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April 26.-The resolutions reaffirmed "unwavering adherence" to the National platform of 1896, of which every position "has been adhered to, every pledge has been kept." It congratulated the country "upon the rejection of free silver coinage and the indorsement of the gold standard," and said: We believe that monetary laws should consider the interests of the borrower as well as the lender, should tend to equalize the rates of interest in all parts of the country, at all seasons of the year, to the farmer, the manufacturer and the exporter, and should make it possible for our people to obtain and extend credit on terms as favorable and at rates as low as their foreign competitors. The Republican party, therefore, pledges itself to support such amendments to the banking laws as will provide a flexible and sufficient medium of exchange, to the end that capital may obtain fair returns, that American commerce may be enlarged, and that labor may be assured of steady employment and of the largest possible share in the fruits of our expanding trade. Concerning the trusts, the platform said: The very prosperity of recent years has had a tendency to encourage combinations of capital for industrial and commercial purposes so great and unprecedented as to require the serious and careful consideration of the people of the Nation. In so far as such combinations are for lawful purposes, they may not be restrained. But whenever they tend to impair the equal rights and privileges of all citizens by restraint of trade, by oppression of weaker competitors, or by enhancing the cost of the necessities of life, they become unlawful and must be sternly dealt with. Such combinations are the inevitable results of the sharp competition which relentlessly enforces reductions of cost, and are frequently an incident of prosperity, but the evils which arise from them are not to be cured by a return to adversity through the success of the Democratic party. Such a remedy would be worse than the disease. Whenever they become destructive of the rights of citizens they should be suppressed by adequate statutes enacted by the Legislatures of the States, or by Congress, if the resulting evils are beyond the power and jurisdiction of the States. If they create business disorder and commercial panic by the practice of concealment and secrecy, they should be made to stand forth in the light of publicity, and if by the power of their combined capital they are enabled to obtain disproportionate advantages they should be taxed according to the value of the franchises they enjoy. The true solution of these economic problems is the prerogative of no party, but is rather the common duty of all the citizens. The Republican party, however, stands, and has always stood, for the protection of the rights of the citizen not only from foreign, but from domestic, interference, and may be trusted to deal with these combinations in such a way as to insure the fullest liberty of private enterprise without working the destruction of the prosperity of the Nation. By the Treaty of Paris a number of islands formerly held by Spain have come under the dominion of the United States, and by the terms of the treaty the duty of providing for their government and of determining the civil rights and political status of the inhabitants has devolved upon the Congress of the United States. No greater trust than the uplifting and educating of these defenceless people has been imposed upon the United States. The Republican party believes it to be the high and solemn duty of the Nation to accept and execute this trust, with all the responsibilities it involves, by retaining the islands and by providing for their adequate government upon the principles of liberty and humanity. In view of the problems presented by these acquisitions we renew our belief in the wis dom of the system of legislation formulated by the Republican party to increase and guard the efficiency of the Civil Service; and we believe that the thorough enforcement and extension of the existing Civil Service laws will aid the Government in the creditable discharge of these new and wide responsibilities. We believe that proper defence of the Nation's rights in our new insular possessions, the better protection of their inhabitants and the interests of an expanding commerce imperatively demand the construction of an Isthmian canal and the laying of a Pacific cable. At the same time Congress should offer by appropriate legislation such reasonable protection and encouragement to American shipping as shall revive, build up and strengthen our merchant marine, to the end that this Nation shall reap the full share of the advantages and profits of the carrying trade of the world, to which it is entitled by its position, importance and wealth. The platform also expressed "hearty and unqualified indorsement of the Administration of President McKinley," and closed as follows: Massachusetts is proud of the record of her representative in the counsels of the Administration. She has many times given proof of her confidence in him. No trust, however important, has been imposed upon him which has not been discharged with honor. By his brilliant and successful administration of the affairs of the Navy he has won the gratitude and esteem of the Nation. While Massachusetts has never undertaken to pledge or bind her delegates, we doubt not they will give voice to the unanimous sentiment of her people in asking the Convention to honor both the Com-monwealth and the Nation by associating with President McKinley upon the National ticket the name of John D. Long.

