Page images
[blocks in formation]

Railroad, Algerian State.

Rafts, Peruvians are famous builders of..453, ill. 446 Ragmani, Rumania ill. 337 (text) 653, 654 Railroad coach for women: Baluchistan.. ..ill. 119 Railroad, Copper River and North Western..603, 609 Railroad double-track system, Southern Pacific... ill. (aerial view) Railroad, French Government: African project... 651 Railroad history: North Carolina. 502 Railroad, Madeira-Mamoré: Brazil. .451, 455 Railroad, Peking-Süiyuan: China. (text) 196 Railroad Station, Ajmer, India. ill. 81 Railroad Station (Waterloo Station): London.. ill. (aerial view) 585


Ring, The (center of boxing activities): London.. 581 Rio Branco, Brazil......353, 360, 364, 365, 377, 378 383, 385, 387, 390, 445, 449, 454, 457, 460, ill. 365 384, 388, 418 "Rio Grande" of the world, The Amazon is the real



Railroad trestle: Great Salt Lake, Utah..
ill. (aerial view)
Railroad, White Pass and Yukon.
Railroad, Wilmington and Weldon: North Carolina 502
Rain-forest zone, Colombia
Rainfall: Amazon Basin..

Rio Negro, Brazil. 360, 382, 383, 420, 448 449, 451, 453, 456, 457, 463, ill. 363, 378, 380, 382 Rio Uraricoera, Brazil. 353, 385, 387, 396 400, 415, ill. 364, 365, 367, 404, 407 Rip Shin Thicket, N. C.. (text) 519 Ripon Falls, Uganda.. River, Amazon: Exploring the Valley of the Amazon in a Hydroplane. By Capt. Albert W. Stevens.



41 603

River, Amazon: Father of Waters. By W. L. Schurz


Rajputana Railway, India.

.. ill. 153 .360, 412, 452 (text) 81

River, Ashley: The Ashley River and Its Gardens.
By E. T. H. Shaffer..
River Athbara, Africa..

525 282

Raleigh Memorial's boundary stones: North Carolina

Raleigh, N. C.

Raleigh, (Sir Walter).

484 ..475, ill. 476 ..475, 476, 477, 479, 481 482, 484, 564, 568, 596 Raleigh, (Sir Walter), Boyhood of. Frontispiece, May, 1926

River Basin, Amazon: Map. River, Chitina: Alaska.. .603, 605, 631, ill. 630 River craft: China. ill. 217, 224, 225 "River of Doubt" (Brazil) now the "Roosevelt" 447 River of Trumpets (Trombetas): Brazil......445, 451 River, Olt: Rumania... 323


Rameses II, Portrait statues of: Egypt.

.ill. 286

Rameses III, of Egypt..

[blocks in formation]

64 ill. 280 .ill. 389

Randolph County, N. C....

.(text) 487, 509

Rangoon, Burma..

"Raonoak" (i. e., Roanoke Island)

238 479

[blocks in formation]



River, Peruvian Indian word for: "Manu'
River, Tauber: Germany..

.184, 193, 194 River-Tauregs (tribespeople): Africa.....656, ill. 664 River, Thames: England...........552, 560, 566, 596 ill. 573

.ill. 367 Rivers: Africa..

ill. 351

..271, 273, 276, 278, 279, 282 283, 285, 288, 292, 295, 651, 656, 657, 662, 663 668, 669, 670, 672, 678, 707, ill. 274,

River, Parima (Brazil): Exploring the Valley of the Amazon in a Hydroplane. By Capt. Albert W. Stevens.



277. 280

291, 682

Rivers: China..

Page 197, 233, 234, ill. 224 "Rivers, Mother of" (Manutala, Madre de Dios): Bolivia Rivers: South America.

451 .127, 136, 140, 146, 150 449, 461-462, ill. 128-130 ...16, 18, 20, 28, 33, 46 501, 502, 509, 514, 518 ill. (aerial views) 37, 52 Road, Automobile: Sierra Nevada Range, Calif. ill. (aerial view) 54 Road, Spanish: Colombia. ill. 152 Road system: North Carolina.. .475, 503, 506 ROAD TO WANG YE FU (CHINA): AN ACCOUNT OF THE WORK OF THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY'S CENTRAL-CHINA EXPEDITION IN THE MONGOL KINGDOM OF ALA SHAN. BY FREDERICK R. WULSIN.

152, 155, 283, 285, Rivers: United States.. 59, 128, 283, 453, 488,

Roads, London..

Roads, Singapore..

Roads, Transylvania.

Roanoke Island, N. C...

Roanoke Rapids, N. C..
Robbers, Desert: Africa.

