Copper mine operations: Utah...ill. (aerial view) Copper mining: Alaska.
Page ill. 220, 221 .ill. 210 43
Custom, Funeral: Egypt. Custom, Good Friday: London.
......290, ill. 287 ..ill. 590
ill. 600, 601 Copper ornaments, African natives wearing.. Copper River and North Western Railway, Alaska 603, 609 Copper River region, Alaska: Copper ore.. (text) 600 Coral strands: Malacca Strait.. 260 Cordova, Alaska.. .603, 609, 631 Corey, Herbert. London From a Bus Top... 551 Corn: Colombia. ill. 147 Corn harvest: Virginia.. (color insert) Plate I, 532-549 Cornhill Street, London.. 587 Cornwallis, (Lord): South Carolina. 525, 531 Coronation Church, Alba Iulia, Rumania...ill. 325-326 Coronation Church, England: Westminster Abbey 552, 553, 557, 592, 593, ill. 574 Coronation, Rumanian King and Queen at their (1922). ..349, 351, ill. 325 (text) 562 .. ill. 559 23
Cosimo, Count, Reference to.. "Costers," London.. Costs, Lighting: U. S. Air Mail Service... (text) Costume, African native.. ill. 653, 659, 663, 671, 672 674, 677, 679, 680, 694, 696, 698, 703, 707, 710 711, 715 .ill. 120, 126 ill. 562
Costume, "Beefeater": London. Costume, Colombian laborer's. Costume, Costers': London.. Costume, Germany's medieval. . (color insert) Plates IV-VIII, 184-193 Costume, Greenlanders brightly colored.. (color insert) Plates I, IV, V, VII, IX, XII, XIV,
Costume, Jinrikisha coolie's.. Costume, Judge's: Africa..
XVI, 300-317 ...696, ill. 709 Costume, Malay school children's: Singapore..ill. 261 Costume, Manchu: Mongolia. .ill. 233 Costume, Mongolian... ..ill. 200, 205, 206, 211-213 Costume, Rumanian.... ill. 321, 324, 328-331, 334-336 338, 340-348 Costumes, Sardinian.. (color insert) Plates I-VIII 464-473 III, VI, 532-549 Cottages, Peasant: Rumania. ...ill. 339, 342 Cotton culture: Egypt......272, 278, 279, 283, 292 294, 295, ill. 279
Costume, Virginia historical..(color insert) Plates
Cotton industry: North Carolina....513, ill. 517, 520 Cotton, Loading: Peru..
Custom, King of England entering the City of London.. Custom, Shrove Tuesday: London.. .ill. 582 Custom, Sitting: Egypt.... ..296, ill. 281, 282 Custom, Standing on one foot: Amazon natives.. 412 Custom, Wedding: Malay Peninsula.... 266 Cypress trees: Magnolia Gardens, S. C... (color insert) Plate XIII, 532-549
Dengler, Hermann: Draftsman.
Dentists, Indians their own: Amazon Basin.. Depot, Railway (Waterloo Station): London.. ill. (aerial view) 585
Depots, Supply: Citroën Central African Expedi-
"Country of mysterious disappearances": Tanez-
Cotton, Water required for growing.
Coudreau, (Madame): Explorer..
rouft, French West Africa....
561 Court well, Rothenburg, Germany.. (color insert) Plate VIII, 184-193
..129, 131, 157 Courtlands (estate): South Carolina. 525 Courtship, Sardinian...(color insert) Plate I, 464-473 Courtyard, Post Office: Bogotá, Colombia.....ill. 137 Couzens, John C.: Rice Amazon River Expedition
ill. 125 38
ill. 116 ill. 665
Deserts, African: Through the Deserts and Jungles of Africa by Motor. By Georges-Marie Haardt 651 Deserts: Mongolia.. (text) 196, 197, 233, ill. 208, 209 Devil, Octagonal building with no hiding place for the: The Ring (London) Devil's Slide, Utah..
Crazy Woman branch of the Powder River, Wyo. Creeks: U. S. West.. ..4, 42, 44, 46, 48 Criminal Investigation Department: New Scotland Yard 592 Crissy (Aviation) Field, San Francisco..(text) 56, 58 Croatan Indians: North Carolina. 501 Cromartie, Earl of, Reference to.. 532 Cross, Queen Eleanor's: London. Crow (Indians), Reference to the.
