Bulletin, Issue 40U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1923 - Education |
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agricultural college appropriations architectural engineering architecture arts and sciences bachelor of science board of administration board of education building business manager cent central business office chemistry commission is convinced course of study curricula degree division duplication educational institutions elementary school Emporia enrolled entrance requirements equipment established experiment station extension classes faculty field four-year curriculum functions funds grade Hays Normal School high schools high-school teachers higher education higher institutions higher learning home economics hospital industrial engineering institutions of higher instruction instructors Iowa Kansas City Kansas State Agricultural Kansas State Normal laboratory land-grant colleges legislature liberal arts Manual Training Normal medical school ment Morrill Act needs North Dakota number of students offered organized Pittsburg Normal School preparation purchase residence rural schools salaries school of agriculture second semester Smith-Hughes Act subjects supervision TABLE teacher training tion Training Normal School training school two-year University of Kansas