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headquarters here. I see no reason why it should not be so; I see many reasons why this should be so. We are now contemplating a permanent location of the State Fair. My idea of the State Fair of the great agricultural State of Ohio is something far above any thing we have ever had yet, and which may be very easily attained if we secure this influence throughout the State. If we retain our membership during the year it will certainly have an interest in each county in the representative coming to the Capital, as we come here for the interest of agriculture. Another reason is, I see no propriety or reason why the State Board should come and occupy a room simply through sufferance, and where we have no right to occupy the rooms in this Capitol at all. I deem it an outrage upon the agricultural interests of the State.

Another reason is that they already have a law in the State of Pennsylvania at this time providing a place for the use of the members during the year. It seems to me that we should have just such a law in Ohio. A very trifling change in our present statute would fix the whole thing. WM. H. HILL moved that the resolution be referred to the State Board of Agriculture.

The motion was agreed to.

WM. H. HILL offered the following:

Resolved, That in arranging the programme for the next annual Convention, a two days' session be provided for, instead of one.

Mr. DOUTHETT: It is not likely that we can get this room for two days. W. B. MCCLUNG: I will take the responsibility to say that we will furnish the Convention with the City Hall, or some good place, if we cannot get the Senate Chamber.

M. J. LAWRENCE: I would simply say that I am decidedly in favor of this motion. We can all see how we are obliged to rush our business through in the course of six or eight hours in this Convention—one of the most important meetings we have had in the State, many of us coming a long ways to attend it-and we do not begin to get time to complete our work as we should. I would call attention to the important papers which were read before the Convention to-day, which we were obliged, for want of time, to pass over without any discussion. Some of those practicable papers especially were filled with suggestions which we should had two or three hours time to have discussed, and might thus have drawn out a great deal of information that would have been invaluable almost to us. It seems to me very important that the Convention should continue two days instead of one.

Hon. PETER HITCHCOCK, of Geauga I will not detain the Convention This is a proposition I am inclined to favor. There is one consid


eration, however, which I am inclined to doubt; that is, whether my friend McClung will be able to stand a two day's discussion. If he can it will do very well. [Laughter.]

W. B. MCCLUNG: I am certain, from my knowledge of my friend Hitchcock, that I can get him to go my security. [Laughter.]

chamber two days.

Another thing, no think it might be

L. B. WING: I doubt whether we could get this We should esteem it a great favor to get it one day. matter how interesting these discussions may be, I like continuing the State Fair two weeks. We would better, I think, cut off a little, as we do to-night, after having had an interesting time, and adjourn before the force is altogether spent.

W. B. MCCLUNG: The point my friend makes is, first, that we could not get the Senate Chamber, perhaps, for two days. I apprehend that there will be no trouble on that point in the city of Columbus. I, at present, am one of the committee on the City Hall. I know that that committee would be only too glad, gentlemen, to extend to you the use of the City Hall one day, two or three days, or a week, and have this Convention here discussing these subjects of so much importance. I know that if my friend [Mr. Wing] comes along with his summary manner of laying motions on the table without debate, we may not need much time. But that is not the ordinary way to get information. We want to discuss subjects, and it is by this rubbing and friction that we find out what each other knows. Many of the subjects brought before us are very important, and a great many gentlemen in this Convention have opinions upon them that would, either in the extention or confirmation of thoughts that are expressed, give us much valuable information. Or sometimes in a digression from the opinion of others would give a counter-opinion which would be what we want. I am not one of those who believe that laying resolutions on the table is the correct way of arriving at conclusions. That is not the theory of this government. So I say the city of Columbus would only be too glad to give the Convention all the time it wants in the City Hall.

The resolution was adopted.

The Convention then, at 9 o'clock P.M., adjourned.


Held at Columbus, August 25 to 29, inclusive.


The State Board of Agriculture made the following railroad arrangements for the benefit of visitors and exhibiters at the State Fair :


All the railways terminating in or passing through Columbus, will carry visitors at excursion or otherwise reduced rates of fare.


The following roads will carry freights free to exhibiters, under the following regulations, viz.:

First. The exhibiter to pay full rates of freight from the point of shipment to Columbus, taking a shipping bill and receipt from the railway company for the same.

Second. To have said articles of freight regularly entered upon the exhibition books of the State Fair, and returned over the same road over which they were originally shipped, WITHOut change of OWNERSHIP, certified by the Secretary of the Fair. The articles will then be returned free, and upon the return of the articles to the original point of shipment, the shipping bill, receipt and certificate from the Secretary to be placed in the hands of the local freight agent, who will attend to having the amount originally paid by the exhibiter refunded to him.

Columbus and Toledo Railroad.

Columbus and Hocking Valley Railroad.

Columbus, Springfield and Cincinnati Railroad.

Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland Railroad.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

Scioto Valley Railway.

Pan-Handle road, branches and lines in Ohio, that is to say: From any point on the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley road. between Pittsburgh and Columbus.;



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Logansport and Columbus.

