Library, v; publications of the Bureau, vii; governmental provision for education, x;
educational reports, xiv; table of facts relating to State reports, xix; recess or no
recess, xxiv; school legislation, xxvi; statistics of correspondents of the Bureau,
xxviii; growth of education in the United States, ix; school ages, xxxi; summary
of statistics of State systems, xxxii; summary of the statistics of the last ten years,
xl; school population, enrollment, and average attendance, xliii; comparative view
of school attendance in the more densely populated States, xlv; defectivo adminis-
tration of common schools, xlvii; status of the teaching force, xlix; supervision of
country schools, 1; graded course of study, lii; compulsory attendance, liii; sum-
mary of the educational condition of the Union, liv, education of the colored race,
lxvii; statistics of institutions for the education of the colored race, lxviii; teach-
ers for colored schools, lxxv; illiteracy in the South, lxxvi; industrial training for
colored youth, lxxvii; Peabody fund, Ixxix; John F. Slater fund, lxxx; summary
of statistics of city systems, lxxxii; table of average expenses per capita for city
schools, xcviii; school population, enrollment, and attendance in cities, c; exam-
inations, cv; an experiment in discipline, cvi; supervision, cvii; free text books
and stationery, cix; gymnastics, cx; tenure of office of teachers, cx; administra-
tion, cxiii; the teaching of vocal music in public schools, cxiv; statistics relating
to city superintendents, cxvi; summary of statistics of normal schools, cxxviii; ap-
propriations for normal schools, cxxxiii; character of normal training, exxxvii;
information concerning particular schools, exxxix; teachers' institutes, etc., cxl;
summary of statistics of commercial and business colleges, cxlv; summary of sta-
tistics of kindergärten, cxlvi; general statistical summary of pupils receiving
secondary instruction, exlviii; summary of statistics of institutions for secondary
instruction, el; summary of statistics of preparatory schools, cliii; public high
schools, clv; measures for improving secondary instruction, clvi; overwork in
secondary schools, clvi; statistical summary of students in classical and scientific
preparatory courses, clxiii; statistical summary of students in institutions for su-
perior instruction, clxiv; summary of statistics of institutions for the superior in-
struction of women, clxki; summary of statistics of universities and colleges,
clxxii; distinction between colleges and universities, clxxiv; movements in certain
colleges, clxxviii; graduate departments, clxxx; the university of the nineteenth
century, clxxxi; colleges whose main work is in the undergraduate department,
elxxxii; catalogues of American colleges, clxxxiv; statistics of alumni of colleges
and universities, clxxxvi; summary of statistics of schools of science, excvii; classi
fication of scientific students in a number of institutions, ccv; meaning of the ex
pression, "industrial education," ccvi; the Workingman's School, New York, cevii
experiments in connection with city public schools, ceviii; exercises of universal
application, cexii; exhibitions of industrial work by school children, ecxii; indus-
trial training in normal schools, ccxiv; in the South, cexv; special schools, ccxv;
instruction in cookery, cexvi; summary of statistics of schools of theology, ocxviii;
summary of statistics of schools of law, ccxx; summary of statistics of schools of
medicine, etc., ccxxi; statistical summary of all degrees conferred, cexxiv; sum-
mary of statistics of training schools for nurses, cexxxi; education of the deaf and
dumb, ccxxxii; summary of statistics of institutions for the deaf and dumb, ccxxxvi;
education of the blind, cexxxviii; summary of statistics of schools for the blind,
ccxlii; education of the feeble-minded, cexliv; summary of statistics of schools for
feeble-minded youth, ccxlvi; statistical summary of benefactions, cexlvii; list of
historical societies in the United States, cel; education in foreign countries, ccliii;
recommendations, cecxii; appropriations needed, cccxiv.