October 4, 1900.-The platform after commending the administrations of President McKinley and Governor Crane said: "We congratulate the country on the vast expansion of its export trade during the last four years, and we favor suitable measures for the encouragement of our merchant marine, to the end that American products may be carried in American ships. The American Nation is rightfully in possession of the Philippines, and charged before the world with the maintenance of law and order therein. The Republican party insists that this responsibility shall not be evaded, that the sovereignty of the United States in those islands shall not be surrendered at the call of the rifle, but that the honor of the Nation and the interests of humanity require

that it be maintained so long as necessary for the protection of their inhabitants against anarchy within or oppression from without, having always in view that enjoyment by them of the highest measure of self-government which their capacity warrants. We favor such further legislation, National and State, as the interests of the public may require for the prevention of the evils arising from the formation of those combinations, whether called by the name of trusts or otherwise, which 'tend to destroy competition, control the price of material and of the finished product, and which deprive individual energy and small capital of their opportunity for betterment.' We are opposed to the granting of any special privileges to such combinations by any branch of the Government, whether in Nation, State or municipality, as has been done under Democratic rule in the city of New-York. We direct attention to the fact that while the power of Congress to deal with this subject is limited, the only effective National legislation against such trusts or combinations was enacted by a Republican Congress, signed by a Republican President, and has been successfully invoked by a Republican Administration in several instances for the dissolution of combinations organized to control transportation charges and in restraint of trade. We further direct attention to the fact that the laws of Massachusetts, enacted by Republican legislators, require such publicity in the management of corporations, and impose such penalties for the capitalization of fictitious values, as to afford the best protection to the public against such combinations. The result of this campaign must be the maintenance or the overthrow of the prosperity now enjoyed by the American people. This prosperity is in large measure due to the enactment, in accordance with the pledges of the Republican party, of tariff legislation for the protection of American industries, and of currency legislation establishing the gold standard. The election of men upon a platform such as that adopted by the Democratic party at Kansas City, which pledges them to reverse both of these policies, would of itself produce lack of confidence. Capital would withhold itself from new enterprise and withdraw from that in which it is already embarked. Labor would be deprived of employment. Stagnation in business would follow, and general distress to the people. The present prosperity will be continued by the election of candidates pledged to the maintenance of those policies under which it has been attended. Wisdom urges and patriotism demands the election of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt."

May 16. The platform adopted was in the usual form, and there was no kick from the cotton manufacturing districts against the plank on "imDemocratic. perialism," although a number of the delegates favor holding the Philippines. The platform also contained strong expressions of sympathy for the Boers and condemnation of "England's cruel crime.'

October 2.-The resolutions indorsed the Kansas City platform, and declared against conquest, colonization and forcible government. The law enacted by the Republican Congress for the government of Porto Rico was denounced to be a gross outrage upon the liberties of the people of that island, a scheme of despotic rule, devised for the plunder and oppression of the people, rather than for its just government. The platform continues: We maintain that the people of Porto Rico are entitled to all the rights of American citizenship guaranteed by the Constitution to all other sections of our common country, and should not be subjected to the wrong of taxation without representation, against which our fathers revolted. To Cuba we owe a free constitution, framed by free men and submitted to the people of Cuba for their approval free from interference or influence by the United States. To the Philippines we owe a speedy restoration of their independence, our assistance in establishing a stable government and our protection of the new nation against the invasions of foreign Powers. We protest against the slaughter of those who dare to appear in arms for the defence of their freedom, and against the policy which makes servile submission the price of peace. The patriotism of the Boers was commended, alliance with any foreign nation condemned, and the rejection of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty called for. The planks relative to labor are as follows: We condemn the system of servitude which binds the worker to the workshop by forcing him to buy the necessaries of life from the company stores, by paying him his wages only at unreasonably long intervals and by forcing him to pay extravagant prices for material used in his regular vocation. Such acts of injustice, committed by the operating companies, have but lately driven thousands of men out of employment in the Pennsylvania mines and obliged the public to pay enhanced prices for their fuel. We call attention to the fact that practically all the legislation in the interests of labor enacted in Massachusetts in the last twenty years has been introduced by Democrats and placed on the statute books by the unanimous vote of the Democrats aided by a majority of the Republicans. The extravagance of the Republican State government is condemned and a substantial reduction of fares and freights on railroads within the State is demanded. The platform approves "an income tax in State and Nation" and invites the support of the people to our tried, devoted and unrivalled candidates, Bryan and Stevenson.'


