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porations and against the people. Fourth-Your party has been dominated by a machine which has used it for the promotion of individual and selfish interests. FifthYou have defeated for renomination State officers for the sole reason that they endeavored faithfully to carry out your pledges to the people in relation to corporations. Sixth-Recognizing the truth of the above charges, the delegates who attended your last State convention failed to indorse the present State administration, expressed no regret for its actions in the past, and made no promise for amendment in the future.


April 25.-The platform reaffirmed the deciarations of the St. Louis platform of 1896, declared the Republican Administration has restored prosperity to the country, and that the United States is outstripping all the nations of the Republican. world in foreign trade. The resolutions indorsed the "wise and patriotic administration of President McKinley, whose signal achievements in war and peace, in statesmanship and diplomacy, mark an epoch in the history of the Nation, and whose brilliant success justifies and demands, in the highest interests of the country, the uninterrupted continuance through another term of his great but uncompleted work." It praised the adoption of the gold standard, and regarding insular affairs said: "In the broader field of world duty and influence the Administration has met an unavoidable war for humanity with unequalled vigor and success, has crowned the matchless triumph of our arms on sea and land with the courageous acceptance of its high and solemn obligations, has faithfully studied and sought equally the true honor of the Nation and the greatest good of the peoples who have come under our flag, and has through the wise use of expanded opportunity led our country on pathways of greatness and renown. We reaffirm the principle in which the Republican party had its birth, and on which Abraham Lincoln was elected President, that the representatives of the people have full power over territory belonging to the United States, in harmony with and subject to the fundamental safeguards of our free insitutions for liberty, justice and personal rights. We sustain the President and Congress in exercising this power with due regard for the safety and welfare of the Union and with the most just, generous, humane and fraternal consideration for those over whom the authority of the Nation is extended. We advocate for them free schools, full security for life, liberty and prosperity, the most liberal measures for the development of their agriculture and industry and the largest degree of local self-rule for which they are fitted. We have faith in American patriotism, character and capacity, and we know that American government will extend the inestimable blessings of freedom, law and civilization to the peoples who are brought under our protection." The "wisdom and success with which President McKinley has performed the duty imposed by the Treaty of Paris," and the fortitude and heroism of the soldiers and sailors of the United States through whom it was performed, as well as the provisions of the treaty itself, were heartily approved. It was declared that sovereignty over the new possessions must not be repudiated, and that the "high purpose of its origin must be accomplished in the establishment of peace and order, and the blessings of individual liberty among the peoples of the Philippine Islands." The platform concludes: "The Republican party of Ohio stands committed to legislative and executive opposition to the threatening combinations of capital that seek to restrict competition and stifle independent producers; we invite within our borders the capitalistic investments that are material to the industrial development of the State and the largest employment of labor, but we insist that injurious combinations shall be forbidden, and so-called trusts shall be regulated from time to time and be so restricted as to guarantee immunity from hurtful monopoly and assure fair treatment and protection to all competing industries."


June 13.-We reaffirm our adherence to the Democratic National platform adopted at Chicago in 1896. But new and grave issues have arisen, threatening the safety of free government itself, which should command at this time the Democratic. most serious attention of all patriotic citizens. We enter protest against the doctrine that the President or Congress can govern acquired territory outside and independently of the Constitution of the United States as a doctrine utterly subversive of every foundation principle of our Government. The Declaration of Independence, the flag and the Constitution must everywhere stand together as emblems of human liberty and equal rights for all, and where one goes all go. We therefore denounce imperialism under any pretence as necessarily leading to militarism and as wholly foreign to our system of government, and declare that neither Congress nor the President can exercise any power whatever not derived from the Constitution. We therefore denounce the Porto Rican Tariff bill as a palpable violation of the doctrines of the fathers and of the fundamental principles of our Government, which is based upon equal rights to all. Trusts and monopolies, formed for the purpose of arbitrarily controlling production and prices in the interest solely of combined capital, if allowed to go on can result only in industrial serfdom for the mass of the people. We therefore oppose such combinations and demand that not only all existing laws against combinations in restraint of trade be rigidly enforced, but, believing that protective tariffs and railway discriminations have been and still are the chief supporters of monopolies, we favor the removal of all duties from imports monopolized by trusts, and also demand that enactment and enforcement of such legislation as will prevent every species of discrimination, and believe that the courageous and honest application of the Democratic maxim of "equal rights to all and special privileges to none" will be effective to destroy and thereafter prevent any trust or combination of capital that is prejudicial to the general welfare;

