dessert apples, quality to rule
A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, best and most handsomely arranged basket of apples,
containing bushel, and made up of 6 varieties





Creighton & Elsea, Lithopolis, second best and most handsomely arranged basket of apples, containing bushel, and made up of 6 varieties....


J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best display in variety and quality of 15 varieties A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, second best display in variety and quality of 15 varieties



Awarding Committee.-G. H. Miller, M. A. Wilhelmy, Levi Stump, Geo. C. Townsend.

Winter Apples.

J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best 10 varieties......

A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, second best 10 varieties......

J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best 5 varieties......

Sam'l Barr, Amanda, second best 5 varieries....

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best five plates of large-size and beauty to rule...... J. R. Hurst, Chillicothe, best variety of dessert-quality to rule Eugene P. Hurst, Chillicothe, second best variety of dessert, quality to rule..... J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best six varieties for market-profit to rule...... Sam'l Barr, Amanda, second best 6 varieties for market-profit to rule.... Creighton & Elsea, Lithopolis, best half bushel basket of 10 varieties..... A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, second best half bushel basket of 10 varieties........ Creighton & Elsea, Lithopolis, best display of 30 varieties-beauty and quality to rule

A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, second best display of 30 varieties, beauty and quality to rule .....













The committee find a very creditable, though not very large display of winter applesbetter, indeed, than might have been reasonably expected, considering the earliness of the exhibition, and the fact that this is the non-bearing year for apples. The specimens were generally fair and well grown. A list of varieties to which premiums are awarded will be found with the entries. The promiscuous arrangement of the fruits gave the committee much trouble, and rendered fair comparison very difficult; and they would recommend a more convenient and systematic classification in future.

Awarding Committee -J. J. Harrison, L. Buchwalter, J. A. Mathias, J. Pfienmer, Geo. W. Campbell.

Plate Apples.

J. R. Hurst, Chillicothe, best plate of 5 American Summer Permain .

S. Irons, Lebanon, best plate of 5 Baldwin

A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, best plate of 5 Bellflower....

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J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best plate of 5 Ben Davis....
A. M. Gatch & Sons, Milford, best plate of 5 Clermont....
J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best plate of 5 Fall Pippin.......
Creighton & Elsea, Lithopolis, best plate of 5 Fallawater....
A. Denune, Mifflinville, best plate of 5 Fall Wine

J. R. Hurst, Chillicothe, best plate of 5 Gravenstein

66 best plate of 5 Grimes Golden...

J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best plate of 5 Hubbardston Nonsuch

J. R. Hurst, Chillicothe, best plate of 5 Jonathan...

Creighton & Elsea, Lithopolis, best plate of 5 King of Thompkins County











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J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best plate of 5 Rome Beauty

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We, the undersigned committee, make the awards herein shown.
Awarding Committee.-N. H. Albaugh, Geo. W. Trowbridge, R. H. Hayman.

Peaches, Quinces, and Plums—Peaches.

M. B. Bateham, Painesville, best 6 varieties of 6 each.....

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T. Davidson, Zanesville, best new seedling or variety approved by the committee..


Creighton & Elsea, Lithopolis, best 12 quinces

66 best peck quinces....


J R. Hurst, Chillicothe, best 3 varieties of 6 each

best plate of twelve specimens...

Awarding Committee.-F. M. Black, N. Ohmer, S. R. Moore, Jas. Little.


N. Ohmer, Dayton, best 6 varieties of summer and fall...................

A. Fahnestock, Toledo, second best 6 varieties of summer and fall......

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N. Ohmer, Dayton, best 12 varieties of summer, fall, and winter......


A. Fahnestock, Toledo, second best 12 varieties of summer, fall, and winter......
Wm. Arnold, Greenland, best half peck Seckel



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A. Fahnestock, Toledo, best 3 plates of large size, and beauty to rule.....
N. Ohmer, Dayton, best 6 varieties of market, profit to rule......

A. Fahnestock, Toledo, second best 6 varieties of market, profit to rule....
Leo. Weltz, Wilmington, best new variety, if approved by the committee.
Chas. Seipe, Chillicothe, best variety of desert, quality to rule..






A. Fahnestock, Toledo, best display of twenty varieties, appearance and quality to rule....


R. G. Hanford, Columbus, second best display of twenty varieties, appearance and quality to rule


Awarding Committee.-Chas. Carpenter, Kelley's Island; Francis Granger, J. O. Rapp, G. W. Dean.

