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8 January 1924-9 October 1924.





N.B.-THE Figures at the beginning of the line correspond with the No. at the foot of each Paper; and the Figures at the end of the line refer to the Paging of the Volumes arranged for the House of Commons.


Finance Accounts:

103. Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the year ended 31st March, 1924.

Bank of England:

p. 1

7. Annual Accounts of Exchequer Bills, and other Government Securities purchased, and Amount of Balances of Sums issued for the Payment of Dividends, &c., for the year ending 5th January, 1924.


6. Applications made by the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England for Advances to Government authorised by Parliament, from the 6th January, 1923, to the 5th January, 1924, and the Answers of the said Court thereto.

Church Temporalities (Ireland) :


22. Accounts of the Irish Land Commission, in respect of Church Temporalities in Ireland, for the year ended 31st March, 1923, and for the period from 26th July, 1869, to 31st March, 1923, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.

Church Temporalities (Wales):


145. Accounts of the Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Wales for the year 1923, and from 24th September, 1914,

to 31st December, 1923, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.

VOL. XIII-1924.


Civil Contingencies Fund:

8. Accounts of the Civil Contingencies Fund, 1922-23, showing the Receipts and Payments in connexion with the Fund in the year ended 31st March, 1923; and the Distribution of the Capital of the Fund at the commencement and close of the year; with the Correspondence with the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.

Civil List Pensions :

p. 141

114. List of all Pensions granted during the year ended 31st March, 1924, and payable under the provisions of the Civil List Act, 1910.


Colonial Stock Act:

126. Treasury List of Colonial Stocks in respect of which the provisions of the Act are for the time being complied with.

Consolidated Fund:


18. Abstract Account, showing the Issues made from the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom, in the year ended 31st March, 1923, for the Interest and Management of the Debt, for the Civil List, and for all other Issues in the Financial Year for Services charged directly on the said Fund; with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.


Development Fund:

21. Abstract Account of the Receipts into, and Issues out of, the Development Fund in the year ended 31st March, 1923, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.


Financial Statement (1924-25) :

Statement of Revenue and Expenditure as laid before the House by the Chancellor of the Exchequer when opening the Budget.


German Reparation (Recovery) Act: [Cmd. 2065.] Treasury Minute, dated 25th February, 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921.


[Cmd. 2263.] Treasury Minute, dated 29th August, 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921.


German Reparation (Recovery) Act:

[Cmd. 2089.] Negotiations between His Majesty's Government and the German Government, with the Decree, dated 3rd March, 1924, issued in pursuance thereof by the German Government.

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[Cmd. 2116.] Statement showing the Amounts paid during the period 1st April, 1923, to 31st March, 1924, into the Special Account under the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921, and the Application thereof.

Government Insurances and Annuities:


50. Account of all Moneys Received on account of Contracts for the Grant of Deferred Life Annuities and for Payments on Death, and of the Disposal thereof; and of the Contracts made for the year 1923.

Irish Land Commission:


23. Account of the Irish Land Commission for the year ended 31st March, 1923, and from 22nd August, 1881 to 31st March 1923; with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.

Irish Land Purchase Fund:


54. Accounts of Receipts and Payments by the National Debt Commissioners in respect of the Capital and Income of the Irish Land Purchase Fund, in the year ended 31st March, 1923, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.

Marconi Agreement :


143. Indenture made 28th July, 1924, between Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, and His Majesty's Postmaster General with reference to the construction of a Wireless Telegraph Station on the Beam System; with Copy of the Treasury Minute thereon. 253

National Debt:

140. Return showing for the Financial Years commencing 1st April, 1880, 1st April, 1890, 1st April, 1900, and for each Financial Year thereafter, the total amount of Dead Weight Debt outstanding on the 1st April: the amounts which were made available in each year to • 1923-24 inclusive for reduction of Debt; the Gross amount of Debt redeemed; the amount of Debt created, and the net Increase or Decrease of Debt in the year; similar statement in respect of other Capital Liabilities; and a similar statement in respect of the Aggregate Gross Liabilities of the State (in continuation of No. 122 of 1923).



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