Animals, Mongol wealth consists of. Anne, Queen of England: Statue.. Atlantic Seaboard: Exploring with a Color Camera (color insert) XVI plates, 532-549 Atwit, (Colonel), in Swift's "Polite Conversation" 179 Auction, Horse: North Carolina... "Autumn Foliage in Rock Creek Park": Wash- ington, D. C........ (color insert) Plate II, 532-549 Aviation: Exploring the Valley of the Amazon in a Hydroplane. By Capt. Albert W. Stevens.... 353 Aviation field: Croydon, England.. Aviation: On the Trail of the Air Mail (United States). By Lieut. J. Parker Van Zandt.. Bamboo enclosure: Ceylon Pearl Fisheries. Bamboo whistles, Pigeons and: China. Bananas, Wild: Amazon Jungle.. Bangkok, Siam, Reference to... Aripuana River, Amazon tributary. "Armadillo," Trap set with an: Amazon Valley.. 459 Armistice Day, Second anniversary of: London Arms, Binding the: Amazon Indians.....ill. 372, 392 Aromatic citronella grass: Singapore. Arracachas (root vegetable): Colombia. Arrows, Poison used for tipping: (Curare). Artist, Pavement ("screever"): London..551, ill. 560 Arts and crafts, Malay is a worker in the.. (text) Arts, Ming emperors were patrons of the... (text) 228 Asheville, N. C., References to....... (text) 486, 513 Ashley Hall, Ashley River estate, S. C.. Barbadian English: North Carolina... Barbary ponies: North Carolina..476, 479, ill. 480-482 Bark, Hemlock: North Carolina. Barlow, Arthur: English navigator. Bassour, Algeria.. Boy feeding pigeons: Central Park, New York..ill. "Boy That Never Grew Up": Barrie's Peter Pan "Boyhood of Raleigh": Color Supplement With This Number.... ..596. Frontispiece, May, 1926 Bracelets, African women wearing... .661, 694, 711 Brahman Cattle: Straits Settlements. Branding marks, Ponies and: North Carolina.. Brasov, Rumanian........319, 323, 326, 328, 330, 331 Brazil, Amazon Basin....ill. 355-359, 361-376, 378-420 Calhoun, John C., Funeral of: South Carolina.. 532 California, Pigeon champion of.. California, Solar Station in: Measuring the Sun's Cambridge (University): England.. Camel caravan: Algerian Sahara. Camel corps, Boys long to join the: Africa. Camel lacks the spirit of a horse, The.. Camellia japonica, Collections of: South Camels, African natives with their... ill. Camera, Toasting the: Amazon Jungle. Camp Alfred Vail, Oceanport, N. J... Brown Mountain Lights, North Carolina. 517-518 Campitello: Bavarian Alps....(color insert) Plate Camps, Mount Logan Expedition....611, 612, 613, 619 621, 624, 629, 631, ill. 612, 616, 627, 629 Brünnich's Murre (bird): Greenland. 317 Canada, Geological Survey of. 597 Canal, Cassiquiare: Colombia. 449 Bucharest, Rumania 319, 324 Canal, Grand: China.. ..ill. 239 453 48 tion ill. 605 Canyon, Parima: Brazil. .415, ill. 370-375 ... Page 581, 582 Candleberry tree, Chinese: South Carolina. Canyon ("Gorge of Fate"): Mount Logan Expedi- Canyon, Truckee: Nevada.. Capanço (Amazonian flora) .49, 60 Chairs, Rattan for making: Malaya. .ill. 263, 265 ill. 108 Cape Fear River, N. C.... .501, 502 Chancery Inn, London 564 Cape Hatteras Coast Guard Station, N. C.... ill. 502 Chancery Lane, London. 563 .ill. 483 Cape Hatteras, N. C........482, 484, 502, 503, ill. 483 300 ....ill. 32, 39, 56, 476 Chandler, ( ): U. S. Air Mail pilot. 