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TABLE 5.-Statistics of evening schools belonging to the public school systems of cities of

[blocks in formation]

State or Territory.

TABLE 6.-Statistics of kindergartens belonging to the public school systems of cities and villages of 4,000 population and over in 1896-97.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

TABLE 7.-Estimated population of cities of 8,000 inhabitants and over in 1897 and the

population outside of such cities.

[blocks in formation]

a Claimed population of cities.

b Population of cities estimated on the basis of the 1890 percentage of total population.

TABLE 8.-Number of children of school census age and percentage to population in cities of 8,000 inhabitants and over and outside of such cities in 1897.

[blocks in formation]



148, 690


107,739 39.35
192, 262 24.55

129,620 34.22


340, 952 23.24


a Estimated number of children 5 to 18 years of age.

TABLE 9.-Number of pupils enrolled, percentage to total population, and percentage to school population in cities of 8,000 inhabitants and over and outside of such cities

in 1897.

[ocr errors][merged small]

1,203, 199 17.56 67.96 252.64 100.00 294, 880 16.68 56.82 74.47 64.54 1,139, 765 18.78 52.45 79.11 67.26





Indian Territory..

N. Central Division:

Western Division:

33, 174 19.15 66.66 128.44 98.78 229,947 19.50 68.59 65.57 66. 61 42,995 15.48 71.29 0 71.29 367,817 21.59 48.92 56.01 55.27 215, 665 25.39 62.32 73.36 72.73 370,920 21.04 50.64 58.26 58.01 258, 183 20.27 80.65 53.74 54.56 446, 171 22.14 62.05 75.18 73.75 105, 415 21.18 48.05 72.95 69.08

400, 126 20.08 36.94 58.31 54.36 481,585 25.66 43.99 69.08 66.80 319,526 18.35 39.15 52.78 52.04 350, 615 24.50 48.74 65.27 64.75 169,947 13.56 49.59 32.23 34.56 616,568 20.70 64.56 88.20 85.79 316, 270 24.52 58.09 68.69 68.21 70,309 25.06 58.69 78.01 77.62

86.64 86.64

25.96 78.54 83.69 83.57 23.54 60.28 78.14 75.02

27.67 62.83 75.83 74.14

31, 436 13.70 77.47 65.28 68.07 11,582 11.62 42.84 56.00 54.45 100,880 17.86 77.41 77.37 77.38

49.37 49.37

76.67 76.67

75.68 75.68

90, 113 18.79 76.10 74.39 74.74 87,212 23.02 63.14 68.12 67.28 257,929 17.58 68.76 80.98 75.65

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