I Write what I Like: A Selection of His WritingsOn 12th September 1977, Steve Biko was murdered in his prison cell. He was only 31, but his vision and charisma - captured in this collection of his work - had already transformed the agenda of South African politics. This book covers the basic philosophy of black consciousness, Bantustans, African culture, the institutional church and Western involvement in apartheid. |
Common terms and phrases
accept African culture Afrikaans Aimé Césaire amongst apartheid apartheid institutions aspirations attitude Attwell banned Bantu bantustan bantustan leaders believe Biko black and white black campuses black community Black Consciousness Movement black man's Black People's Convention black society black students Black Theology black world called centres Christianity Church Coloured concept conscientisation Durban Editor's note exploitation fact fear feel fight Frank Talk Gatsha Buthelezi Hence influx control instance integration Judge Boshoff Kariuki kind Labour Party language liberals live logic look majority Matanzima mean National non-racial non-white students NUSAS open society operating oppressed political position problem programme racism realise refer reject religion SASO seeks sense shebeen situation Soggot South Africa speak stage Steve STEVE BIKO struggle student organisation things tion townships Transkei understand vote white racism white society whole words Xhosa Zulu