[blocks in formation]

197 .586, 589, 593 .244-245, 248 ..324, 328 ...........479, 481, 484, 501 .506, 516 653

[blocks in formation]

Robber's punishment: Mongolia. ....199, ill. 201
Roberts, (Earl), hero of Ladysmith: London..
(text) 579
Rock, Chimney: North Carolina......513, ill. 485, 513
Rock Creek Park, Washington, D. C... . (color
insert) Plate II, 532-549

Rock Springs, Wyo.... .8, 23, 30, 38, 44, 47, 56
Rodrigues, Barboza: Brazilian author.
Roebling, John A...

Roman Church, Alba Iulia, Rumania.
Romans, Britain under the..

Rome, References to...


.551, 553,

582, 596, ill.


446 124 ..ill. 325 562, 581 556, 567 .319, 351 532 447 447

Romney's portrait of Mrs. Middleton..
Rondón, (Gen.) Candido..
Rondonia, Brazil.

Roofs, Stone-weighted: Bavarian villages.. (color

[blocks in formation]

690 ill. 492 ill. 225

St. Andrews Church, Ashley River, S. C.. ..525, 531
St. Bartholomä.........(color insert) Plate I, 632-649
St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Churchyard of: Lon-
ill. 590

St. Botolph's Institute (London), Reference to.. 582
St. Clement Danes, Church of: London..562, ill. 571
St. Elias, Mount: Alaska-Canada..
597, 600, 603
608, 611, ill. 598, 617
St. Elias Range, or Alps, Alaska-Canada..597, 598, 622

St. Elmo's Fire, Reference to..
insert) Plates IX, XV, 632-649
Saint-Gaudens, (Augustus): Statue of Lincoln

Roosevelt (aviation) Field, L. I..
Roosevelt, (Col. Theodore): Brazil.
Roosevelt River, Brazil..

(text) 6 ...447, 451 .447, 45

454 ..ill. 44

Roraima Mountain, British Guiana.
Rose, Mount: Nevada...

Rosenaw (Rasnov), Rumania.

.332, ill. 351

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

St. Margaret's Church, London..
St. Mark's Piazza, Venice: Pigeons... ...63, ill. 83
St. Martin's-in-the Fields, Church of: London
554, 557, ill. (distant view) 553
St. Mary-le-Strand, Church of: London..
St. Michael, Cathedral of: Rumania...
Saint-Mihiel drive, Pigeons during the..
St. Olave's Church, London.
St. Paul: Quoted....

St. Paul's Cathedral (London).

ill. 110,
St. Philip's Church, Charleston, S. C..
St. Sepulchre (church): London..
St. Swithin, Church of: London..
Sakai tribe: Malay Peninsula.
Sakkara, Egypt....

..ill. 325

87 586

. (text) 121 ..63, 562, 581 571, 584, 586







Route map: Citroën Central African Expedition.. 652
Route map, United States Air Mail: Map..
Royal carriage, King George in the: London.. ill. 588
Royal Exchange: London....
.589, ill. 567


Royal George (ship), Cannon from the: London

(text) 572

Salaries: U. S. Air Mail Service...
Salem (Old), N. C.....

Royal Naval Division, England, Reference to....

Salt, Alkaline, glistens like gold.
Salt, Butterflies attracted by..
Salt Lake City, Utah...
.......5, 12, 32, 38, 44, 48, 50

(text) 26

(text) 381

523 60

Salt Lake, Great: Utah.....

Salutation, Servant's: Sardinia..

(text) 555 Royal pigeon lofts: England.. ..64, 91, 99, ill. 109 Ruaha River, Tanganyika.. 707 Ruana (poncho): Colombia..133, 136, 150, 160, ill. 137 Rubber industry: Brazil......445, 447, 451, 452, 453 457, 459, 461-463, ill. 447 Rubber industry: Straits Settlements....235, 238-239 241, 250, 261, 266, ill. 241-246, 248 Rugs, Oriental: Black Church, Brasnov..323, 331-332 Ruins: Egypt.. ..ill. 277, 280, 281 Ruins, Norse: Greenland. .........(color insert)

Plate VI, 300-317

Ruler, Mongol: Regent of Ala Shan.....
Rule's oyster house: London..
Rumania: Map....

ill. 212 558


San Francisco, Calif..

56, 59, 60, ill. 39, 40 .40, 48 ill. (aerial view) 4I (color insert) Plate VI, 464-473 .61, 379

Sancocho (South American Irish stew).. 131, 132, 157
Sanctuary, Broad: Westminster, London.....ill. 568
Sand, George: Quoted....

Sand dune: Africa, Southwest..
Sand Lake, Wyo....


Sand storm: Alaska...