Indianapolis and Columbus.

on the Little Miami road.

between Richmond (via Dayton) and Columbus.

Cleveland, Mt. Vernon and Columbus.


The C. C. C. and I. Railway, or "Bee Line," will return freights free which have not changed ownership, but not refund any of the amount originally paid. This applies to the roads

From Cleveland to Columbus.

Galion to Union City.

Springfield to Delaware.



The essays to be sent to the Secretary at Columbus, on or before the 1st of January, 1880, and the awards to be made during the month of January next.

Roads-For the best accepted essay on county road-making, based on actual experience, the different soils and surroundings of the road to be considered. Premium, $25.00. Farms-The best accepted detailed report of the best and most profitably managed farm, stating the number of acres in each crop, and the method of management. Premium, $25.00.


The county exhibiting the greatest number, but in no case less than ten thousand (10,000), tails of rats killed within the county since January, 1879. The tails to be put in bundles of one hundred tails in each bundle, and to be exhibited at the State Fair of 1879. Premium, $25.00

To the County Agricultural Society furnishing to the President of the State Board of Agriculture, at the time of the annual convention, the most fall, complete and intelligent written report of the condition of agriculture in the county, will be awarded a Silver Medal, suitably engraved and encased.


An entrance fee of 5 per cent. of first premium will be charged on all entries of live stock, except sweepstakes and speed classes, which will be 10 per cent. of amount offered. Any person may enter as many different articles as he or she may own in any of the other departments, free of charge.

No exhibiter's tickets will be issued.

The committeemen are requested to report themselves to the treasurer at the entrance gate, and he will direct them to the member in charge to the department in which they are to serve, in order that they may be furnished with an appropriate insignia.


One person, to all parts of the ground, 50 cents.

Horses and vehicles, free of charge.

Children under ten years old, half price.



There will be no exhibition for premiums in the horse or cattle rings on Monday. August 25.

Tuesday, August 26.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Jacks and Mules, Book 10; at 10 A.M., General Purpose Horses, Book 3; at 1 P.M., Roadsters, Book 2; at 2 P.M., Breeders' Stake for three-year old Trotters, Runners, and 2:30 Class Trotting.

Wednesday, August 27.—At 10 o'clock A.M., Draft Horses, Book 4; at 11 A.M., Matched Horses, Book 7; at 12 M., Geldings and Mares for Light Harness, Book 5; at 2 P.M., Runners, free for all Trotting Stallions. and 2:40 Class Trotting.

Thursday, August 28.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Thoroughbreds, Book 1; at 1 P.M., Saddle Horses, Book 6; at 2 P.M., Runners, 3 minute Class Trotting, and 2:20 Class Trotting. Friday, August 29.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Draft Sweepstakes, Book 9; at 11 A.M., Thoroughbred and Roadster Sweepstakes, Book 8; at 1 o'clock P.M., Grand Parade in front of the Grand Stand, in the Horse Ring, of all the premium animals; at 2 P.M., Double Team Trot, 2:20 Class Pacing, and 2:30 Class Trotting.


Tuesday, August 26.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Other Pure Breeds, Book 16; at 11 o'clock A.M., Dairy Stock, Book 17; at 1:30 P.M., Ayrshires, Book 15; at 3 o'clock P.M., Jerseys, etc., Book 14.

Wednesday, August 27.-At 9 o'clock A.M., Herefords, Book 13; at 10:30 A.M., Devons, Book 12; at 1:30 P.M., Shorthorn Bulls, Book 11.

Thursday, August 28.—At 9 o'oclock A.M., Work Oxen and Steers, Book 18; at 10:30 A.M, Fat Cattle, Book 18; at 1:30 P.M., Shorthorn Cows, Book 11.

Friday, August 29.-At 9 o'clock A.M., Jersey Sweepstakes, Book 23; at 10 o'clock A.M., Ayrshire Sweepstakes, Book 22; at 10:30 A.M., Devon Sweepstakes, Book 21; at 11 o'clock A.M., Breeders' Herd, Book 19; at 2 o'clock P.M., Exhibiters' Herd, Book 20.


Tuesday, August 26.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Middle Wools and Fat Sheep, Book 17; at 1 o'clock P.M., Leicesters, Book 26.

Wednesday, August 27.—At 10 o'clock A.M. and 1 P.M., Merinos, Book 24.

Thursday, August 28.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Long Wools, Book 25; at 2 P.M., Sweepstakes on Fine Wools, Book 28.

Friday, August 29.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Sweepstake on Long Wools, Book 29.


Tuesday, August 26.—At 1 o'clock P.M., White Breeds, Book 32.

Wednesday, August 27.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Poland China, Book 31; at 2 P.M., Berkshires, Book 30.

Thursday, August 28.—At 10 o'clock, A.M., Essex, Book 33; at 11 o'clock A.M., Suffolk Breeds, Book 34; at 1 P.M., Sweepstakes, Book 35.


Thursday, August 28.-At 10 o'clock A.M., Book 36.

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