TABLE 10.-Aggregate and average attendance and length of school term in cities of 8,000 population and over, compared with like statistics of public schools outside of such cities. Washington.. 2, 516, 238 13,961 180.2 3, 122, 272 49, 251 63.4 89.2 Oregon.. 2,091, 377 10,855 192.7 4, 636, 212 50,866 91.1 109.0 California 14, 439, 119 76,926 187.7 18, 156, 218 111, 923 162.2 172.6 TABLE 11.-Number of public high school students and percentage to public school enrollment in cities of 8,000 population and over and outside of such cities in 1897. North Atlantic Division.... South Atlantic Division.. South Central Division North Central Division... Western Division. North Atlantic Division: 4.21 South Atlantic Division: 0.94 0.60 South Central Division: 0.95 0.84 0.33 North Central Division: 4.60 3.65 2.84 4.50 1.59 6,337 6.20 4,456 2.86 10,793 4.18 TABLE 12.-Number of teachers and percentage of male teachers in cities of 8,000 inhabit ants and over and outside of such cities in 1896-97. a Includes 64 supervising officers for the District of Columbia not included in the first column. TABLE 13.-Expenditure per capita of population for public schools in cities of 8,000 inhabitants and over and outside of such citi s in 1896-97. $2.62 3.62 1.19 1.02 3.08 3.49 2.43 2.61 2.74 4.71 4.38 3.52 3.90 2.98 3.23 1.63 2.20 4.02 1.09 2.11 California 2, 629, 507 3.84 3, 218, 241 4.11 5,847,748 3.99 217,024 |