TABLE 23.-Statistics of population and school enrollment and attendance in cities of over 8,000 inhabitants in 1896-97-Continued. 1,550,000 5-20 365,000 42,000 503 Phenixville...... 9,000 6-21 a 2, 124 75 797 924 1,721 1,437 195 436, 158 1,080, 145 1,214, 836 370, 800 206, 460 552, 600 903, 400 392,580 213, 480 645,840 1,461 1,581 3,042 2,594 201 400 554 564 1,118 877 190 166,630 b The high schools were in session 194 days and the kindergartens 201 days. c Population in 1890. 280,215 1,200 600 100 250 450 297,013 296, 460 222,508 211,327 216,000 367,380 521,394 550 690 228,704 266,800 426, 600 409, 600 TABLE 23.-Statistics of population and school enrollment and attendance in cities of over 8,000 inhabitants in 1896-97-Continued. City. TABLE 23.-Statistics of population and school enrollment and attendance in cities of over 8,000 inhabitants in 1896–97-Continued. City. TABLE 23.-Statistics of population and school enrollment and attendance in cities of over 8,000 inhabitants in 1896-97-Continued. Female. 10,000 4-20 2,879 276 889 906 1,795 1,314 176 236, 611 593 Milwaukee 251,358 4-20 90,176 19, 618 20, 177 19,091 39, 268 28,908 196 5, 333, 491 27,000 4-20 8,700 1,400 2,460 2,571 5,031 3,277 200 655, 400 24,889 4-20 8,327 1,379 2,233 2,295 4,528 3,740 200 748,061 553, 477 251, 122 10,000 4-20 3,603 11,500 4-20 4,133 800 2,629 2,769 5,398 3,348 200 655, 225 162, 484 317,838 WYOMING. 601 Cheyenne 10,000 a 2, 500 50 522 549 1,071 830 175 145, 186 * Statistics of 1895-96. a Estimated. |