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You can't give anything at the cost of $1.00 that will in any way compare in beauty and value with these magnificent reproductions of worldfamous paintings.

Rich photogravures on heavy art paper, 22 by 28 inches-imposing presents that will reflect credit on your good taste.

"Holland Morning," shown above, sent PREPAID to any address for $1.00. This is one of the 258 subjects contained in our beautiful illustrated catalog, sent on receipt of 10c. in stamps. Write for it today and settle your Christmas-gift problems.

Purnell Art Co. Dept. R Baltimore, Md.

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A Train Load of Books

I started my mail order book business ten years ago, and during the last eight years I have sold more than a train load of books each year -more books than any other man in America. Why? Because I buy so I can sell cheaper than the others, and every book is shipped subject to return at my expense if not satisfactory.


Publishing books is a precarious business. Many publishers and booksellers fail. I make a specialty of buying bankrupt stocks of new books at my own price, and regular stock in quantities so I can retail at wholesale prices. I now have a big stock of over 6,000 different fine library sets of the works of standard authors and single volumes on every subject, which I offer to close out this season at 10 cents to 50 cents on the dollar.

Be fair to yourself. I can save you money. Drop me a postal card and get my prices before buying.

Sample Prices

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Single Korno, $6.00 my price, 30c. Origin of Species, and Volumes 500 other good titles, $1.00; my price, 43c.

mor., $2.00; my price, 48c. Dante's In

Josephus, $2.50; my price, 98c. Handbook of Oratory, $5.00; my price, $1.60. Gift books, children's books, instruction books, law and medical books, humor, history, biog raphy, science, etc., etc. All subjects and at bargains.

Regular Stock-My Prices Ther Yesterdays.


Winning of Barbara Worth, 90c. Shepherd of the Hills, 35c. Calling of Dan Matthews, 35c, and many others.

Free Bargain List

Before ordering send for my free Bargain List of all my thou sands of bargains and see how I ship books on approval, to be paid for after examination or returned at my expense if not satisfactory. Send for my Bargain List now. Postal card request will bring it.

DAVID B. CLARKSON, The Book Broker 1242 Clarkson Bldg., Chicago, IL.

Librarian Wanted

We want cultured and refined men and women to organize a branch of The Booklovers Library in their own community, through our simple plan of selling Exchangeable Books. A monthly salary will be paid in addition to a liberal commission. Write for particulars as to how you may start a branch of The Booklovers Library in your town.


1302 Filbert Street, Philadelphia

For Christmas Gifts The Perry Pictures

Reproductions of the World's Greatest Pictures ONE CENT EACH For 25 or more. Size 5x8 (12 to 20 times as large as these Madonnas).

Send 25c, in stamps if necessary, for 25 art subjects, 52 x 8 each, or 25 Madonnas, or 25 for children, or 25 kittens, or $1 for the 4 sets each. Beautiful! Your money refunded if you are not delighted with them. 15 larger size, 10x 12, for $1. Beautiful catalogue for 3 two-cent stamps; but order above sets for Christmas Gifts TO-DAY.


THE PERRY PICTURES CO., Box 9, Malden, Mass.

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Today the Scientific American is bigger, broader and more comprehensive than ever. It is the one necessary magazine for the man whose business success depends upon the great mechanical, industrial, electrical and scientific achievements that are rapidly developing the resources of this country.

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New York City


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This portfolio contains 16 plates reproducing in duogravure famous Shakespearean pictures and photographs of views in the Shakespearean country. It would cost $8 if bought in an art store. The plates are 92x121⁄2 inches in size. Framed at small expense, or just as they are, they will decorate and beautify your home.

Please mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers

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has been purchased by Hamilton Holt and Associ-
ates. Mr. Holt has for many years been editorially
connected with THE INDEPENDENT, and will
now assume complete control. Dr. William Hayes
Ward continues as Editor. New plans are being
worked out and will be duly announced.

THE INDEPENDENT is a progressive illustrated

¶ NOTE: weekly magazine of current events, discussion and

criticism which for sixty-four years has maintained the foremost rank
among American periodicals of high ideals.

The objects which THE INDEPENDENT is now especially in-
terested in are, international peace, the abolition of artificial and po-
litical inequalities on account of race, sex or industrial conditions, the
development of new sociological theories, the reconstruction of the-
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