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Roberts, PETER, The Foreigner and his Savings, Charities, Vol. XXI, p. 757, 1909.

Ross, E. A., American and Immigrant Blood, Century, Vol. LXXXVII, pp. 225-232, December, 1913.

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Immigrants in Politics; the Political Consequences of Immigration, Century, Vol. LXXXVII, pp. 392-398, January, 1914.

Racial Consequences of Immigration, Century, Vol. LXXXVII, pp. 615-622, February, 1914. These articles from the Century are reprinted in Professor Ross's book, "The Old World in the New." Western Civilization and the Birth Rate, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XII, p. 607, 1907.

ROSSITER, W. S., The Common Sense View of the Immigration Problem, North American Review, Vol. CLXXXVIII, pp. 360-371, September, 1908.

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SELDOMRIDGE, H. H., Effects of the War on Immigration, Congressional Record, Vol. LII, p. 3070, February 4, 1915.

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SHERWOOD, H. F., Ebb and Flow of the Immigration Tide, Review of Reviews, Vol. XLIV, pp. 697–704, December, 1911.

SHIPLEY, MAYNARD, Effects of Immigration on Homicide in American Cities, Popular Science Monthly, Col. LXIX, pp. 160-174, August, 1906. SIMMONS, F. M., Regulation of Immigration, Congressional Record, Vol. XLVIII, pp. 3732-3742, March 18, 1912.

SPEARE, CHARLES F., What America Pays Europe for Immigrant Labor, North American Review, Vol. CLXXXVII, pp. 106-116, January, 1908. SPERANZA, G. C., Alien in Relation to our Laws, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. LII, pp. 169–176, March,


Crime and Immigration, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. IV, pp. 523-543, November, 1913.

SPERANZA, G. C., Handicaps in America, The Survey, Vol. XXIII, pp. 465–

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SPRAGUE, E. K., Mental Examination of Immigrants, The Survey, Vol. XXXI, pp. 466-468, January 17, 1914.

STEINER, LAJOS, Our Recent Immigrants as Farmers, Review of Reviews, Vol. XLIX, pp. 342-345, March, 1914.

STOCKWELL, A. W., The New Immigration Law, Forum, Vol. LI, pp. 866-877, June, 1914.

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TOBENKIN, ELIAS, The Immigrant Girl in Chicago, The Survey, November 6, 1909.

TRENOR, JOHN D., Proposals Affecting Immigration, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. XXIV, pp. 223-236, July, 1904.

TUKE, J. W., State Aid to Immigrants, Nineteenth Century, Vol. XVII, p. 280, 1885.

WARD, ROBERT DE C., Agricultural Distribution of Immigrants, Popular Science Monthly, Vol. VI, pp. 166-175, December, 1904.

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Sane Methods of Regulating Immigration, Review of Reviews, Vol. XXXIII, pp. 336-339, March, 1906.

WHEATON, H. H., Survey of Adult Immigration Education, Immigrants in America Review, June, 1915.

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CHICKERING, JESSE, Immigration into the United States, 1848.

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COMMONS, JOHN R., Races and Immigrants in America, 1908; Immigration and Its Economic Effects, in United States Industrial Commission Reports, Vol. XV, 1901.

COOLIDGE, MARY R., Chinese Immigration, 1908.

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FAUST, A. B., The German Element in the United States, 1909.
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