TRICHIA PERSIMILIS IS FOUND THROUGHOUT THE NORTHERN WORLD Painting from life by William Crowder There are two distinct phases in the life history of slime molds-the vegetative and the reproductive. The vegetative phase is known as the plasmodium of the species. The substance of the plasmodium resembles the white of an egg in consistency, is slippery to the touch, tasteless and odorless, This specimen is enlarged 40 diameters. National Geographic Society Painting from life by William Crowder National Geographic Society THE CHASTE ELEGANCE OF THIS SLIME MOLD'S PROPORTIONS COMMANDS ADMIRATION " PHYSARUM LATERITIUM RESEMBLES CLOSELY THE FAMILIAR "PUFFBALL" The plasmodium of slime molds (see under Color Plate V) shows marked "irritability," avoiding strong light and seeking moisture and food. It frequently surrounds soft organic substances and completely digests them: Physarum lateritium is a cosmopolitan species, being equally at home in New York, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Ceylon, Java and Brazil. The species is magnified 50 diameters in this painting. National Geographic Society |