Monastery, Lama Temple (courtyard): China..ill. 223 Mondaines (Pigeons). .....110, (color insert) Money changers: Singapore. .597, 600, 603, 608 611, ill. 598, 617 ill. 44 . ill. 122 124 ill. 112, 113, 123 ..5, 32 Mountain Division, U. S. Air Mail. Mountain, Highest in the United States: Mt. 127 (text) 122 ill. 521 Mountain Island Dam, N. C.. Mt. St. Elias, Alaska-Canada. Mt. Rose, Nev.... Mt. Whitney, Calif.. Mt. Wilson Observatory, Calif.. 514 (color insert) XV plates, 632-649 Mountains blush, Where the: Dolomite region.. (color insert) Plate XII. 632-649 Mountains (Germany): Beauty of the Bavarian Alps. By Col. Fitzhugh Lee Minnigerode....... 632 Mountains, Great Smoky... (text) 510, 514, 516 Mountains, Ho Lan Shan: China.. .202, 208, 213 233, 234, ill. 204 Mountains: North Carolina.. .......494, 506, 509, 513 517, 518, 519, ill. 485, 488, 492, 494 Mountains of the Moon: Brazil-Guiana border... 454 Mountains, Suma Paz: Colombia. .46, 48, 59 597 ...518, ill. 489, 519 .445, 446, 448, 452, 457 Plate VII, 64-77 269 Mountains, Appalachian. Mountains: Bavarian Alps.. Money, Gold: Chibcha Indians, Colombia. 149 295 197 Mongol migrations. ...216, 233 Narwhal (Sea Unicorn): Greenland. ill. (distant view) 553 National Geographic Society: A Naturalist With MacMillan in the Arctic. By Walter N. Koelz 299 National Geographic Society, Recent Bequests by Members of the. By 474 III National Geographic Society to Maintain a Solar Naval Division, Royal: Great Britain.. "Ndoki," Great Evil Spirit. 421 .... 299 161 . (text) 555 507 249 ..(text) 710 474 Nebraska.... ....10, 20, 23, 25, 31, 59, ill. 28, 29 Necklace, Panther-tooth: Africa.. Needlework, Rumanian... ..696, ill. 709 (color insert) Plates I, IX, XII, 300-317 ill. 338, 344, 348 Negri Sembilan (State), Federated Malay States.. 240 Negroes, Villages of: South Carolina.. Nelson, (Admiral), Memorials to: London...... 553 North Carolina, Motor-Coaching Through.. ill. 485-500 475 -523, ill. 522 North Platte, Nebr.: Air Mail Field. .19, ill. 28, 29 Nubia, Region of... Nubian types: Egypt.. Nun (Pigeon).. 175 555 555 164 Nuro, Sardinia: Peasants.... . (color insert) ill. 493 .184, 193, 194 .455, ill. 456 .704, ill. 711, 713, 715 ..707, 716, ill. 717 "Nursery" terrapins: North Carolina.. Nusch, George, ex-Burgomaster of Rothenburg, Nuts, Brazil: Amazonia. 531, ill. 529 (text) 661 Observation Station: Algeria.. Observatories, Solar-radiation.. Observatory, Greenwich: England. Ocean, Indian.. .ill. 125 112-113 .ill. 566 ...705, 716, 720, ill. 719 161 479 Odor, Durain fruit has an overpowering. 257 ill. 553, 572, 586 Odorhei, Rumania.. .ill. 322 148 Ogallala, Nebr... 28 179 Ogilvie Glacier, Canada. ..609, 610, ill. 606, 614-616 649 Oil, Manatee yields curative. (text) 449 .484, ill. 477 .ill. 6, 8-11 (text) 198, ill. 195 New York-Chicago Air Mail Service.... . ill. 9 New York (City). ..16, 51, 56, 63, 379, 649 ill. 2, 79, 98 New Zealand, Radio messages from: Brazil.. (text) 379 Newcome, (Colonel), Thackeray's.. 589 Newgate Prison, (London), Reference to....589, 596 Newgate Street, London. 589 ill. 710 .ill. 713 ..656, ill. 664 Niamey District, French West Africa....656, 657, 671 672, ill. 673 Niger River, French West Africa......651, 656, 657 668, 669, 670, 672, 678 .56-57, ill. 8, 9, 24, 27 ..56-57 277, 287 ...277, 278, ill. 275 ..271, 273, 276, 278, 279, 282 175 Oliena, Sardinia: Costume.. Old Bailey Prison, (London), Reference to.. "Old South" Building, University of North Carolina 528 175 ..ill. 522 . (color insert) Plates II, VI, 464-473 Oliveira, (Dr.) Avelino de: Geologist, Brazil..445, 446 Opera, Covent Garden: London. "Oranges and lemons, say the bells of Saint Oranges, Wild: Amazon Valley. Orchard Road, Singapore.. 377 257 Orchestra, African. .ill. 708 Orchestra, Village: Rumania. ill. 347 Orchids: Malaya 256 .161, 295, 296 Orchids of the bird kingdom: Pigeons. 233 Oregon Inlet, N. C... 484 ...I, 28 Orellana, Francisco de: Brazilian geologist..445, 462 Oriental Frills (Pigeons)..103, 105-106, 107, (color insert) Plate XI, 64-77 452 ..353, 400, 416, 449 ill. 13 (text) 178 ill. 381 Peru, References to.... 445 456 449 "Paracelsus," Browning's lines from. Parachute flares: Aviation. Parachute pack, Aviator's. "Paragons" (pearls) Parahyba (steamer) Paranágussú (The Great River): Brazil. 35, ill. 36 .415, ill. 373-375 ill. 375 353, 371, 372-374, 379, 398 415, 416, 420, ill. 370, 373, 375 ill. 89 331 Scientific 353, ill. 404 Personnel: Citroën Central African Expedition... 651 Personnel: Mount Logan Expedition.. 609 ..128, 445, 446, 453 460, 461, 462, 463 Peruvian Andes, Reference to the. 448 Pests, Insect: Amazonia......360, 377, 393, 405, 408 411, 413, 460, 461, ill. 357, 402 Pests: Pink_bollworms (Egypt).. (text) 279, 292, 294 Peter Pan, Statue of Barrie's: London.... ...592, ill. 580 Peter, Prince of Wallachia.. Peter, Tsar of Russia: London. Peter, Voivode; Wallachia... 332 560 332 |