44 451 Channel, Boiossú (Negro River): Brazil. 449 Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina 519 Carolina, Origin of the name.. 523, ill. 522 Chapinero, Suburb of: Bogotá, Colombia.. .385, 386 ill. 116 208, 209 Characteristics, Pigeon ill. 115 Charing Cross, London. 240, 248 Charing Cross Station, London. 105 (text) 587 Charities, State Board of: North Carolina.. (text) 522 Charles II, King of England. .....557, 592 Charleston, S. C., References to....525, 526, 529, 532 Carpathians, Transylvania's history and the..319, 323 Carrier Pigeons....82, 97, 99, 107, (color insert) Carriers, Indian: Amazon Jungle... 629, ill. 628 Charm doctors: Africa.. 503, 509 Motor-Coaching Through North 475 Chaucer, Geoffrey, References to... .....561, 589 589 59 .ill. 559 Cheese, Giant: Simpson's restaurant, London... 589 563 .ill. 226 Chelsea, London 555, 593 593 234 .ill. 389 Cheops, King of Egypt.. Carving, Marble (stairway): China. Cascades Camp, Mount Logan Expedition....610, 611 Cassava roots: Colombia... Castelnau, (France): French explorer. ill. 147 449 446 656 Cherokee Indian Reservation, N. C.. Cherokee National Forest, N. C...... 481 564 175 5, 8, 12 "Chesapeans' country, Reference to. (text) 270, 285, 289, 298 514 Castle (Jack Straw's), London.. Castle Neuschwanstein: Bavaria. Castle of Bran, Rumania. Castle Tyrol: Bavarian Alps..... . (text) 495, 504 (color insert) Castles, Transylvania and Its Seven. By J. Theo- dore Marriner 589 Chibcha Indians: Colombia.. 148-149 (text) 653 Chicha (beverage): Colombia.. 136 Catawba River, N. C. 509 Child-labor law: North Carolina. ill. 703 (text) 522 Catawba Valley, N. C.. Caterpillar cars (Africa): Through the Deserts Child, Terrapins and a: North Carolina. (text) 298 ill. 493 Catfish, American 651 Cathedral damaged by pigeons: St. Cathedral of Saint Mark, Venice.. Cathedral of Saint Paul, London.... Cattle, Brahman, or Zebu: Straits Settlements..ill. 247 Children, Gourd-floaters fastened to: China.. (text) 217 Children, Sudanese Children's Sanctuary: London. Child's Bank, London... Childs Glacier, Alaska. .ill. 261 ill. 298 .ill. 592 561 609 Chile, Solar-radiation Observation Station in...ill. 125 and Forecasting the Weather. By C. G. Abbot 111 China, Central: The Road to Wang Ye Fu. By 197 China: Map China: Pigeons (sketch) 199 ill. 159 Cattle range: Amazonia. 383 Cauca Valley, Colombia.. 160 China: Scenes in the Celestial Republic. ill. 217-232 586 Chinese joss houses: Singapore. 238 562 Chuchuasco: Amazonian flora (color 238 Church of St. Mary-le-Strand, London. Churchyard of St. Giles, London. 651 Citronella grass: Singapore.. 256 Cold Spring, N. C., Upper Creek Falls near.. ill. 486 552 Collins, Pilot "Dog": U. S. Air Mail Service.... 59 Colomb Béchar, Morocco..(text) 650, 651, 654, 655 656, ill. 653 Colombia: Round About Bogotá. 161 .ill. 569 Colonial Office, Great Britain's: London. ill. 136 Boyhood "Colorado of the West" (Green River) 596 46 Column, Nelson's (Admiral): London....553, ill. "Comic Strips," Ancient Egypt had her... 63, 77 Communal hut, Indian: Amazon Jungle.... (text) Communication, Radio: Singapore. .482, ill. 503 Compressing cotton: North Carolina. Coney Island, De luxe version of: London.. ..10, 23 563 "Confessions" (book) by De Quincey. |