67,784 63, 253 131, 037 18.62
142, 192 64.16 2,307 2,084 4,391 54, 316,66.44 798 917 1,715 40, 143,66.96 396 768 1,164 138, 126.66.23 1,760 2,737 4,407 103 178 281
6, 470 73. 108, 976 83.16 1,424 2,091 3,515
Ratio to total population.
a Not including expenditure for buildings, books, etc., and for scholarships which were included the previous year.
Actinic action of the sun ray, 947-955.
Addis, Wellford, compiles paper on curriculum
of land-grant colleges, 427-456. on agricultural and mechanical colleges, 1757- 1771.
on Federal and State aid to establish higher education, 1137-1164.
on legal rights of children, 615-669.
on recent contributions of biology, sociology, and metallurgy to the curriculum of agri- culturaland mechanical colleges, 923-1079. on the learned professions and social control, 1187-1239.
Admission requirements in colleges, 457-613. Agricultural, forestry, and mining academies, foreign, by countries, 1377-1378; by number of students, 1369.
Agricultural and mechanical colleges, curricu-
lum of, 427-456.
statistics, 1757-1771.
to train rural teachers, 868.
Alsace-Loraine, statistics of elementary edu-
American competition in Europe, 1497-1498. American Journal of Education, 805-810. American public school, principle of, 639-641. American school of classical studies, Greece,
Anatomy, laboratories, 1218-1222. Anhalt, statistics of elementary education,
Anthropology in child study, xxxiii. Antioch College, Horace Mann, president, 759- 767.
Archæological societies in Greece, 333-334. Argentina, statistics of elementary education, 2370.
Arizona, principals of normal schools, 1129. qualifications for practice of law, 1235. report, 1277.
statistics, of agricultural and mechanical col- leges, 1766, 1769; of city schools, 2172-2192, 2245; of colleges and universities, 1652-1585, 1692, 1712, 1734, 1746; of commercial and busi- ness colleges, 2259-2261, 2262; of manual and industrial schools, 2284, 2291; of normal schools, 1823-1839, 1848; of secondary schools, 1884-1928, 1931, 2082, 2166; of State school sys- tem, lv-lxxx.
Agricultural Department, exhibit at Nashville Arkansas, aid to higher education, 1152.
exposition, 1099-1100.
Agricultural institutes, 1225-1227.
Agricultural schools in Denmark, 83-86.
Air, solidification of, 1077.
Alabama, aid to higher education, 1151, 1162. college presidents, 1119, 1125-1126, 1128. principals of normal schools, 1129, 1132. qualifications for practice of law, 1195, 1235. sources of revenues for public schools: State, 650-651; local taxation, 664-665. State and city superintendents, 1111, 1112. statistics, of agricultural and mechanical col- leges, 1757, 1759, 1760, 1763, 1766, 1768, 1769, 1770; of blind schools, 2337-2340; of city schools, 2172-2192, 2197, 2211, 2223, 2234, 2245; of colleges and universities, 1652-1685, 1692, 1712, 1746; of colored schools, 2297-2300, 2314, 2324: of commercial and business colleges, 2259-2261, 2262; of deaf schools, 2242-2244,2246; of dental schools, 1777, 1800; of kindergartens, 2178, 2193, 2196; of law schools, 1775, 1788; of med- ical schools, 1776, 1792: of normal schools, 1823-1839, 1840, 1848, 1860; of nurse-training schools, 1779, 1809; of pharmaceutical schools, 1778, 1804; of secondary schools, 1884-1928, 1929-1931, 2080, 2166; of State school system, lv-lxxx; of technological schools, 1686-1691, 1742-1745, 1755; of theological schools, 1774, 1782.
Alaska, education in, xxxvi-lii.
general agent of education, 1111. introduction of reindeer into, 1628-1633, 1644- 1646.
report on education in, 1601-1646. Alexandria (Egypt), schools of, 278-279. Algebra, statistics of, in secondary schools, 1876, 1877, 1879. 1880, 1882, 1883, 1888, 1904, 19:20.
Allegheny, report, 1352.
Allen, Harrison, on special schools for individ-
territorial and city superintendents, 1111,
college presidents, 1120, 1126.
principals of normal schools, 1129, 1136. qualifications for practice of law, 1195, 1235. report, 1277-1278.
sources of revenue for public schools: State, 652-653; local taxation, 664-665. State and city superintendents, 1111, 1112. statistics, of agricultural and mechanical col- leges, 1757, 1766, 1768, 1769, 1770; of blind schools, 2337-2340; of city schools, 2172-2192, 2197, 2211, 2223, 2234, 2245; of colleges and universities, 1652-1685, 1692, 1712, 1734, 1746; of colored schools, 2297-2300, 2314, 2324; of commercial and business colleges, 2259-2261, 2262; of deaf schools, 2242-2244, 2246; of kin- dergartens, 2193; of law schools, 1775 1788; of normal schools, 1823-1839, 1840, 1848, 1860; of secondary schools, 1884-1928, 1931, 2082, 2166; of State school system, lv-lxxx. women county superintendents, 1528. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of Middle States and Maryland, work of, on requirements, 463-464.
Association of colleges and preparatory schools of Southern States, work of, 464-465.
Associations for rural teachers, 863. Astronomy, statistics of secondary schools, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1889, 1905, 19:21.