Sandals, Rope: Colombia.

.ill. 117 34 ..ill. 602 ...127, 137

ill. (distant view) 137, 140, 148

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Swettenham, (Sir) Frank: Governor of the Straits Settlements


Swift's "Polite Conversation," Reference to.....
Swimming pool, Shark-proof: Singapore.....
.ill. 257
Swincherd, Community: Rumania..
ill. 337
Swiss Mondaine (Pigeon)......... (color insert)
Plate VII, 64-77

Symbol of peace (Dove or Pigeon): Christian

(text) 106 . (text) 106 296 ill. 281, 282, 286 295 Szaszsebes (Sebesul Sasesc), Rumania.. .319, 349, 350 Sze, Chinese fisherman, originator of Mah Jongg

Symbol of war (Pigeon): Japan..
Symbolic figures, Egyptian: "Sitters'

Syracuse, Reference to....


(text) 229 Szeklers (Hungarian colonists): Rumania....319, 324 332, ill. 329, 339


Ta Shui Ko, or "Great Water Gorge": China

Tabankort, French West Africa.. Tabernacle, Mormon: Salt Lake City.

Teapot which helped to brew a revolution, The.. 501 Teeth, Filed: Amazon Indian.

Tegernsee, Bavaria: Farmhouse..... (color insert) Plate IX, 632-649

Teixeira, Pedro de: Portuguese explorer.. 446 Telegraph system, Weird: African Jungle..693, ill. 705 Telescope, Astronomical observatory without a... 114 Temperature: Amazonia........360, 377-378, 457, 459 Temperatures: Mount Logan Expedition.. ...619, 621

Temple Bar, London....

Temple, Buddhist: Malaya..

Temple, Lama (courtyard): Peking.. Temple, (Middle Temple Hall): London.

622, 626, 628

Temple, Mormon: Salt Lake City......ill.

Temple of Confucius, Peking.
Temple of Isis: Egypt...

Temple, Rock-heron: Abu-Simbel (Egypt).

Temples, Hindu: Singapore..
Tent, Blanket: India (Baluch camp).
Tent, Mongol...

Tents, Sealskin (tupiks): Greenland.

[blocks in formation]

ill. 222

.ill. 277 296

ill. 286

...ill. 114 ..199, ill. 202 (color

insert) Plates XIII, XIV, 300-317

Tequendama, Falls of: Colombia...
"Terra Immatura" (book): Amazonia.
Terrapin: North Carolina..
Tessalit, French West Africa.
Tessawa, French West Africa..

Teutonic knights: Rumania..
Texas and Hades...
Texas Longhorns (cattle)

136 463

..475, ill. 493 .....652, 653, ill. 666 .657, 662, 674, 675

ill. 676, 677 .323, 332, 351



.509, 516, ill. 520 Reference to... 589

Textile district: North Carolina..
Thackeray, (William Makepeace),
Thames River, England...........552, 560, 566, 596
ill. 561, 573

[blocks in formation]

201, ill. 208 654 . ill. (aerial view) 39 ...35, 44, 46 (color insert) Plate VII, 64-77 . (text) 513

Table Rock, Wyo.....

Tabora, Tanganyika..

42 .705, 717

[blocks in formation]

Thatched-roof houses: Rumania.... Thatched roofs: Colombia.

Tahoe, Lake: California.....61, ill. (aerial view)

[blocks in formation]

Thatched huts, Rafts that carry: Amazon River.. 453 ill. 446 327, 339, 342 .ill. 133, 153 581


Tahuamanu River, Amazon tributary.


Theaters: Brazil..

.ill. 355, 356

"Tailor-made" oil town: Parco, Wyo..

[blocks in formation]

.250, ill. 210

Tails, Pigeons have twelve feathers in their.


Talking pigeons....


Theaters, Moving picture: Singapore. Theodolites equipped with prisms..



Tamatave, Madagascar.


Tamils: Ceylon..

.....161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 179

[blocks in formation]

Tamils: Singapore.. .....241, 249, 250, 259, ill.


[blocks in formation]

Tamping dirt, Chinese coolies.

Tananarive, Madagascar...

ill. 220 .716, 720

[blocks in formation]

Tanezrouft, French West Africa.

.652, 653. 666

ill. 660

Thirst, Death from..

[blocks in formation]

Third-class railway coach: Baluchistan.

Thirty Years' War: Rothenburg, Germany.
Thompson, (Mister), American Legation in Bogotá

150, 157, 160
Tick epidemic. Horses with..
...479, 480
Tidal glaciers, One of the largest: Hubbard

.ill. 119





Tide, Low: Singapore..

. ill. 599 .245, ill. 253

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