ized by sec. 18, act, Mar. 7, 1942. 1107 Upon detachment from vessel for admission to hospital, right ceases to additional pay authorized by sec. 18, act, Mar. 7, 1942, for Army and Navy personnel on sea duty.... Loss of vessel on which serving-Navy officer in a sea-duty status when ad- mitted to hospital is not entitled to the additional pay for sea duty authorized by sec. 18, act, Mar. 7, 1942, if vessel aboard which he had been serving was lost...
Sick leave authorization-Navy officer in sea-duty status when admitted to hospital without an order granting him sick leave is entitled, while in hospital, to additional pay for sea duty author- ized by sec. 18, act, Mar. 7, 1942. Sickness: Marine Corps Reserve-recall to duty for hospital treatment and possible discharge from service-Marine Corps Reserve officer is not on "active duty" within meaning of sec. 7, Naval Reserve Act of 1938, setting forth conditions under which such officers are entitled to pay and allowances, during a period of hos- pital treatment under orders, issued after release from active duty, reassign- ing him to "active duty" for purpose of corroborating his statements as to neces- sity for such treatment and to determine his physical fitness with a view to dis- charge, and, therefore, he is not entitled to pay and allowances for such period... National Guard-disease or injury ante- dating active duty-National Guard enlisted man, sick in hospital at time organization was inducted into active Federal service, is entitled, upon later reporting pursuant to orders and subse- quent discharge for disability, to pay from date he commenced travel until
discharge and to travel allowance as pro- vided by act of Sept. 22, 1922 Submarine duty-diving duty pay distin- guished-submarine duty and diving duty are separate and distinct with additional pay provided for each, and additional pay for diving duty is not necessarily dependent upon assignment to duty aboard a sub- marine.....
Superintendent of Army Nurse Corps com- missioned Army officer-Superintendent of Army Nurse Corps whose pay, addi- tional money allowance, and "relative rank" are fixed by statute is not entitled to pay and allowances of a colonel in Army of of U. S., to which office she was appointed in addition to her appointment as super- intendent of Army Nurse Corps, under color of authority in act, Sept. 22, 1941, to make temporary appointments as officers in Army of U. S. "from among qualified persons Time in excess of proceed and travel time- orders not authorizing delay in report- ing-where a Navy officer's orders did not specify that any part of the period between date of detachment from his permanent station and date of reporting for temporary duty was to be counted as leave nor specify any authorized period of delay in reporting. but, due to conditions of the service, did specify a date of detachment and a date of reporting, embracing a period in excess of the usual proceed and travel time, the of ficer is entitled to pay and allowances for the entire period between said dates rather than only for a period equal to the usual proceed and travel time.
Absence or unenforceability of contracts: Supporting evidence requirements-dis- cussion of evidence to support payments, on quantum meruit basis, to stevedoring contractor under cost-plus-a-percentage- of-cost contract (which form of contract is illegal and not binding on U. S.) for wages; Social Security taxes; and mate- rials furnished and equipment rented... Unauthorized cost-plus contracts-con- tract for stevedoring services entered into without advertising pursuant to sec. 1 (a), act of July 2, 1940, providing for pay- ment on a cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost basis contrary to provisions of said see- tion is not binding on the U. S., but contractor may be paid on a quantum meruit basis for actual wage payments to employees; Social Security taxes de- ducted from wages, and those contributed by the contractor, which have actually been paid to the State and Federal Govts.; actual payments for equipment rental, etc.; actual overhead costs of su- pervision and insurance; plus a reasona- ble fee for performance of the contract.. 800
In lieu of taxes:
Resettlement project property:
Basis of computation:
The payments in lieu of taxes author- ized to be made to local tax units on resettlement project property under sec. 2, act, June 29, 1936, are required by the statute to be based upon "the cost of the public or municipal serv- ices to be supplied ⚫ ⚫ taking into consideration the benefits to be derived by ⚫ taxing unit from such project", and may not be de- termined merely by applying estab- lished tax rate of district in which property is located to appraised value of the property as fixed by Farm Security Adm Where it is clearly stated in agreement,
or in administrative certificate ac- companying agreement, that amount to be paid under authority of sec. 2, act, June 29, 1936, to local taxing units in lieu of taxes on resettlement project property is based on or is less than actual cost of public or munic- ipal services to be supplied less bene- fits accruing to taxing unit from proj- ect, this office will not ordinarily question amount nor require item- ization of costs..
Services, supplies, etc., not under contract. See Payments, absence or unenforceability of contracts.
Information required-leave payments dur- ing military duty-no objection to adminis- tratively proposed pay roll, etc., procedure in connection with payments to employees for leave while receiving pay for military or naval duty, as authorized by act of Aug. 1, 1941, which procedure contemplates, among other things, that the records will not be amended to show a return of the persons from furlough for the leave period and a re-furlough for active duty. How- ever, payments should be supported by certified copy of order to active duty or a statement showing order to such duty and date so ordered......