Crowder, William. Illustrator. Marvels of the Mycetoza (Paintings)..... . (color insert) XVI
Crowder, William. Marvels of Mycetozoa.. Croyden, England: Aviation Field.
Crusaders, Reminders of the: Central Africa..656 657, ill. 671, 672
Diamond Shoal lightship, N. C.. Diana (steamer), first built in India. Diaz, Bartholomeu (1487)
Crystal Palace, London...
Csárdás, Hungarian folk dance: Rumania....ill. 340 Cuarena, Brazil.
Cubio (Tropæolum tuberosum), Cucumber cultivation: North Carolina. Cuneiform inscription, Nineveh.
ill. 555 (text) 418 131, ill. 144
Cups, Pigeon champion and some of his......ill. 108 Curare, poison used for tipping arrows..
Dictionary, Johnson's (Samuel) Dictydium cancellatum (Slime Mold).. (color insert) Plate XIII, 424-441 Diderma testaceum (Slime Mold). ill. 442 Diderma testaceum (Slime Mold).. (color insert) Plate XII, 424-441 Dietrichstein, Rumania, Lords of. ... 332 Dindings, Straits Settlements. 239 Diseases: Amazon Valley......377, 378, 384, 451, 459 Disinfecting horses: North Carolina. 479, ill. 480 Disk, Ear: Africa.... ill. 713
Egrets (herons): Amazonia..
(text) 454, 460 ..ill. 444
Egypt, Land of. By Alfred Pearce Dennis..... 271
..ill. 270, 273-288, 290-294, 297, 298
Egypt, Viceroy of: Mohammed Ali.
Disko Island, Greenland.. (color insert) Plate VIII, 300-317 Disks, Wooden, imbedded in the lips: Africa... 668 ill. 686, 688, 691
Dispatch Board, Air Mail..
Ditch-jumping, Airplane and: Nevada. Diver Street, Pearl Town, Ceylon..... Divers' Bathing Pool, Pearl: Ceylon.. Divers, Pearl: Ceylon........161, 164, 166, 167, 168 ill. 162, 163, 165-172, 174
Diving for coins: Singapore harbor..248, 257, ill. 239 Divining rod, Chinese locate tin with the: Singa- pore
Dorchester, Mass.: Puritans.
Eleanor III (Hydroplane): Rice Amazon River Expedition....411, 412, 417, ill. 368, 380, 381, 384
Electric eels: Amazonia.. Elephants, Hunting: Central Africa. ..669, 676-677 690, 692, ill. 698-701 Elephants, Training: Africa.... .696, 704, ill. 706 Eleuth Mongols, Reference to the. Elizabeth, Queen of England, References to.... 271 479, 481, 562, 564, 570, 582 Elk Mountain (Big Horn), Wyo..... Elko, Nev.... . (text) 45, Ellis, (Robert): U. S. Air Mail pilot.. Ely, Bishops of, References to.. Ely Place, London..
Emblem, America's: Bald Eagle. Emblems, Heraldic: British Colonies. Embroidery: Rumania.
Evil Spirit, Great (Ndoki): Africa.. Expedition, Alexander Hamilton Rice Scientific (Brazil). By Capt. Albert W. Stevens.. Expedition, Citroën Central African.....654-656, 660 665-667, 674. 678, 681, 694, 702, 703 Expedition, Citroën Central African, Map.... 652 Expedition, Citroën Central African: Through the Deserts and Jungles of Africa by Motor. By Georges-Marie Haardt. Expedition, MacMillan Arctic: A Naturalist With MacMillan in the Arctic. By Walter N. Koelz 299 Expedition, Mount Logan: Conquest of Mount Logan (Canada). By H. F. Lambart.. 597 Expedition, National Geographic Society's Central- China: Map... (sketch) 199
Ear, Disk carried in the: Africa..
Earclean, An: Singapore..