July 28.-After approving the work of the Philadelphia Convention and the general policy of the Administration, the platform touched on special matters as follows: We favor the prompt repeal of all special railroad charters granting Republican. to any railroad in the State special privileges. We believe that all the railroads of the State should do business under the same general laws. We condemn the corruption of State officials that has brought shame and disgrace to the State, and we demand the vigorous prosecution and punishment of all who are guilty. We favor the extension of rural free delivery service wherever its

extension may be justified. In further pursuance of the constant policy of the Republican party to provide free homes on the public domain, we recommend adequate National legislation to reclaim the arid lands of the United States, reserving control of the distribution of water for irrigation to the respective States and Territories. We favor home rule for and the early admission to Statehood of the Territories of New-Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma.

July 25.-After pledging support to the Kansas City ticket and platform, the resolutions adopted call for lower taxes as one of the issues of the State campaign, and deal with the labor question as follows: We sympathize with the Democratic. settlers of the upper peninsula in their prolonged struggle with the Michigan Land and Iron Company, Limited, that corporate grabber of public lands, and insist that the issues involved between them shall be speedily presented to and decided by the courts, the proper tribunals for dealing with questions of fraud, without interference from the officials of the Governmental Land Office. Το the end that the hazards incident to a miners' life may be decreased, and the mining industry having reached such a stage of development, and the use of labor saving machinery having so vastly increased the value of labor in the mines, we therefore insist that a law should be enacted prohibiting mining corporations in this State from working their employes more than eight hours a day underground. The Democratic party has always favored legislation affording reasonable compensation to workingmen in the discharge of their duties. We therefore pledge ourselves, if intrusted with power in this State, to enact a law making corporation employers of labor liable to their employes in cases of injuries caused by the neglect of their co-employes.


May 18.-We, the Republicans of the State of Minnesota in convention assembled, affirm and renew our allegiance to the Republican party and its principles. We indorse the administration of President William McKinley and the Republican. Republican party, and congratulate the country on the revival of industrial and commercial prosperity brought about as a direct result of the application of Republican principles and policies of government during the present administration. The Republican party is proud of the fact that it has written the gold standard into the law of the land, and that its sound financial policy has contributed largely to the greatest prosperity the American people have ever known, and has raised the credit of the American Government to the highest point ever attained by any nation. The Republican party recognizes that legitimate business, fairly capitalized and honestly managed, has built up our industries at home, given the largest employment to labor and highest wages, and enabled us successfully to compete with foreign countries in the markets of the world. But the Republican party now, as always, is unalterably opposed to all trusts and combinations having for their purpose the stifling of competition and arbitrarily controlling productions or fixing prices. Among other remedies we favor legislation providing for the utmost publicity as to the internal affairs of this class of corporations, and we favor an amendment to the Constitution of the United States granting full power to Congress to protect the people against the evils threatened. We hereby declare our implicit confidence in President William McKinley and the Republican party to meet and solve the questions now before the country growing out of our war with Spain, to the entire satisfaction of the American people, and with justice and humanity to the people of the islands that came under our control because of that war. We declare for liberal legislation for the National defence, for the building of our Navy, for the enlargement of our foreign markets, for the employment of the American workmen in our mines, forests, farms, mills, factories and shipyards. Other planks expressed appreciation of the services of the Minnesota delegation in Congress and favored the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people.

June 20.-The convention approved the action of the Philadelphia Convention, called for liberal administration of the pension laws, sustained the gold standard, favored the amendment to the Federal Constitution proposed by the Republicans in Congress, granting to both State and Congress the power to define, regulate, control and prohibit monopolies, combinations or trusts in the form of corporations or otherwise, and condemned the obstructive policy of the Democratic party, which, for the time being, defeated the submission of such amendment, and continued: We favor the speedy passage of the legislation now pending in Congress intended to prevent the sale of oleomargarine for that which it is not, and thereby protect the honest producer and innocent consumer of dairy products from the frauds now being practised upon both; and we therefore earnestly request our Senators and Representatives in Congress to aid by their work and votes in securing the passage of such legislation. The Republican party stands for the principle of fair and equal taxation, and insists that every business, whether owned by corporations or individuals, should bear its just share of the public burden. We heartily approve of the legislation enacted by the last Republican Legislature, known as the "Somerville Law," imposing a tax upon all foreign corporations doing business within this State. We commend the gross earnings system of taxation as to railroads. We believe that system to be attended with less friction and expense and to have produced better financial results than the method of direct taxation which pevails in some adjacent States. We are in favor of continuing the maintenance of this system in this State, and we insist that the rate of taxation under the gross earnings system shall be maintained at such figures as will make the tax annually collected on railroad property equal and uniform, with the taxes imposed upon other property throughout the State.