PENITENTIARIES AND PRISONS: Federal prison products-requirement for purchase of cost-plus contractors-act of July 2, 1940, authorizing War Dept. to contract on cost-plus-a-fixed-fee basis, did not suspend any existing statutory limita- tions on the expenditure of public moneys except those expressly mentioned therein. 273, 835
Naval Reserve rights generally:
Aviation cadets-Naval Reserve aviation
cadets are entitled to the pensions, com- pensation, retirement pay, hospital bene- fits and death gratuities provided by sec. 4 of act of Aug. 27, 1940, as amended,
Naval Reserve rights generally-Con. to extent that such benefits are matters within jurisdiction of this office..... Death prior to completion of 31 days' active service-members of Naval Re- serve whose orders to active duty are for periods of indefinite duration during existing national emergency, and do not otherwise indicate that ordered duty is for less than 31 days, are within pro- visions of sec. 4 of act of Aug. 27, 1940, as amended, granting pensions, com- pensation, retirement pay, and hos- pital and death gratuity benefits to members of Naval Reserve ordered to extended active duty in excess of 30 days, even though they are disabled or die prior to completion of 31 days' active service.. Honorary retired list officers-officers and enlisted men on honorary retired list of Naval Reserve, established by sec. 309, Naval Reserve Act of 1938, who have been or may be ordered to active duty for extended service in excess of 30 days are entitled to pensions, com- pensation, retirement pay and hospital benefits provided in act of Aug. 27, 1940, to extent that such benefits are matters within jurisdiction of this office. Merchant Marine cadets-Merchant Ma- rine Reserve cadets are entitled to the pensions, compensation, retirement pay, hospital benefits and death gratuities provided by sec. 4 of act of Aug. 27, 1940, as amended, to extent that such benefits are matters within jurisdiction of this office. Midshipmen-Naval Reserve midship- men are entitled to the pensions, com- pensation, retirement pay, hospital benefits and death gratuities provided by sec. 4 of act of Aug. 27, 1940, as amended, to extent that such benefits are matters within jurisdiction of this office... PERIODICALS:
See Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers, periodicals.
Appropriation availability-safety clothing and equipment-purchases of protective clothing and equipment for War Dept. employees of ordnance plants, which cloth- ing and equipment are essential to the safe and successful operation of said plants and primarily for the benefit of the Govern- ment, may be made from appropriations otherwise available for the accomplish- ment of the work involved... PERSONAL INJURIES: Subrogation:
An insurer under workmen's compensa- tion laws of California, including the State Compensation Insurance Fund, who pays or is obligated to pay compen-
sation to an insured employee injured through the operation of the P. O. Dept. may be regarded as a claimant by subro- gation under act of June 16, 1921, as amended, authorizing the Postmaster General to adjust certain claims for damage arising as a result of the activities of said Dept...
Claims by subrogees may be considered by Postmaster General under act of June 16, 1921, as amended, authorizing him to settle "any claim" for damages to person or property arising out of operation of the P. O. Dept. where his award does not ex- ceed $500, if such claims are based on cir- cumstances that would create a legal liability on the Govt. to pay the damage of the injured party were it not for the sovereign immunity of the Govt. from suit in such matters.. Discussion whether finding of negligence on part of Govt. employee is condition precedent to favorable consideration by Postmaster General under act, June 16, 1921, as amended, of claim by subrogee for damages arising out of operation of Post Office Dept....
Appointments. See Appointments.
Private contract v. Government personnel: Private contract in lieu of inter-depart- mental service-where it is in Govern- ment's interests and it is found after advertising for bids that work can be "as conveniently or more cheaply" procured by contract with a private concern than from another Government agency, such mode of procurement is authorized under sec. 601, act of June 30, 1932, which ex- pressly provides that services may be so procured under such circumstances..... Private contract justification, generally- where neither the basic legislation nor the appropriation made to carry out its purposes expressly nor by necessary im- plication requires that certain work be performed by the personnel of the par- ticular agency for which the funds are appropriated and it develops that it would be impossible or impracticable to have the work so performed, there is no objection to the use of the appropriation involved to pay for having the work done otherwise. 15 Comp. Gen. 951, distinguished.
Services, etc., incident to collection of motor vehicle use tax-if administra- tively determined that procurement by contract rather than by use of Govt. personnel of a national list of automo- bile owners and certain services incident to collection of use tax of $5 imposed on motor vehicles under Sec. 3540 of Internal Revenue Code, as added by Sec. 557 of
Page | PERSONAL SERVICES-Continued. Private contract v. Government personnel-
Revenue Act of 1941, is most economical and expeditious means of effecting collec- tion of such tax, the appropriation "Col- lecting the Internal Revenue" may be considered available for such purchases, provided the advertising for bids require- ments of Sec. 3709, R. S., are complied with..