Earrings, African belle wearing.
ill. 713 ill. 268 .ill. 685
Expedition, Raleigh's (Sir Walter) first: North Carolina.. .479, 481 Explorers, Young: "Boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh.". Frontispiece, May, 1926
(text) 151, 152, 160 .ill. 492 250-251 ill. 227 136
Falls of Tequendama, Colombia. Fancy pigeons, Varieties of.....63, 96-97, 99, 101-110 Fantail (Pigeons)........82, 97, 99, 108-109, ill. 97 Fantail (Pigeons)...... (color insert) Plate III, 64-77 Farinha (sort of flour): Amazon Basin... .377, 413 ill. 414, 415 ill. 495
Farm, Demonstration: North Carolina. Farmer versus the nomad: Mongolia. Farmers, Danish, have grown rich.. Farmers, Foreign: North Carolina. Farmers, Sardinian..
Flowers, Year-round procession of: South Carolina 550 "Fly or resign" slogan of the Air Mail. Flying field: Croydon, England..
ill. 495, 504, 506 (color insert) Plates VI, VIII, 464-473 Farmhouses, Bavarian.. (color insert) Plates IX,
XV, 632-649 Farms and farming: China. ..ill. 230 Farms and farming: Egypt......271-272, 277-278, 282 283, 289-290, 292, ill. 273, 274, 276 Farms and farming: Rumania.. ill. 327, 329, 331, 352 Farringdon Road, London..
459 -377, 411, 459 ill. 392, 393, 413
157, 160 (color insert) XII-XIV, XVI, 300-317 (color insert) Plate III, 300-317
Forest, Cherokee National: North Carolina.. .... 514 Forest, Equatorial: Africa.......692, 693, ill. 702-704 Forest Land: Ardeal (Transylvania)..... Forest, Nantahala National: North Carolina. Forest, Pisgah National: North Carolina. Forest railway, World's most remarkable. Forest, Unaka National: North Carolina.. Forestry school: North Carolina.. Forests, Egypt has no....
Farquhar, Percival: American syndicate.
Father of Waters, The Amazon. By W. L. Schurz 445 Fayetteville, N. C., Reference to....
Ferdinand, King of Rumania.. (text) 325, 326, ill. 325 Ferris Mountains, Wyo...
Ferry, Twickenham: England..
Bogotá. By Wilson Popenoe.. Formigas de fogo (fire ants): Amazonia. Fort Archambault, French Equatorial Africa.
Feudal state, Taureg tribesmen maintain a.. Fevers: Amazonia...
Fort Lamy, French Equatorial Africa. Fort Sumter, S. C...
Fortified towns: Transylvania.
Fortress, Historic: Transylvania.
"Forty-niners," Traces of the: California.. . ill.
Fire insurance invented after London's "Great Fire"
Fire, London's great (1666).
690, 692 587, 589 564, 581, 589 PHOTOGRAPHS AUTOCHROMES
Fossils, Eocene: South Carolina..
(aerial view) 50 531 Foster, (Lieut.-Col.) W. W.: Mount Logan Ex- pedition.. ..609, 629, 631, ill. 628 Foulke Fiord, Greenland.. (text) Plate XV, 300-317 Fountain Court, Temple: London... .ill. 570 Fountain, Nelson Column: London.
"Fountain of youth," Chuchuasco sap said to con- tain properties of the..
Fountain, Pigeons drinking at the: Massachusetts.
.255-256 193 319, 330 194
(color insert) Plates III, VI, 532-549 Free-lancers, Imperial army: Germany.. (color insert) Plates VI, VIII, 184-193 French Government railroad project: Africa.. Friagem (cold winds): Andes Mountains. Friday Street, London.
Fuel, Source of: Egypt.
Fukien Province, China. Fuligo septica (Slime Mold).
Funeral dancers: Africa.
.294, ill. 283 .ill. 224
(color insert) Plate II, 424-441
Funeral, Explorer's: Dr. Koch-Grünberg Jungle)..
Funeral procession, Egyptian..
Girardot, Colombia... (text) 128, 150, 152, 155, ill. 130 Girl, Brazilian..
