TABLE 42.-Statistics of public high schools in the United States for the scholastic year 1896-97-Continued. 5083 Sun Prairie 5084 Superior.... 5086 Two Rivers. 5087 Unity 5088 Viroqua 5089 Waldo... 5090 Walworth 5091 Waterloo 5092 Watertown 5097 Wausau 5098 Wau watosa 5099 Westbend 5100 West Depere 5101 Westfield. 5102 West Salem 5103 West Superior.. 5104 Weyauwega...... High School... 3,500 TABLE 43.-Statistics of private high schools, endowed academies, seminaries, 55 Piedmont.... 56 Pineville Noble Institute for Boys ... Joseph F. John Ashland College*.. Auburn Female Institute...... Mount Pleasant High School*. Pelham High School.. Pollock Stephens Institute The Taylor School.. Butler Academy... Carrollton Academy.. Cedar Bluff Institute.. J. A. Lowry G. W. Duncan John W. Overton... F. R. Peterson Charles H. Holmes, A. Μ. Joel C. DuBose, A. M William P. Taylor, B. A. J. M. Watkins L. V. Rosser W. J. Doster Centerville Male and Female Col- J. D. Cooper lege. Childersburg High School.. University School Collinsville High School........ Polytechnic College and Ladies Institute. North Alabama Collegiate Insti tute.* Marengo Female Institute * Marengo Military Institute. Cleburne Institute..... Elkmont High School. C. F. Striplin E. Y. McMorries, Ph. D Z. D. Me Whorter S. A. Felter, A. M., В. І. D. F. Green, B. S J. W. Beeson, A. M.. W. Allen McLeod. Charles M. Garrett... Male and Female High School.... J. A. Steed... Oak Grove Academy * Eutaw High School.. Jasper District High School. Flomaton High School* Florence Institute* Cherokee Wesley Institute. Elm Hill Academy* Industrial High School High School Industrial Normal and Collegiate Institute. Wills Valley Institute.... Lacy Springs High School* Marion Military Institute.... Midway High School Academy of the Visitation... Evangelical Lutheran Institute*. Hunter's (Miss) School St. Mary's Select School Monroeville Academy Alabama Girls Industrial School.. St. Mary's of Loretto Academy Nealton Academy Marianna High School.. Perdue Hill High School * Henry J. Fusch.. R. M. Slaughter.. Miss K. I. Alexander. W. Turner.. J. W. Agnew Alex. S. Paxton, A.B... Bruce Allen T. C. Belsher, A. M., president John L. Ray, A. M., Ph.D..... W. G. Keady. M. B. Du Bose. E. L. Cunningham. C. H. Florey. J. H. Riddle, Ph. M.... Rev. J. B. Hamberlin, A.M.... Miss Mary Park D. V. Smith... John C. Campbell. John C. Collier, A. M... James C. Willis. E. D. Acker, A. B., LL. B...... J. T. Murfee, LL. D.... G. R. Hall. Cumberland Presbyterian Semi. N. J. Finney, A. M., president. and other private secondary schools for the scholastic year 1896-97. nary. Pineville High School J. T. Adams. *Statistics of 1895-96. |