September 6.-The Democrats and Populists fused on a platform declaring for bimetallism, with gold and silver at 16 to 1, the repeal of the war tax, establishment of postal savings banks, the election of United States Senators by popular vote, the early granting of freedom to


Cuba, and declaring against trusts, militarism and imperialism.



August 23.-The convention adopted the following declaration of principles: heartily and earnestly indorse and reaffirm the declaration of principles promulgated by the party in convention assembled at Chicago in 1896, and Democratic. recognize in the Hon. William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, the ablest exponent of these principles, the statesman and patriot, the great tribune of the people. We enter our solemn protest against the encroachment upon governmental affairs by aggregated capital in the form of trusts and combines as being inimical to the best interests of the masses of the people and the cause of free and untrammelled government; and express ourselves as unalterably determined to aid by all possible and proper means in the control or destruction, if necessary, of these enemies of good government. Reviewing the past Democratic history of Mississippi we indorse with pride the administration of her public affairs, and especially we would express our unconditional approval of the clean administration of our present Governor and affirm our unshaken faith in the Democratic principles he has so worthily illustrated in his public life. We express our confidence in the virtue and unimpeachable integrity of the people in the selection of all public servants, and to that end indorse the system of primary elections under proper restrictions for all Democratic nominations, that every man may have a voice, in the government under which he lives.

No other State political conventions were held in Mississippi in 1900, the business of the parties being managed by the several executive committees, and no platforms were promulgated.


May 16.-The Republicans of Missouri in convention assembled call attention, with pride, to the fact that the policies presented by the Republican party in its platform of 1896 have been fully vindicated and its promises all redeemed. Republican. We rejoice that we are citizens of a great and powerful Nation, whose achievements in peace and glorious victories in war are without a parallel. We indorse the progressive Administration of William McKinley for the blessings it has bestowed upon the American people in establishing the highest prosperity the country has ever known. We insist that no issue can be paramount to the maintenance of the public credit and the stability of the money for which all labor and products are sold. So long as a political party stands committed to the overthrow of the existing monetary system we call on all conservative men to act with us in keeping that party from power. We congratulate the American people in that the Republican party has kept its beneficent pledge for the maintenance of the gold standard, the standard of the commercial world, and the parity of all our forms of money, without contradiction, by comprehensive, courageous legislation. We favor the extension of self-government to all the people that have lately come under the protection of this country as rapidly as they demonstrate their ability to exercise it. We hold our authority over them to be a solemn trust to be exercised with an eye single to their instruction, development and prosperity. We are unalterably opposed to all trusts and combinations in restraint of trade or having for their purpose in the remotest degree stifling of competition; and we demand such legislation, both National and State, as will effectively protect the public from these evils. And if such legislation cannot be had under present constitutional powers, we demand such amendments to the Constitution of the United States as will suppress such combinations. We favor the immediate enactment of such legislation by Congress as shall make the seas give evidence that American built, American owned and American named ships are carrying our foreign commerce. We condemn the twelve Democratic Congressmen from Missouri who failed to support the bill providing for the building of the Nicaragua Canal. And we heartily indorse the course of our Republican members in supporting said measure, whereby great foreign trade opportunities will be opened to the agricultural classes of the Mississippi Valley. We denounce the Democrats for their failure to enact timely and effective laws for the regulation of building and loan associations, that would have saved the loss of millions of savings invested by the people in such companies; we deplore the legislation which inflicts on our citizens frequent and costly changes in school text books, and we favor such laws as will give to the school chlidren a proper series of text books at the lowest price. We favor such legislation as will give us good public roads, and demand the repeal of the makeshift laws enacted by the last Democratic Legislature. We recognize the fact that the valor and patriotism of the veterans of the war of 1861 and 1865 made it possible for our Nation to achieve its grand victories during the Spanish war, and that they are entitled to and we insist that they be given liberal treatment by our National Administration.