Statistical, tabulating, etc., work: Cost of procuring by private contract certain statistical, tabulating, etc., services in connection with War Dept. ordnance material may be charged to appro. "Ordnance Service and Sup- plies, Army, 1942," but appro. "Pay of the Army, 1942" is not available for such costs nor is it made available by provision in Military Appro. Act, 1942, authorizing Sec. of War to use "any appropriation available for the Military Establishment”. Costs of procuring by private contract certain statistical, tabulating, etc., services in connection with War Dept. personnel matters may be charged to appro. "Contingent Expenses, War Dept. 1942," but appropriation "Pay of the Army, 1942" is not available for such costs nor is it made available by provision in Military Appro. Act, 1942, under "Salaries, War Dept." authorizing Sec. of War to use "any appropriation available for the Mili- tary Fstablishment"..
Where it is not in Government's in- terests to have certain tabulating services in connection with registering aliens under Alien Registration Act of 1940 performed by Dept. of Justice employees and it is found after adver- tising for bids that such work can be "as conveniently or more cheaply" procured by contract with a private concern than from another Govern- ment agency, such mode of procure- ment is authorized under sec. 601, act of June 30, 1932, which expressly provides that services may be so pro- cured under such circumstances.. While commercial firms may, under the circumstances, be engaged by War Dept. to perform certain statistical, tabulating, etc., work involving not only the furnishing of specially trained personnel, but also sufficient space, supplies, and complicated and special machinery, where the work is to be performed in Govt. space and there is involved exclusively or essentially the rendition of personal services, such as typing, sorting, filing, index- ing, etc., not requiring specialized training, the work should be performed by Government personnel......
STATES-Continued. Authority-Continued.
War Powers legislation-Continued. General effect on statutory purchase
nor E. O. 9001, issued pursuant thereto, authorizes non-observance of statutory purchase restrictions on certain supplies and equipment..... Provisions in Naval Appro. Acts for 1942 and 1943 prohibiting procure- ment of articles of food or clothing not grown or produced in U. S. or its possessions are not provisions of law "relating to the making
of contracts" which may be disre- garded under sec. 201, First War Powers Act, 1941, empowering President to authorize certain Govt. agencies in the exercise of their wartime functions to enter into con- tracts without regard to the provi- sions of law relating to the making, etc., of contracts.. Suspension of "the provisions of the sec- tions"-effect on permissive as well as mandatory provisions-where, by E. O. 8719 and 8812, the President has suspended compliance with "the provisions of the sections" of the appropriation acts therein. mentioned, the effect is to suspend com- pliance with provisions in said sections with respect to permissive action as well as the mandatory provisions, standing the administrative motives in recommending issuance of the Executive Orders may have been otherwise.
Page PROMOTIONS-Continued. Absence of mandatory requirements-en- listed personnel-there is no law providing that enlisted men of the Navy or Marine Corps shall mandatorily be promoted, advanced, or appointed to any other en- listed grade, or warranted or commis- sioned... General effect of saving clause rights in case of temporary promotion-discussion of rights, benefits, privileges, gratuities, and money benefits (pay and allowances), saved by section 7 (a) of act of July 24, 1941, to personnel of Regular Navy or Regular Marine Corps who are temporarily pro- moted under authority of the act..... General effect of temporary war promotions as terminating existing enlistments- period for which a man enlists in Regular Navy is not terminated upon his accept- ance of temporary commission or warrant under authority of act of July 24, 1941, nor during occupancy of temporary office, and to discharge such a man would terminate his permanent status contrary to plain terms of the act...
Damage, loss, or destruction: Bailee-claim jurisdiction-claims re- sulting from failure of Govt. to exercise proper care under its bailment con- tracts are cognizable under sec. 236, R. S., as amended, authorizing G. A. O. to settle and adjust claims against U. S., and appropriated funds may be used to satisfy such claims when prop- erly established.. Bailee's liability generally-bailee, under a mutual benefit bailment, ordinarily is responsible for damage, reasonable wear and tear excepted, to bailed property even though not expressly provided for in contract, and under such bailment contracts U. S. is liable for damages resulting from negligence of its employees... Consequential damage-if Sec. of Navy should determine, pursuant to an appropriation provision authorizing him to consider, etc., and pay from the appropriation claims for damages to private property growing out of the operations of naval aircraft, that dam- ages resulted to owner of milch goats which were frightened when naval aircraft operated in vicinity of gost dairy, payment may be made from the applicable appropriation, “Avis- tion, Navy," of such amount as may be found due. 3 Comp. Gen. 234; 4 id. 1074; and 13 id. 349, distinguished... 440 Emergency Relief Act provision: Finality of administrative action- doctrine of election of remedies has
no application where party has in
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