we demand the repeal of all laws giving special privileges to any person, class, locality or interest. We denounce the currency law, passed by the present Congress, which transfers to the banks the entire control of the paper currency, thus laying the foundation for a money trust which will have power to control the prices of all property and to stimulate or strangle business; on the other hand, by requiring the Government to redeem all forms of currency in gold, it continues and multiplies the evils of the "endless chain" and imposes upon the Government the entire burden of supplying gold for export whenever demanded, and to obtain which it must issue bonds when necessary, thus necessitating not only a perpetual debt, but a perpetually increasing debt. In lieu of a currency of bank promises to pay, to be expanded and contracted as the interest of banks alone may dictate, we demand that the general Government shall not only coin the metals, but shall issue and regulate the volume of paper currency also, in the interest of all the people, and that all currency intended to circulate as money shall be legal tender and be maintained at a parity of value, and be regulated with a view to maintaining stable price levels and safe business conditions. We affirm anew our undiminished faith in the acknowledged leader of our party, William J. Bryan, and demand his nomination at Kansas City for President of the United States, and the delegates elected by this convention are instructed to so cast their votes.


October 5.-The Republican convention vigorously attacked the territorial government provided by President McKinley and refused to indorse the Administration. Special attention was paid to alleged irregularities in the allotment of lands to settlers, and a sweeping reform was

Republican. called for.


April 13.-Loyalty to the gold standard was affirmed, the policy of the Administration, particularly regarding the Philippines, was indorsed, and declarations were made favoring State control of combinations and trusts, retrenchRepublican. ment in public expenditures, a constitutional amendment increasing the number of Supreme Court Judges and the election of United States Senators by direct vote, and submission to the people of a constitutional amendment providing for the initiative and referendum, and opposing any measure looking to the leasing of the public domain for grazing purposes to the detriment of settlers. April 13.-Sixteen to one, an income tax, direct election of United States Senators, the initiative and referendum, Government ownership of the telegraph, and municipal ownership of municipal franchises were all favored. The general Democratic. course of the Administration was condemned, sympathy with the Boers was expressed, and militarism, the Dingley tariff, trusts and extravagance in State expenditures were denounced. On government by injunction the platform said: We oppose government by injunction and the blacklist, and favor arbitration as a means of settling disputes between corporations and their employes, and recognizing the fact that a corporation is a creature of law we believe in and favor a reasonable supervision by State inspection of mines, machinery, manufactories and railways, to the end that injury to employes be avoided and life rendered secure; we favor the passage of a reasonable employers' liability act, similar to those enacted in other States.

April 12.-The platform demands direct legislation by the initiative and referendum and the imperative mandate, Government ownership of all public utilities as


the only means of destroying trusts, that the right to make and issue money is a sovereign power to be maintained by the people, and that all money, whether metallic or paper, should be issued and its volume controlled by the Government, and not by or through banking corporations, and should be a full legal tender for all debts,

both public and private. April 13. Among other things the platform says: We believe the passage of an employers' liability act, applicable to railroad companies, similar to such acts adopted

People's (FUSION).

in other States, by which the doctrine of fellow service and that of an employer being liable to one servant for the negilgence of another, should be enacted; and we also believe that where an injury is caused by the negligence of a master, the mere fact that the servant knew of the negligence and continued in the employment should not defeat recovery. We further favor a reasonable supervision and limitation by the State of the operation of railroad trains and of the number of cars which may be hauled in a train, and the limitation of the hours which employes shall work without rest. We further believe that the Legislature should pass laws by which the books of the railroad corporations should be open to inspection by the proper officials of the State, so that a reasonable' rate law may be established and reasonable wages secured for employes.

The two chief planks in the platform were: Resolved, That while there are many other reforms regarding which we hold firm convictions, and upon which we, as a Prohibition.

party, could unanimously agree, we believe it to be the part of wisdom to concentrate our efforts upon the one issue which clearly outweighs in importance all other issues combined-the prohibition

of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes.


