8,000 IN DAILY USE IN ONE MACHINE All sizes of type All measures All popular faces Produces new face for each issue SIXTY DIFFERENT FACES FROM ONE MACHINE Address for terms, etc., The Mergenthaler Linotype Company TRIBUNE BUILDING, N. Y. CITY President. Secretary and Manager. Martin B. Brown Company, Printers, Stationers and Blank-Book Manufacturers, Engravers and Lithographers. Nos. 49 to 57 Park Place, Telephone Cortlandt 832. New York. Railroad Department, 206 and 208 Fulton Street. American Felt Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Press Blankets, Stereotype Blankets, Press Tape. All our Typewriter Carbons are now put up in boxes of 25 sheets each. A neat, convenient and economical package, as well as in regular 100 sheet boxes. Ask your dealer or send $1.00 for trial box, postpaid. CARBON PAPERS for Pen, Pencil and Stylus. The very best Typewriter Ribbons made-Record, Copy or Combination, all colors for all machines. Sample Ribbon in tin box, 75 cents, postpaid. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS TO LARGE BUYERS. Excelsior Carbon Paper Mfg. Co. 264 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, U. S. A. The Communipau Coal Company. YARD: COMMUNIPAU, JERSEY CITY. YARD: 617 to 621 Eleventh Ave., bet. 45th and 46th Sts., New-York. NEW-YORK OFFICES: 111 Broadway, Room 40. 1621 Eleventh Avenue. POSTOFFICE BOX 2,209. TELEPHONE CALLS: Uptown, 656 38th St.; Downtown, 175 Cortlandt. Ο UR YARDS are kept supplied with carefully selected Coal shipped direct from the mines of the Lehigh and WilkesBarre Coal Company via Central Railroad New-Jersey. NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1900. Schieren Belting Gets Gold Medal. Paris, Aug. 16.-Charles A. Schieren & Company, New York, have been awarded the Gold Medal for superiority of their oak tanned leather belting at the Paris Exposition. Medal was awarded this American concern in competition with the leather belting manufacturers of all of Europe. CHAS. A. SCHIEREN & CO. NEW YORK, 45-51 Ferry Street. CHICAGO, 46-48 S. Canal Street. BOSTON, 119 High Street. PHILADELPHIA, 226 N. Third Street. PITTSBURG, 240 Third Avenue. VACUUM OILS Are known and used in every corner of the globe where machinery runs. They are the standards of value throughout the whole world. They lubricate most on every kind of machinery; not the same oil for all machines, but the right oil for each class. Vacuum Oils are made to fit every condition. That is why they are used wherever machinery is in operation. Admiral Dewey's fleet used them at the battle of Manila. The best users everywhere will have no others when they know their value. Vacuum Oils are made at Rochester and Olean, N. Y., and distributed throughout the world from local branches. Abroad they are distributed from one hundred and forty-one foreign warehouses, and at home they are sold in every city. The reason Vacuum Oils are everywhere used is they lubricate most. They reduce friction to the limit and save power. They are always uniform and can always be depended upon. They do their work better than all others, and cheaper, too, when the work done is figured. Other oils may sell for less by the gallon, but Vacuum oils cost the least by the day or month. VACUUM OIL COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N. Y. |