TABLE 1.-Statistics of manual and industrial training schools in the United States in 1896–97-Continued. 29 30 Cambridge, Mass 31 Lowell, Mass 32 Roxbury, Mass 33 Battlecreek, Mich 34 Minneapolis, Minn.... 35 St. Louis, Mo 36 Hoboken, N. J 37 Binghamton, N. Y 38 Brooklyn, N. Y. (217 39 Brooklyn, N. Y. (141 S. 3d street). 40 Brooklyn, N. Y 41 ... 42 New York, N. Y 44 New York, N. Y...... 49 New York, N. Y... School of Industrial Art and Technical | Florence E. Cory...... None 20 600 620 3,000 350 751 66 schools... 289 262 551 12, 123 7,718 19, 841 288, 890 43, 889 37, 139 43, 905 475, 787 a 76 women in stenography and typewriting. 0 4,863 40 2,770 12,400 6,650 30 TABLE 1.-Statistics of manual and industrial training schools in the United States in 1896-97-Continued. 80 Grand Junction, Colo. United States Indian School.. 81 Hesperus, Colo 82 Lapwai; Idaho... 83 Arkansas City, Kans. 84 Lawrence, Kans.. 85 Mount Pleasant, Mich. 88 Carson City, Nev..... 92 Ft. Stevenson, N. Dak. 96 Flandrean, S. Dak.... 99 Wittenberg, Wis..... TABLE 2.-Statistics of manual and industrial training-Branches taught. Central School (public), Oakland, Cal...... Free-hand and mechanical drawing. Sewing Cooking... 84 41 Carpentry. 137 Wood turning.. 41 Carving California School of Mechanical Arts, San Free-hand drawing.. Mechanical drawing Clay modeling.. Sewing. Cooking.. Carpentry Carving. Pattern making. Forging. Molding (metal) Vise work. Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco, Cal.. Free-hand drawing. Mechanical drawing Manual Training School, Santa Barbara, Sewing. Cal. Cooking.. 36 80 Brightside School for Boys, Denver, Colo.. Sewing. Cooking.. Carpentry Farm or garden work Printing Laundry Shoemaking. Engineering...... Manual Training High School, Denver, Free-hand drawing. Colo. Mechanical drawing Clay modeling.. Sewing. Cooking. Carpentry. Wood turning. Carving Pattern making. Forging Sheet-metal work Molding. Vise work.... |