That in the accomplishment of this one clearly defined purpose, we invite to party fellowship all those who on this one issue with us agree, in the full belief that the party thus created will be endowed with the requisite wisdom, patriotism, courage and ability to take up and speedily settle all social, financial, economic, industrial and territorial questions that may present themselves.


April 5.-The Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their_representatives in convention assembled, extend congratulations to their fellow Republicans throughout the Nation on account of the prosperous conditions everywhere existRepublican. ing and the contentment and happiness enjoyed by the American people under the Administration of President McKinley. All these conditions have resulted from four years of Republican rule in our National affairs. We therefore reaffirm the doctrines enunciated in the last Republican National platform, and again congratulate the people upon the faithful fulfilment of all the pledges therein contained. We firmly support and fully indorse President McKinley's Administration, and again record the wish of the Republicans of Pennsylvania that he be renominated to lead our hosts to victory at the November election, and to this end we instruct the delegates this day elected to favor his candidacy in the National Convention. For the National defence, for the reinforcement of the Navy, for the enlargement of our foreign markets, for the employment of American workmen in the mines, forests, farms, mills, factories and shipyards, we demand the immediate enactment of legislation similar to that favorably reported to each branch of Congress, so that American built, American owned and American manned ships may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce. We congratulate the whole country upon the fact that the money question no longer disturbs our business conditions. On account of the wise policy adopted by a Republican President and a Republican Congress, the gold standard is now accepted as the monetary unit of value. This places our business transactions on a stable basis, and will encourage capital to seek investment and labor to find employment. We declare in favor of an amendment to the Federal Constitution which shall provide for election of United States Senators by the people in the same manner as other State officials are elected, and we hereby instruct our delegates-atlarge to the Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania to offer and support this resolution in the Convention of 1900. We again record our firm conviction that in the appointment of the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay as a member of the United States Senate from Pennsylvania Governor Stone was acting within his constitutional authority, and the thanks of the Republicans of Pennsylvania are.due to the Hon. John P. Elkin, Attorney-General, for his masterly and logical argument before the Elections Committee of the United States Senate clearly demonstrating the existence of this power in the Chief Executive of the State. We deplore the action of the United States Senate in denying us the right of full representation to which we are entitled under the Federal Constitution. We still contend that the Governor had constitutional authority to make the appointment, and in selecting the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay he was acting in accordance with the clearly expressed will of a large majority of the Republicans of the State. We express our confidence in Senator Quay's leadership, and we believe in his political and personal integrity. A great wrong has been done him, which the people will right at the proper time, and therefore we urge and insist that the Hon. Matthew S. Quay shall be a candidate for reelection to the United States Senate, in which he has so long served the people with such distinguished ability and fidelity, and to this end we pledge him our hearty and cordial support. The Republican party of Pennsylvania has always stood for an honest ballot and a fair count. In the furtherance of this idea an act was passed in 1891, known as the Baker Ballot law, for the purpose of protecting the citizen in the exercise of the elective franchise. This act was passed by a Republican Legislature at the instance of the Ballot Reform Association and was intended to secure a secret and honest ballot. Further safeguards were thrown around the ballot law by the supplemental act of 1893. In addition, however, to these laws, we favor such legislation as will enable the courts to open the ballot boxes upon the petition of citizens, duly presented, in all cases where complaint is properly made, alleging fraud in the holding of an election or the counting of the vote cast, so that if fraudulent ballots are placed in the boxes, or a false count has been made, it can be exposed by the courts with expedition and all offenders against the purity of the ballot detected and brought to speedy justice. We declare against all unlawful and illegal combinations of capital to the detriment of business and trade and against the best interests of the laboring people. We also favor the enactment of such immigration laws as will protect the American laborer from the unfair competition of the cheap and pauper labor of Europe.