County Fruits.

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A. M. Gatch & Son, Milford, best and largest collection of fruits of various kinds from any county in Ohio ...Diploma and $40 Creighton & Elsea, Lithopolis, and A. T. & G. L. Hendrews, Groveport, second best and largest collection of fruits of various kinds from any county in Ohio................. - 25 We, the undersigned committee, award the first premium to A. M. Gatch & Son, and recommend that the second premium be divided between Creighton & Elsea and A. T. & G. L. Hendrews, as they made fine displays, but were misled by the word "sweepstakes," on page 36 of the schedule, so as to suppose that individual entries for which other premiums had been awarded might be counted in the county displays. Awarding Committee.-M. B. Bateham, Painesville; N. Ohmer, Dayton; Geo. W. Trowbridge, M. V. Wilhelmy.


Geo. M. High, Middle Bass, best 10 varieties, not less than 3 bunches each

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J. Linxweiler, Dayton, second best 10 varieties, not less than 3 bunches each......
L. A. Ganson, Urbana, best 6 varieties, not less than 3 bunches each ......
Geo. M. High, Middle Bass, second best 6 varieties, not less than 3 bunches each..
best 5 varieties, not less than 3 bunches each.....................

$10 5





Jacob Knerr, Dayton, second best 3 varieties, not less than 3 bunches each

Geo. M. High, Middle Bass, best display not less than 15 varieties, 3 bunches each. 10 J. L. Teal, Perrin's Mills, best 6 bunches Catawba.....

Conrad Schenck, Dayton, best 6 bunches Concord

L. A. Ganson, Urbana, best 6 bunches Delaware



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66 best 6 bunches Goethe......

L. A. Ganson, Urbana, best 6 bunches Hartford Prolific....

John Pfiffner, Delaware, best 6 bunches Lady

Jno. A. Fetters, Lancaster, best 6 bunches Norton's Virginia

L. A. Ganson, Urbana, best 6 bunches Salem

Geo. M. High, Middle Bass, best 6 bunches Walter..

Jacob Knerr, Dayton, best 6 bunches Wilder

209 290 29 290 29 2 2 2 2

The display of grapes was very fine considering the earliness of the season-the specimens generally well grown and creditable to the exhibiters. Several of the new varieties, including the Lady, Warden's Seedling, Elmia, and Noah were upon exhibi

tion, and promise to be valuable acquisitions to the list of hardy and reliable grapes. Some of Rogers' Hybrids, Massasoit, Wilder, and Salem were very large and attractive. Awarding Committee.-Geo. W. Campbell, Delaware; G. F. Newton, Millersburg; Chas. Carpenter, Kelly's Island; Joshua Seney, Chillicothe.

Native Wines.

L. Harris, Euclid, best sample (3 bottles) Catawba wine.

E. Ambos, Columbus, best sample (3 bottles) Delaware wine.....

Wehrle, Werke & Son, Middle Bass, best sample (3 bottles) Norton wine......
John S. Snider, Lancaster, best sample (3 bottles) Ives wine....

Wehrle, Werke & Son, Middle Bass, best sample (3 bottles) Concord wine .....
Wehrle, Werke & Son, Middle Bass, best display of pure grape wine, made in





.....Silver Medal

Awarding Committee.-F. F. Rempel, G. B. Fisher, S. S. Jackson, F. Pentfield, H. Haerlin.


Jno. Roth, Columbus, best collection of plants and finest arrangement....
J. F. Sked, Westerville, best single specimen plant



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J. F. Sked, Westerville, best collection of variegated plants

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Wm. McKellar, Chillicothe, best single specimen cannas...................
Storrs, Harrison & Co., Painesville, best collection of evergreens

Wm. McKellar, Chillicothe, best collection of plants on trellis work.......

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best collection of palms...

best single specimen plant

best single specimen plant.......

best single specimen plant...








66 best single specimen plant....

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Wm. McKellar, Chillicothe, best single basket of living plants...........
Jno. Roth, Columbus, best piece of rustic work



Cut Flowers.

Jno C. Dreher, Columbus, best pair of hand boquets....

Miss Ella Grant, Cleveland, best pair of parlor boquets (15 inches)
R. G. Hanford, Columbus, best display of floral designs....
second best display of floral disigns

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