June 6.-The convention reaffirmed allegiance to the time honored principles of the Democratic party as formulated by Jefferson, Jackson and others, declared in favor of equal rights to all, local self-government and strict construction of Democratic. the Constitution. Tariff for revenue only, reduction of war taxes. removal of tariff on trust manufactured goods, expansion of trade relations, autonomy for Cuba, control of the Nicaragua Canal, and free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, were all favored. Anti-trust laws were promised, the administration

of Governor Stephens was commended, taxation of franchises was demanded, and full and hearty support to William J. Bryan was pledged.


September 6.-After expressing hearty approval of the platform and nominees of the Philadelphia Convention, declaring for an eight hour workday, inviting investment of capital in the State and declaring that injurious combinations Republican. should be forbidden, the platform deals with the Clark case as follows: We regard with indignation and shame the odium that was cast upon our State by the corrupt methods that were employed in the election of a Democratic candidate for the Senate of the United States and express our unqualified condemnation of the Republican members of the Sixth Legislative Assembly who cast their votes for William A. Clark. We condemn all bribery, and pledge the Republican party to pursue those who practise it with our laws and our courts.

June 20.-The Daly wing of the Democratic party adopted a platform denouncing "the action of W. A. Clark in corrupting the late Legislature, in Democratic. assailing the integrity of the Supreme Court, and in attempting to debauch the people of the entire Commonwealth as the colossal

crime of the century." June 21.-The Clark wing passed resolutions strongly condemning the Daly people and denouncing the resignation of Democratic State officers and Congressmen.

September 19.-The convention adopted a platform which indorsed the Kansas City platform and candidates, specifically demanding the free coinage of silver. They also indorsed the services of Senator William A. Clark as a member of the Senate, and demand his re-election by the Legislature to meet next January.


May 3.-We point with pride to the remodelling of our tariff laws, which has increased our revenues and not impeded trade; which has opened the doors of mills and factories to the millions of American skilled mechanics, and is reRepublican. turning to them the higher wages that are the just recompense for their toil. We indorse the legislation that has strengthened our financial system and firmly established the gold standard, and made the American dollars so safe and secure that they are kept busy chasing one another around the endless circle of business, too good to go into hiding and too patriotic to steal abroad. In answer to the cry for the free and unlimited coinage of silver and the claim that there is not enough gold as a basis upon which to do the business of the country, the United States Treasury puts in evidence the $120,000,000 in gold that has come to it within a year and the $413,000,000 in gold now held within its vaults and the unexampled prosperity and measureless and limitless and countless financial transactions thus sustained without seeming effort. We denounce the attempt now desperately being made to array labor and capital in hostile camps. The Republican party now, as always, opposes trusts and combinations having for their purpose the stifling of competition and arbitrarily controlling productions or fixing prices; but we also recognize that legitimate business, fairly capitalized and honestly managed, has built up our industries at home, given the largest employment to labor at the highest wages and enabled us to successfully compete with foreign countries in the markets of the world.

March 19.-The Chicago platform of 1896 was indorsed, and the resolutions declared against the policy of the Administration in foreign affairs, a large standing Army, imperialism and the Porto Rican tariff. The election of United Democratic. States Senators by popular vote was demanded, as were an income tax, free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, and Government construction and ownership of a Nicaraguan Canal. Regarding combinations of capital, the resolutions said: We favor a State constitution which will prohibit the organization of a monopoly within the State, and also prevent a monopoly organized elsewhere from doing business within the State; but we further believe that Congress should supplement the efforts of the State by legislation which will require every corporation before engaging in interstate commerce to show that it has no water in its stock, and that it has neither attempted in the past, nor is attempting, to monopolize any branch of business or the production of any article of merchandise. Regarding greenbacks the platform said: Instead of the system favored by the Republican party under which National banks are to be permitted to issue and control the volume of paper money for their own profit, we reiterate our demand for that financial system which recognizes the Government's sovereign right to issue all money, whether coin or paper, and we demand the retention of the greenbacks as they now exist and the retirement of National bank notes as fast as greenbacks can be substituted for them.


September 29.-Indorsement of the foreign and domestic policy of the Administration and earnest support of the nominees of the Philadelphia Convention were the Republican.

opening planks in the platform. Trusts were condemned, and the Democratic overthrow of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution denounced. On State matters the platform said: We believe that with an economic system for the storage and the distribution of unappropriated water the productive capacity of Nevada can be enormously increased, and so believing

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