April 4. The platform declares for a thorough revision of the tariff, and for a tariff for revenue only, urging Democratic members of Congress to secure the passage of a law that will place upon the free list every article of free Democratic. material or of manufactured product used and manufactured by any trust or combine. It demands the prompt and faithful enforce ment of the anti-trust act of 1890, and denounces the creation of corporate trusts and monopolies. It opposes what it calls the imperialism of the Administration and of the Republican party, and favors granting the Philippines home rule at once-the right to govern themselves under the protection of the United States. It demands that independence be granted the people of Cuba and the Army withdrawn. It demands for the people of Porto Rico the right of free trade with the United States. It demands a

vigorous American policy in our intercourse with foreign nations. It denounces the use of the Army of the United States, the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus and the declaration of martial law in times of peace in order that labor may be intimidated, as destructive of the citizens' rights. It declares in favor of a few things such as an interoceanic canal controlled by this country; no further surrender of Alaskan territory; fortifications of strategic points on the Pacific; no entangling alliance with England, secret or open; free trade with, Porto Rico; no subject people; eternal opposition to trusts; America for Americans; the election of United States Senators by the people, and the prohibition of polygamy. On the money question the party reiterates its faith in the beneficent effects of bimetallism, and urges that its recognition and adoption would tend to steady and make permanent the prosperity of our country, and free it from the power of the money trust to precipitate panics at will and make money dear and everything else cheap. Coming to State questions, the platform declares in favor of a constitutional amendment to permit the Legislature to enact an efficient personal registration law, and in favor of such other legislation as will purify the ballot and help to secure honest elections. It favors State legislation to punish the oppressive and criminal acts of trusts, to restrain discrimination by common carriers, telephone and telegraph companies; to prevent the combination of corporations by purchase of stock to prevent the issue of full paid stock except for cash or property at its actual cost value; to prohibit foreign corporations from doing business in this State except upon an exact equality with those organized under the laws of the State.


October 11.-The platform adopted by the Convention indorsed and reaffirmed the principles set forth by the platform adopted by the Republican National Convention. It approved the policy and acts of President McKinley Republican. during his administration, congratulated the country upon the establishment of the gold standard, and exhorted the voters to keep in mind the fact that the financial question must remain subject to the control of Congress and the Administration. It called upon them to see that there shall be a solid Republican working majority in Congress, and asserted that the sovereignty rightfully acquired over the Philippines must be maintained at whatever cost and trouble. It denounced the Democratic party and its doctrines of free silver and im→ perialism, its disenfranchisement of negro voters, its howls of trusts and militarism. Specific planks were: The vast improvement in our foreign commerce, as well as in our domestic trade, which has taken place during the last four years, and the great advance made toward a leading position among the nations of the world, must not be jeopardized by a radical change of policy, such as would follow Democratic success. The sovereignty of the United States has been rightfully acquired over the Philippines and must be maintained at whatever cost and trouble, unless we would become the derision of the world and prove ourselves unworthy of our high position among the nations.

September 28.-After indorsing the action of the Kansas City Convention, the platform says: For many preceding Presidential elections economic questions have been chiefly at issue between the parties, but this election deals Democratic. with principles far more fundamental. The present Administration, controlled by a faction of the Republican party, has thrust new issues upon the country. Entering office when the United States was, and for fifty years had been, at peace with every other nation, it has already involved us in three foreign wars. As a result of this new policy a debt of $200,000,000 has been incurred, war taxes have been levied and appropriations have so increased that the present is to be a billion-and-a-half-dollar Congress. For the first time in the history of the country a tariff has been created between parts of its territory, and hundreds of thousands of people have been annexed without any of the guarantees of liberty and without any promise of future constitutional protection-subjects, not citizens. This new departure of the Administration has already cost us not only millions of money and thousands of lives, but it involves the abandonment of the cherished principles upon which our Government was founded. It violates the doctrines of equal rights, self-government and the golden rule. It substitutes force for justice and says that might makes right. The President, in the face of his solemn promise that in Civil Service reform there should be no step backward, has with one stroke of his pen given over ten thousand employes of the Government as spoils of his party. During his administration more trusts have been formed than throughout the entire previous history of the Republic. Nothing has been done to check their growth, nor can it be expected when they are contributing fabulous sums toward his re-election. We are unalterably opposed to the amendment to be submitted to the people at the November election, and we earnestly request the voters of this State to vote against the same.