Girl with pumpkins and corn: Virginia.....(color insert) Plate I, 532-549
Fur companies, Rival: British and American.... Furniture industry: North Carolina.... Furniture industry, Rattan for the: Malaya.. ill. 263, 265 Furniture making: Mongolia.. ..214, 216 Fusagasugá, Colombia.........135, 140, 143, 149, 153
Gaiola (steamer); Amazon River.. Galleon, Sixteenth-century: London.. Gallows Tower, Rothenburg, Germany.
Girls, Greenland. (color insert) Plates I, IV, V, VII, IX, XII-XIV, XVI, 300-317 Giza, Egypt ..298, ill. 270 Glaciers: Alaska-Canada. ....597, 602, 603, 605, 607 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 616, 618 622, 626, 631, ill. 598, 599, 604, 606 607, 611, 614-616, 620, 623, 624 (color insert) Plates II, VI, X, XV, 300-317 Glauber's salt (sodium sulphate): Great Salt Lake (text) Glen, Arctic: Disko Island, Greenland. (color insert) Plate VIII, 300-317 Globe Theater, London, Reference to... 581 Globuliferum (Slime Mold).
(color- insert) Plate I, 184-193
Gallows, Tyburn Tree: London.. Gamecocks, English
Games: Mah Jongg (China). Games: Pitching pennies (China). "Garden of Roses" (Mountain peaks): Dolomite region (color insert) Plate XII, 632-649 Garden, Pigeons decorating a: Massachusetts... ill. 97 Gardens, Ashley River and Its. By E. T. H. Shaffer Gardens: London..
525 ...553, 558, 564, 593, 594 ill. 558, 575, 580, 592 Gardens, Magnolia: South Carolina.. (color insert) Game, French (paille maille)..
(color insert) Plate IV, 424-441
"Godowns" (warehouses): Singapore.. Godthaab Fiord, Greenland.
Gold, Alkaline salt glistens like.. Gold: Colombia..
Gold miners, Débris left by: United
(color insert) Plate III, 300-317
States. ..ill. (aerial view) 50
Gomorrah of the cattle trail, Ogallala, Nebr.. Good Friday custom: London....
Gordon, Chinese (Charles George Gordon). "Gorge of Fate" (canyon): Mount Logan Expedi- tion
557 Plates XII-XIV, 532-549 Gardens, Middleton: South Carolina.. (color insert) Plates VIII-XI, 532-549 Gardens, Sea: Malacca Strait.. 259-260 Garmisch, Bavaria.
Gothic architecture: Rumania.
Garrison, Leland H.: U. S. Air Mail pilot....ill. 26 Gary, (Judge), Radio talk by.
Gasoline, Airplane being loaded with.
Gothic Kobollzeller Church: Rothenburg, Germany 193 Goudougoudou (signal drum): Africa.. Gough Square, London...
Grain, Woman sows the: Egypt.
Granaries, Grass and clay: Africa. Grand Canal, China.
Gate of Victory, Peking..
Gatekeeper, Negro: South Carolina.
Gateway, Ming Tombs': China.
ill. 218 .ill. 565 . ill. 575
"Gateway of the city": London. Gateway, Queen's Garden: London. Gateway, Wood-carving used on a: Rumania... ill. 321 Gayer, Jacob. Illustrator. Exploring the At- lantic Seaboard With a Color Camera. (Auto-
chromes) (color insert) XVI plates, 532-549 Gayer, Jacob. Illustrator. First Natural-Color Photographs from the Arctic.. (Autochromes) (color insert) XXII plates, 300-317 Geissler, Paul: German etcher... 649 Geographers, Young: "Boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh.' Frontispiece, May, 1926. Geographical center, London's: Strand. 552 Geological Fantasy-the Dolomites.. (color insert) Plate XIV, 632-649 Geological Survey of Canada, Reference to the
597, 598 embroideries are (text) 328 ..64, 91, 109, 569 ill. 582, 588 ..ill. 243. 258, 260 Récamier.. 532 107
(color insert) XVI plates, 632-649
Germany: Beauty of the Bavarian Alps. By Col.
Germany: Rothenburg, the City Time Forgot.
"Grand Central Garden" (Valley of the Sacra- mento)
Grand Hotel, Manáos, Brazil.
