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$1.75 Lundstrom





SECTIONAL BOOKCASE Endorsed "The Best" by Over Fifty Thousand Users ADE under our own patents, in our own factory, and the entire production is sold direct to the home and the office. That is the reason we can offer them at such reasonable prices. Our Sectional Bookcases are the product of years of undivided attention to this one line of manufacture. Book sections have non-binding, disappearing glass doors, and are highly finished in SOLID GOLDEN OAK. Shipped on approval, freight paid. Other styles and finishes at correspondingly low prices. Write for new Catalog No. 10.

Manufacturers of Sectional Bookcases
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This Book Shows the

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Do it right this year! Transferred papers should be as
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Correct transferring involves three things: (1) Remov-
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"What is the right way for me to do these things?" you ask.
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Our No. 404 Vertical Letter File is sur- These Drawer Style Transfer Cases may
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No orders at this price filled after December 30 PORTO RICO SMOKERS are made of the same tobacco I use in my 15c cigars. The leaves that are too short to roll into high-priced cigars I use in Porto Rico Smokers. They are not pretty-but you don't smoke looks. None of them are shorter than 54 in. Our customers call them "DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH."

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The following pages contain offers concerning which the Review of Reviews has gathered information indicating that they are worthy of personal investigation on the part of interested readers.

Thus the reader who wishes to purchase a

home in the West or the South or some other section, to obtain employment or to buy any of the different classes of articles listed, may find these pages a time-saving guide to the exercise of his judgment regarding suitable opportunities. Pictures and other display "will not be permitted except in the cases of offerings of real estate, in connection with which views of the property, maps, etc., are, of course, not only appropriate, but often necessary. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. REAL ESTATE

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SOUTH ATLANTIC AREA. An empire of fertile lands, in States of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama. Outdoor pursuits possible every working day. Two and three crops annually. Write for attractive literature. J. A. Pride, General Industrial Agent, Seaboard Air Line Railway, Suite No. 365, Norfolk, Virginia.


and up. Easy payments. We will mail you our beautiful
illustrated magazine, one year free, if you will send names of
two friends who are interested in Virginia. F. H. LaBaume,
Agr'l Agent, Norfolk & Western Ry., N. & W. Bldg., Room
66, Roanoke, Va.

WANTED-You to know about our Orange, Grapefruit,
Pecan and Vegetable land. Full information for postal.
$1.00 cash and $1.00 a month per acre.
Terrell Land &
Development Company, Dept. O.. Rerdell (via Terrell), Fla.


PECOS VALLEY farmers make big money from pea-green alfalfa and irrigated apple orchards. Mild climate and long growing season. $75 up-easy terms. New illustrated folder about productive soil, delightful climate, good roads, fine schools and social conditions sent free. C. L. Seagraves, Gen. Colonization Agent, AT & SF Ry., 1896 Ry. Exch., Chicago.


MONEY-MAKING FARMS; 17 States; one to 1000 acres, $10 to $50 an acre; live stock, tools and crops often included to settle quickly. Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue No. 35, free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Station 1100, 47 West 34th St., New York.


OWN A BUSINESS. MAKE BIG MONEY. Be independent. Start during spare time at home and grow fast. Mail Order or local. We, as manufacturers, have a new "tested out" selling plan that will make big money for our co-workers. Newly patented everyday necessities of positive merit. Repeat orders. We train you. Are now ready to add representatives in all localities. Get out of the "rut" and write me for full outline of (copyrighted) plans, sworn statements and positive proof. Grasp this opportunity by writing me to-day.

J. M. Pease, Pres.

J. M. Pease Mfg. Co.

612 Pease Bldg., Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.

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Continuity of Impression Means Successful Advertising



LARGEST STOCK OF TYPEWRITERS IN AMERICA. All makes. Underwoods, L. C. Smiths, Remingtons, etc. to M'frs. prices. Rented anywhere-applying rent on price. Write for catalogue 97. Typewriter Emporium (Est. 1892), 34-36 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill.

REMINGTON TYPEWRITER only $18.75. Most interesting proposition ever made. Bargains in every make. Price from $5.00 up. Get our agents' prices. Standard Typewriter Exchange, 23 Park Row, N. Y.

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PATENT YOUR IDEAS. $9,000 Offered for Certain Inventions. Book "How to Obtain a Patent" and "What to Invent," sent free. Send rough sketch for free report as to patentability. Patents obtained or fee returned. We advertise your patent for sale at our expense. Established 16 years. Address Chandlee & Chandlee, Patent Attorneys, 938 F St., Washington, D.C.

IDEAS WANTED-Manufacturers are writing for patents procured through me. 3 books with list 200 inventions

wanted sent free. Advice Free. I get patent or no fee. R. B. Owen, 58 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C.

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Washington, D. C.


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RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Wanted. $75.00 month to commence. Thousands of appointments coming. Examinations announced January 15th. Write for free specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dep't H 16, Rochester, N. Y.


TOBACCO HABIT. How to overcome it quickly, easily, safely, lastingly. Medical endorsements, legions of testimonials. Interesting, valuable book free. Edw. J. Woods, 534 Sixth Ave., 630 D, New York City.

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MY TREATISE, illustrated, on deafness and head noises, explains how complete, lasting relief may be effected without drugs or batteries. Experience 33 years. Book sent free by author, Geo. E. Coutant, M.D., 189 B Sta. E., New York, N.Y.

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WRITE YOUR NAME ON A POSTAL FOR OUR NEW 120 page 1913 Book on Poultry Raising-just out. Nothing published like it- the most helpful book of the year. Full of practical helps-how to breed, feed and rear. Tells how leaders succeed-which breeds lay and pay best-gives plans for poultry houses-how to build brooder out of old piano box, etc. Describes the famous Prairie State Incubators and Brooders. Worth dollars-free for writing. A postal brings it. Prairie State Incubator Co., 39 Main St., Homer City, Pa.


JAPANESE KAKEMONO or hanging picture, painted by Japanese artists of fame, finished and lined with silk and ivory and encased in a fine case, at moderate prices for $15, $20, and $30. Write for free illustrated catalogue. Tokyo Kakemono Company, 4 Tangocho, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan.



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