Athens, schools of, 277-278. Athletics, college, F. A. Walker on, 705-714. Atlanta, Ga., vital statistics of negroes, 2304,
Attendance, compulsory, summary of, 1525-
in boys' high schools in Prussia, 164-167. statistics, 2172, 2174-2175, 2182, 2197-2210, 2245- 2255; of foreign countries, 2366-2372; of State school systems, lxi.
Austria, commercial education, 211-214.
statistics of elementary education, 2366.
Bartlett, S. C., the New England academy, 1183-1186.
Bavaria, statistics of education, 172-178; of ele- mentary education, 2366.
Beates, James F., Lutheran Sunday schools, 365.
Belgium, commercial education, 224-227. school savings banks, 161.
statistics of elementary education, 2366. Benefactions, statistics, of colored schools, 2325- 2333; of secondary schools, 189 1890, 1911- 1912; of universities and colleges, 1651, 1677, 1680, 1685, 1601, 1713-1731, 1733-1741, 1745.
Bengal, statistics of elementary education, 2368. Bermuda, statistics of elementary education,
Caldwell, David, educational work of, in North Carolina, 1387.
Caldwell, Joseph, writes on the monitorial system for North Carolina, 1415-1418. California, aid to higher education, 1150, 1152. college presidents, 1120, 1126. distribution of State school funds, 833. principals of normal schools, 1129, 1136. qualifications for practice of medicine, 1194, 1232; of law, 1195, 1236.
sources of revenue for public schools: State, 658-659; local taxation, 666-667. State and city superintendents, 1111, 1112. statistics, of agricultural and mechanical col- leges, 1760, 1766, 1769; of blind schools, 2337- 2340; of city schools, 2172-2192, 2197, 2211, 2223, 2234, 2245; of colleges and universities, 1652- 1685, 1692, 1712, 1732, 1734, 1746; of commercial and business colleges, 2259-2261,2262; of deaf school, 2242-2246, 2251; of dental schools, 1777, 1800; of feeble-minded schools, 2252, 2253; of kindergartens, 2178, 2193, 2196; of law schools, 1775, 1788; of manual and industrial training schools, 2281, 2284, 2285, 2292; of medical schools, 1776, 1777, 1792, 1798; of normal schools, 1823-1839, 1840, 1848, 1860; of nurse- training schools, 1779, 1809; of pharmaceuti- cal schools, 1178, 1804; of reform schools, 2359- 2362; of secondary schools, 1884-1928, 1932, 2084,2166; of State school system, lv-lxxx; of theological schools, 1774, 1782; of veteri- nary schools, 1808.
women county superintendents, 1529.
Cape of Good Hope, statistics of elementary
Cape Prince of Wales, report on schools, 1605. Capen, S. B., on work of the Sunday school, 397. Carbon, source of, 1072-1075.
Catholics, proportion in secondary schools in
Central Europe, education in, xix-xxi. 125-206. Charleston, S. C., vital statistics of negroes, 2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2310.
Cheever, Ezekiel, 1171, 1176, 1180-1181. Chemistry, laboratories, 1213-1215.
statistics of, in secondary schools, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1889, 1905, 1921.
Boas, Franz, on the growth of Toronto chil-
Bolivia, statistics of elementary education. 2370. Bombay, statistics of elementary education,
Chicago, report, 1289. Children, legal rights of, 615-669.
Bonn, University of, 1499-1503.
studies on the growth of, in Toronto, 1541- 1599.
Boschen, George M., Lutheran Sunday schools, Children's papers in Sunday-school work, 422. 363-364.
Boston, report, 1297-1299.
Chile, statistics of elementary education, 2370. Christians, statistics of colleges and universi-
Boutmy, cited on the baccalaureate, 56-65. Boutwell, George S., secretary of Massachu-
Circle City, school at, 1601.
setts board of education, 721.
Cities, social and physical condition of negroes
Boykin, J. C., report on Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition, 1081-1109. Boynton, Nehemiah, Sunday schools, 399-400. Bray, Rev. Thos., aid to libraries in American
Brazil, statistics of elementary education, 2370. Bréal, Michel, on the association of Greek
Bremen, statistics of elementary education, 2366.
British America, report on Duncan's work among Indians of, 16:26-1628.
British Columbia, statistics of elementary edu-
British India, statistics of elementary educa
Brooklyn (N. Y.) report, 1338-1339. Brooks, Edward, on special schools for indi-
vidual children, 157-159. Brunswick, statistics of elementary education,
City and State superintendents, 1111-1136. City school systems, statistics, xiv, 2167-2255. City superintendents, list of women, 1528. City training schools, for rural teachers, 868. Civics, teaching of, in Switzerland, France, and
Civil war and its effects on North Carolina common schools, 1452-1465.
Cleveland, Grover, speech at Princeton sesqui-
centennial, 1332-1334. Clio's Nursery, organized, 1388. Coeducation, discussion on, 1523-1524. in Norway, 119-123.
College admission requirements, 457-613. College and university council of Pennsylva- nia, work on entrance requirements, 466- 467.
College athletics, F. A. Walker on, 705-714. College presidents, 1119-1129. Colleges, academies, and independent facul- ties, European, comparative statistics, 206. engineering, entrance requirements, 891-898. graduate work in, 1536.
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