Grand National of Belgium: Pigeon races.. Grandfather Mountain, N. C... Granger's Bench, Utah.
Grass, Aromatic citronella: Singapore.. Grass: Greenland..
Plates I, VI, VIII-X, XII, XIII, XVI, 300-317 "Graustark" (book), Reference to.. 319 "Grease-monkeys" (airplane mechanics)....12, 13. 32 39, 59, ill. 21, 47 Great African lakes, Reference to the. Great Britain: Pigeon Derby...
"Great Insect," Hydroplane called the: Amazonian Indians
"Great River," (Paranáguassú): Amazon Basin.. Great Salt Lake, Utah. ..40, 48, ill. (aerial view) Great Smoky Mountains. (text) 510, 514, 516
Hibiscus (plant) can stand hard storms. Hickory Nut Gap, N. C...
Hieroglyphics, Chibcha Indian: Colombia.. High Point, N. C.....
Highest Camp, Mount Logan Expedition....621, 629
Highway, California State... .ill. (aerial view) Highway, Lincoln: United States. Hildenbrand, Hans. Illustrator. Beauty of the Bavarian Alps. (Autochromes Lumière).. (color insert) XVI plates, 632-649 Hildenbrand, Hans. Illustrator. Rothenburg, Ger- many. (Natural Color Photographs)..... (color insert) VIII plates, 184-193 Hindu temples: Singapore.. 238 Hindu types: Singapore.. 241, 249, 250-251 Hinton, Walter: Rice Amazon River Expedition 353, 360, 375, 377, 385, 388, 394, 405, 408, 411 412, 413, 417, ill. 358, 372, 379, 380, 395, 402, 404 Hippopotamus, Hunting the: Africa..677, 690, ill. 702 Historian, Young: "Boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh." Frontispiece, May, 1926. Historic houses: Virginia...
. (color insert) Plates III, IV, 532-549 Ho Lan Shan, or Wolf Mountain Range, China 202, 208, 213, 233, 234, ill. 204
Hofbronnen (court well), Rothenburg, Germany (color insert) Plate VIII, 184-193
Holborn Circus, London.. Holland farmers: North Carolina. Höllental-klamm (Hell Ravine): Bavaria. Holstensborg, Greenland, Reference to.. (color insert) Plates I, IV, V, Homers, Racing (Pigeons).. Homing-Pigeon clubs: Belgium. Homing Pigeons..
Honda, Colombia... (text) 128, 130, Honey Lane, London.... Hongkong, References to. Hookworm: Amazonia...
VII, XII, 300-317 (color insert) Plate VIII, 64-77 77 84, 87, 90-93, 107 ill. 62, 91, 92, 107 150, 152, 155, 160 589 .238, 239, 249, 251 459
Harqua Hala station, Ariz....
Harratine woman: Africa..
Hopson, William C.: U. S. Air Mail pilot..57, ill. 26 Horns, Cattle with wide: Brazil.. Horns, Gigantic: Rumania..
Horse, Oxen yoked with a: Algeria. Horse Show, Pinehurst (N. C.). Horse, Snow plow drawn by a: Boston. Horseman (Pigeon).
Hats, Tin-can cocked: London messenger boys... 551 Hatteras Banks, N. C.: Shipwreck.
Hatteras, Cape: North Carolina.....482, 484, 502, 503
ill. 483 481 .482, ill. 483 .564, 589 ill. 675, 678
591 199, ill. 201
Head, Robber's, in a cage: Mongolia. Headgear, African natives' peculiar...668, ill. 650, 661 663-665, 667, 671, 672, 674, 677 680, 689, 696, 698, 703, 707-711
Horsemen, African native......ill. 671, 672, 674, 675 678, 683, 699, 701 Horsepower, North Carolina's potential....(text) 521 Horses, Brazilian ranchers with their.. .ill. 389. 390 Horses: Germany...... (color insert) Plate V, 184-193 Horses: London. Horses, White: Sardinia..
Horses, Wild: North Carolina.
Horseshoe cliff, Aracasa Valley,
.ill. 578, 588, 591 (color insert) Plate VI, 464-473 .475. 476, 479 ill. 480-482, 499 .ill. 369
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