October 1.-The platform charged both the leading parties with insincerity in their opposition to trusts, as they were under the domination of the Whiskey Trust, and called attention to the fact that the Democratic party, while Prohibition. posing as the arch foe of imperialism, has never uttered a whisper against the most imperialistic act of the Republican Administration, viz., the nullification of the act of Congress intended to abolish the army canteen. Other planks were: We especially denounce that policy of President McKinley which permits and encourages the extension of this traffic and the establishment of the American saloon, with all its attendant evils, in our colonial possessions, and we insist by his attitude in regard to the army canteen and his apparent contempt for the

vast number of citizens protesting against it, he has outraged and insulted the moral sentiment of this country.

October 15.-Resolutions adopted by the convention point out that only with the public powers in the hands of the working class can the economic organization suc


ceed, and that so long as the capitalist class remains in political power it will continue the series of atrocities of which the bull pen and Coeur d'Alene is a black sample. Democrats and Republicans unite in support of the capitalist class against the rights of labor and present the bayonet as their argument. Three-quarters of the wealth created is extorted from the producers through legal recognition of so-called property rights. Under capitalistic law the working class must consent to be robbed or to be starved. Through political control of the public powers the capitalist class is enabled to maintain its dominance. The votes of the workers alone allow these legalized bandits to remain in control. To secure these votes in the present campaign the usual bogus issues are presented. In consideration of these facts the Socialist Labor party declares every worker who casts his ballot for a Republican or Democratic candidate a scab to the cause of labor.


October 3.-Nominations made and the platform adopted by the Philadelphia Convention were indorsed and the course of the Administration approved. Other planks were: The Democratic party, after shifting issues from 16 to 1, has Republican. now settled upon the bogus issue of "imperialism,' and claims that "no people should be governed without their consent," while the people of this and other Southern States have constitutions and laws thrust upon them by a minority which deprives the majority of the right to say under what laws and by whom they shall be governed. We condemn the Democratic party for its illegal and unjust election laws, for its blind partisanship in the selection of commissioners and managers of election and for its boasted policy of disfranchising 100,000 voters of the right of suffrage, and we point out to the world that this is imperialism run mad. May 1.-The convention viewed with alarm the increasing power of the trusts, condemned the financial legislation of the Republican majority in Congress, denounced the imperialistic policy of the Administration, called for the recognition Democratic. of Porto Rico on the same basis with the other territories, demanded that Cuban pledges be fulfilled, and closed the platform with the following plank relati to the Boers: We express our hearty sympathy with the two South African republics now fighting so valiantly for liberty against the immense armies of Great Britain. Her unrighteous course deserves the condemnation of all lovers of self-government, and we denounce the cowardice of the present Administration for not extending an offer of its gcod offices to terminate the unholy war of subjugation.


May 23.-The State convention indorsed the Administration, declared against trusts, favored a constitutional amendment enlarging the powers of ConRepublican. gress to deal with them, indorsed the passage of the free homes bill, and the currency legislation by Congress, and favored expan


July 12. The Democratic and Populist conventions agreed upon a fusion State ticket on a platform opposing imperialism, sympathizing with the Fusion. Boers, indorsing the action of the Kansas City Convention, and declaring against trusts, combines, protection, militarism and ex


April 20. The Republican.


Brownlow and Evans wings of the party held conventions, each adopting a platform indorsing the Administration of President McKinley, the Evans convention adding a plank condemning the action of the Brownlow convention, The Brownlow delegates were seated

at the National Convention. May 11.-The convention adopted a platform declaring against expansion and trusts. Opposition to the gold standard and protection were also Democratic. vigorously expressed. Resolutions reaffirming the Chicago platform, and instructing delegates to vote for Bryan for President

were adopted.


September 19.-Resolutions eulogistic of the Administration of President McKinley were incorporated in the platform, and Congressman Hawley's

Republican. course was indorsed. Proposals from the Middle-of-the-Road Pop

ulists for fusion were rejected.

August 10.-The platform indorsed the action of the Kansas City Convention, favored the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, favored Government ownership of the Nicaragua Canal, indorsed the Democratic. actions of Governor Sayers and the State Legislature, called for equalization of taxation, favored a law forbidding any candidate seeking a nomination hiring workers at primaries, and favored liberal appropriations for educational purposes. Other planks were: Recognizing that Texas is the natural gateway for the commerce of the transmississippi States, we commend our Senators and members of Congress for their earnest efforts toward obtaining Federal aid in

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