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Library, v; publications of the Bureau, vii; governmental provision for education, x;

educational reports, xiv; table of facts relating to State reports, xix; recess or no

recess, xxiv; school legislation, xxvi; statistics of correspondents of the Bureau,

xxviii; growth of education in the United States, Kix; school ages, xxxi; summary

of statistics of State systems, xxxii; summary of the statistics of the last ten years,

xl; school population, enrollment, and average attendance, xliii; comparative view

of school attendance in the more densely populated States, xlv; defective adminis-

tration of common schools, xlvii; status of the teaching force, xlix; supervision of

country schools, 1; graded course of study, lii; compulsory attendance, liii; sum-

mary of the educational condition of the Union, liv education of the colored race,

Ixvii; statistics of institutions for the education of the colored race, lxviii; teach-

ers for colored schools, lxxv; illiteracy in the South, lxxvi; industrial training for

colored youth, lxxvii; Peabody fund, lxxix; John F. Slater fund, lxxx; summary

of statistics of city systems, lxxxii; table of average expenses per capita for city

schools, xcviii; school population, enrollment, and attendance in cities, c; exam-

inations, cv; an experiment in discipline, cvi; supervision, cvii; free text books

and stationery, cix; gymnastics, cx; tenure of office of teachers, cx; administra-

tion, cxiii; the teaching of vocal music in public schools, cxiv; statistics relating

to city superintendents, cxvi; summary of statistics of normal schools, cxxviii; ap-

propriations for normal schools, cxxxiii; character of normal training, cxxxvii;

information concerning particular schools, cxxxix; teachers' institutes, etc., cxl;

summary of statistics of commercial and business colleges, cxlv; summary of sta-

tistics of kindergärten, cxlvi; general statistical summary of pupils receiving

secondary instruction, cxlviii; summary of statistics of institutions for secondary

instruction, cl; summary of statistics of preparatory schools, cliii; public high

schools, clv; measures for improving secondary instruction, clvi; overwork in

secondary schools, clvi; statistical summary of students in classical and scientific

preparatory courses, clxiii; statistical summary of students in institutions for su-

perior instruction, clxiv; summary of statistics of institutions for the superior in-

struction of women, clxi; summary of statistics of universities and colleges,

clxxii; distinction between colleges and universitics, clxxiv; movements in certain

colleges, clxxviii; graduate departments, clxxx; the university of the nineteenth

century, clxxxi; colleges whose main work is in the undergraduate department,

clxxxii; catalogues of American colleges, clxxxiv; statistics of alumni of colleges

and universities, clxxxvi; summary of statistics of schools of science, excvii; classi-

fication of scientific students in a number of institutions, ccv; meaning of the ex-

pression, "industrial education," ccvi; the Workingman's School, New York, ccvii

experiments in connection with city public schools, ccviii; exercises of universal

application, cexii; exhibitions of industrial work by school children, cexii; indus-

trial training in normal schools, cexiv; in the South, ccxv; special schools, ccxv;

instruction in cookery, ccxvi; summary of statistics of schools of theology, ccxviii;

summary of statistics of schools of law, ccxx; summary of statistics of schools of

medicine, etc., ccxxi; statistical summary of all degrees conferred, ccxxiv; sum-

mary of statistics of training schools for nurses, ccxxxi; education of the deaf and

dumb, ccxxxii; summary of statistics of institutions for the deaf and dumb, ccxxxvi;

education of the blind, cexxxviii; summary of statistics of schools for the blind,

ccxlii; education of the feeble-minded, cexliv; summary of statistics of schools for

feeble-minded youth, ccxlvi; statistical summary of benefactions, cexlvii; list of

historical societies in the United States, cel; education in foreign countries, ccliii;

recommendations, cccxii; appropriations needed, cccxiv.



BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Washington, D. C., June 30, 1885.

SIR-I have the honor to submit my fifteenth Annual Report, for the year ending June 30, 1885.

In all the work of this Office it, has been my endeavor to regard with the utmost care the spirit and letter of the law providing for its operations.1

The appropriations for the Office have never been sufficient to enable it to do all the work legitimately required of it within the law.

For the year covered by this Report the items of the appropriation were as follows:

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The Office may very properly be described as an agency for collecting and disseminating information on the subject of education.

The collected information forms already a professional library of great value. This library, its collection, preservation, and cataloguing, have been objects of my constant care during my sixteen years in this Office. Not a hundred volumes belonged to the library when I assumed direction. Now there are 17,500 volumes and 45,000 pamphlets. There was no official pedagogical library for a model by which to shape my efforts. But the plan which I adopted for the general work of the Office was applied to the collection of this library. Keeping in mind sound pedagogical principles

First, I sought to answer as far as possible the reasonable demands made for information.

Second, I did not seek to communicate my own opinions, but facts and the opinions of others, and to treat all subjects by historical and comparative methods.

1 According to the Revised Statutes of the United States, the purpose and duties of this Office shall be "to collect statistics and facts showing the condition and progress of education in the several States and Territories, and to diffuse such information respecting the organization and management of schools and school systems, and methods of teaching, as shall aid the people of the United States in the establishment and maintenance of efficient school systems, and otherwise promote the cause of education throughout the country."

Again, it provides that "the Commissioner of Education shall present annually to Congress a report embodying the results of his investigations and labors, together with a statement of such facts and recommendations as will, in his judgment, subserve the purpose for which the Office is established."

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